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      • KCI등재

        Cohort profile: congenital Zika virus infection and child neurodevelopmental outcomes in the ZEN cohort study in Colombia

        Maritza Gonzalez,Van T,Tong,Helena Rodriguez,Diana Valencia,Jacqueline Acosta,Margaret A,Honein,Martha L,Ospina1 The ZEN Study Team 한국역학회 2020 Epidemiology and Health Vol.42 No.-

        Zika en Embarazadas y Niños (ZEN) is a prospective cohort study designed to identify risk factors and modifiers for Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in pregnant women, partners, and infants, as well as to assess the risk for adverse maternal, fetal, infant, and childhood outcomes of ZIKV and other congenital infections. ZIKV infection during pregnancy may be associated with long-term sequelae. In the ZEN cohort, 1,519 pregnant women and 287 partners were enrolled from 3 departments within Colombia between February 2017 and January 2018, as well as 1,108 infants born to the pregnant women who were followed to 6 months. The data include baseline questionnaires at enrollment; repeated symptoms and study follow-up questionnaires; the results of lab tests to detect ZIKV and other congenital infections; medical record abstractions; infant physical, eye, and hearing exams; and developmental screening tests. Follow-up of 850 mother-child dyads occurred at 9 months, 12 months, and 18 months with developmental screenings, physical exams, and parent questionnaires. The data will be pooled with those from other prospective cohort studies for an individual participant data meta-analysis of ZIKV infection during pregnancy to characterize pregnancy outcomes and sequelae in children.

      • Superconducting Strip Ion Detectors for Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer

        Zen, N.,Suzuki, K.,Shiki, S.,Ukibe, M.,Koike, M.,Casaburi, A.,Ejrnaes, M.,Cristiano, R.,Ohkubo, M. The Korean Superconductivity Society 2012 Progress in superconductivity Vol.14 No.2

        Superconducting detectors are promising as ion detectors for time-of-flight mass spectrometers (TOF MS). They can achieve mass-independent detection efficiency even for macromolecular bombardments, because output signals are produced through the deposited kinetic energy at ion impact instead of secondary electron emission that is the ion detection mechanism of conventional microchannel plate (MCP) detectors or secondary electron multipliers (SEM). Among the superconducting detectors, the superconducting strip ion detectors (SSIDs), which consist of several hundreds of superconducting lines with a width of a few hundreds nm and a thickness of a few tens of nm, have a fast response time of less than 1 ns. Inherently, the response time of SSIDs is determined by kinetic inductance, so that it was difficult to realize a fast SSID with a large detection area. However, we succeeded in realizing the detector size up to $5{\times}5mm^2$ without response time degradation by using a parallel configuration.

      • KCI등재

        Type 2 Autoimmune Pancreatitis: Consensus and Controversies

        Zen Yoh 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2022 Gut and Liver Vol.16 No.3

        Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) has attracted much attention in the last two decades, and due to the diagnostic value of immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4), the number of cases diagnosed in clinical practice has markedly increased. However, in contrast to prototypic IgG4-related type 1 AIP, a minor subtype of AIP, referred to as type 2 AIP, is less widely known and has thus not yet been characterized in detail. Type 2 AIP is unrelated to IgG4 and is a completely distinct entity from type 1 AIP. One confusing factor is that the two types of AIP share patterns of clinical presentation (e.g., acute pancreatitis and painless jaundice) and imaging abnormalities (e.g., diffuse or segmental enlargement). Since there are currently no established serum markers, the diagnosis of type 2 AIP is highly challenging and requires the tissue confirmation of neutrophilic injury to the pancreatic ducts, a finding designated as a granulocytic epithelial lesion. Approximately one-third of cases are associated with inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis; however, the pathological relationship between these two conditions has not yet been clarified. Unanswered questions relate to its pathophysiology, the potential development of a similar granulocytic injury in other organs, and the characteristics of pediatric cases. This review summarizes consensus and controversies surrounding type 2 AIP, with the aim of increasing awareness and highlighting the unmet needs of this underrecognized condition.

