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      • KCI등재

        A review of the species in the genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) from mainland China, with an updated key to the Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental species

        Lobato-Vila Irene,Wang Yiping,Melika George,Guo Rui,Ju Xiaoxue,Pujade-Villar Juli 한국응용곤충학회 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.24 No.1

        The Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental fauna of gall wasp inquilines (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) has been histori cally understudied. Previously, ten species of Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini), the most speciose genus of inquilines associated with Fagaceae galls worldwide, were known to occur in mainland China despite this region harbors a great number of potential fagaceous tree hosts. After the examination of all the Synergus specimens deposited at the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of the Agriculture and Forestry University of Zhejiang (ZAFU, China), we provide a revision of this genus in mainland China. Three new species (S. drouarti Pujade-Villar, sp. nov., S. ponsatiae Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, sp. nov. and S. rovirae Lobato-Vila & PujadeVillar, sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Four species (S. areolatus (Weld, 1926) comb. nov.; S. formosanus Schwéger & Melika, 2015, S. gifuensis Ashmead, 1904 and S. ishikarii Melika & Schwéger, 2015) are new records for this area. Saphonecrus reticulatus Pujade-Villar, Wang & Guo, 2014 is proposed as syn. nov. of Synergus castaneus Pujade-Villar, Bernardo & Viggiani, 2013, and Synergus changtitangi Melika & Schwéger, 2015 as syn. nov. of S. deqingensis Pujade-Villar, Wang & Chen, 2015. We provide new biological and distributional data for all the species as well as redescriptions, pictures and other corrections for those which were originally poorly characterized. Lastly, we provide an updated key to the Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental Synergus species, with a table summarizing all of them.


        A New Species of Inquiline Cynipid of the Genus Ufo Melika & Pujade-Villar, 2005 from Korea (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini)

        Melika, G.,Choi, J.Y.,Pujade-Villar, J.,Penzes, Zs.,Fulop, D. Korean Society of Applied Entomology 2007 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.10 No.3

        A new inquiline cynipid species, Ufo koreanus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) from Korea is described. Description and diagnosis of imago, host associations and some notes on its biology are given.

      • Emission-line activity in type 2 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

        Villar-Martí,n, M.,Humphrey, A.,Martí,nez-Sansigre, A.,,rez-Torres, M.,Binette, L.,Zhang, X. G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Vol.390 No.1

        <P>ABSTRACT</P><P>We have compared the optical emission-line ratios of type 2 quasars from Zakamska et al. with standard active galactic nucleus (AGN) photoionization model predictions, type 2 Seyfert galaxies, H <SMALL>II</SMALL> galaxies and narrow-line Fanaro–Riley type II radio galaxies. Moderate to high-ionization narrow-line radio galaxies and type 2 Seyfert galaxies are indistinguishable from type 2 quasars based on their optical line ratios. The standard AGN photoionization models, widely discussed for other type 2 AGN, can reproduce successfully the loci and trends of type 2 quasars in some of the main diagnostic diagrams. These models are not exempt of problems, and the discrepancies with the data are the same encountered for other type 2 AGN. As for these, realistic models must take into account a range of cloud properties, as widely demonstrated in the literature.</P><P>The Zakamska et al. sample is strongly biased towards objects with high line luminosities (L[O <SMALL>III</SMALL>] >10<SUP>42</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP>). We have found that stellar photoionization is obvious in a fraction of objects (3 out of 50) which are characterized by low [O <SMALL>III</SMALL>] luminosities compared with most type 2 quasars in the sample. We suggest that if the sample were expanded towards lower line luminosities (∼10<SUP>40–42</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP>) stellar photoionization might be evident much more frequently.</P><P>We explore an alternative scenario to pure AGN photoionization in which a varying contribution of stellar ionized gas contributes to the line fluxes. Although the models presented here are rather simplistic and not strong quantitative results can be extracted regarding the relative contribution of stellar versus AGN photoionization, our results suggest that adding a varying contribution of stellar photoionized gas works in the right direction to solve most of the problems affecting the standard AGN photoionization models. The ‘temperature problem’ on the other hand remains.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Kinetics of the water absorption in GGBS-concretes: A capillary-diffusive model

        E. Villar-Cocina,E. Valencia-Morales,J. Vega-Leyva,J. Antiquera Munoz 한국계산역학회 2005 Computers and Concrete, An International Journal Vol.2 No.1

        We study the kinetics of absorption of water in Portland cement concretes added with 60, 70 and 80% of granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) cured in water and at open air and preheated at 50 and 100oC. A mathematical model is presented that allows describing the process not only in early ages where the capillary sorption is predominant but also for later and long times where the diffusive processes through the finer and gel pores are considered. The fitting of the model by computerized methods enables us to determine the parameters that characterize the process: i.e., the sorptivity coefficient (S) and diffusion coefficient (D). This allows the description of the process for all times and offers the possibility to know the contributions of both, the diffusive and capillary processes. The results show the influence of the curing regime and the preheating temperature on the behavior of GGBS mortars.

