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      • KCI등재

        한국사회변혁이론과 민주-통일 변혁론의 재정립

        박영균 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2017 통일인문학 Vol.72 No.-

        This paper deals with the debates on Korean Social formation in the 1980s. The debate sought to find a way of revolution by dealing scientifically with the contradictions of Korean society at the time and was based on the three spirit of 'people, nation, democracy'. Therefore, the debate was not only a product of a Ideological radicalization, but a product of a very Korean movement that actively sought to overcome the problems Korea had at the time. The debate on Korean Social formation in the 1980s started from a debate of CNP to seeking a combination of class contradiction and national contradiction and Hyun-Chae Park’s theory of national economy tried to clarify the "discordance between the national economy and the national economy" with Korean specificity. Thus, the activist group NL/PD can not be classified as ‘national liberation’ and ‘people’s liberation.’ Both groups sought a NLPDR(National Liberation People's Democratic Revolution). They did not deny ‘national liberation’ or ‘people’s liberation.’ Rather, the issue was in the ‘PDR.’ Because the NL claimed ‘anti-feudal PDR’ but the PD claimed ‘anti-monopoly PDR.’ However, the NL/PD reduce the task of unification rooted in the Korea’s division to the task of ‘anti-imperialism national liberation.’ In addition, in the process of anti-imperialism against the oppressive military dictatorship of the 1980s, the conflict between NL / PD has led to ‘over-ideologization reducing to anti-imperialism’ and ‘over-ideologization reducing to class struggle.’ Here, unification became identifiable with national liberation and unable to occupy its own place. Therefore, this paper sets ‘contradiction of division’ in addition to ‘class contradiction’ and ‘national contradiction’ and diagnoses the situation from the view of over-determination of contradictions. Also, this paper argues that we arrange a sectoral movement such as labor, unification, women movement around the center of ‘democratization’ and must make ‘unification’ itself a process of realizing universal values ​​of mankind. 이 논문은 1980년대 한국사회구성체논쟁을 다루고 있다. 1980년대 한국사회구성체논쟁은 당시 한국사회가 가지고 있던 모순들을 과학적으로 다룸으로써 변혁의 길을 찾고자 했던 논쟁으로, ‘민중, 민족, 민주’라는 삼민의 정신 위에서 이루어졌다. 따라서 1980년대 한국사회구성체논쟁은 단순한 이념적 급진화의 산물이 아니라 그 당시 한국이 처한 문제들을 적극적으로 타개하고자 했던 대단히 한국적인 해방운동의 산물이었다. 1980년대 한국사회구성체논쟁은 CNP논쟁에서부터 ‘계급모순과 민족모순의 결합’을 모색하는 차원에서 시작되었으며 박현채의 민족경제론은 “국민경제와 민족경제의 불일치”라는 한국적 특수성을 해명하고자 했다. 따라서 NL/PD는 ‘민족해방’과 ‘민중해방’으로 단순하게 분류될 수 없다. NL/PD는 모두다 NLPDR(National Liberation People’s Democratic Revolution)을 추구했다. 따라서 NL도 PD도 ‘민족해방’이나 ‘노동해방’을 부정하지 않았다. 오히려 쟁점은 ‘PDR’에 있었다. 왜냐 하면 NL은 ‘반봉건PDR’이라면 PD는 ‘반독점PDR’이었기 때문이다. 하지만 NL/PD는 분단현실에 대한 문제로부터 출발한 통일이라는 과제를 ‘반제민족해방’으로 환원했다. 아울러 1980년대 폭압적인 군부독재에 대한 반정립의 과정 속에서 NL/PD의 대립은 한편에서 ‘반제환원론적 과잉이념화’로, 다른 ‘계급투쟁환원론적 과잉이념화’로 나아갔다. 여기서 통일은 민족해방과 동일화되었고 자신의 고유한 자리를 차지할 수 없게 되었다. 그러므로 이 논문은 ‘계급모순’, ‘민족모순’ 이외에 ‘분단모순’을 설정하고 모순의 중층결정이라는 관점에서 정세를 진단하고 ‘민주변혁’을 중심으로 노동, 통일, 여성운동과 같은 분야별 운동을 배치하고 ‘통일’을 인류보편적 가치의 구현과정으로 만들어가야 한다고 주장하고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도식적인 내러티브의 연극적 활용 -분단연극의 사례를 중심으로

