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      • KCI등재

        Thermocapillary migration of a fluid compound droplet

        Vinh T. Nguyen,Truong V. Vu,Phan H. Nguyen,Nang X. Ho,Binh D. Pham,Hoe D. Nguyen,Hung V. Vu 대한기계학회 2021 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.35 No.9

        Compound and simple droplets have been studied and appeared in many life applications, e.g., drug processing and microfluidic systems. Many studies have been conducted on the thermocapillary effects on simple droplets, but similar studies on compound droplets are quite rare. Filling this missing gap, this paper presents the front-tracking-based simulation results of the thermocapillary effects on compound droplets in a certain limited domain. The compound droplet consists of a single inner core that is initially concentric with the outer one. Various dimensionless parameters including Reynolds number from 1 to 50, Marangoni number from 1 to 100, droplet radius ratio from 0.3 to 0.8, and viscosity ratios from 0.1 to 6.4 are varied to reveal their influences on the migration of a compound droplet from cold to hot regions. Initially, the inner droplet moves faster than the outer one, and when the leading surface of the inner droplet touches the outer one, the inner and outer droplets migrate at the same speed. The effects of these parameters on the compound droplet eccentricity are also considered.

      • KCI등재

        Prediction of the Spin-Parities and the Magnetic Moments for the Ground States of Proton-rich Nuclei with Z = 21–30

        Ly Nguyen Duy,Xayavong Latsamy,Uyen Nguyen Kim,Pham Vinh N. T.,Hao T. V. Nhan,Duy Nguyen Ngoc 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.77 No.11

        The present paper reports on the spin-parities and the magnetic moments for the ground states of 44 proton-rich isotopes with Z = 21-30 and A = 36-57, which are important for studies of either reaction rates in X-ray bursts or nuclear structure. These nuclear properties were calculated based on the single-particle shell model. The spins of the concerned nuclei were compared to available experimental data adopted from the NuDat database to evaluate the variations in the astrophysical rates of the rp-process reactions. We found discrepancies, due to the deformed nuclear structure, between the present results and those reported in the NuDat database. The spin uncertainties result in large variations, 13% - 200%, in the astrophysical rates of the rp-process reactions. In particular, the spin uncertainties of the 44V and the 46-49Mn isotopes significantly affect the astrophysical rates of the reverse reactions of the proton captures 43Ti(p,γ)44V$(p,γ)45Cr, 45Cr(p,γ)46Mn(p,γ)47Fe, 47Mn(p,γ)48Fe, 47Cr(p,γ)48Mn(p,γ)49Fe, and 48Cr(p,γ)49Mn(p,γ)50Fe. Moreover, the magnetic moments of most of the isotopes were predicted for the first time. The results show that the magnetic moments are in the order of μp(1f7/2) > μp(2p3/2) > μn(1d3/2)> μn(1f7/2) for the nuclei having an unpaired nucleon in the proton/neutron shells. The present study suggests that reliable calculations and/or measurements for the properties of proton-rich nuclei are highly demanded.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical study of the indentation formation of a compound droplet in a constriction

        Hoe D. Nguyen,Truong V. Vu,Phan H. Nguyen,Binh D. Pham,Nang X. Ho,Cuong T. Nguyen,Vinh T. Nguyen 대한기계학회 2021 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.35 No.4

        A compound droplet deforming in a constricted tube widely appears in drug delivery and microfluidic devices. In such a constriction, an indentation can present at the trailing surface of the droplet. However, this aspect has not been fully investigated and understood so far. This study focuses on the effects of some dimensionless parameters on the negative curvature, i.e., indentation, at the trailing surface of a compound droplet moving through a constricted tube. The presence of the constriction at the middle of the tube length enhances the droplet indentation. Numerical results were obtained for the capillary number Ca (varied in range of 0.1 - 1.0), the inner-to-outer droplet radius ratio R 21 (varied in range of 0.2 - 0.9), the droplet-to-tube radius ratio R 10 (varied in range of 0.2 - 0.9), the inner-to-outer interfacial tension coefficient ratio σ 21 (varied in range of 0.1 - 6.4), and the normalized depth of the constriction d/R (varied in range of 0.0 - 0.8). The results reveal that the most influencing factor is Ca, increasing its value leads to the increment of the maximum indentation at the trailing surface of the inner and outer droplets. The indentation is also increased with increasing the value of R 10and d/R. In contrast, increasing R 21 results in a decrease in the indentation at the trailing surface of the outer droplet. When increasing σ 21 , the indentation at the trailing surface of the inner one is quickly suppressed, while the outer droplet is minorly affected. We also point out the patterns of the trailing surface of the inner and outer droplets and their transitions from one to the other patterns in the diagrams based on these parameters.

