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      • Subpopulations of extracellular vesicles and their therapeutic potential

        Lä,sser, Cecilia,Jang, Su Chul,,tvall, Jan Elsevier 2018 Molecular aspects of medicine Vol.60 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Extracellular vesicles (EVs), such as exosomes and microvesicles, have over the last 10–15 years been recognized to convey key messages in the molecular communication between cells. Indeed, EVs have the capacity to shuttle proteins, lipids, and nucleotides such as RNA between cells, leading to an array of functional changes in the recipient cells. Importantly, the EV secretome changes significantly in diseased cells and under conditions of cellular stress. More recently, it has become evident that the EV secretome is exceptionally diverse, with many different types of EVs being released by a single cell type, and these EVs can be described in terms of differences in density, molecular cargos, and morphology. This review will discuss the diversity of EVs, will introduce some suggestions for how to categorize them, and will propose how EVs and their subpopulations might be used for very different therapeutic purposes.</P>

      • Two distinct extracellular RNA signatures released by a single cell type identified by microarray and next-generation sequencing

        Lä,sser, Cecilia,Shelke, Ganesh Vilas,Yeri, Ashish,Kim, Dae-Kyum,Crescitelli, Rossella,Raimondo, Stefania,Sj&ouml,strand, Margareta,Gho, Yong Song,Van Keuren Jensen, Kendall,,tvall, Jan TaylorFrancis 2017 RNA BIOLOGY Vol.14 No.1

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>Cells secrete extracellular RNA (exRNA) to their surrounding environment and exRNA has been found in many body fluids such as blood, breast milk and cerebrospinal fluid. However, there are conflicting results regarding the nature of exRNA. Here, we have separated 2 distinct exRNA profiles released by mast cells, here termed high-density (HD) and low-density (LD) exRNA. The exRNA in both fractions was characterized by microarray and next-generation sequencing. Both exRNA fractions contained mRNA and miRNA, and the mRNAs in the LD exRNA correlated closely with the cellular mRNA, whereas the HD mRNA did not. Furthermore, the HD exRNA was enriched in lincRNA, antisense RNA, vault RNA, snoRNA, and snRNA with little or no evidence of full-length 18S and 28S rRNA. The LD exRNA was enriched in mitochondrial rRNA, mitochondrial tRNA, tRNA, piRNA, Y RNA, and full-length 18S and 28S rRNA. The proteomes of the HD and LD exRNA-containing fractions were determined with LC-MS/MS and analyzed with Gene Ontology term finder, which showed that both proteomes were associated with the term extracellular vesicles and electron microscopy suggests that at least a part of the exRNA is associated with exosome-like extracellular vesicles. Additionally, the proteins in the HD fractions tended to be associated with the nucleus and ribosomes, whereas the LD fraction proteome tended to be associated with the mitochondrion.</P><P>We show that the 2 exRNA signatures released by a single cell type can be separated by floatation on a density gradient. These results show that cells can release multiple types of exRNA with substantial differences in RNA species content. This is important for any future studies determining the nature and function of exRNA released from different cells under different conditions.</P>

      • The New Era of Viewing the World War Ⅱ in the Czech Republic

        Miriam ,wensteinová,(미리암 뢰벤쉬타인노바) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2007 동유럽발칸학 Vol.9 No.1

