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        CVM을 통한 하이서울페스티벌의 가치평가

        Cai Yu Jin,Bo Ma,So Eun Kim 강원대학교 경영연구소 2010 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 축제의 가치를 최대지불의사액(WTP)을 통해 측정하고자 시도되었다. 연구대상이 된 하이서울페스티벌은 서울의 대표축제로 육성하고자 2003년부터 개최된 축제이다. 서울시는 이를 통해 관광객을 유치하고 문화관광지로서 서울의 이미지를 재정립하여 경제적 이익을 창출하고자 하는데 목표를 두었다. 하지만 해마다 상이한 콘셉트와 행사 개최장소의 변경으로 인해 축제의 정체성이 모호하며, 초기의 목표와는 달리 가시적인 성과를 얻고 있지 못한 실정이다. 이러한 문제점에 착안하여 축제개최장소별 CVM을 활용한 가치추정을 통해 하이서울페스티벌의 가치를 추정하고, 향후 정책적 시사점을 도출하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과 축제개최장소별 비이용가치는 상이한 것으로 나타났는데 이는 각 장소별 프로그램의 성격과 개최장소의 특징에 기인한 것으로 추측된다. 또한 하이서울페스티벌의 비이용가치 추정을 통한 경제적 가치는 422억 원으로 나타나 현재 시민들이 느끼는 편익의 가치는 큰 것으로 나타났다. 즉 향후 하이서울페스티벌의 기획에 있어서는 장소성을 가진 장소에서의 특성화된 프로그램의 개발을 통해 방문객들의 만족도를 향상시켜 축제의 가치를 높이는 방안이 검토되어야 할 것이다. This article estimates the total evaluation of the festival and investigates the determinants of visitors' WTP(willingness to pay) for the festival. Hi Seoul Festival is a way to introduce Korean culture to other foreigners as well as to serve as an economic and cultural stimulus for Seoul. A contingent evaluation survey was conducted and a total of 763 useful samples were collected. The results show that the evaluation of the festival were different across three different WTPs which were calculated as 2,846 won, 3,321 won, and 4,838 won. The annual total benefits value is calculated as 433.767 billion Korean won. And visitors' sex and visitors' satisfaction(keep up festival, need to modify) was a important determinants of the WTP for a visit. These findings may provide guidance managers and practitioners who help maintain the Hi festival.

      • KCI등재

        Modified Ferric Hydroxamate Spectrophotometry for Assaying Glycolic Acid from the Hydrolysis of Glycolonitrile by Rhodococcus sp. CCZU10-1

        Yu-Cai He,You-Yan Liu,Cui-Luan Ma,Jian-He Xu 한국생물공학회 2011 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.16 No.5

        We successfully modified a ferric hydroxamate spectrophotometry method for assaying glycolic acid. Comparable to the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based method, ferric hydroxamate spectrophotometry can be used to accurately monitor the time course of glycolonitrile bioconversion. Glycolic acid was assayed simply and rapidly at room temperature (25 ~35℃). Optimum culture conditions were obtained using this method to assay the glycolonitrile-hydrolyzing activity of Rhodococcus sp. CCZU10-1. The preferred carbon and nitrogen sources and ideal inducer were glucose (10 g/L),a composite of peptone (10 g/L) plus yeast extract (5 g/L),and ε-caprolactam (2 mmol/L), respectively. The optimal growth temperature and initial medium pH for Rhodococcus sp. CCZU10-1 glycolonitrile-hydrolyzing activity were 30℃ and pH 7.0. Modified ferric hydroxamate spectrophotometry could potentially be employed to assay other carboxylic acids.


        Pantropical climate interactions

        Cai, Wenju,Wu, Lixin,Lengaigne, Matthieu,Li, Tim,McGregor, Shayne,Kug, Jong-Seong,Yu, Jin-Yi,Stuecker, Malte F.,Santoso, Agus,Li, Xichen,Ham, Yoo-Geun,Chikamoto, Yoshimitsu,Ng, Benjamin,McPhaden, Mich American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2019 Science Vol.363 No.6430

