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        두 인종의 텍스트 대조 분석을 통해 발현한 인종리터러시

        이강선 한국 리터러시 학회 2020 리터러시 연구 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구는 교실에서 흑인문학을 번역하던 학생들이 텍스트에서 스스로 인종 차별을 읽어내게 된 과정을 방법론적으로 탐구하여,동일한 텍스트에서 이전과는 인종차별을 읽어내기까지의 변화 조건을 탐구한다.교수자는 흑인단편 소설 속에 기술된 흑백 분리 관습에 대한 이해를 위해 학습자들이 인 및 백인의 영화와 텍스트를 읽고 보도로 하였다.흑인 역사를 강의하는 한편 실제의 사건들 또한 교수 자료로 사용하였다.결과적으로 학습자들은 백인이 만든 영화를 보고 이전에 무심코 넘겼던 장면들에서 무시당한 흑인의 모습을 찾아내었다.이들의 인식은 실제로 작동했는데,이는 학생들 흑인 단편소설을 번역하는 과정에서 흑인의 입장에 자신을 놓아보았기 때문이었다.본 연구의 의의는 학습자들이 텍스트가 탄생한 사회적 맥락에서 벗어나 있었지만 텍스트 대조를 통해 스스로 인종리터러시라는 비판적인 시각을 갖추게 되었다는데 있다.또한 사회문화적으로 백인 우호적인 한국인이 백인 우호 시각에서 벗어날단초를 제공했다는 데 있다.연구자는 본 결과를 번역 교실에서 거둘 수 있는 또 하나의 결실로서 제시한다. This study explored an example case of developing racial literacy in learners who were translating a Black short story in the classroom. To let the learners understand the custom of segregating Black and White people in “Steady Going Up” by Angelou, the instructor asked the learners to read and watch texts and films featuring Black and White people. Before the translation, the instructor taught Black history as the social background of the story. And also informed some real racial incidents. The learners searched the institutions and customs of racism as the background of two Black movies of A 12 Years of Slave and The Butler while translating the novel. Then the learners watched the film, Gone with the Wind, made by the White director. And they were able to identify the discrimination of the Black that they had not recognized before. The significance of this class is to help the learners aware of almost hidden racism. Besides, this class provided Korean learners who are socially and culturally White-preferred a step out of the Whitefriendly view. Also, this class helped the Korean learners aware of their social and cultural White-preferred perspective. The researcher presents this result as another socially productive practice of translation in the classroom.

      • KCI등재

        인종 리터러시로 읽은 「에밀리를 위한 장미」 : 침묵 당한 흑인

        이강선(Lee, Kang-sun) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.10

        본 연구는 인종 리터러시의 관점으로 포크너의 단편 소설 「에밀리를위한 장미」를 읽음으로써 하인 토우브의 의미를 논하고자 한다. 마을주민들의 집단의식으로 화자인 ‘우리’는 귀족 그리어슨 가문의 마지막 후손으로 불행한 삶을 산 에밀리에 대한 기억을 모아 가십처럼 이야기를 구성하고, 독자들은 추리해 이 이야기의 순서를 맞추어야 한다. 토우브는 주인공에게 영향을 미치는 중요한 인물로 평생 그녀를 충실하게 돌보지만, 토우브가 직접 말을 하는 경우는 없고 이는 화자가 그에게 말을 하도록 허락하지 않기 때문이다. 표면적으로 제퍼슨에는 어떤 억압도 없는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 실제로는 블랙 코드가 시행되고 있으므로, 흑인 차별이 대단히 심각하다. 즉 화자는 토우브를 포함한 모든 흑인들을 도구나 일하는 동물로 보는 것으로 다른 문화권의 독자들, 특히 인종차별에 익숙하지 않은 한국 독자들이 해설자의 관점을 취한다면, 본문 속의 타자들을 무시하게 될 것이다. 이 연구는 독자들이 사회적 맥락의 관점을 채택할 필요가 있다고 주장한다. This s tudy e xplores the significance o f the black servant T obe i n Faulk ner’s short novel “ A Rose f or E mily” by r eading i t through the perspective of racial literacy. As ‘we’, the narrators and collective consciousness of villagers, compose this horrible story like a gossip by gathering their memories about Emily, who lived an unhappy life, readers should deduce the order of the story. Tobe is an important figure affecting Emily and takes care of her faithfully throughout her life but he does not say a word as the narrators don’t allow him. On the surface, there seems to be no oppression in Jefferson. However, Black Codes are being enforced, so black discrimination is very serious. In short, the speakers see all black people, including Tobe, as tools or working animals. If readers of different cultures, especially Korean readers unfamiliar with racism, adopt the narrator’s view, would not notice the oppressions in the text. This study argues that readers need to take a social context perspective.