        이 논문의 전반부는 체코 사회의 현실과 제 2차 세계대전 후 체코슬로바키아 공화국 내 문학의 일반적인 특징에 대해 기술하고 있다. 특히 이 부분은 1948년 공산주의자들의 집권 이후, 제 2차 세계대전을 주제로 하는 문학적 흐름과 1950년대 체코 문학의 주요 목적에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 이데올로기적 현상과 그 역사에 대한 공산당 검열제도식 접근 또한 다루고 있다. 본론에서는 1950년대 후반 체코 문학세계에 커다란 충격을 가져다 준 슈끄보레쯔끼(Škvorecký)의 소설 “겁쟁이들”에 대해 논하고 있다. 이 소설은 결국 압수되고 체코문학 퇴보의 한 예로 간주되기에 이르며 이러한 사실은 곧 그 이후 시기의 출판을 통제하기 위한 하나의 구실을 제공하게 되었음을 고찰한다. 역사적 관점에서 볼 때 이 소설은 주로 독일인들과 러시아인들-소위 말하는 한 소도시에서의 “혁명”과 그 신세대와 중간세대들로 구성된 주역들-에 대한 어떤 매우 새로운 초상화를 담고 있으며, 이데올로기와 인류의 실패 그리고 두려움과 같은 주제를 표현하고 있는 것이다. 본 논문의 후반부는 -이 소설의 중요한 주제 중의 하나로 잘 알려진- 세대 간의 갈등에 대해 이야기하고 있다. 그러나 우리는 궁극적으로는 이 소설을, 우리들이 갖고 있는 체코인의 기질적 약점과 전쟁이라는 주제에 대한 인습타파의한 시도로 평가하고자 한다. 이 논문의 마지막 장에서는, “현대의 독자는 과연 슈끄보레쯔끼(Škvorecký)의 소설을 이해할 수 있을까?” 또는 “이는 단순히 유행에 뒤떨어진 반체제 문학의 발자취에 불과한 것인가?” 등의 물음에 대한 어떤 대답을 구성하고자 시도해본다. The first part of this essay tries to show the reality in the Czech society and the literature after World War II in the Czechoslovak Republic. Special attention is given to the trends in the depicting of World War II after the Communist takeover in 1948 and main aims and goals of the Czech literature of 1950s. The phenomena of ideology and the Communist Party censorship approach towards the history are also mentioned. The second and the main part of the article deals with the Škvorecký’s novel“The Cowards” that was real shock in the Czech literary scene in the late 1950s. It was thus confiscated and served as an example of the decadency; a pretext for keeping publication of the following years under control. The novel is observed mainly from the historical point of view as it contains very new portrayals of Germans and Russians, the so-called “revolution” in a small town and its protagonists, young and middle age generations. Then the questions of ideology, human failures and cowardice are also discussed. The final part concerns the clash of generations as the novel has been often interpreted in that way. However, we evaluate it above all as an iconoclastic treatment of the war theme and the drawbacks of the Czech character. The third part of the essay intends to answer the question – should the today’s reader understand Škvorecký’s novel or, it is really only an old-fashioned trace of the dissident literature?

      • Hybridization gap and Fano resonance in SmB<sub>6</sub>

        R&ouml,ßler, Sahana,Jang, Tae-Hwan,Kim, Dae-Jeong,Tjeng, L. H.,Fisk, Zachary,Steglich, Frank,Wirth, Steffen National Academy of Sciences 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.111 No.13

        <P>Hybridization between conduction electrons and the strongly interacting <I>f</I>-electrons in rare earth or actinide compounds may result in new states of matter. Depending on the exact location of the concomitant hybridization gap with respect to the Fermi energy, a heavy fermion or an insulating ground state ensues. To study this entanglement locally, we conducted scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STS) measurements on the “Kondo insulator” SmB<SUB>6</SUB>. The vast majority of surface areas investigated were reconstructed, but infrequently, patches of varying sizes of nonreconstructed Sm- or B-terminated surfaces also were found. On the smallest patches, clear indications for the hybridization gap with logarithmic temperature dependence (as expected for a Kondo system) and for intermultiplet transitions were observed. On nonreconstructed surface areas large enough for coherent cotunneling, we were able to observe clear-cut Fano resonances. Our locally resolved STS indicated considerable finite conductance on all surfaces independent of their structure, not proving but leaving open the possibility of the existence of a topologically protected surface state.</P>


        <i>K</i>-mixing in the doubly mid-shell nuclide <sup>170</sup>Dy and the role of vibrational degeneracy

        S&ouml,derstr&ouml,m, P.-A.,Walker, P.M.,Wu, J.,Liu, H.L.,Regan, P.H.,Watanabe, H.,Doornenbal, P.,Korkulu, Z.,Lee, P.,Liu, J.J.,Lorusso, G.,Nishimura, S.,Phong, V.H.,Sumikama, T.,Xu, F.R.,Yagi, A.,Zha North-Holland Pub. Co 2016 Physics letters. Section B Vol.762 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A detailed study of the structure of the doubly mid-shell nucleus Dy 104 1 66 170 has been carried out, following isomeric and <I>β</I> decay. We have measured the yrast band up to the spin-parity <SUP> J π </SUP> = <SUP> 6 + </SUP> state, the K = 2 <I>γ</I>-vibration band up to the <SUP> 5 + </SUP> state, a low-lying negative-parity band based on a <SUP> 2 − </SUP> state that could be a candidate for the lowest energy octupole vibration state within this nucleus, and a candidate for the <SUP> K π </SUP> = <SUP> 6 + </SUP> two quasi-particle isomer. This state was determined to have an excitation energy of 1643.91(23) keV and a half life of 0.99(4) μs, with a reduced hindrance for its decay to the ground-state band an order of magnitude lower than predicted by <SUB> N p </SUB> <SUB> N n </SUB> systematics. This is interpreted as being due to <I>γ</I>-vibrational mixing from a near degeneracy of the isomer and the <SUP> 6 + </SUP> state of the <I>γ</I> band. Furthermore, the parent nucleus <SUP>170</SUP>Tb has been determined to have a half-life of 0.91 ( − 13 + 18 ) s with a possible spin-parity of <SUP> 2 − </SUP> .</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Hans Urs von Balthasar and Ignatius of Loyola