      • KCI등재

        시각장애인의 교육권에 관한 헌법해석과 입법제언

        전지수(Zen, Zi Soo) 대한교육법학회 2020 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        시각장애인이 사용하는 점자는 언어적 성격을 갖는다. 시각장애인에게 점자사용 환경의 미비는 입법・행정・사법적 차원뿐만 아니라 생활전반에서 차별을 겪는 요인으로 작용한다. 특히, 시각장애인의 교육권과 관련하여 점자가 갖는 역할의 중요성은 매우 크다. 시각장애인은 촉각 또는 청각을 통해 학습하는데, 여기에서 촉각이 갖는 의미는 제3자의 도움 없이 스스로 학습함에 있어 문자 수단으로 점자를 사용한다는 점에서 청각과는 엄연히 구분되기 때문이다. 이러한 시각장애인에게 주어진 교육권은 자유권, 평등권, 그리고 사회권의 요소로 구성된다. 시각장애인 교육권의 성격을 어떻게 해석하느냐에 따라 교육영역에서 표준화된 점자에 관해 차별 금지를 요구할 수 있는 권리로 보거나, 국가의 적극적인 행위로서 점자표준화를 요구할 수 있는 권리로도 볼 수 있다. 시각장애인의 학습능력에 상응하는 균등한 교육권을 보장하기 위해서 크게 두 가지 의문을 제기하고자 한다. (ⅰ) 학습수단인 점자는 ‘능력’과 ‘균등하게’의 관계성 사이에서 어떠한 의미와 가치로 해석되어야 할까? (ⅱ) 헌법상 시각장애인의 능력에 따라 균등하게 교육을 받을 권리가 실질적으로 보장되려면 ‘능력’과 ‘균등하게’의 관계성에 대한 헌법해석을 통해 관련 법령의 개정방향에 관한 논증도 긴요한 사항으로 인식된다. 왜냐하면 교육의 영역에 있어서 한글의 경우에는 표준화가 되어 있지만, 점자의 경우에는 실질적인 표준화가 이뤄지지 않은 문제점 앞에 노출되고 있기 때문이다. 이로 인해 시각장애인은 비표준화된 점자 교육환경에서 효과적인 교육권을 행사하지 못할 가능성이 높다. 또한 정당한 사유 없이 교육영역에서 시각장애를 고려하지 않은 비표준화된 점자교육환경의 경우에는 「장애인차별금지법」 제4조 제1항 제2호에서 금지하는 간접차별에도 해당된다. 따라서 “능력에 따라 균등하게 표준화된 점자로 교육을 받을 권리”를 보장하기 위한 헌법해석과 입법제언을 본고의 목적으로 제시한다. Braille used by the visually impaired person has a linguistic character. The problem of the inadequate environment in which Braille is used for the visually impaired person acts as a factor that cause discrimination not only at the legislative, administrative, and judicial level, but also throughout life. In particular, the importance of Braille s role in relation to the educational right of the visually impaired person is very significant. The visually impaired person learns through touching or hearing. Here, the meaning of tactile sense is distinct from hearing in that Braille is used as a means of writing for self-learning without the help of a third party. The right to education given to the visually impaired person consists of the right to freedom, the right to equality, and the social basic rights. Depending on how the character of the right to education for the visually impaired person is interpreted, it can be seen as the right to demand prohibition of discrimination regarding standardized Braille in the educational field, or as the right to demand standardization of Braille as an active act of the state. There are largely two questions in order to ensure equal education rights corresponding to the learning ability of the visually impaired person. (ⅰ) Should Braille, a means of learning, should be interpreted as the meaning and value between the relationship between “abilities” and “equally”? (ⅱ) According to the CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, it is necessary to demonstrate the direction of revision of related laws through the constitutional interpretation of “capacity” and “equally” to guarantee that one of the rights of visually impaired person to receive education equally according to their ability. This is because Hangul is standardized in the educational field, but Braille has a problem that practical standardization has not been achieved. As a result, there is a high possibility that the visually impaired will not be able to exercise effective education rights in a non-standard Braille educational environment. In particular, the environment of using Braille that is not substantially equal in the field of education with people who are not visually impaired, because the visual impairment is not considered without justifiable reason, is also indirect discrimination prohibited by the ACT ON THE PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, REMEDY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF THEIR RIGHTS, ETC. Article 4 (1) no. 2. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, a constitutional interpretation and legislative proposal to guarantee “the equal right to receive an education in standardized Braille corresponding to their abilities” is presented.

