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      • Shigometer를 이용한 서울과 수원 가로수의 전기저항 비교

        차병진,나용준 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        To compare the vitality of street trees in Seoul and Suwon, electrical resistance of cambial area (ERCA) were measured in each trees. Examined areas were 2 localities each of Seoul and Suwon. In both areas, total 611 streetl trees of 2 species, Ginkgo biloba L. and Salix pseudo-lasiogyne Lev., were examined. ERCA measuring was accomplished from August 13, 1983 to September 1, 1983, under the uniform conditions. A field ohmmeter (Shigometer, model OZ-67) was used for the measurement of ERCA. There was significant (p<0.01) correlation between ERCA and the tree diameter at breast height (DBH). In all trees, ERCA decreased with the increase of DBH. The ERCA of trees in Seoul was significantly (p(0.05 in Ginkgo biloba, and p<0.01 in Salix pseudo- lasiogyne) higher than that of Suwon. However, there was no significant difference in ERCA between foootway side and driveway side of each tree.

      • KCI등재

        Light and Fluorescence Microscopy in Diagnosis of Paulownia Witches' - Like Organisms(MLOs)

        La, Yong Joon,Lee, Chong Kyu 한국임학회 1982 한국산림과학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        The efficiency of Dienes' stain and three fluorochromes, i.e., 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), aniline blue(AB) and quinacrine for the detection of paulownia witches'-groom mycoplasma (PWM) infection in paulownia trees were investigated under the light and fluorescence microscope. When PWM affected leaf and stem sections were stained with DAPI, AB and quinacrine respectively, distinctive mycoplasma specific fluorescence appeared in the phloem tissue of the section, while no floorescence was observed from phloem tissue of healthy paulownia, Dienes' stain, a useful stain for detection mycoplasma infection under the light microspope, however, did not distinguish PWM affected paulownia from healthy paulownia. Among the three fluorochromes compared, DAPI appeared to be most efficient for detecting PWM infections in the phloem tissue of paulownia. Both 5% glutaraldehyde and 4% formalin were found to be effective as fixing agents for floorochrome staining. For the aniline blue staining, fixing of the tissue sections in boiling-water gave satisfactory results.


        La, Yong Joon 서울대학교 1963 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        美國各地方에서 收集한 사탕무 褐斑病菌의 單胞子를 分離하여, 1) 人工培地上에서의 分生胞子形成 및 人爲的接種과 環境條件과의 關係 2) 病原性과 變異性에 關하여 調査했다. 1. 사탕무 褐斑病菌은 V-8 汁寒天培養基上에서 아직까지 여러 硏究者들이 使用해오던 어느 培養基에서 보다도 더 많은 分生胞子를 生成하였다. 2. 溫室及圃場에서의 人爲的인 褐斑病接種에 必要한 接種菌의 大量生産은 V-8 汁培養液을 使用하는 것이 簡便하고 또한 實際的이다. 3. 美國의 各地方에서 收集한 사탕무 褐斑病菌의 分離菌들은 여러 品種의 사탕무에 對하여 그 病原性에 差異가 있었다. 4. 數個의 單胞子分離菌은 培地上에서 變異型을 形成하였는데 이들 變異型은 보다 母菌보다 病原性이 弱했다. 5. 接種된 사탕무를 飽和濕度로 維持된 溫室內에 48時間 두었을 때, 물 1ml 當 分生胞子 5,000個로부터 50,000個 까지 들어있는 分生胞子懸濁液(接種菌)의 濃度差는 病의 潛伏期間에 影響이 없었고 또한 病의 被害度에도 比較的 影響이 적었다. 6. 接種된 사탕무를 濕室內에 24時間以下 두었을때는 發病이 遲延되었으며, 病의 被害度도 낮았다. 7. 接種된 사탕무를 濕室內에 48時間以上 두었을때는 病의 潛伏期가 短縮되었을뿐만 아니라 病의 被害度도 높았다. 8. 10個月된 사탕무와 營養的으로 繁殖한 사탕무는 種字繁殖한 어린 사탕무에 比해서 病의 被害度가 높았다. 9. 耐病性品種으로 알려졌던 사탕무 品種 MM은 接種後 濕室에 3-5 日間 維持하였을때 完全히 耐病性이 붕괴되고 罹病性으로 變했다. Studies were made (1) to determine conditions favorable to production of inoculum and artificial epiphytotics, and (2) to determine the extent and nature of cultural and pathogenic variability of C, beticola collected from different areas of the United States. Following are the results obtained. 1. Cercospora beticola produced conidia much more abundantly on V-8 juice agar than any other media previously used by other investigators. 2. Use of V-8 juice liquid culture was found to be handy and practical for mass production of inoculum for creation of a large scale greenhouse and field epidemic of Cercospora leaf spot. 3. Isolates of C. beticola collected from various regions of the United States differed in their pathogenicity on different varieties of sugar beets. 4. Variants occurred in certain single spore isolates of C. beticola. All of the cultural variants obtained during the study were less virulent than their parental isolates. 5. The difference in the inoculm concentration between 5,000 to 50,000 conidia per ml had no effect on the length of incubation period and relatively little effect on disease severity when inoculated plants were kept in a moist chamber for 48 hr. 6. A moist period of less than 24 hr delayed infection and resulted in less severe disease development. 7. A prolonged moist period of over 48 hr not only shortened the incubation period but also increased disease severity. 8. The disease reaction on 10-month-old plants and clonally propagated plants were more severe than on young seed propagated plants. 9. The resistant variety MM was completely susceptible when the plants were incubated in the moist chamber 3 to 5 days.