        베르너 뢰저 SJ(Werner ,ser SJ) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2014 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.25

        현대를 사는 신학자들이 아직도 지난세기의 신학자들에게 의존하고 있는 것이 현재 가톨릭 신학의 특징이다. 유럽에서는 사실 지난 세기 중반에 몇몇 탁월한 신학자들이 있었고 그들은 제2차 바티칸 공의회에 상당한 영향을 주었다. 가장 유명한 신학자들로서는 칼 라너, 앙리 드 뤼박, 오토 젬멜로트, 등등이 있다. 한편 공의회에 참석하지 않았음에도 불구하고 공의회의 성찰과 결정들에 매우 중요한 영향을 끼친 사람이 있는데 바로 라너와 동시대를 살았던 한스 우르스 폰 발타사르이다. 그들은 서로 알고 지냈고 비록 둘 사이에 신학적 차이가 있기는 했지만 서로의 신학적 입장을 매우 존중하였다. 칼 라너와 한스 우르스 폰 발사타르 둘 다 로욜라의 이냐시오의 카리스마에 깊은 영향을 받은 사람들이다. 사랑을 얻기 위한 관상은 이냐시오 영신수련의 요약이다. 본 연구에서는 폰 발타사르의 신학적 입장과 성찰이 이냐시오의 영적 카리스마와 깊이 관련이 있음을 밝히고 있다. It seems to be caracteristic for the actual situation of the catholic theology that the now living and working theologians still depend on those who belonged to their previous generation. In Europe we had, indeed, some excellent theologians in the midst of the last century. They had a signicant influence on the Second Vatican Council. The most famous theologians were Karl Rahner, Henry de Lubac, Otto Semmelroth and some others. And there was still another theologian who has not participated to the council, but nevertheless has had an very important influence to its reflexions and decisions: Hans Urs von Balthasar. He lived in the same period as Karl Rahner. They knew each other and had an high respect for their theological positions, though their were also some theological differences between them. Both, Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar, are deeply influenced by the charism of Ignatius of Loyola. The Contemplation to attain Love is a summary of the Ignatian Exercises. von Balthasar's theological positions and reflexions are deeply connected with the spiritual charism of Ignatius as we find it expressed in this contemplation.

      • Arsenic removal by perilla leaf biochar in aqueous solutions and groundwater: An integrated spectroscopic and microscopic examination

        Niazi, Nabeel Khan,Bibi, Irshad,Shahid, Muhammad,Ok, Yong Sik,Burton, Edward D.,Wang, Hailong,Shaheen, Sabry M.,Rinklebe, J&ouml,rg,Lü,ttge, Andreas Elsevier 2018 Environmental pollution Vol.232 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this study, we examined the removal of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) by perilla leaf-derived biochars produced at 300 and 700 °C (referred as BC300 and BC700) in aqueous environments. Results revealed that the Langmuir isotherm model provided the best fit for As(III) and As(V) sorption, with the sorption affinity following the order: BC700-As(III) > BC700-As(V) > BC300-As(III) > BC300-As(V) (<I>Q</I> <SUB> <I>L</I> </SUB> = 3.85–11.01 mg g<SUP>−1</SUP>). In general, As removal decreased (76–60%) with increasing pH from 7 to 10 except for the BC700-As(III) system, where notably higher As removal (88–90%) occurred at pH from 7 to 9. Surface functional moieties contributed to As sequestration by the biochars examined here. However, significantly higher surface area and aromaticity of BC700 favored a greater As removal compared to BC300, suggesting that surface complexation/precipitation dominated As removal by BC700. Arsenic K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy demonstrated that up to 64% of the added As(V) was reduced to As(III) in BC700- and BC300-As(V) sorption experiments, and in As(III) sorption experiments, partial oxidation of As(III) to As(V) occurred (37–39%). However, XANES spectroscopy was limited to precisely quantify As binding with sulfur species as As<SUB>2</SUB>S<SUB>3</SUB>-like phase. Both biochars efficiently removed As from natural As-contaminated groundwater (As: 23–190 μg L<SUP>−1</SUP>; <I>n</I> = 12) despite in the presence of co-occurring anions (e.g., CO<SUB>3</SUB> <SUP>2−</SUP>, PO<SUB>4</SUB> <SUP>3−</SUP>, SO<SUB>4</SUB> <SUP>2−</SUP>) with the highest levels of As removal observed for BC700 (97–100%). Overall, this study highlights that perilla leaf biochars, notably BC700, possessed the greatest ability to remove As from solution and groundwater (drinking water). Significantly, the integrated spectroscopic techniques advanced our understanding to examine complex redox transformation of As(III)/As(V) with biochar, which are crucial to determine fate of As on biochar in aquatic environments.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> BC700 (high temperature) perilla leaf biochar removed more arsenite at pH 7–9 than BC300 (low temperature). </LI> <LI> Langmuir model efficiently delineated sorption affinity for arsenite and arsenate, notably by BC700. </LI> <LI> FTIR spectroscopy and elemental maps indicated arsenic association with surface functional groups. </LI> <LI> XANES spectroscopy revealed redox transformation/fate of arsenite and arsenate on biochars. </LI> <LI> Both biochars depleted arsenic in groundwater, with slightly higher removal by BC700. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214 in the Frequency Range of 1-2 GHz