      • KCI등재

        A study on emission and fuel consumption of motorcycles in idle mode and the impacts on air quality in Hanoi, Vietnam

        Yen-Lien T. Nguyen,Anh-Tuan Le,Khanh Nguyen Duc,Vinh Nguyen Duy,Cong Doan Nguyen 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2021 도시과학국제저널 Vol.25 No.4

        This study aims to develop the models of emission and fuel consumption during idling of motorcycles (MCs) in Hanoi, including the unsteady and steady idling stages. Five MC models commonly used in Hanoi were selected to measure the instantaneous emission and fuel consumption rates under the controlled conditions at the laboratory conditions. The instantaneous emission and fuel consumption models during idling were developed for the test MCs in the unsteady idling stage. The R2 of obtained models are higher than 0.9. The average emission and fuel consumption rates in the steady idling stages were determined. The average idling emissions of pollutants CO, CO2, HC and NOx were 60.9, 534.3, 10.3 and 1.8 g/h, respectively. The average fuel loss during idling is around 180 g/h. The emission released from the MC fleet in Hanoi during idling was estimated for the year 2018. The total idling emissions from the MC fleet of 3.9 million vehicles in the year 2018 of CO, CO2, HC and NOx were 6.5, 57.1, 1.1 and 0.2 kt, respectively. The total fuel loss during idling of the MC fleet in 2018 was ∼19.3 kt. The air pollutants eliminated in the idle mode as CO, CO2, HC and NOx contributed 2.23%, 3.19%, 1.14% and 1.03%, respectively, of the total emission from the MC fleet in Hanoi.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical study of collision modes of multi-core compound droplets in simple shear flow

        Binh D. Pham,Truong V. Vu,Cuong T. Nguyen,Hoe D. Nguyen,Vinh T. Nguyen 대한기계학회 2020 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.34 No.5

        Collisions of multi-core compound droplets have generated substantial interest in recent years because of their applications in the industry and academia. This study uses the front-tracking method to simulate the transition between the two collision modes of multi-core compound droplets in a simple shear flow. Compound droplets initially assumed identical have two sub-droplets of equal size. Given the shear flow, the droplets collide with one another and behave in two main modes, namely, passing-over and reversing. In the passing-over mode, the droplets pass over one another after coming into contact. The reversing mode appears with two compound droplets returning to their initial sides after the collision. During collision, the subdroplets circulate approximately at the center of their enclosing outer droplets. Some parameters, including capillary number Ca, viscosity ratios μ io and μ mo , radius ratio R io of the subdroplets to the outer droplets, and sub-droplet angle a 0 , are investigated to determine their impact on these modes of collisions. We find that the transition from a reversing to passingover mode occurs when we increase the value of Ca from 0.01 to 0.63, R io from 0.20 to 0.475, and μ io and μ mo in the range of 0.16-6.3. However, an increase in the value of a 0 between −75 oand 90 o leads to a change from a passing-over to reversing mode. Diagrams of the colliding modes are also presented in this research.

      • KCI등재

        Deformation of a compound droplet in a wavy constricted channel

        Hung V. Vu,Truong V. Vu,Binh D. Pham,Hoe D. Nguyen,Vinh T. Nguyen,Hoa T. Phan,Cuong T. Nguyen 대한기계학회 2023 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.37 No.1

        Controlling and adjusting the size and shape of compound droplets is of increasing interest in manufacturing applications using microfluidic channels of complicated geometry. Using numerical simulation in the evolution of computer science with the ability to expand the scope of research and optimize costs is a current research trend. We here provide a numerical simulation analysis of the dynamics of a compound droplet travelling in a circular and sinusoidal-wave tube. The simulations were performed with variations of the Reynolds number, capillary number, droplet size, and channel geometry. It follows that the capillary number strongly impacts the dynamics of the droplet, and the alternation of breakup and finite deformation modes. The deformation increases and the droplet is stretched along the centerline of the channel as the Reynolds number increases. Increasing the length of the wavy region makes the droplet more deformed and enhance its breakup. Regime diagrams based on some of these parameters are also plotted.

