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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Assessment of genetic diversity of Prangos fedtschenkoi (Apiaceae) and its conservation status based on ISSR markers

        Mustafina, Feruza U.,Kim, Eun Hye,Son, Sung-Won,Turginov, Orzimat T.,Chang, Kae Sun,Choi, Kyung The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        Prangos fedtschenkoi (Regel et Schmalh.) Korovin (Apiaceae) is an endemic species for mountainous Middle Asia, which is both a rare and useful plant. Organic extractions from this species are being used in pharmaceutics and cosmetology. In recent years, P. fedtschenkoi distribution area has considerably decreased, presumably, resulting from human activities such as agriculture, construction works, overgrazing and collection from wild for pharmaceutic purposes. Six populations were found in Uzbekistan and their genetic divergence and differentiation were studied with 10 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, selected out of 101. Totally 166 amplified ISSR fragments (loci) were revealed, of which 164 were polymorphic. Relatively moderate level of polymorphism was found at population level with polymorphic bands ranging from 27.71% to 47.59%. Mean P = 39.05%, $N_a=1.40$, $N_e=1.25$, S.I. = 0.21, and $H_e=0.14$ were revealed for all loci across six populations. AMOVA showed higher variation among populations (62%) than within them (38%). The Bayesian model determined 5 clusters, or genetic groups. The posteriori distribution of the Theta II estimator detected full model identifying high inbreeding, intensified by low gene flow (Nm = 0.3954). Mantel test confined population 6 as distinct cluster corresponding to geographic remoteness (R = 0.5137, $p{\leq}0.005$). Results were used as the bases for developing conserve measures to restore populations.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Molecular systematics of Poaceae based on eight chloroplast markers, emphasizing the phylogenetic positions of Korean taxa

        LEE, Jung-Hoon,KIM, Ki-Joong,KIM, Bo-Yun,KIM, Young-Dong The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2022 식물 분류학회지 Vol.52 No.3

        This study was conducted to clarify the phylogenetic position and relationships of Korean Poaceae taxa. A total of 438 taxa including 155 accessions of Korean Poaceae (representing 92% and 72% of Korean Poaceous genera and species, respectively) were employed for phylogeny reconstruction. Sequence data of eight chloroplast DNA markers were used for molecular phylogenetic analyses. The resulted phylogeny was mostly concordant with previous phylogenetic hypotheses, especially in terms of subfamilial and tribal relationships. Several taxa-specific indels were detected in the molecular phylogeny, including a 45 bp deletion in rps3 (PACMAD [Panicoideae, Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae, Micrairoideae, Aristidoideae, Danthonioideae] clade), a 15 bp deletion in ndhF (Oryzeae + Phyllorachideae), a 6 bp deletion in trnLF (Poeae s.l.), and two (17 bp and 378 bp) deletions in atpF-H (Pooideae). The Korean Poaceae members were classified into 23 tribes, representing eight subfamilies. The subfamilial and tribal classifications of the Korean taxa were generally congruent with a recently published system, whereas some subtribes and genera were found to be non-monophyletic. The taxa included in the PACMAD clade (especially Andropogoneae) showed very weak and uncertain phylogenetic relationships, presumably to be due to evolutionary radiation and polyploidization. The reconstructed phylogeny can be utilized to update the taxonomic positions of the newly examined grass accessions.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국산 비짜루목 및 백합목(백합강)에 대한 분류학적 재검토

        장창기,Jang, Chang-Gee,Pfosser, Martin F. The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2002 식물 분류학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        분자생물학적 자료에 의한 한국산 백합강 식물에 대한 분류학적 재검토를 시도하였다. 2가지의 다른 자료, 즉 엽록체 DNA인 rbcL 및 atpB sequence 자료분석에서 대체적으로 일치하는 계통수를 얻었다. 즉, 한국산 백합강은 Dahlgren 등의 분류체계에 의한 비짜루목, 백합목, 마목의 3목으로 구분되었다. 이중 비짜루목과 백합목의 유연관계를 추론하는 분자생물학적 연구에서 마목의 분류군이 군외분류군으로 사용되었다. 두 엽록체 DNA인 rbcL 및 atpB sequence 분석에서 붓꽃과는 백합과 보다는 비짜루과에 더 가까운 유연관계를 보여주었다. 그러나, 넓은 의미의 Narthecaceae (종전의 Melanthiaceae [국명부재]에 속한 분류군)는 비짜루목이나 백합목에 속하는 분류군들과 가까운 유연관계를 보이지 않았다. 이전의 은방울꽃과 [Ruscaceae] 내에 취급되었던 애기나리속, 나도옥잠화속, 죽대아재비속 등은 각각 Colchiaceae, 백합과, Caloghortaceae로 이전 되어야 한다는 결론이 내려졌다. 마지막으로 한국산 백합강에 속하는 과의 체계에 대해서 토의하였다. A systematic review for Korean Liliopsida was carried out with rbcL and atpB sequence data. Congruent phylogenetic trees were obtained from two different data sets. Korean Liliopsida consists of the three orders, Asparagales, Liliales, and Dioscoreales sensu Dahlgren et al. Members of Dioscoreales were used as an outgroup for inferring relationships among Asparagales and Liliales in the molecular studies. Iridaceae showed close relationship to Asparagales both in the rbcL and atpB sequence trees rather than to Liliales. Family Nartheciaceae (previously included within Melanthiaceae s. lat.) appeared as a paraphyletic assemblage basal within Liliales, but did not show relationships to other orders. Genera of Ruscaceae (previously Convallariaceae) like Disporum, Clintonia, and Streptopus had to be transferred to Colchicaceae, Liliaceae, and Calochortaceae, respectively. A revised list of families for Korean members of Liliopsida is suggested.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Population and genetic status of a critically endangered species in Korea: Hydrangea luteovenosa (Hydrangeaceae)

