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      • Using Automated Container Type Culture System Hericium erinaceum Mushroom Production Technology

        Woo-Sik Jo1,Sung-Hak Lee,Min-Gu Kang,Who-Won Park 한국버섯학회 2016 버섯 Vol.20 No.2

        Time, place, and the high-tech industry to overcome barriers to the fusion of the so-called "smart agriculture" is changing the landscape of agriculture. Precision Agriculture's core temperature, humidity, location information, and summary information in real time, all significant ICT controlling technique. The system is a four-season container production for the mushroom cultivation temperature, humidity, illumination, self-regulation, such as carbon dioxide, the optimal environment for mushroom cultivation was implemented. Hericium erinaceum (also called Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bearded Tooth Mushroom, or Bearded Tooth Fungus) is an edible mushroom and medicinal mushroom in the tooth fungus group. Native to North America, Europe and Asia it can be identified by its tendency to grow all the spines out from one group (rather than branches), long spines (greater than 1 cm length) and its appearance on hardwoods. About 40 days of incubation 1.5kg oak sawdust was used as the test medium bag. The humidity was maintained more than 85~95% and temperature was 18~20°C, and CO2 density was 500~1,000ppm. The days for primordium formation showed us 6~12 days. The amount of fruitbody production was 110~260g per bag. This technique to establish new community support program in conjunction with the international movement, domestic sales and exports are also planned.

      • KCI등재

        소비촉진을 위한 가정재배용 버섯키트개발 연구

        조우식 외 한국버섯학회 2007 한국버섯학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        버섯산업의 활성화자료 제공과 버섯의 가정내 재배·학생들의 과학탐구용으로 사용키위해서 일반 가정주택의 실내에서 버섯류 재배가능성 검토의 일환으로 수행한 실험의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 가. 가정내 각실별 온·습도 측정결과는 세면실에서 64∼72%, 온도 20.2∼26.0℃로 상대적으로 거실, 부엌등 타실보다 버섯생육에 유리한 조건을 나타내었다 (1999. 4. 25∼7. 25). 나. 느타리버섯 상자재배에서 세면실의 경우 초발이소요일수는 3일, 수량은 2,060g, 회수율은 90%였다. 다. 느타리버섯 봉지볏짚재배에서 세면실의 경우 초발이소요일수는 2일, 수량은 90g, 회수율은 153%였다. 라. 느타리버섯 봉지톱밥재배에서 세면실의 경우 초발이소요일수는 4일, 수량은 770g, 회수율은 89%였다. 마. 영지버섯 봉지톱밥재배에서 세면실의 경우 초발이소요일수는 11일, 수량은 172g, 회수율은 16%, 중량감소율은 61%로 나타났다. 바. 본시험에서 수행한 4처리 모두 거실, 침실, 부엌에 비해 세면실에서의 생산된 버섯의 수량이 우수하였다. 사. 본 실험의 결과를 일부 기술하여 "내손으로 재배하는 가정버섯 효능과 활용법"이란 제목의 책자를 공동저술하였다 (장 등, 2003). This study for establishment of cultivation technique was carried out in home, Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma lucidum. The mushroom kit allows you to grow some of the mushrooms used by the finest chefs in the world easily and quickly almost anywhere in your own home or office. Mushroom kits may be placed on a coffee table, counter, or desk. They will produce mushrooms virtually anywhere room temperature is maintained. Now we have the opportunity not only to enjoy watching these exotic mushrooms grow but also to enjoy eating the freshest organic mushrooms possible. To study for the possibility of indoor cultivation of P. ostreatus, and G. lucidum, we invested cultivation status with two kinds of sawdust, cotton waste and rice straw in washroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. It took 2∼4 days to make primordia formation in a block of P. ostreatus, and G. lucidum was 11 days. Weight of P. ostreatus on cotton waste, rice straw, and willow sawdust were 2,060g, 90g, and 770g, respectively. and weight of G. lucidum on oak sawdust was 172g. Th best result was achieved in washroom, among used washroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom.