        <P><B>Tropical interconnections</B></P><P>The El Niño–Southern Oscillation, which originates in the tropical Pacific, affects the rest of the world's tropics by perturbing global atmospheric circulation. Less appreciated than this influence is how the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans affect the Pacific. Cai <I>et al.</I> review what we know about these pantropical interactions, discuss possible ways of improving predictions of current climate variability, and consider how projecting future climate under different anthropogenic forcing scenarios may be improved. They argue that making progress in this field will require sustained global climate observations, climate model improvements, and theoretical advances.</P><P><I>Science</I>, this issue p. eaav4236</P><P>The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which originates in the Pacific, is the strongest and most well-known mode of tropical climate variability. Its reach is global, and it can force climate variations of the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans by perturbing the global atmospheric circulation. Less appreciated is how the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans affect the Pacific. Especially noteworthy is the multidecadal Atlantic warming that began in the late 1990s, because recent research suggests that it has influenced Indo-Pacific climate, the character of the ENSO cycle, and the hiatus in global surface warming. Discovery of these pantropical interactions provides a pathway forward for improving predictions of climate variability in the current climate and for refining projections of future climate under different anthropogenic forcing scenarios.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Mechanisms of Electroacupuncture Pretreatment in Alleviating Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury: Interactions between the Cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus and Lateral Hypothalamic Area

        Yu Qing,Wu Li-bin,Zhang Fan,Wei Xiao-tong,Chen Pian-pian,Wang Shuai-ya,Cai Mei-yi,Shu Qi,Li Liao-yuan,Wu Zi-jian,Cai Rong-lin,Hu Ling 사단법인약침학회 2021 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.14 No.6

        Background: Myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (MIRI) is an important mechanism of post-myocardial infarction injury and a main cause of death in patients with ischemic heart disease. Electroacupuncture (EA) pretreatment is effective for the prevention and treatment of MIRI, but mechanisms mediating the effects of cardiovascular disease EA treatments remain unclear. Objectives: To determine whether the lateral hypothalamus (LHA) and the cerebellar fastigial nucleus (FN) are involved in the protective effects of EA stimulation on MIRI. Methods: EA pretreatment was performed for 7 days before the establishment of the MIRI model. ST-segment changes on electrocardiograms were recorded and the Curtis–Walker arrhythmia score was used to evaluate changes in reperfusion injury. Hematoxylin–eosin staining was applied to evaluate the pathological and morphological changes in myocardial tissue. c-fos expression in the LHA and FN was determined by immunofluorescence staining. Glutamic (Glu) and γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels were measured using a high-performance liquid chromatography-electrochemical method. Results: EA pretreatment reduced ST-segment elevation, arrhythmia scores, and morphological changes in MIRI myocardial cells in rats, and decreased the c-fos protein expression in LHA/FN nuclei. MIRI was associated with an imbalance between GABA and Glu levels, whereas EA pretreatment increased GABA levels and decreased Glu levels in the LHA/FN. Conclusion: FN and LHA are involved in the EA-mediated attenuation of MIRI. Pretreatment with EA plays a protective role in the myocardium by regulating Glu and GABA release in the LHA and FN.

      • Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles as a Blood-Pool Contrast Agent for X-ray Computed Tomography in Mice

        Cai, Quan-Yu,Kim, Sun Hee,Choi, Kyu Sil,Kim, Soo Yeon,Byun, Seung Jae,Kim, Kyoung Woo,Park, Seong Hoon,Juhng, Seon Kwan,Yoon, Kwon-Ha J.B. Lippincott 2007 Vol. No.

        OBJECTIVES:: To present the pharmacokinetics and computed tomographic imaging efficacy of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as a blood-pool agent for x-ray computed tomography (CT). METHODS AND MATERIALS:: To prepare the colloidal AuNPs, gold nanocrystals were modified using sulfhydrated polyethylene glycol (PEG). Cytotoxicity and histopathologic tests were carried out for toxicity evaluation. Six adult Balb/c mice underwent microcomputed tomography scans after injection of colloidal AuNPs (2.5 μmol Au/g body weight). Four mice with HT-1080 tumors were imaged for visualization of the tumor vasculature. RESULTS:: The PEG coated colloidal AuNPs appeared as spherical nanoparticles with 38-nm diameters. The AuNPs-PEG showed a biocompatibility without toxicity in the mice. We identified a stable imaging window for visualizing the vasculature system, immediately to 24 hours after injection. Microcomputed tomography imaging using AuNPs-PEG clearly visualized the tumor vascular structures. CONCLUSION:: Colloidal AuNPs show potential as a blood-pool agent for x-ray CT imaging.

