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      • KCI등재

        15세기 국어의 종성 /ㅅ/에 대하여 -종성 /ㅅ/을 확인하고 선어말어미 {-삽-}의 교체를 설명함-

        고광모 국어학회 2012 국어학 Vol.64 No.-

        Though there is enough evidence that the opposition /s/:/t/ was maintained syllable-finally in 15th century Korean, some factors make the fact look dubious. The main purpose of this paper is to confirm the fact. What looks most dubious about the opposition in question is that in the 15th century /s/, /ts/ and /tsʰ/ were neutralized syllable-finally in favor of /s/, not /t/. But this neutralization is a natural phenomenon as the result of the syllable-final change /ts, tsʰ/>/s/. This type of change is confirmed in other languages. Instances of apparent writing confusion between ‘ㅅ’ for /s/ and ‘ㄷ’ for /t/ are found in 15th century documents. But they prove not to be instances of real writing confusion denoting that ‘ㅅ’ and ‘ㄷ’ represent the same sound in syllable-final position. Apparent writing confusion between ‘ㅅ’ and ‘ㄷ’ is exceptionally common before -tsʌp-, a variant of the prefinal ending {-sʌp-}. We can clearly understand this rather strange fact by understanding how -tsʌp- developed from -sʌp-. Thus, this paper offers a diachronic explanation for the alternation of {-sʌp-}.

      • KCI등재

        국어 방언에 반영된 어두경음화

        오종갑 ( Jong Gap Oh ) 한민족어문학회 2011 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.58

        본 연구에서는 중세 혹은 근대국어에서 어두 복자음을 가졌던 어사 57개와 어두 단자음(평음)을 가졌던 어사 69개의 현대국어 방언형을 『한국방언자료집』에서 찾아 이들의 경음화 여부와 거기에 적용된 규칙(변화)들에 대해서 살펴보았다. 이 과정에서 어두 복자음의 경음화율이 어두 단자음의 경음화율보다 높음이 밝혀졌는데, 이러한 사실은 국어음운사에서 경음이 음운으로 자리 잡게 된 것이 전자의 경음화에 의한 것이었을 가능성을 제기해 준다. 어두 경음화와 관련된 규칙(변화)에는 복자음 경음화규칙, ``ㅂ``탈락규칙, 폐쇄음 경음화규칙, 마찰음 경음화규칙 등이 있는데 이들의 개신지는 다음과 같다. 어두 복자음의 경음화는 전국적으로 그 적용률이 매우 높기 때문에 개신지가 어디인지를 추정하기 어렵다. 그러나 ``ㅂ``탈락규칙의 개신지는 경북의 동남부 지역이었을 것으로 추정되는데, 이 지역에서 발생된 개신파는 한편으로는 경북의 서북부 지역으로 전파되고, 다른 한편으로는 전남의 서부 지역으로 전파되어 간 것으로 추정된다. 폐쇄음 경음화규칙의 개신지는 경북의 동남부 지역과 경남의 동북부 지역이었을 것으로 추정되는데, 그 개신파는 경남북 내부에서의 확산과 동시에 인접 도로 전파되어 갔을것으로 추정된다. 마찰음 경음화규칙의 개신지는 경남의 서남부 지역이었을 것으로 추정되는데, 그 개신파의 주류는 전라도를 거쳐 충청도 지역으로 전파되고 그 아류는 경남의 동북부와 경북 지역으로 전파되어 갔을 것으로 추정된다. 경북 경산 지역에서 ``ㅆ``가 음소로 존재하지 않는 것은 어두 복자음(``ㅄ``)이나 어두 단자음(``ㅅ``)의 어느 것도 이 지역에서 경음화되지 않았기 때문이다. This study was designed to find ①what phonological rules had existed by looking into the historical changes of initial consonant clusters/initial lenis consonants, and ②what the spread course of each rule had been by comparing its application percentages by province groups. As a result, the following conclusions were reached. 1. Four phonological rules ― the glottalization of initial consonant clusters rule, p-deletion rule, glottalization of plosives rule, glottalization of fortis rule ― had been applied to the historical changes of initial consonants. 2. It was thought that the birthplaces of the p-deletion rule, glottalization of plosives rule, glottalization of fortis rule were East-South Kyeongpuk Province, East-North Kyeongnam/East-South Kyeongpuk Province and West-South Kyeongnam Province respectively. But it could not be thought where the birthplace of the glottalization of initial consonant clusters rule was because its application percentages was very high in all provinces of South Korea. 3. The p-deletion rule had spread from East-South Kyeongpuk Province into West-North Kyeongpuk Province principally and into West-Jeonnam Province by sea secondary. 4. The glottalization of plosives rule had spread from East-North Kyeongnam/East-South Kyeongpuk Province into all provinces of South Korea. 5. The glottalization of fortis rule had spread from West-South Kyeongnam Province into Jeolla/Chungcheong Province principally and into East-North Kyeongnam/Kyeongpuk Province secondary. 6. There was not phoneme /s`/ in phonemic system of Kyeongsan dialect because both glottalization of initial consonant clusters(/ps/) rule and glottalization of fortis(/s/) rule had not existed in this dialct.