      • KCI등재

        고등교육법상 인권센터 조사업무의 법적 성격에 관한 연구

        전지수(ZEN, ZI SOO) 대한교육법학회 2022 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        대학 모든 구성원의 인권을 보호하기 위한 목적으로 고등교육법 제19조의3과 동법 시행령 제9조의3이 신설되어 2022년 3월 24일부터 시행하게 되었다. 그래서 대학 인권센터는 인권 보호 및 권익 향상을 위하여 진정사건에 관한 조사업무를 수행한다. 그런데 고등교육법상 인권센터 조사업무의 법적 성격에 대한 논의는 부재한 상황이다. 검찰과 경찰이 범죄의 혐의 여부를 밝히거나 국가정보원이 안보를 위한 업무로서의 ‘수사’와 고등교육기관에서 발생된 인권침해행위 등 진정에 관한 인권센터의 ‘조사’는 법적 성격이 구분된다. 단, 인권보호기구인 국가인권위원회와 마찬가지로 대학 인권센터의 조사업무도 준사법적 성격을 내포한다. 그렇다면 인권센터의 조사업무는 목적 달성을 위한 최소한의 범위 내에서 진행되어야 함에도 불구하고, 진술 및 수집된 자료 등을 통해 지득된 사항 일체에 대하여 적법한 관리가 이뤄지지 않을 경우 조사대상자의 사생활의 자유 및 개인정보보호권 등을 침해할 여지가 있다. 이처럼 진정사건에 관한 조사는 수사와 다른 법적 성격을 갖기 때문에 명확한 범위와 한계의 설정이 요구되는 시점이다. 따라서 수사의 사법적 성격과 조사의 행정적 성격을 구분하여 살펴보고, 준사법적 성격을 갖는 인권센터 조사업무의 명확한 범위와 한계를 논증하여, 결과적으로 조사대상자의 인권을 보호할 수 있도록 법적 성격에 부합한 지도원리를 도출하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. From March 24, 2022, Article 19-3 of the Higher Education Act and Article 9-3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act were implemented in order to protect the human rights of all university members. Therefore, the University Human Rights Center conducts investigations on petition case. However, studies on the legal nature of investigations under the Higher Education Act are lacking. Investigations are the task of the prosecution and the police to reveal whether a crime is suspected or the National Intelligence Service for security purposes. Contrary to this, the investigation of the Human Rights Center on petition at universities is different from the legal nature. Like the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, a human rights protection body, the investigation work of the university Human Rights Center has a quasi-judicial nature. If so, the investigation work of the Human Rights Center should be carried out within the minimum scope to achieve the objective. This is because, if the data collected through the statements of the subject of investigation are not properly managed, the right to privacy and privacy will be violated. As such, the investigation of a petition case has a different legal nature from that of an investigation, so it is necessary to establish a clear scope and limit. Therefore, the judicial nature of the investigation and the administrative nature of the investigation are distinguished and examined. And the scope and limitations of the investigation work of the Human Rights Center were argued according to the quasi-judicial nature. As a result, the purpose of this study is to derive a guiding principle suitable for the legal nature to protect the human rights of the subject of investigation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        역삼투압법에 의한 양파착즙액의 휘발성 성분 변화

        심재언(Zen Shim),전명희(Myeong-Hee Jeon ),이대희(Dae-Hee Lee),김영석(Yong-Seok Kim),이상미(Sang-Mi Lee),최정민(Jung-Min Choi),장은지(Eun-Ji Jang) 한국식품과학회 2019 한국식품과학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        비가열 방식의 역삼투압법으로 제조한 양파농축액의 휘발성 성분 변화를 알아보기 위하여 양파착즙액과 역삼투압 양파농축액을 SAFE로 휘발성 성분을 추출하였고, 이를 GC-MS로 분석하였다. 양파착즙액과 양파농축액에서 각각 48종과 62종의 휘발성성분을 동정하였다, 휘발성 성분 중 sulfur-containing compounds를 19종 검출하였고. 양파의 특징적인 향기성분으로 알려진 11종은 약 1.7-1,664배로 증가하였으며, 또한 양파착즙액에서 검출되지 않았던 휘발성 성분이 양파농축액에서 14종이 검출되었다. 이는 역삼투압법을 이용한 양파 농축액이 향미성분의 변성이 적어, 양파 고유의 향미를 갖는 농축액 제조에 응용할 수 있으며, 미량의 휘발성 성분을 분석하는 전처리 방법으로 바람직한 영향을 줄 것으로 생각한다. Reverse osmosis (RO) was applied to onion juice to produce concentrated onion juice with improved flavor. The volatile compound profiles of concentrated onion juice and onion juice were compared using solvent-assisted flavor evaporation followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Onion juice and RO-concentrated onion juice contained 48 and 62 distinct volatile compounds, respectively, and included alcohols, aldehydes, esters, terpenes, furans, ketones, acids, hydrocarbons, and sulfur-containing compounds. The RO-concentrated onion juice contained a greater number of volatile flavor compounds than did onion juice. Notably, sulfur-containing compounds, which are characteristic volatile flavor compounds in raw onions, were more abundant in the RO-concentrated onion juice than in onion juice. The volatile compound composition indicates that RO-concentration produces good quality onion juice.

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