      • KCI등재

        The protective effects of BMSA1 and BMSA5-1-1 proteins against Babesia microti infection

        Yu-Chun Cai,Chun Li Yang,Peng Song,Muxin Chen,Jia-Xu Chen 대한기생충학ㆍ열대의학회 2024 The Korean Journal of Parasitology Vol.62 No.1

        The intracellular parasite Babesia microti is among the most significant species causinghuman babesiosis and is an emerging threat to human health worldwide. Unravelling thepathogenic molecular mechanisms of babesiosis is crucial in developing new diagnosticand preventive methods. This study assessed how priming with B. microti surface antigen1 (BHSA 1) and seroreactive antigen 5-1-1 (BHSA 5-1-1) mediate protection against B. microti infection. The results showed that 500 µg/ml rBMSA1 and rBMSA5-1-1 partiallyinhibited the invasion of B. microti in vitro by 42.0±3.0%, and 48.0±2.1%, respectively. Blood smears revealed that peak infection at 7 days post-infection (dpi) was 19.6%,24.7%, and 46.7% in the rBMSA1, rBmSA5-1-1, compared to the control groups (healthymice infected with B. microti only), respectively. Routine blood tests showed higher whiteblood cell, red blood cell counts, and haemoglobin levels in the 2 groups (BMSA1 andBMSA5 5-1-1) than in the infection control group at 0–28 dpi. Moreover, the 2 groups hadhigher serum interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α and Interleukin-17A levels, and lowerIL-10 levels than the infection control group throughout the study. These 2 potential vaccine candidate proteins partially inhibit in vitro and in vivo B. microti infection and enhancehost immunological response against B. microti infection.

      • Family History of Cancer and Head and Neck Cancer Risk in a Chinese Population

        Huang, Yu-Hui Jenny,Lee, Yuan-Chin Amy,Li, Qian,Chen, Chien-Jen,Hsu, Wan-Lun,Lou, Pen-Jen,Zhu, Cairong,Pan, Jian,Shen, Hongbing,Ma, Hongxia,Cai, Lin,He, Baochang,Wang, Yu,Zhou, Xiaoyan,Ji, Qinghai,Zho Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.17

        Background: The aim of this study was to investigate whether family history of cancer is associated with head and neck cancer risk in a Chinese population. Materials and Methods: This case-control study included 921 cases and 806 controls. Recruitment was from December 2010 to January 2015 in eight centers in East Asia. Controls were matched to cases with reference to sex, 5-year age group, ethnicity, and residence area at each of the centers. Results: We observed an increased risk of head and neck cancer due to first degree family history of head and neck cancer, but after adjustment for tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and betel quid chewing the association was no longer apparent. The adjusted OR were 1.10 (95% CI=0.80-1.50) for family history of tobacco-related cancer and 0.96 (95%CI=0.75-1.24) for family history of any cancer with adjustment for tobacco, betel quid and alcohol habits. The ORs for having a first-degree relative with HNC were higher in all tobacco/alcohol subgroups. Conclusions: We did not observe a strong association between family history of head and neck cancer and head and neck cancer risk after taking into account lifestyle factors. Our study suggests that an increased risk due to family history of head and neck cancer may be due to shared risk factors. Further studies may be needed to assess the lifestyle factors of the relatives.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 落 류 동사의 의미지도 연구 : 이동동사 掉 , 落 을 중심으로

        채춘옥(CAI CHUN YU) 한국중국문화학회 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.73

        본 연구에서는 유의어인 掉 와 落 을 중심으로 의미 확장 양상을 비교 분석하여 개념 간의 밀접도에 근거하여 개념공간을 구축하고 의미지도를 그려보았다. ‘落 류 동사는 공간-시간-추상화 , 물리적-사회적-심리적 으로 의미 확장을 한다. 어원이 다른 ‘掉 와 ‘落 의 의미 변화 연속체를 살펴보면 ‘落 는 기점, 과정, 종점을 직시적 중심으로 하며 ‘掉 에 비하여 훨씬 많은 의미 확장이 일어난다. 형태-통사 변화 연속체를 살펴보면 하향성(移落)을 나타내는 동사에서 수평성(移位)을 나타내는 동사로 사용되고, ‘V掉 에서는 보어, ‘V落 에서는 보어, 조사, 개사로 허화되었다. 본고에서는 落 류 동사의 의미 확장과 문법화 경로를 일목요연하게 보여주어 사전 편찬 및 중국어 교육현장에서 필요한 언어자료로 유용하게 활용할 수 있을 것이다. This study comparatively analyzed the aspect of semantic extension focusing on synonyms 掉 and 落 , and then established the conceptual space and drew the semantic map based on the closeness between concepts. The verbs in the group of ‘落 show the semantic extension like space-time-abstraction and physical-social-psychological . In the results of examining the semantic change continuum of ‘掉 and ‘落 with different derivation, ‘落 takes the starting point, process, and end as the presentive center, and also has a lot more semantic extensions than ‘掉 . Examining the morphologic-syntactic change continuum, it was used as a verb meaning the horizontality from a verb meaning the downwardness. It was shown as a complement in ‘V掉 , and also shown as a complement, postposition, and preposition in ‘V落 . This thesis clearly shows the semantic extension and grammaticalization path of verbs in a group of 落 , which could be usefully used as a linguistic material necessary for the compilation of dictionaries and the field of Chinese language education.

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