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      • 지역 공간 활성화와 학교 문화예술교육의 의미

        김성일 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2024 人文科學論集 Vol.67 No.-

        Currently, Korea is experiencing a severe crisis of local disappearance due to rapid population decline, which is weakening the country's competitiveness. The causes of local extinction are a decrease in absolute population and population migration due to poor infrastructure. Recently, the government has been providing more direct administrative and financial support to depopulated areas to increase policy effectiveness. In addition, the government is trying to revitalize local areas by supporting local culture, expanding the settled population, and fostering local youth cultural personnel. Before formulating a policy on the regional disappearance, the government need to take a more serious look at regions and locality. This is because regions are concrete places where people's lives are embedded and where they constantly form their own identities. The examples of creative cities and cultural cities abroad are instructive. One of the important alternatives to prevent the disappearance of rural areas and regional decline is cultural and arts education. The government's recently released < Second Comprehensive Plan for Culture and Arts and Education > pays attention to effective measures to prevent the local extinction and to bridge the cultural gap in underprivileged areas. In a modern society where creativity is valued, cultural arts education is not only a complement to schooling. It enables the expansion of knowledge and critical skills, the experience of making emotional connections with others, the understanding and experience of various fields, and a communal understanding of the world around us. To realize this, the active role and leadership of the region is crucial.

      • 일본 소재 산업 발전의 사회적・문화적 배경

        권영성 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2023 人文科學論集 Vol.66 No.-


      • 인용기반 정체성 및 이미지에 관한 연구 동향 분석

        김용환 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2023 人文科學論集 Vol.66 No.-

        This study identified research trends on ego-centered citation analysis through a review of previous researches. Ego-centered citation analysis basically involves conducting a multilateral analysis of a specific researcher by names within each group, citation identity, citation image makers, citation images, and co-authors. Based on this basic approach, the subject was expanded not only authors but also journals. The data include various forms of citation data as well as the data from citation DB. Also, the analysis method has been expanded to include network analysis in addition to existing analysis. In the future, ego-centered citation analysis is expected to develop into a citation sentence-based analysis method and usage of SNS data. This is anticipated to be a more useful research method as it allows for additional interpretation of results obtained existing citation analysis.

      • 미중 갈등 시대 중국어 교수법의 새로운 방향

        박건영 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2024 人文科學論集 Vol.67 No.-

        中美冲突后,韩国的汉语教育大幅下滑。在教育领域,培训时间明显减少,随着学习时间的减少,需要修改教育目标和授课管理基调。本文从这个角度出发,提出问题并提出修改建议,重新设定教育目标。这一教育目标提出了汉语作为外语, 如“对外汉语”学习观念的转变。据此修改的教学方法, 其方向如下。 首先,向汉语初学者提议汉字的延迟学习。因为汉字学习时间长, 所以建议争先使用汉语拼音字母,以此代替,训练听力与口语是,能提高学习的初期效果,这方向更有效率。另外,只有确保拼音教育,才能获得今后在电脑上更容易写汉字,输入汉字的优点。 其次,建议实施层次性、循序渐进的学习。这些层次是根据汉字的频率和单词用法来划分的。使用HSK试题就是逐步积累所使用的汉字和表达方式,以便将适合当前缩减学习条件的量传递给学习者。 最后,教师和学习者都强调了数字文明的加速发展给外语学习带来的变化的认识,比如如何利用‘人工智能’的这一趋势。

      • 영어 이중목적어 구문 구사 시 한국 고등학교 영어 교사들의 담화원칙 적용 양태

        강상구 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2023 人文科學論集 Vol.66 No.-

        In this paper, Korean high school English teachers’ use of English dative constructions is compared with that of English native speakers, especially focusing on how the given-before-new(GN) discourse principle is applied. A written elicited production task with six dative verbs presented in each of the given-theme and ivenrecipient conditions was provided to the participants in order to probe how the two objects are aligned in English dative constructions. The results showed that Korean teachers tend to instantiate the GN order more in prepositional datives than in double object datives. This result suggests that besides their knowledge about the GN discourse principle, other factors such as the difference of difficulty in acquiring the prepositional datives and double object datives might be in play. A more in-depth research with more Korean participants at varying different English proficiency levels is required to investigate how the GN discourse principle might be instantiated by Korean learners of English.

      • 중국의 『조선-한국 문학사』 고찰 : 고전문학을 중심으로

        소인호 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2023 人文科學論集 Vol.66 No.-

        『Joseon-Korean Literary History』 was written with the purpose of providing systematic learning materials. A summary of the overall features is as follows: Firstly, it has been evaluated as a relatively mature textbook in terms of objectivity and practicality by collecting opinions of students and teachers in the educational field for several years. It also shows a technological attitude to reflect the perspectives of both South and North Korea in a balanced way. Secondly, it consists of classifying the era according to the change of dynasty and introducing literary genres, major writers, and works. And chronology, background knowledge, original texts, key phrases, and exercises are provided for students' convenience of learning. In recent years, many textbooks on the history of Korean literature have been actively compiled in China. 『Joseon-Korean Literary History』 can be seen as one of the results.

      • 향가의 원전비평 10제

        양희철 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2024 人文科學論集 Vol.67 No.-

        In this paper, We looked upon 10 thema in text criticism of Hyang-ga. The result follows as; 1. The letter(‘矣’) in ‘矣徒良’ is misspelling made because of misunderstanding Hyang-chal ‘厶(=私)’ as ‘厶(=矣)’. 2. The letter(‘賜’) in ‘止以(賜)友’ is missing letter. 3. Four letters(‘良, 沙, 隱, 留’) in ‘多(良), 衣波(沙), 白乎(隱)等耶, 頓部叱(留)’ are missing letters due to the occasion which posteri or transcriber misunderstand, as the letter(‘良, 沙, 隱, 留’) in ‘修叱如良, 法供沙叱, 動賜隱乃, 修將來賜留隱’, the missing letter(‘良, 沙, 隱, 留’) that preceding transcriber add between lines in order to complement missing letter(‘良, 沙, 隱, 留’) in transcription of ‘多(良), 衣波(沙), 白乎(隱)等耶, 頓部叱(留)’.