      • KCI등재


        Yong Joon La,Chang Keun Yi 한국산림과학회 1985 한국산림과학회지 Vol.71 No.1

        Several rust fungi attacking stems and needles of both soft and hard pines occur in Korea. They are Cronartium ribicola on Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis), C. quercuum and C. flaccidum on Pines densiflora, and serval species of Coleosporium on Korean pine. Among these, C. ribicola is by far the most important, and causes considerable losses to stands of Korean pine annually. Other pine rusts are found occasionally but do not cause appreciable damage. During the last 10 years or more, considerable effort has been directed towards developing effective control measures for the blister rust of Korean pine. Acti-dione, Bayleton, Benlate, Topsin-M paste, Plantvax, creosote, diesel, kerosene, methanol, formalin, and other chemicals have been applied directly to blistered areas of stems at the time of pycnial and aecial appearance, but were found to be ineffective for suppressing or eliminating the blister rust infection on Korean pines. A very effective means for preventing spread of Cronartium ribicola is eradication of Pedicularis resupinata, the alternate host in stands of Korean pine. Drastic decline in incidence of the disease has been attained where successful eradication of the alternate host has been carried out. In recent years, foliar sprays of a 2% solution of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) were found to be very effective and economical for eradicating Pedicularis plants in Pinus koraiensis stands, Thus eradication of the alternate host is now being practiced as the principal measure for the blister rust prevention. Pruning of lower branches of P. koraiensis has also been effective in reducing the incidence of blister rust infection. Breeding P. koraiensis for blister rust resistance was initiated in 1975 by the Forest Genetics Institute, and more than 15 hundred candidate trees have been selected and are being tested for blister rust resistance. Trees known to be resistant are also being propagated by grafting and rooting to create first generation seed orchards.