      • KCI등재

        Re-examination of Energy-Loss Straggling Calculations of Alpha Particles at 5.486 MeV

        Nguyen Ngoc Duy,Nguyen Kim Uyen,Vinh N. T. Pham 한국물리학회 2020 New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol.70 No.2

        We report on an evaluation of energy-loss straggling calculations performed using the LISE++ code and theoretical models. The energy-loss straggling of the alpha particles at 5.486 MeV in Al, Cu, Ag, Tb, Ta, and Au was calculated by using the LISE++ code and the Titeica model. The results of the calculations were compared to the measured data to improve the accuracy of the straggling predictions. The results show that the straggling is increased by the energy loss at a rate of 8.0 keV/%. The uncertainties of the LISE++ and Titeica calculations were reduced to about 15% by adding fitting parameters. We also propose a new semi-empirical formula which well reproduces the measured data with an uncertainty of about 20% for 5.486-MeV alpha particles in the materials used in the research.

      • KCI등재

        An Approximation of the Synthesis Cross Section for the Unknown 126th Element via 58Ni + 251Cf and 64Zn + 248Cm Combinations

        Duy Nguyen Ngoc,Ho Phuong-Thao,Pham Vinh N. T.,Hoan Nguyen Thi Thu 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.77 No.1

        In this paper, we estimate the production cross section of the unknown super-heavy nuclei 309, 312126 via 58Ni + 251Cf and 64Zn + 248Cm combinations by using approximation methods. For each reaction, the competition between compound nucleus (CN) formation and quasi-fission process is also analyzed. We found that the synthesis cross section for the 309126 isotope is about 3 fb, which is about 5 orders of magnitude higher than that for the 312126 nucleus. The results also suggest that a valley exists around the isotope with A = 313 in the production yields for the 126th element. Moreover, the synthesis of the 310-317126 isotopes is still a challenge for experimental techniques due to the small cross sections, which are less than 1 fb.

      • Design of an Advanced Wearable Sensor Platform for Multi Applications

        Anh-Tuan Nguyen,Tung Hoang,Quang-Vinh Thai,T.T. Quyen Bui 제어로봇시스템학회 2015 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        In the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT), wireless sensors are the vital mediators between the physical world and the cyber space. In many telemonitoring and interactive applications, high-rate data streams up to MB/s may need to be transported from the wireless sensors to the cloud computing servers over the Internet and processed by the remote servers in quasi-real time fashion. These applications generally demand substantial reduction of communication bandwidth, response latency and power consumption of these Internet-based cyber-physical systems. To tackle these demands for efficient use of communication, computing and power resources, we developed an advanced wearable sensor platform (AWSP) which integrated a powerful system-on-chip (SoC) processor, a smart power management unit, a highly accurate real-time clock and multi-function peripherals into a miniature module. This AWSP designed to function is capable of performing sophisticated data pre-processing including real-time artifact and noise removal, data compression, and even feature extraction before uploading the data to other devices like mobile phone, computer, etc. Furthermore, with the installation of embedded real-time Linux operating system, this sensor provides a familiar and powerful software development environment for system developers to build their computation-intensive real-time applications. This paper presents the design and development process.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Electric Current Density on the Mechanical Property of Advanced High Strength Steels under Quasi- Static Tensile Loads

        김민성,홍성태,Nguyen Thai Vinh,Hyeong-Ho Yu,이현우,김문조,한흥남,John T. Roth 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        The effect of a single pulse of electric current on the mechanical property of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) under quasi-statictensile loads is investigated by experiments. During a typical quasi-static tensile test, electric current is applied to a specimen for ashort duration (less than 1 second) while the specimen is in plastic region. The stress-strain curve shows that the flow stress almostinstantly decreases significantly (stress-drop) when the electric current is applied, while the tensile strength from the following stressstraincurve after the short pulse of electric current is not changed much. The experimental result suggests that the stress-drop at themoment of a short pulse of electric current can be effectively used to reduce the springback of material, as successfully demonstratedin the present study.

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