        Choi, Hyeok-Jae,Ito, Takuya,Yokogawa, Masashi,Kaneko, Shingo,Suyama, Yoshihisa,Isagi, Yuji The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        The population status of Hydrangea luteovenosa Koidz. in Korea was investigated, with an emphasis on its genetic diversity. From field surveys, we obtained the only locality record for a wild population in Jeju Island, which contained 285 individuals in total. Genotyping was performed using five microsatellite markers for the all extant plants in Korea. Three Japanese populations were also genotyped for the comparative analyses. The genotyping result showed that the Jeju population consisted of only two multilocus genotypes, including identical heterozygous genotypes at two loci; it had been maintained mostly by vegetative reproduction; and although the Jeju population is geographically far from Japanese populations, all alleles observed in the Korean population were shared with Japanese populations, suggesting the possibility that H. luteovenosa in the Jeju Island had been recently migrated or introduced from Japan. Future ecological and genetic studies associated with negative effects of low genetic variation will be essential for determining the conservation direction of the threatened Korean population of this species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A new record of Galium bungei var. miltorrhizum (Hance) Jeong & Pak (Rubiaceae) in Korea

        Jeong, Keum Seon,Shin, Jae-Kwon,Pak, Jae-Hong,Choi, Kyung The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        We reported an unrecorded plant species, Galium bungei var. miltorrhizum (Hance) Jeong & Pak in Korea. This species is found in Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Gyeongsangnam-do. G. bungei var. miltorrhizum is distinguished from related taxa by glabrous stem and glabrous or rarely short papillate mericarps. This taxon was named 'Dung-geun-ne-ip-gal-kwi' in Korean based on shapes of leaves. We provided a description, illustrations, photographs, and a key of related taxa in Korea. And we propose a new combination (Galium bungei var. miltorrhizum).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        미기록 귀화식물: Plantago aristata (Plantaginaceae)

        이정호,한동욱,이은주,박종욱,Lee, Jungho,Han, Dong Uk,Lee, Eun Ju,Park, Chong-Wook The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2005 식물 분류학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        절경이과의 Plantago aristata Michx.(국명신칭: 긴포꽃질경이)가 경기도 고양시 한강하구에 자라고 있는 것으로 처음 확인되었다. 이 귀화식물은 선형인 잎(길이 9-20 cm, 폭 5-8 mm), 긴 선형의 포(길이 약 2.5 cm), 큰 흰꽃(직경 4-6 mm)으로 다른 한반도 질경이속 식물들과 구별된다. 북미 원산인 본 종은 인근 국가인 일본과 중국에도 유입되어 퍼져나가고 있는 것으로 보고되어 있다. 확증표본은 서울대학교 석엽표본관(SNU)에 소장하였다. We reported that an alien species of Plantaginaceae, Plantago aristata Michx. from North America, grows at the Han-River estuary in Go-Yang City, Kyunggi Province. This species is easily distinguished from others in Korea by its linear leaves, cylindrical spikes with long linear bracts at base, and relatively large flowers of ca. 4-6 mm in diameter. We called the species as gin-po-ggot-jil-kyung-i as a local name. Plantago aristata is known to be very invasive and has been already introduced to Japan and China.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A taxonomic study of Viola section Chamaemelanium in Korea-based on morphological characters