      • KCI등재

        Current state of knowledge of the Korean Cynipini: subspecies description, new combinations and checklist (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae)

        Pujade-Villar Juli,Kang Minjoon,배종민,Wang Yiping,Guo Rui,Roca-Cusachs Marcos,Jung Sunghoon 한국응용곤충학회 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.23 No.4

        Prior to this study, only 8 species of oak gall-forming wasps were known from Korea. After material examination and an exhaustive bibliographic revision, a total of 17 oak gall wasps species have been reported. The following species correspond to new records: Andricus hakonensis (Ahmead); A. pseudocurvator Tang & Melika; A. songshui Tang & Melika; Cerroneuroterus folimargo (Monzen); C. monzeni (Dettmer); C. vonkuenburgi (Dettmer); Neuroterus hakonensis Ashmead, Trichagalma acutissimae (Monzen), T. formosana Melika & Tang. It was impossible to obtain adult specimens for all the species, and and the following species are recorded only based on galls: Andricus kashiwaphilus Abe; A. mukaigawae (Mukaigawa); A. pseudoflos (Monzen); A. targionii Kieffer; Cerroneuroterus folimargo (Monzen); C. monzeni (Dettmer); Neuroterus hakonensis Ashmead; Trichagalma acutissimae (Monzen). The species Dryocosmus kunugiphagus Ide & Abe, 2015 is transferred to the genus Plagiotrochus: Plagiotrochus kunugiphagus (Ide & Abe, 2015) n. comb. Additionally a new subspecies of Trichagalma formosana is described to include the material from Korea and Mainland China, closely related but morphologically different to the Taiwan populations. For each species live cycle, morphology of galls, hosts, phenology, and distribution are commented. In some of them taxonomic or morphological comments are mentioned and a key of agamic Trichagalma with dark smoky pigmented spots in the forewing is added. All galls are illustrated. An up-to-date checklist of the Korean Cynipini is provided. The previously reported species from Korea (Andricus noliquercicola Shinji, 1938; Aphelonyx crispulae Mukaigawae, 1920; Neuroterus narae Shinji, 1941 and Neuroterus nawai Ashmead, 1904) are here excluded from the Korean species list.

      • KCI등재

        Sobre algunas representaciones sociales y culturales en el Quijote

        ( Juan Felipe Villar Degano ) 한국스페인어문학회 2006 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.41

        Este articulo forma parte de un trabajo mas amplio que estoy elaborando, sobre codigos sociales y culturales en el siglo XVII espanol, reflejados en la literatura. Su objetivo es relacionar el Quijote con una serie de practicas intelectuales y sociales que ya formaban parte del imaginario de la epoca, y que Cervantes inserta en la obra con excepcional habilidad como muestras representativas de su manera de concebir el mundo. Para ello, he seleccionado los capitulos VI y XXXII y LXII y LXIII de la Primera y Segunda Parte de la obra, respectivamente, como representaciones de alto valor estetico e ideologico, que, bajo el sutil disfraz de la parodia. Ponen de manifiesto, por una parte, los vastos conocimientos literarios del escritor, que le permiten hacer metaficcion con su juego creativo entre verdad y verosimilitud; y, por otra, hacerse eco igualmente de las tensiones sociales de su tiempo, proponiendo siempre soluciones muy acordes con el sentido comun y el justo medio, aparentemente contradictorios con las desafortunadas actuaciones del loco protagonista.