      • 『균여전』 향가의 원전비평 : 누락자와 연자(衍字)를 중심으로

        양희철 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2022 人文科學論集 Vol.65 No.-

        In this paper, We looked upon text criticism of Hyang-g a in Kyun-Yeo-Jeon. The result follows as; 1. Two letters(‘尸’) in ‘喜賜(尸)以留也’ and ‘得賜(尸)伊馬落’ are missing letters made because of misunderstanding Hya ng-chal ‘尸/l’ as ‘尸/si’. 2. Four letters(‘也, 尸, 置, 乎’) in ‘願海伊過(也), 內乎(尸)留, 去米(置), 寶非(乎)’ are missing letters made because of misunderstanding as four letters(‘也, 中, 置, 屋’) of ‘置仁伊而也, 根中, 佛体置, 向屋賜尸’. 3. Two letters(‘中, 也’) in ‘根中, 置仁伊而也’ are superfluous letters due to the occasion which posterior transcriber misunderstand, as the letter(‘中, 也’) in ‘根中, 置仁伊而也’, the missing letter(‘尸, 也’) that preceding transcriber add between lines in order to complement missing letter(‘尸, 也’) in transcription of ‘內乎(尸)留, 願海伊過(也)’.

      • 체호프의 『약혼녀』 연구

        이영범 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2022 人文科學論集 Vol.65 No.-

        Данная статья посвящена изучению о вопросе любви соотнесенной с образом и характером героини Нади в последнем рассказем 『Невесте』(1903) А.П. Чехова. Девушка Надя, которая страстно мечтала о замужестве, и наконец была невестой Андрея до отъезда в тогдашнюю столицу Петербург для своей новой будущей жизни. Но героини Надя, имеющая искрений, настоящий, и смелый характер и в женихе Андрее, и в всей атмосфере провинциального городка начинает видеть только глупую, наивную, ненавистную пошлость. Думается, что решение Нади-героини уйти из своего дома провинциального городка для своего учения в Петербурге, и изменить свою жизнь выглядит как результат ее осознанного выбора с помощью Саши с романтическими мечтаниями в качестве ее хорошего ментора.

      • 사운드 이펙트 메타데이터에 관한 연구

        윤정옥 淸州大學校 韓國文化硏究所 2022 人文科學論集 Vol.65 No.-

        이 논고에서는 주요한 사운드 이펙트 플랫폼들 가운데 BBC Sound Effects Archive, ProSoundEffects Online Library, FreeSFX 및 ZapSplat.com의 특성을 살펴보고, 이들의 사운드 파일을 기술하기 위한 레코드의 메타데이터 요소들을 분석하였다. 이 사운드 이펙트 플랫폼은 모두 사운드 파일을 카테고리 및 서브 카테고리로 분류하여 브라우즈 검색을 허용하고, 각 파일의 내용을 기술하고 키워드를 부여하여 키워드 검색이 가능하게 한다. 각각의 사운드 파일을 기술하는 메타데이터 요소는 상이하며, 레코드의 상세성에 따라 파일의 정렬 및 키워드 검색의 편이성 등이 상이하다. BBC Sound Effects Archive와 ProSoundEffects Online Library는 비교적 상세한 파일의 내용기술과 키워드 부여로 키워드 검색에 유리하다. BBC Sound Effects Archive는 사운드 파일을 카테고리로만 분류하지만, 다른 플랫폼들은 브라우즈 검색에 유리한 카테고리 및 백여 개 이상의 서브 카테고리로 세분하여 사운드 파일을 제공한다. 사운드 이펙트는 전문적 영화, 방송, 광고, 연극, 게임 등 전통적 미디어 엔터테인먼트 영역에서 사용되었으나, 최근에는 점점 더 유튜브, 팟캐스트 등 다양한 채널에서 개인이 제작하고 공유하는 콘텐츠에도 활용되고 있다. 사운드 이펙트 메타데이터 요소 및 카테고리의 표준화는 전문가 및 일반 이용자의 사운드 이펙트 파일의 효율적 검색과 활용에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. In this study, among major sound effects platforms, the characteristics of BBC Sound Effects Archive, ProSoundEffects Online Library, FreeSFX and ZapSplat.com are briefly examined. And metadata elements for describing their sound effects files are also analyzed. These sound effects platforms classify sound files into categories and subcategories for browse search, and describe their contents and assign keywords for keyword search. Metadata elements used to describe sound files vary among sound effects platforms and the details of their metadata records affect the efficiency of sorting files and search with keywords. BBC Sound Effects Archive and ProSoundEffects Online Library are good for keyword search by describing the characteristics of sound files in detail and assigning more keywords than other sound effects platforms. While BBC Sound Effects Archive classifies sound files into only categories, other platforms divide categories further into more than hundred subcategories for a better browse search. Sound effects have been largely used in the field of traditional media and entertainment, including films, radio broadcasting, commercials, dramas and online games. But in recent years more and more common users use sound files to create media contents which would be distributed via various channels such as Youtube, podcasts, etc. Therefore, it is expected that the standardization of metadata elements and categories of sound effects files will help both professional and non-professional users search and use more effectively sound files from various sound effects platforms.

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