      • KCI등재

        ‘ㅅ’ 연장음에 대한 일반인과 언어재활사 간의 지각 비교

        박진(Jin Park),전제표(Je-Pyo Jun),정인기(Inkie Chung) 한국청각언어재활학회 2018 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.14 No.3

        Purpose: This study examines 1) whether two groups of Korean listeners (i.e., average adult listeners and speech-language pathologists) show any difference(s) in the minimal duration of the prolonged Korean fricative /s/ perceived as ‘abnormal’ and 2) whether the two groups perceive the prolonged sound ‘categorically’ or ‘continuously.’ Methods: Fifty participants (25 average adult listeners and 25 speech-language pathologists) have been asked to identify whether each version of the plain voiceless fricative /s/ in the word san ‘mountain’produced by a normally fluent Korean speaker and manipulated to create a range of prolonged sounds (i.e., from 0 ms to 380 ms by 20-ms increments) is normal (0) or abnormal (1), and to rate each version of the fricative based on a rating of normal to abnormal or stuttered) (1 to 100). Results: Results show that the minimal threshold for the prolonged sound perceived as ‘abnormal’ is 375 ms for average adult listeners and 355 ms for speech-language pathologists. In addition, both groups perceive the range of sounds more continuously than categorically. Also, a significant group difference exists in that speech-language pathologists rate disfluent sounds more strictly (or higher) than average adult listeners. Conclusion: Speech-language pathologists are more sensitive than average adult listeners. The implications of these results are further discussed.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 "ㅅ" 연장음에 대한 대학생의 지각 연구

        박진(제1저자) ( Jin Park ),전제표 ( Je Pyo Jun ),정인기(교신저자) ( In Kie Chung ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.27 No.-

        This study aims to examine whether listeners perceive gradually-increasing durations of a Korean fricative /s/ categorically (i.e., ‘fluent’ vs. ‘abnormally disfluent or stuttered’) or continuously (i.e., gradient perception from fluent to stuttered). Gender differences are also investigated. Fifty participants (25 males and 25 females) have been asked to rate the duration of the /s/ in the word san ‘mountain’ produced by a normally fluent Korean speaker. The target word has been embedded in the middle of an experimental phrase, and the initial /s/ sound has been manipulated to create a range of prolonged sounds (i.e., 0 ms to 400 ms by 20-ms increments). The result suggests that listeners perceive the range of sounds continuously, rather than categorically, but this interpretation is not so definite. Also, a significant gender difference is found only for the sound of 265ms (i.e., a sound elongated by 60ms from the original, unaltered sound), which suggests that over all there is little gender difference in perception of prolonged sounds.

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