      • KCI등재

        저비용 우량봉지종균 생산기술 개발

        조우식 외 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        느타리버섯 재배시 현재 톱밥병종균을 대체할 수 있는 저비용 우량봉지제조기술을 개발하기위해 시험을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 재료의 산도 (pH)는 포플러톱밥이 pH 6.7, 미강은 pH 6.4에 비하여 비트펄프는 pH 4.9로 다른 배지재료에 비하여 산성을 나타내었다. T-C는 포플러톱밥 57.5%, 면실피 54.5%, 미강 52.4%로 나타났고, T-N는 포플러톱밥이 0.1%로 면실피 1.77%, 미강 0.94%로 나타났다. 2. 균사생장정도는 신농73호 2.5kg 규격 종균의 필터가 구비된 종균의 경우 15.7cm, 마개형 10.5cm, 필터가 없는 종균은 7.5cm로 필터구비종균이 생장이 우수하였고, 균사밀도의 경우에도 필터형이 밀도가 높았다. CO₂ 농도는 신농73호 2.5kg 규격 종균의 필터가 구비된 종균의 경우 1,400ppm, 마개형 2,200ppm, 필터가 없는 종균은 3,200ppm 로 필터구비종균이 농도가 낮음을 알 수 있다. 3. 배양소요일수를 측정한 결과, 신농 73호에서 2.5㎏ 필터종균의 경우 18일, 마개필터 18일, 필터가 없는 처리는 19일로 큰 차이는 없었다. 생산량의 경우 신농73호에서 2.5㎏ 필터종균의 경우 118g, 마개필터 112g, 필터가 없는 처리는 100g으로 필터처리 종균이 생산력 측면에서 우수하였다. The word spawn is derived from an old French verb, espandre, meaning to spread out or expand. Spawn is also defined as "the mycelium of fungi, especially of mushrooms grown to be eaten, used for propagation." The effects of bag spawn to sawdust substrate on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus were conducted. The duration of mycelial growth and days of pinhead formation of bag spawn(2.5kg) were 18~19days and 7~8days, whereas bottle spawn (1,000㎖) was 18days and 6days, respectively. The yield of mushroom fruitbody was that bag spawn is 100~118g, bottle spawn is 95~115g. In economical analysis, bag spawn is increased to 50%, compared to bottle spawn in relative income.The word spawn is derived from an old French verb, espandre, meaning to spread out or expand. Spawn is also defined as "the mycelium of fungi, especially of mushrooms grown to be eaten, used for propagation." The effects of bag spawn to sawdust substrate on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus were conducted. The duration of mycelial growth and days of pinhead formation of bag spawn(2.5kg) were 18~19days and 7~8days, whereas bottle spawn (1,000㎖) was 18days and 6days, respectively. The yield of mushroom fruitbody was that bag spawn is 100~118g, bottle spawn is 95~115g. In economical analysis, bag spawn is increased to 50%, compared to bottle spawn in relative income.

