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      • KCI등재

        Bioremediation Potential of a Tropical Soil Contaminated with a Mixture of Crude Oil and Production Water

        Alvarez, Vanessa Marques,Santos, Silvia Cristina Cunha dos,Casella, Renata da Costa,Vitae, RonaIt Leite,Sebastin, Gina Vazquez,Seldin, Lucy The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnol 2008 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.18 No.12

        A typical tropical soil from the northeast of Brazil, where an important terrestrial oil field is located, was accidentally contaminated with a mixture of oil and saline production water. To study the bioremediation potential in this area, molecular methods based on PCR-DGGE were used to determine the diversity of the bacterial communities in bulk and in contaminated soils. Bacterial fingerprints revealed that the bacterial communities were affected by the presence of the mixture of oil and production water, and different profiles were observed when the contaminated soils were compared with the control. Halotolerant strains capable of degrading crude oil were also isolated from enrichment cultures obtained from the contaminated soil samples. Twenty-two strains showing these features were characterized genetically by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and phenotypically by their colonial morphology and tolerance to high NaCl concentrations. Fifteen ARDRA groups were formed. Selected strains were analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing, and Actinobacteria was identified as the main group found. Strains were also tested for their growth capability in the presence of different oil derivatives (hexane, dodecane, hexadecane, diesel, gasoline, toluene, naphthalene, o-xylene, and p-xylene) and different degradation profiles were observed. PCR products were obtained from 12 of the 15 ARDRA representatives when they were screened for the presence of the alkane hydroxylase gene (alkB). Members of the genera Rhodococcus and Gordonia were identified as predominant in the soil studied. These genera are usually implicated in oil degradation processes and, as such, the potential for bioremediation in this area can be considered as feasible.


        Vita Kadile,Shahin Assadinia 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        Emerging markets are experiencing immense institutional transformations, which present substantial opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurial firms attempting to grow their businesses. The main challenges arise from the fact that emerging markets are less productive, and uncertainty and risk are high due to less transparency. Consequently, dissimilar to their counterparts in developed markets, entrepreneurial firms in developing economies are characterised by limited internationalisation knowledge and process, which are pivotal for developing export marketing strategy effectively.


        Vita Kadile,Nicky Kinsey,Cezara Nicoara 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        Research in entrepreneurial marketing (EM) has put considerable effort into identifying various factors associated with entrepreneurial success, including skills and competences of prospective entrepreneurs. At the same time, little consensus exists regarding the relative importance of particular marketing skills. Moreover, the literature to date does not outline any essential marketing-related competencies needed for nascent entrepreneurs. Our study looks to identify specific marketing competencies relevant to entrepreneurial context. A three-stage mixed-methodology approach to data collection is deployed. Qualitative documentary analysis and exploratory interviews provide preliminary findings and guide the design of a subsequent quantitative survey of UK entrepreneurs, resulting in insights into the most beneficial marketing competencies for entrepreneurship. Further, these insights are used to equip educators with improved practice of developing marketing practice for future entrepreneurs. This research is expected to advance the understanding of nascent entrepreneurship research, practice and pedagogy within EM field.

      • SCOPUS

        Networking Capability, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Competitive Advantage, and Marketing Performance

        Vita DHAMERIA,Abas HIDAYAT,Imam GHOZALI,Vincent Didiek Wiet ARYANTO 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.6