        황성수,Whang, Sung Soo The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2002 식물 분류학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        한국산 제비꽃속 노랑제비꽃절 (Viola section Chamaemelanium) 식물에 대해 광학현미경 및 전자현미경을 사용하여 형태 분류학적 연구를 수행하였다. 지하경과 지상경의 특징, 자방 돌기 그리고 주두의 모양과 돌기 등의 특징에 의해 V. orientalis와 V. brevistipulata가 구별되었다. 나아가 후자는 잎의 특징에 따라 3 변종 즉 var. brevistipulata, var. minor 그리고 var. laciniata 등으로 세분되었다. Viola brevistipulata var. laciniata는 거치 수가 가장 많고, 불규칙한 치상의 복거치를 갖는다. 그러나 다른 두 변종은 규칙적인 파상 또는 치상의 거치를 갖는다. 세 변종간 잎의 크기는 V. brevistipulata var. brevistipulata가 가장 크고 V. brevistipulata var. minor가 가장 작다. 이들 중 V. brevistipulata var. laciniata는 한국 미기록 종이다. 또한 자방과 주두에 발달된 돌기물의 모양 및 배열양상은 본 절내 종을 동정할 때 중요한 표징형질로 확인되었다. A taxonomic study of Viola section Chamaemelanium in Korea, based on morphological characters, was conducted with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Two species, V. orientalis W. Becker and V. brevistipulata (Fr. et Sav.) W. Becker, are recognized by rhizome and cauline habits, trichomes on the ovary and the shape and beards of stigmas. The latter can be split further into three varieties, var. brevistipulata, var. minor Nakai and var. laciniata (Boiss.) W. Becker, according to the leaf morphology in particular. Viola brevistipulata var. laciniata has the most tooth number, and its teeth are irregular erose but the other two varieties are regular sinuate or serrate. As for the size of leaves, V. brevistipular var. brevistipulata is the largest but V. brevistipulata var. minor is the smallest among the varities. Of them, V. brevistipulata var. laciniata is newly recorded in Korea. It was also revealed that both development and arrangement of the beards developed on the ovary and stigma were particularly diagnostic in the identification of the Viola section Chamaemelanium species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Evaluation of leaf morphology for distinguishing Prunus (Rosaceae) from Jeju, Korea

        김찬수,문명옥,정은주,변광옥,Kim, Chan-Soo,Moon, Myung-Ok,Cheong, Eun Ju,Byun, Gwang Ok The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2005 식물 분류학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 제주도산 벚나무속 식물을 대상으로 잎 형질의 분류학적 중요성을 검토하기 위하여 수행하였다 양적 형질은 엽신의 길이, 엽병의 길이, 엽폭, 엽맥 수, 분지각과 엽저각 등을 조사하였다. 질적 형질은 모용분포와 밀선의 위치 잎의 형태 등을 조사하였다. 총 25개의 OTU에 대해 UPGMA에 의한 표현형적 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 subgenus Prununophora에 속하는 매실나무가 subgenus Padus에 속하는 귀릉나무와 섬개벚나무와 같은 유집군을 형성한 점과 subgenus Cerasus에 속하는 벚나무, P. speciosa, 산벚나무, 사옥와 올벚나무, 왕벚나무가 별개의 유집군을 형성한 점 등 일부 분류체계와 다른 양상을 보였다 그러나 subgenus Padus에 속하는 귀릉나무와 섬개벚나무, subgenus Microcerasus에 속하는 이스라지, subgenus Amygdalus에 속하는 복사나무가 각각의 유집군을 형성하는 등 분류체계와 유사한 양상이 강하게 나타났다. 결국, 잎 형질, 그 중에서도 엽신의 길이와 폭의 비, 엽신의 길이와 엽병 길이의 비, 엽맥 수, 잎 기부에서 밀선과의 거리, 주맥과 잎 기부의 좌 우각 등과 모용의 분포 등이 제주도산 벚나무속의 식별형질이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. Leaf morphology was examined for Prunus species from Jeju Island. Analyzed were the leaf blade length, petiole length, width of blade, number of veins and angle of the base to the mid-vein as quantitative characters and the distribution of trichome, position of glandsand leaf features qualitative characters. A total of 25 OTU were phenetically analyzed by UPGMA. The resuling phenograms slightly differ from the currently recognized taxonomic system in two points. Prunus mume was clustered with P. padus and P. buergeriana. Prunu spendula and P. yedoensis were separated from the cluster of P. jaamasakura, P. speciosa, P. sargentii and P. jamasakura var. quelpaertensis. Except for the members of subgenus Cerasus, subgenera Padus (P. buergeriana and P. padus), Microcerasus (P. japonica) and Amygdalus were well defined. Some morphological characters of leaves such as the ratio of blade length to width, the length of blade to petiole, number of veins, the distance between the gland and base, the angle of base to mid-vein, and the distribution of trichome were useful as diagnostic features for Prunus from Jeju Island.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Development and characterization of 21 microsatellite markers in Daphne kiusiana, an evergreen broad-leaved shrub endemic to Korea and Japan

        Lee, Jung-Hyun,Cho, Won-Bum,Yang, Sungyu,Han, Eun-Kyeong,Lyu, Eun-Seo,Kim, Wook Jin,Moon, Byeong Cheol,Choi, Goya The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        Microsatellite markers were isolated for Daphne kiusiana var. kiusiana (Thymelaeaceae), an evergreen broad-leaved shrub endemic to Korea and Japan. Because its populations in Jeju Island are morphologically controversial, and consistently threatened by anthropogenic pressures, taxonomic delimitation and conservation effort are required at the genetic level. We developed 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Next Generation Sequencing data. The primer set included di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleotide repeats. Variability in the markers was tested for 80 individuals of D. kiusiana from three natural populations in Jeju Island and Japan. Among the 21 loci, three were unavailable for population JKJU of Japan. The Neighbor-Joining tree based on microsatellite markers described here classified the three populations into two groups according to geographical or morphological traits. These will be a powerful genetics tool for determining the taxonomic boundary and establishing suitable conservation strategies for D. kiusiana in Jeju Island.

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