      • Seed Potato Certification in Korea

        La Yong-Joon,Franckowiak J. D.,Brown W. M. Korean Society of Applied Entomology 1977 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        한국에서 감자의 여러 가지 감수요인중 가장 중요한 것은 각종병해인데, 이 가운데에서도 특히 바이러스 병인 모자이크병과 잎말림병에 의한 수량감소가 가장 큰 것으로 보인다. 한국에서는 무병 건전한 씨감자를 생산해서 농민에게 보급할 목적으로 1961년에 고랭지시험장에서 씨감자 검역사업이 시작되었다. 본고에서는 현재 우리나라에서 시행되고 있는 춘작용 보급종 씨감지(남작품종)의 생산개황을 설명하였다. 1976년도에는 대관령에 있는 2개 씨감자 생산조합회원들에 의해 약 1마톤 (M/T)의 보급종 남작 씨감자가 생산되어 농수산부의 종자보급소를 통해 농민에게 공급되었고, 이들 보급종 씨감자의 검역은 국립농산물검사소 검사원들이 실시하였다. 보급종 씨감자는 단위수량에 있어서 농민들이 자 채종해서 재배하는 씨감자를 월등히 능가하지만, 1976년도의 경우 보급종씨감자의 절대생산량부족으로, 급량은 소요량의 1/5에 불과하였다. 한편 추작용 상품종인 "시마바라"의 보급종은 한국에서 생산되지 않고 있다. 바이러스병에 걸린 씨감자를 심으면 아무리 맥배 리를 잘해도 수량의 증대는 기대할 수 없다. 따라서 단위수량의 제고는 농민들이 보다 우량한 씨감자를 심어야만 이루어질 수 있으며, 그러기 위해서는 현재 씨감자 공급량을 2-3배로 증가해야 한다. 현재의 부족되는 보급종 씨감자의 공급량을 충족시키기 위해서는 씨감자의 재배면적확대와 씨감자 생포장에서의 단위수량증대가 이루어져야 한다. 한국에서는 씨감자생산에 적당한 고랭지가 많이 있으며, 고랭지 이외의 곳에서도 우량한 씨감자는 생산될 수 있다. 우량씨감자의 보급과 재배법의 개선은 감자의 단위량을 크게 증대시킬 것이다. 한편 고랭지시험장에서 생산되고 있는 원원종씨감자의 질을 향상시키기 위해 최근에 개발된 몇가지 새로운 재배기술을 활용해봄직하다. 또한, 무병 건전한 신품종의 씨감자가 신속히 농민에게 보급될 수 있도록 현행 씨감자 검역제도는 개선되어야 한다. Potato diseases, especially mosaics and leaf roll, appear to reduce potato yield in Korea more than any other factor. A seed potato certification program was established at the Alpine Experiment Station (AES) in 1961 to produce high quality seed potatoes for distribution to Korean farmers. The present program for production of certified seed of Namjak (Irish Cobbler), the only variety recommended for spring plantings, is outlined. In 1976, approximately 10,000 MT of certified grade Namjak seed was produced by members of two Seed Producers Cooperatives in the Daekwanryeong area for distribution by the Office of Seed Production and Distribution (OSPD). The seed was inspected and certified by officers of the National Agricultural Products Inspection Office (NAPIO). Although the quality of the certified seed is far superior to that used by many farmers, the supply planted less than 1/5 of the 1977 potato crop. Certified seed of Shimabara, the variety recommended for autumn plantings, is not produced in Korea. The yield response of virus infected seed to improved cultural practices is poor. Therefore, an increase in potato acreage and yields appears to be possible only if more good quality seed is used by Korean farmers. A two or three fold increase in seed supply would be desirable. The volume of seed could be increased by expanding the production area and by improving yield in seed fields. More land is available in the alpine area and good seed potatoes could be grown in other parts of Korea. Planting better quality seeds and using better cultural pracitces would improve seed yields. Several techniques could be used to improve the quality of elite seed produced at AES. Changes in seed potato certification program should be made so that healthy seed stocks of new varieties can be released rapidly.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈청학적 방법에 의한 고추의 바이러스병 감염상 조사

        나용준(Yong Joon La),최정일(Jung Il Choi),강광윤(Kwang Yun Kang) 한국식물학회 1972 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.15 No.1

        A total of 163 virus infected pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) collected from various pepper growing regions in Korea were investigated on the presence of tobacco mosaic virus(TMV), cucumber mosaic virus(CMV), potato virus X(PVX), potato virus Y(PVY) and alfalfa mosaic virus(AMV) by serological methods. Van Slogteren`s microprecipitin test was applied for the testing of TMV, PVX and PVY from infected plants, and Ouchterlony agar double diffusion test was used for CMV and AMV. Results obtained are as follows: 1. TMV, CMV, PVX, PVY and AMV were found to occur on the pepper plants growing in Korea. 2. The prevalence of each of these viruses among the 163 pepper plants investigated was in the order of CMV: 93 plants(57.0%)>TMV: 91 plants(55.8%)>AMV: 58 plants(35.6%)>PVY: 40 plants(24.5%)>PVX: 6 plants(3.7%). 3. Among the 163 plants investigated, 72 plants(44%) showed infection with one kind of virus and 91 plants(56%) showed mixed infection with more than two different viruses. In general, heavier damage of the plants was observed from mixed infection. 4. The results of serological identification of pepper viruses coincided with those results obtained by sap inoculation experiment conducted at the Horticultural Experiment Station along with present investigation. Thus the serological techniques applied in this experiment proved to be very reliable for the identification of TMV, CMV, PVX, PVY and AMV from pepper plants infected with these viruses.

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