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        MATLAB을 이용한 Ag Metal-mesh 기반의 투명 전극 특성 분석

        조승택,신진욱,Walter Commerell,유대황,류혜선,황진영,김현식,김상일,노종욱 대한금속·재료학회 2024 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.62 No.6

        It is well-known that optical transparence and electric resistance have a trade-off relationship intransparent electrodes. For this reason, developing methods to predict this relation have been important invarious fields of academic research as well as for industrial applications. Herein, we suggest a simple methodwhich reveals the relationship between optical transparence and electric resistance using MATLAB, basedon the geometric characteristics of a random metal network. Ag metal-mesh transparent electrodes werefabricated with various conditions using colloidal silica cracked-templates and a Radio Frequency (RF)sputtering system. MATLAB software was used to analyze structural images of the Ag mesh network,automatically quantifying the density and width of the Ag meshes. From these data, the transparency andsheet resistance values of the Ag mesh electrodes were predicted and compared with measured values. Regarding transparency, the introduction of fitting parameters revealed minimal differences between theexperimental and predicted values obtained from the structure images. Although the predicted sheetresistance was slightly different than the real measured values due to atomic defects or imperfections in thecrystals of the Ag-mesh network, it was possible to observe a similar trend between the measured andpredicted sheet resistances with changes in the fractional coverage area of the Ag-mesh network.

      • KCI등재

        Ultraviolet Light-Responsive Photorheological Fluid for Sensors and Actuators Realized by Phosphorescence Effects and LSTM RNN

        조민영,Suman Timilsina,노종욱,Walter Commerell,신호근,권용남,김지식 대한금속·재료학회 2021 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.59 No.5

        A photo-rheological fluid (PRF) is a smart fluid which exhibits different viscosity under UV irradiation. A PRF is comprehensively presented in this work, with particular focus on its responses under UV off/on conditions. The isomeric conversion from SP to MC and vice versa under UV off and on, respectively, showed unequal rates of transformation. As a result, a complex non-linear hysteretic response was observed. To be used indifferent types of sensors and actuators which can exploit its rheological properties, it is essential the PRF have linearized hysteresis behavior. To minimize the asymmetric non-linear hysteresis characteristics under UV on and off conditions, the well-known long-lasting phosphor SAO (SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+) was incorporated. The incorporation of SAO in the PRF improved the linearity of the PRF response, although the conversion rate was not identical under UV off/on conditions. The SAO particles were observed to settle over time due to phase splitting, undermining the usefulness of the SAO-PRF composite. Instead of improving the PRF response by further adjusting the PRF composite, a software approach based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM RNN) was employed to model and compensate the asymmetric non-linear hysteresis response, ensuring the realization of sensors and actuators that exploit PRF as hardware.

      • KCI등재

        매트랩/시뮬링크 simulation model을 이용한 열전 모듈의 효율 예측

        이나영,예성욱,Rahman Jamil Ur,탁장렬,조중영,서원선,신원호,Walter Commerell,남우현,노종욱 대한금속·재료학회 2021 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.59 No.11

        Development new high-performance thermoelectric materials for more efficient power generation systems and eco-friendly refrigerating systems has been challenging. Over the past few decades, thermoelectric studies have been focused on increasing the thermoelectric properties of materials. However, for conventional applications, developing of thermoelectric devices or modules with lower cost and simpler fabrication processes is also important. Simulation models that can predict the thermoelectric efficiency of modules using the thermoelectric properties of materials are needed for this purpose. In this study, we developed a simple model for calculating the efficiency of thermoelectric modules using MATLAB/Simulink. In this model, the temperature difference between the hot source and heat sink was fixed to ensure the precise comparisons of thermoelectric efficiency. The electric resistivity and Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric materials was used in order to predict the efficiency of the thermoelectric modules. Then, the efficiency of the thermoelectric modules was verified using measured values which had been reported in prior experimental works. In this study, the simulated values were higher than the real thermoelectric effiency values. To address this, the simulations should consider the thermal resistance or electric contact resistance between the thermoelectric materials and electrodes.

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