        김용수 ( Yongsoo Kim ) 한국연극학회 2015 한국연극학 Vol.1 No.56

        도식적 내러티브는 연극의 창작과 수용에서 매우 중요한 역할을 하면서 주어진 주제를 특별한 방식으로 의미화 시킨다. 이와 같은 전제에서 출발한 본 연구는 도식적 내러티브의 작동방식을 고찰하기 위한 이론적분석틀을 설계하고, 이에 기초하여 분단연극의 의미작용을 논의하였다. 본 연구의 이론적 분석틀에 따르면, 연극의 내러티브는 거시구조와 미시구조 모두에서 익숙한 도식을 사용할 수 있다. 그 도식은 암암리에 역사적 경험을 반영하는 사회극에 기초할 수 있으며, 과거를 특별한 방식으로 이해하는 문화적 기억을 내포한다. 그 기억 속에서 도식적 내러티브는 고유한 사회적 모순 혹은 갈등을 특별한 방식으로 대면한다. 이와 같은 이론적 분석틀을 분단연극에 도입했을 때 두드러지는 원형적 도식중의 하나가 <도발-수난-반격-죽음>의 거시구조였다. 이 죽음의 도식은 다양한 사용방식을 수반하여 개별적인 작품마다 분단을 특별한 방식으로 기억하려 한다. 여기서 가장 핵심적인 사건은 죽음으로, 그것의 처리방식에 따라 원형적 도식은 구국의 희생, 피해의 죽음, 순교적피해의 하위도식으로 다음과 같이 분류된다. The narrative scheme plays a very significant role in theatrical creation and reception, signifying a given subject in a special way. Starting from this premise, the essay attempted to design a theoretical frame of analysis that can investigate the functions of schematic narrative as follows: social drama macro-structure schematic narrative cultural memory micro-structure (story code) social contradiction <theoretical frame of analysis for schematic narrative> The theatrical narrative can employ the familiar schemes on both levels of macro and micro structures. The narrative scheme of macro structure tends to reflect the social drama that arises from the historical experience, thus including the cultural memory that understands the past in a special way. While remembering the past, the schematic narrative is apt to confront the inherent social contradiction. On the level of micro structure, the play is composed of schematic fragment stories that can be defined as ‘story codes.’ On the basis of the above theoretical frame, this essay tried to analyze the plays of national division. The resulting archetypal scheme is the macro structure of “provocation-ordeal-counterattack-death.” This archetypical scheme of death can be divided into the sub-schemes depending on the way of treating death as follows: scheme of sacrificial death provocation-ordeal-counterattack-sacrificial death scheme of victimized death provocation-ordeal-counterattack-victimized death scheme of martyrly victimized death provocation-ordeal-counterattack-martyrly victimized death The scheme of sacrificial death for the national salvation sees the divided nation from the perspective of country``s destiny, thus remembering the past by adopting the historical view ‘from above.’ In contrast, the scheme of victimized death, focusing on the individual damage, reflects the people``s position undergoing the agony of national division in reality, thus attempting to recollect the past from the historical view ‘from below.’ In case of martyrly victimized death that supports indirectly certain ideology by means of dying sees the individual life from the perspective of political history, combining the ‘from below’ view with the ‘from above’ one. As such, there is the change of recognition about the national division which moves from the will of national salvation to the victim mentality. In micro structure, a schematic fragment story named ‘story code’ produces a special meaning in relation to other story code. It seems like a film montage that combines fragments in various ways for the intended effect. One of the results in the plays of national division is the revelation of contradiction inherent in divided country. For instance, the story code of rape maximizes the hostility to the communist forces, while the story code of opposition between brothers makes feel a fraternal love to the communist enemy. The result is the coexistence of contradictory emotions to the communists, thus reflecting the unsolvable contradiction of national division. The contradiction of divided country is also expressed by a story code. Its representative case is the ‘victim/violator story code.’ For instance, the victim who are drafted into a volunteer army of communist by force became the violator who betrayed his country. At this point we need to pay attention to the continuing use of the ‘victim/violator story code’ that functions like a meme in the plays of national division. Another meme maintaining a long life is the ‘violence or plunder story code’ that condemns the communist enemy from the dichotomous thinking. From this we can surmise that the painful insight into the unsolvable contradiction and the dichotomous way of thinking to the divided country pervade almost all of the plays of national division. At the same time the meme dominating the plays of national division at the level of macro structure is the schematic narrative of death that attempts to do certain persuasion by a special treatment of death. In this respect the play of national division depends on the rhetoric of death, endeavoring to break through the problems of divided country in its own way by using death in particular manner.

      • KCI등재

        최인훈의 단편소설

        공종구(Jong Goo Kong) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.34

        Choi In-Hun`s early short-stories showed symptoms of world view`s prototype which revealed with consistent law in their novels. Therefore, they have very significant meaning in Choi In-Hun`s entire narrative system. But, until now they have not received particular notice. This thesis will correct such tendency. Depending on this critical mind, this thesis`s purpose is to investigate root of epistemological identy in choi in-hun`s short stories. According to the result of analysis, this thesis confirmed two symptoms in Choi In-Hun`s short stories. One is the symptom which is related to the epistemological identy of choi in-hun as pluralist. The other is the symptom which is related to Choi In-Hun`s self-consciousness to the Korean war and devide system.

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