      • KCI등재

        버섯산업에 대한 2008년 국민의식조사

        조우식 외 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Gyeongbuk Agricultural Technology Administration carried out the nation opinion research to mushroom industry in 115 of the citizen and the provincials from 10/17/2008 to 10/18/2008. Which was for both grasping the citizen's opinion and habits and understanding farmers'. The result of the research is the following. 37.4 percent people preferred Lentimus edodes among the all respondents and 27.0 percent preferred Flammulina velutipes. As for the purchasing place, 57.4 percent buy them in large retail stores, 40.9 percent buy them in traditional markets. 67 percent of the respondents mainly use them in fall, 31.3 percent use them in winter. 88.7 percent of them mainly eat the mushrooms at home, 11.3 percent is at restaurants. 63.5 percent of them responded that the price of mushrooms was resonable, 26.1 percent answered that was expensive. In appearance, 27 percent of them chose yellow Flammulina velutipes as a good-looking mushroom, 19.1 percent chose Lentimus edodes. 버섯산업의 활성화 자료를 제공하고, 정책수요를 발굴하기 위해 버섯산업에 대한 국민의식조사를 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 가. 전체 응답자 중 37.4%가 표고, 27.0%가 팽이, 16.5%가 느타리라고 응답한 반면, 6.1%가 영지버섯, 8.7%가 상황버섯이라고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 대중화된 식용버섯을 식용으로 선호하였다. 나. 57.4%가 대형마트, 40.9%가 재래시장이라고 응답한 반면, 2.6%가 백화점, 5.2%가 소매점이라고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 대부분의 버섯소매유통이 대형마트와 재래시장에서 이뤄지고 있다. 다. 67%가 가을, 31.3%가 겨울이라고 응답한 반면, 20.9%가 봄, 22.6%가 여름이라고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 가을철에 많은 비중이 소비되지만 봄, 여름철에도 적지 않은 양이 소비되는 것을 알 수 있으며 버섯은 연중 소비되는 농산물로 인식하고 있다. 라. 88.7%가 가정집, 11.3%가 식당이라고 응답한 반면, 1.76%만이 야외라고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 가정주부들을 대상으로 한 소규모의 포장기술개발 및 식당에서의 소비촉진을 위한 홍보를 강화할 필요성이 있다고 생각된다. 마. 63.5%가 보통이다, 26.1%가 비싸다고 응답한 반면, 2.6%가 매우 비싸다, 4.3%가 싸다, 1.7%가 매우 싸다고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 현재의 버섯가격은 보통이라고 인식하고 있다. 바. 27.0%가 황금팽이, 19.1%가 표고, 16.5%가 영지라고 응답한 반면, 2.6%가 만가닥버섯, 7%가 목이버섯, 새송이가 10.4%라고 응답한 것으로 볼 때 유색의 버섯을 관상용으로 선호하며, 무채색의 버섯 및 아직 대중화되지 않은 버섯은 관상용으로 선호하지 않음을 알수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Penicillium rubrum에 의한 상황버섯 (Phellinus baumii) 푸른곰팡이병의 발생

        조우식 외 한국버섯학회 2007 한국버섯학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구에서는 상황버섯 (P. baumii)의 자실체에 발생하는 Penicillium sp.균을 동정하기 위하여, 분리균의 배양적·형태적 특징을 조사하였다. 분리된 Penicillium sp.의 형태적 특성을 조사한 결과, 분생포자의 모양은 타원형이고 직경이 1.8∼2.3 ㎛ 크기로 분생포자를 많이 형성하였다. 분생포자경은 균사로부터 one-stage branch 모양을 형성하였고, matulae는 3∼5개로 길이가 5.2∼7.8 ㎛이며, phialide는 플라스크상이고 크기가 5.7∼7.5×2.2∼2.7 ㎛이였다. Czapek's agar 배지에서 생육시 25℃에서 8일간 균체가 23 ㎜ 생장하였다. PDA 배지 상에서 균총의 형태는 처음에는 조밀한 솜털모양의 백색을 띄었으며 차츰 기중균사가 형성되었고, 점차 회녹색으로 변하였다. 이상과 같은 형태 및 배양적 특징으로 이 균을 P. rubrum으로 동정하였다. 상황버섯 (P. baumii)에서 P. rubrum에 의한 병은 아직 국내에 보고된바 없어, P. rubrum에 의한 상황버섯 (P. baumii) 푸른곰팡이병을 최초로 보고한다. Green mold of Phellinus baumii mushroom caused by a species of Penicillium was observed in Daegu on August, 2000. The causal fungus was identified as Penicillium rubrum based on its cultural and morphological characteristics. Conidiophores of the fungus were one-stage branched and terminating in a whorl of 3∼5 metulae. The metulae were mostly 5.2∼7.8 ㎛ in size. Phialides were flask-shaped and 5.7∼7.5×2.2∼2.7 ㎛. Conidia were subglobose and 1.8∼2.3 ㎛. Colonies on Czapek's agar growing, attaining a diameter of 23 ㎜ within 8 days at 25℃. The optimum temperature for growth of the fungus was about 20∼30℃. This is the first report on the occurrence of green mold of P. baumii caused by P. rubrum in Korea.