        Rajpurohit, K.,Hoeft, M.,van Weeren, R. J.,Rudnick, L.,R&ouml,ttgering, H. J. A.,Forman, W. R.,Brü,ggen, M.,Croston, J. H.,Andrade-Santos, F.,Dawson, W. A.,Intema, H. T.,Kraft, R. P.,Jones, C.,Jee American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astrophysical Journal Vol.852 No.2

        <P>We report L-band VLA observations of 1RXS J0603.3+4214, a cluster that hosts a bright radio relic, known as the Toothbrush, and an elongated giant radio halo. These new observations allow us to study the surface brightness distribution down to 1 arcsec resolution with very high sensitivity. Our images provide an unprecedented detailed view of the Toothbrush, revealing enigmatic filamentary structures. To study the spectral index distribution, we complement our analysis with published LOFAR and GMRT observations. The bright 'brush' of the Toothbrush shows a prominent narrow ridge to its north with a sharp outer edge. The spectral index at the ridge is in the range -0.70 <= alpha <= -0.80. We suggest that the ridge is caused by projection along the line of sight. With a simple toy model for the smallest region of the ridge, we conclude that the magnetic field is below 5 mu G and varies significantly across the shock front. Our model indicates that the actual Mach number is higher than that obtained from the injection index and agrees well with the one derived from the overall spectrum, namely M = 3.78(-0.2)(+0.3). The radio halo shows an average spectral index of alpha = -1.16 +/- 0.05 and a slight gradient from north to south. The southernmost part of the halo is steeper and possibly related to a shock front. Excluding the southernmost part, the halo morphology agrees very well with the X-ray morphology. A power-law correlation is found between the radio and X-ray surface brightness.</P>

      • Isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich <sup>168</sup>Tb<sub>103</sub>

        Gurgi, L.A.,Regan, P.H.,S&ouml,derstr&ouml,m, P.-A.,Watanabe, H.,Walker, P.M.,Podolyá,k, Zs.,Nishimura, S.,Berry, T.A.,Doornenbal, P.,Lorusso, G.,Isobe, T.,Baba, H.,Xu, Z.Y.,Sakurai, H.,Sumikama Elsevier 2017 Radiation physics and chemistry Vol.140 No.-

        <P>In-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon U-238 primary beam on a 2 mm thick Be-9 target has been used to produce and study the decays of a range of neutron-rich nuclei centred around the doubly mid-shell nucleus Dy-170 at the RIBF Facility, RIKEN, Japan. The produced secondary fragments of interest were identified event by-event using the BigRIPS separator. The fragments were implanted into the WAS3ABI position sensitive silicon active stopper which allowed pixelated correlations between implants and their subsequent beta-decay. Discrete gamma-ray transitions emitted following decays from either metastable states or excited states populated following beta decay were identified using the 84 coaxial high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors of the EURICA spectrometer, which was complemented by 18 additional cerium-doped lanthanum bromide (LaBr3) fast-timing scintillation detectors from the FATIMA collaboration. This paper presents the internal decay of a metastable isomeric excited state in the odd-odd nucleus Tb-168, which corresponds to a single proton-neutron hole configuration in the valence maximum nucleus Dy-170. These data represent the first information on excited states in this nucleus, which is the most neutron-rich odd-odd isotope of terbium (Z=65) studied to date. Nilsson configurations associated with an axially symmetric, prolate-deformed nucleus are proposed for the Tb-168 ground state the observed isomeric state by comparison with Blocked BCS-Nilsson calculations.</P>

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