        Business success is closely related to the marketing process. A good defined marketing strategy conducted to increase a sales business and marketing. The elements that must be developed are networking capability, entrepreneurial marketing, competitive advantage, and marketing performance. The sustainability of Indonesian businesses, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), is a challenge for entrepreneurs. SMEs is an important factor that affects to increase of national economic growth. This research investigated variables that networking capability, entrepreneurial marketing, competitive advantage, marketing performance of embroidery SMEs in Tasikmalaya City West Java Indonesia. The technique sampling used in this research was purposive sampling. Samples gained were 120 SMEs. In analyzing the data, researchers employed Structural Equation Model (SEM) method from software AMOS. Entrepreneurial marketing activities are closely related to creating competitive advantage through innovation in the creation of better products, processes, and strategies to satisfy customer needs and desires. Hypothetical testing results showed that network capability and entrepreneurial marketing are important factors that significantly influence competitive advantage of SMEs. Networking capability, entrepreneurial marketing, and competitive advantage are important factors that significantly influence marketing performance of SMEs. Therefore, networking capability, entrepreneurial marketing, competitive advantage, and marketing performance must be developed for sustainable the successfulness of SMEs.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Boron Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 6.5% V-5% W High Speed Steel

        Vita Astini,Yus Prasetyo,E.R. Baek 대한금속·재료학회 2012 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.18 No.6

        The effect of adding 0.04% additional boron to 6.5% V-5% W high speed steel was investigated. The microstructure characterization, phase identification, and carbide identification of the materials were performed using SEM/EDS and XRD. The cell size and carbide volume fraction were examined using image analysis software. The boron distribution was observed by PTA Boron Tracking. The addition of 0.04%more boron to a HSS alloy exerted a cell refining effect on the sample. The cell refinement of dendritic structures in the alloy containing boron may be attributed to the constitutional supercooling effect associated with the fairly small distribution coefficient for boron in iron. The addition of boron increases the bending strength of the material by more than 10%, as well as increasing its hardness.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Promotion and MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Exhibition) on Tourists’ Revisiting Intention: A Case Study in Indonesia

        Vita DHAMERIA,Imam GHOZALI,Vincent Didiek Wiet ARYANTO,Abas HIDAYAT 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.5

        Brand trust can mediate the effect of marketing on customer loyalty to return visit. A tourism promotion has impacted the development of sustainable tourism in the region. This research investigated variables that influenced the tourists’ revisiting interest in Region III Cirebon West Java Indonesia. Variables in this research covered promotion intensity, MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Exhibition) intensity, brand awareness, and tourists’ revisiting interest. The technique sampling used purposive sampling. The researchers gained sample of this research were 130 respondents. In analyzing the data, the researchers employed Structural Equation Model (SEM) from software AMOS. Hypothetical testing results showed that promotion Intensity has a positive and significant influence towards brand awareness. Brand awareness has a positive and significant influence towards the tourists’ revisiting intention. Promotion Intensity has a positive and insignificant influence towards the tourists’ revisiting intention. MICE Intensity has a positive and significant influence towards the tourists’ revisiting intention. MICE Intensity has a positive and significant influence towards brand awareness. From this research, with this condition hopefully the government increases tourism promotion activities both nationally and internationally through electronic media. MICE intensity in Region III Cirebon is good enough. The government needs to maintain tourism facilities or develop the quality of MICE.


        Vita Kadile,Alessandro Biraglia 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        The present study focuses on the construct of entrepreneurial alertness, investigating the external antecedents of the construct, responding to the call for more research pledged by Tang, Kacmar, and Busenitz (2012). Namely, we examine how receiving feedback, awards and collaboration offers in relation to an individual’s hobby activity influences the development of entrepreneurial alertness dimensions. Additionally, we make a contribution by testing the effect of these external factors in a non-entrepreneurial context of homebrewing communities, that is individuals producing beer at home as a hobby. In line with other form of craft activities, this context has demonstrated a high potential for business start-up development due to the increasing number of new small brewing businesses in North America run by entrepreneurs that were previously homebrewers (Carroll & Swaminathan, 2000). We test our tenets within the complexity theory, where configurations of antecedents are examined in order to gain deeper understanding of the possible outcome (Woodside, 2014), using 213 completed questionnaires. We apply fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA, Ragin 2000; 2008) to achieve a holistic overview of the examined interrelationships (Ordanini, Parasuraman & Rubera, 2015). We find that high feedback is a sufficient condition for high scanning and search, association and connection, as well as evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Without feedback, people at the hobby stage engage in their leisure activities solely because they like it. However, receiving feedback in relation to their hobby outcomes provides an opportunity for individuals to develop and experience additional motivations beyond enjoyment, where they understand that the hobby could be commercialized and bring monetary rewards. Moreover, we find that an individual receiving low amount of awards but high amount of collaboration offers may also have high entrepreneurial alertness. Since individuals receive rewards related to the excellent performance in their leisure activity, it may not provide any cue for a potential transformation into a business. However, the more collaboration offers people receive, the more likely they get involved in scanning and search, association and connection, and evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Therefore, they are likely to conduct additional search, connect bits of available information and evaluate this business opportunity (Gaglio & Winter, 2009). The findings of this study could help entrepreneurs reflect on their decisions and behaviours during the business start-up planning process, and measure their entrepreneurial alertness and the extent of readiness to engage in business venturing.