      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시를 적용한『알래스카를 찾아서』읽기: 백인 중심주의와 인종차별을 중심으로

        김찬빈 한국영미문학교육학회 2022 영미문학교육 Vol.26 No.3

        This study aims at reading Looking for Alaska with critical literacy to find hidden biases in the text generated from racism or superiority of the white. In texts, there must be concrete intentions of an author in order to influence a reader. In Looking for Alaska, in spite of its popularity in American-reading education, the text reveals both superiority of the white and racism indirectly through allowing Eastern men or foreigners to be marginalized. In other words, the text contains several concealed hazardous elements which present racial discriminations against those who are not the white. Therefore, if unconsciously reading the text without diverse perspectives originating from CL, a reader can acquire hidden biases settled by the author. Thus, when reading texts, a student or a reader should be ready to become an active reader who can discover an author’s hidden schemes. In addition, they definitely need to be equipped with problem-posing questions based on CL-based models to prevent themselves from being absorbed in biases or racial discriminations. In conclusion, this critical attitude can not only encourage a reader to engage in penetrating the author’s negative intentions, but also allow the reader to pursue and spread justice and equality for creating the better world by going beyond a class wall.

      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시로 분석한 『피터 팬』에 내재된 인종과 여성에 대한 차별과 편견

        김찬빈(Chan-Bin Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2017 영미문학교육 Vol.21 No.2

        This study aims at reading Peter Pan with CL in order to expose biases and discriminations therein toward race and women. CL focuses on making students active learners capable of equipping problem-posing questions based on critical awareness to challenge the author’s negative intentions hidden in the text. Furthermore, by implementing classes devoted to CL methodology, the teacher and students, as partners, can change teacher-oriented classrooms into better, democratic classrooms, where participants can share, respect and support each other’s honest opinions to establish justice and equality in the classroom, and by extension apply the same lessons outside of it in the real world. Through the application of CL to Peter Pan, readers are able to encounter and recognize serious discriminations and biases toward colored races and women. An example of these biases is this: the white characters retain superiorities and are empowered to greater extents than other races. Additionally, out of all female characters, only the white woman is considered beautiful, which demonstrates a bias that white women’s appearance is a more ideal form of beauty. At the same time, some characters without white skin color are completely marginalized and ignored by the whites. Thirdly, all female characters are depicted as passive and feeble. They always hope for a male’s help and do not possess any ability to escape from harsh realities on their own. To summarize, the colored races and women in Peter Pan are depicted as the weak and incompetent compared to the white and male characters, an attitude which is derived from the author’s unjust biases. In conclusion, as equipping CL, students can attain diverse perspectives concerning justice and equality to observe current sociocultural phenomenons. As a result, they can finally not only penetrate biases and discriminations generated from the author, but also acquire a method to spread tolerance and equality into society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        권력관계로 읽는 「죽은 사람들」: 약자에게 힘을 부여하기

        최석무 ( Seok Moo Choi ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2009 제임스조이스저널 Vol.15 No.2

        When a text is read from a critical literacy stance, the emphasis is placed on how to criticize power relations embedded in the text. The reading methodology aims at constructing more egalitarian, equitable, and ethical educational and social environments. To English literary works accepted and taught as canons in school, critical literacy needs to be applied in order to stop those works from endorsing the interests of the powerful. The Dead, in which power is given to the powerless, can be read as an alternative text to those English works. By presenting the tradition of hospitality as a strong point of Ireland, Joyce demonstrates his positive view of Ireland. Gabriel, who feels superior to guests invited to Misses Morkan`s Christmas party, is humiliated by three women who are associated with the West of Ireland, the symbolic place of Irish independence. Women, in general, and disadvantaged women, in particular, are empowered in the work. By setting Lily, a housemaid, as the first character to appear in the story, Joyce points out that a housemaid is strong enough to defy Gabriel, an Irish intellectual. And though Aunt Kate and Aunt Julia are treated as two old ignorant women by Gabriel, they evince that they are not weak and ignorant. Minor characters such as Freddy, Browne, and D`Arcy are presented as more positive characters than the main character, Gabriel. Though marginalized for different reasons, Freddy and Browne contribute to the success of the party. D`Arcy, though he was not recognized as a good tenor by the guests, was influential enough to move Gretta. As implied by the title of the story, the dead are more important and influential than the living. Gretta is immersed in the memory of Furey, while other characters praise the dead Italian singers. In The Dead Joyce empowers people who are powerless or voiceless in Irish society. As one of the best texts that can be read from a critical literacy stance, it presents power relations very different from those of many English literary works.

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