      • KCI등재

        The Grey Digital Divide and the Right to be Forgotten: An Inter-American Approach

        Mariateresa Garrido Villareal 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2017 Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics Vol.11 No.1

        To exercise several human rights, old persons must know about the existence of records containing personal information, who keeps them, for which purpose, and in which format. However, this is not always the case. Hence, how can states guarantee the right to be forgotten in the health care system when people do not understand how digital archives work? To answer this question it is necessary to review what informed consent implies in the digital era. In this paper, I present the Inter-American approach to this issue. The Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons (IACPOP) entered into force in January 11, 2017, and among others, it promotes the rights to health and freedom of expression of the elderly. It establishes in articles 11 and 19 that states parties must obtain access to appropriated health-related information as a mechanism to ensure that older people provide informed consent in any type of medical procedure. However, because it does not contain an express reference to the right to be forgotten, in the article I also review the Inter-American Convention of Human Rights, and the principles developed by the inter-American system regarding the right to access information and the right be forgotten. After the explanation of the effects of the digital divide among the elderly in Latin America and the analysis of the scope of protection granted by the informed consent, I discuss how older people can initiate habeas data procedure to exercise their right.

      • KCI등재

        Does cartel leadership facilitate collusion?

        ( Marc Escrihuela-villar ) 한양대학교 경제연구소 2011 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Vol.16 No.1

        We discuss the implications of a Stackelberg sequence of play between a cartel and the fringe. We consider two different approaches to collusion with quantity competition, a one-stage static model and a multi-period oligopoly model. Our main results are that (i) in the static model a stable cartel only exist when cartel firms behave as a Stackelberg leader, and (ii) that in the supergame approach the cartel is always more easily sustained with the leadership than in the simultaneous-moves game. It is also shown that both results hold with either homogeneous or differentiated products.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructural evolution and fracture toughness of Al₂O₃/Ti composites

        M. Vázquez-Villar,M. Romero-Romo,A. Altamirano-Torres,E. Rocha-Rangel 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2008 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.9 No.3

        The effect of different additions of a metal (Ti) on the microstructure and fracture toughness of Al2O3-based ceramics, as well as the establishment of a route for their processing was analyzed in this study. The samples were prepared by means of mechanical milling and pressureless sintering in an argon atmosphere. Due to the fact of working with very small sizes of powders of both the metal and ceramic, it was possible to reach in sintered products greater values of densification than 95% of their relative density. Measurements of fracture toughness (KIC) evaluated by the fracture indentation method, indicate that this mechanical property had improved with some additions of Ti in the composite, for example KIC for pure alumina processed under the conditions of this study was 3.0MPa·m1/2, whereas, KIC for the composite with 3 vol % Ti was 4.1MPa·m1/2. The microstructure observed in a scanning electron microscopy shows the formation of small and fine metallic interpenetrating networks in the ceramic matrix, that improve in their formation with an increases of Ti in the composite. The effect of different additions of a metal (Ti) on the microstructure and fracture toughness of Al2O3-based ceramics, as well as the establishment of a route for their processing was analyzed in this study. The samples were prepared by means of mechanical milling and pressureless sintering in an argon atmosphere. Due to the fact of working with very small sizes of powders of both the metal and ceramic, it was possible to reach in sintered products greater values of densification than 95% of their relative density. Measurements of fracture toughness (KIC) evaluated by the fracture indentation method, indicate that this mechanical property had improved with some additions of Ti in the composite, for example KIC for pure alumina processed under the conditions of this study was 3.0MPa·m1/2, whereas, KIC for the composite with 3 vol % Ti was 4.1MPa·m1/2. The microstructure observed in a scanning electron microscopy shows the formation of small and fine metallic interpenetrating networks in the ceramic matrix, that improve in their formation with an increases of Ti in the composite.

      • KCI등재

        Sobre algunas representaciones sociales y culturales en el Quijote

        Juan Felipe Villar D?gano 한국스페인어문학회 2006 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.41

        Este artículo forma parte de un trabajo más amplio que estoy elaborando, sobre códigos sociales y culturales en el siglo XVII español, reflejados en la literatura. Su objetivo es relacionar el Quijote con una serie de prácticas intelectuales y sociales que ya formaban parte del imaginario de la época, y que Cervantes inserta en la obra con excepcional habilidad como muestras representativas de su manera de concebir el mundo. Para ello, he seleccionado los capítulos VI y XXXII y LXII y LXIII de la Primera y Segunda Parte de la obra, respectivamente, como representaciones de alto valor estético e ideológico, que, bajo el sutil disfraz de la parodia. Ponen de manifiesto, por una parte, los vastos conocimientos literarios del escritor, que le permiten hacer metaficción con su juego creativo entre “verdad” y verosimilitud; y, por otra, hacerse eco igualmente de las tensiones sociales de su tiempo, proponiendo siempre soluciones muy acordes con el sentido común y el justo medio, aparentemente contradictorios con las desafortunadas actuaciones del “loco” protagonista.

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