      • KCI등재

        Pectolytic Enzymes of the Industrial Fungus Aspergillus kawachii

        Carolina Elena Vita,Juan Carlos Contreras Esquivel,Claudio Enrique Voget 한국식품과학회 2009 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.18 No.6

        Aspergillus kawachii extracellular pectinases were screened in liquid cultures with different carbon sources. The fungus grown on citrus pectin or lemon pomace produced at least one of these inducible pectinases: acidic polygalacturonase, pectin lyase, pectin methylesterase, α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-1,5-endoarabinase, β-D-galactosidase/exogalactanase, and β-1,4-endogalactanase. The lemon-pomace filtrates also contained significant α-L-rhamnosidase and β-D-fucosidase activities. Most of the screened pectinases were active at pH 2.0-2.5, indicating that the A. kawachii enzymes were acidophilic. Under the culture conditions employed we could not detect enzymatic degradation of soybean rhamnogalacturonan. The A. kawachii pectinase-production-related regulatory phenomena of induction-repression resemble those described for other Aspergillus sp.


        Shahin Assadinia,Vita Kadile,Matthew Robson 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Building on insights from institutional theory and dynamic capabilities, this study investigates the relationships of cross-functional capabilities with export marketing strategy implementation and, ultimately, its influence on export performance. This study utilizes multiple-informant and time-lagged primary data from 218 exporting firms in Nigeria to contribute to an understanding of how export marketing capabilities can be implemented to drive export performance. The results suggest contrasting moderating effects of psychic distance and competitive intensity on the cross-functional capabilities to export marketing strategy implementation relationship. This research contributes to the international business and marketing literature by advancing the knowledge on marketing capabilities and strategy implementation, and highlights managerial implications for international business.

      • KCI등재

        Sleep, bark, or bite: Do natural resources make the difference regarding peaceful or violent conflict?

        Matthias Basedau,Vita Roy 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2020 International Area Studies Review Vol.23 No.1

        Natural resources can create state-based and other conflicts through several causal mechanisms. Debate, however, has remained silent on forms of conflict, especially why violent or peaceful collective action occurs. Combining the literatures on nonviolent- and armed conflict with work on the resource–conflict link, we developed a number of hypotheses on how resources affect the conditions under which collective actors such as ethnic groups remain dormant, voice grievances peacefully or engage in violent rebellion. A grid-cell analysis of ethnic groups in Africa largely confirmed our expectation on the effect of resources. Resource deposits increased the risk that violent conflict would occur; the effect was reversed and ethnic groups become dormant when groups living in resource regions were politically included. We also found some evidence that lootable resources fuel violent but not peaceful conflict. However, the non-resource context best explained the difference between violent and nonviolent conflict. Democracy, political exclusion and geography such as distance from capital and transborder ethnic kin were key in explaining why violent and not peaceful protest emerged. Future research should dig deeper into mechanisms of how resources affect forms of conflict and should further study non-resource conditions that can have functionally equivalent effects.

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