      • 말라리아 환자 32예의 임상적 고찰

        정용희,백일현,김태형,김영식,이우인,서환조 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : 삼일열 말라리아는 국내에서 1986년 이후에는 박멸된 것으로 알려졌으나 1993년 이후 증가하는 양상을 보이고 있다. 이에 말라리아의 임상적 고찰을 통하여 이 질환을 이해함에 있다. 방법 : 1991년 1월부터 1999년 10월까지 반복적 고열과 오한을 주소로 본 병원에 내원하여 말초혈액 도말검사에 의해 말라리아 감염으로 확진된 32예의 환자에 대해서 후향적으로 조사하였다. 결과 : 1991년부터 1999년 10월까지 총 32명의 환자의 연도별 발생빈도는 각각 1991년에 1명, 1996년에 1명, 1997년에 3명, 1998년에 13명, 1999년에 14명이었다. 월별발생빈도는 7월과 8월에 집중적으로 발생하였다.(46.9%) 환자의 거주지는 경기 연천과 파주에 주로 분포되었다(53.1%). 성별발생분포는 32예의 환자중에 여자가 5명, 남자가 27명으로 남자가 더 많았다. 발병연령은 22세에서 87세까지 분포되었고 20-30대에 많이 발생하였으며 20대가 가장 많았다. 군인 및 제대자가 17명(59.4%)에 해당하였으며, 제대자의 평균 제대후의 기간은 10개월 정도였다. 가장 흔한 임상증상은 발열 및 오한이었다.(100%) 비장종대 및 간장종대는 각각 26명(81.3%), 3명(9.4%)에서 관찰되었다. 검사실 소견은 평균적으로 WBC 5.317/㎕, 혈색소 12.5±7.1g/㎗, 혈소판 78,906.3±68391.4㎕, GOT/GPT 43.7±26.7/49.6±57.3 IU/ℓ, Total bilirubin 1.6±0.9㎎/㎗를 보였다. 말초혈액 도말검사상 모두 P. vivax였다. 치료는 hydroxychloroquine과 primaquine의 치료에 잘 반응하였다. 결론 : 말라리아는 7월과 8월에 한국에서 호발하는 중요한 급성 열성 질환으로 조기 진단 및 치료에 보다 관심을 기울여야 할 것이다. Background : In Korea malaria has been rare, but since reemergence of indigenous vivax malaria in 1993, the number of cases of malaria have recently increased. We analyzed the cases of malaria who were treated in Kyung-Hee University College of Medicine with regard to define the clinical characteristics of malaria. Methods : We retrospectively analyzed of 32 cases of malaria admitted to Kyung-Hee University Hospital between 1991 and 1999. Malaria was diagnosed by peripheral blood smear. Results : Among a total of 32 cases, the number of yearly incidence of 1991, 1996. 1997, 1998 and 1999 were 1,1,3,13,14 respectively. It demonstrated the high incidence especially between July and August. The most patients (53.1%) resided in Yeonchon and Pajoo. Among them, 5 cases were female and 27 cases were male. The age distribution ranged from 22 to 76 year old. The high incidence of age was between 20's and 30's. Military solidiers and ex-soldiers are 17 cases(59.4 %). The most frequent symptom was fever and chills (100%). Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly were also observed in 81.3 %(26 of 32) and 9.4 %(3 of 32) respectively. The laboratory findings were WBC 5.317/㎕. Hb 12.5±2.1 g/dl. platelet 78,906±68,391.4/㎕. GOT/GPT 43.7±26.7/49.6±57.3 IU/L. LD 678.3±50.1 IU/L. total bilirubin 1.6±0.9mg/dl- The all cases were treated suscessfully with hydroxychloroquine and primaquine. There were no central nervous system complications and pulmonary edema. Conclusion : Malaria is one of the important acute febrile illness with the high incidence between July and August.

      • 폐농양 및 복부농양을 일으킨 Eikenella corrodens 감염 2예 : Two Case Reports and Review

        정용희,류미숙,김영식,이우인,이희주,서환조 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Eikenella corrodens is a slowly growing, facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacillus. It is a normal inhabitant of the human upper respiratory tract, and it is recognized as an infrequent cause of invasive disease. To date, a few cases of E. corrodens infection were noted from all other organ. We report herein two cases of E. corrodens infection. In one case E. corrodens was isolated in the lung abscess and in the other case it was in the appendiceal abscess. The patients were treated empirically with penicillin G. The results of the bacterial culture and sensitivity test were available with it. The patients were discharged 15 days later with marked improvement after treatment. Our report clearly demonstrates that E. corrodens can be the pathogen of lung abscess and intraabdominal abscess. We reviewed descriptions from the literature of infections caused by E. corrodens.

      • 비접촉식 측정데이터를 이용한 근사 곡면 생성 및 영역화

        김재현,박정환,고태조,유우식 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 2001 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        As well known, the non-contact measuring method via the laser scanning or vision system provides vast amount of measuring points by which we rapidly identify the overall shape. On the other hand, its measuring accuracy (resolution) may be lower than that of touch probing method. From the reverse engineer's point of view, it is meaningful and efficient to fully utilize the merits of each methodology. This paper describes the construction of an overall approximate surface model by the non-contact measurement data (cloud-of-points), and the segmentation scheme for identifying sub-areas which should further be digitized by a scanning touch probe. The segmentation is performed through extracting the featured boundary edges or shapes (sharp edges or blend surfaces) by a pencil curve tracing algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        2008 The Nation Opinion Research to Mushroom Industry

        Woo-Sik Jo,Eok-Keum Hwang,Doo-Hyun Cho,Chung-Don Choi,So-Deuk Park,Hee-Young Jung 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Gyeongbuk Agricultural Technology Administration carried out the nation opinion research to mushroom industry in 115 of the citizen and the provincials from 10/17/2008 to 10/18/2008. Which was for both grasping the citizen’s opinion and habits and understanding farmers’. The result of the research is the following. 37.4 percent people preferred Lentimus edodes among the all respondents and 27.0 percent preferred Flammulina velutipes. As for the purchasing place, 57.4 percent buy them in large retail stores, 40.9 percent buy them in traditional markets. 67 percent of the respondents mainly use them in fall, 31.3 percent use them in winter. 88.7 percent of them mainly eat the mushrooms at home, 11.3 percent is at restaurants. 63.5 percent of them responded that the price of mushrooms was resonable, 26.1 percent answered that was expensive. In appearance, 27 percent of them chose yellow Flammulina velutipes as a goodlooking mushroom, 19.1 percent chose Lentimus edodes .

      • KCI등재

        Development of mushroom spawn production technology of Low price by the superior bag spawn

        Woo-Sik Jo,Doo-Hyun Cho,Chung-Don Choi,So-Deuk Park,Hee-Young Jung 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        The word spawn is derived from an old French verb, espandre , meaning to spread out or expand. Spawn is also defined as “the mycelium of fungi, especially of mushrooms grown to be eaten, used for propagation.” The effects of bag spawn to sawdust substrate on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus were conducted. The duration of mycelial growth and days of pinhead formation of bag spawn(2.5kg) were 18~19 days and 7~8 days, whereas bottle spawn (1,000㎖) was 18 days and 6 days, respectively. The yield of mushroom fruitbody was that bag spawn is 100~118g, bottle spawn was 95~115g. In economical analysis, bag spawn is increased to 50%, compared to bottle spawn in relative income.

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