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      • KCI등재

        Public Opinion Polls, Governance and Democratization : The Philippines

        Velasco, Renato S. 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2002 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        This paper seeks to describe, explain and analyze the 2000 Gallup Millennium Survey (hereinafter, GMS) data on democratic governance in the Philippines in comparison with other nine countries covered in the study. Organized along trust and governance issues, the GMS data allows for a useful - albeit tentative - comparative assessment of political values, norms and beliefs among Asian countries. Political and governance research with public opinion polls as primary material bears a lot of promise in understanding public affairs and promoting democratic governance. Democratic impulse is enhanced every time public views and sentiments are factored in policies, programs and decisions. It checks and qualifies overstatements of forceful yer impressionistic prescriptions and coherent yet technocratic views. If developed to a level of regularity and methodology such as those which now poerate in Western democracies, opinion polls stand to be a valuable guide in good governance and citizenship in Asia. For the region, the two major challenges that ought to be hurdled are the polls' usual enormous logistical requirements and politico-cultural constraints. The study is divided in three parts. First is the discussion of the background, factors and trends in Philippine democratization. This section seeks to put the description and analysis of GMS data in a broader domestic political and socioeconomic context. Second is the discussion and analysis of GMS data. To allow for greater comparison, the discourse has adopted the six modules on trust and governance from the paper of Profs. Chung-Si Ahn and Won Taek Kang's which was presented last Nov. 17-18, 2000 at Seoul National University. They are as follows: 1) Social quality of life; 2) Gonernment responsiveness/accountability and representation; 3) Government Efficiency; 4) Human Rights, Equality and Freedom; 5) Women's Rights; 6) Peace and Violence. Whenever necessary and possible, other Philippine survey data and other relevant studies are cited to explain the GMS findings. Some of the questions to be answered in this section include the following: What is the level of satisfaction of Filipinos their quality of life? How much hope or trust do they have in Philippine democracy? Do they consider government to be just or corrupt? What is the level of women's rights and empowerment? Does peace or absence of war matter most for Filipinos? How do the Filipinos' trust and government ratings differ from their Asian neighbors? What can be the underlying factors for their similar or different perceptions and levels of satisfaction ratings? Third and last is the summary and a few concluding statements.

      • KCI등재

        Geometric and mechanical properties evaluation of scaffolds for bone tissue applications designing by a reaction-diffusion models and manufactured with a material jetting system

        Velasco, Marco A.,Lancheros, Yadira,Garzon-Alvarado, Diego A. Society for Computational Design and Engineering 2016 Journal of computational design and engineering Vol.3 No.4

        Scaffolds are essential in bone tissue engineering, as they provide support to cells and growth factors necessary to regenerate tissue. In addition, they meet the mechanical function of the bone while it regenerates. Currently, the multiple methods for designing and manufacturing scaffolds are based on regular structures from a unit cell that repeats in a given domain. However, these methods do not resemble the actual structure of the trabecular bone which may work against osseous tissue regeneration. To explore the design of porous structures with similar mechanical properties to native bone, a geometric generation scheme from a reaction-diffusion model and its manufacturing via a material jetting system is proposed. This article presents the methodology used, the geometric characteristics and the modulus of elasticity of the scaffolds designed and manufactured. The method proposed shows its potential to generate structures that allow to control the basic scaffold properties for bone tissue engineering such as the width of the channels and porosity. The mechanical properties of our scaffolds are similar to trabecular tissue present in vertebrae and tibia bones. Tests on the manufactured scaffolds show that it is necessary to consider the orientation of the object relative to the printing system because the channel geometry, mechanical properties and roughness are heavily influenced by the position of the surface analyzed with respect to the printing axis. A possible line for future work may be the establishment of a set of guidelines to consider the effects of manufacturing processes in designing stages.

      • KCI등재

        Nexus of Strong Presidentialism and Philippine Foreign Policy: The Case of the Duterte Presidency's Hedging toward China

        Velasco Joseph Ching,Song Weiqing 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2023 Pacific Focus Vol.38 No.3

        During the Duterte presidency from June 2016 to June 2022, the government of the Philippines limited its affinity with the United States and pursued an ostensibly pro‐China policy. This bold move took place amid the ongoing US–China rivalry. This paper carries out a retrospective examination of Duterte's China policy from the perspective of Philippine domestic politics. Specifically, we assess the international relations literature on hedging as a foreign policy strategy and argue that domestic factors play a major role in filtering systemic influences and leaving state leaders with sufficient room for strategic discretion and maneuvering. This is particularly the case with the Philippines, where strong presidentialism gives clout to the president in foreign policy development. We argue that much of the “audacious” behavior in the foreign policy of the Duterte government can simultaneously be understood as pragmatic, as it was believed to better serve the regime's short‐term goals. While the alliance with the United States remained largely intact, the Duterte government emphasized its success in stabilizing Sino–Philippine relations.

      • KCI등재

        Theoretical study of 1D gradient photonic structures with quartic polynomial dielectric profile formed by AllGa1-lAs varying pressure and temperature under oblique incidence

        Calvo-Velasco D.M.,Sánchez-Cano Robert 한국물리학회 2022 Current Applied Physics Vol.41 No.-

        In this work it is presented a theoretical study of the optical properties of 1D photonic systems with gradient dielectric profile layers of quartic polynomial type, using the dielectric AllGa1-lAs being the Al concentration along the width of the slab as the gradient function, when external parameters as the pressure and the temperature are considered. It is shown that the proposed gradient profile admits an analytic approach supported on the method of series to find the solutions of the wave equations for the TE and TM polarizations. Also, it is proposed a new regression model for the calculation of the dielectric value of AllGa1-lAs as a function of the pressure and temperature. The results showed that the increase in the pressure shifts and changes the transmission bands due to the decrease in the dielectric mean value of the gradient slab. On the other hand, it is found that the increase in the temperature shifts the transmission bands to lower frequencies but without changing their shape distribution. Considering the inclusion of graphene, it is observed its effect on the distribution of the transmission bands at different frequencies depending on the graphene properties. It is expected that the proposed structure can be contribute to the development of new devices when the pressure, the temperature and the chemical potential of graphene are used as external tunable parameters.

      • KCI등재

        Omnidirectional photonic band gaps in one-dimensional gradient refractive index photonic crystals considering linear and quadratic profiles

        Calvo-Velasco D.M.,Sánchez-Cano Robert 한국물리학회 2022 Current Applied Physics Vol.35 No.-

        By using the transfer matrix formalism, in this work it is presented the study of the optical properties of 1D photonic structures constructed with M periods of bilayers of dielectric material and slabs with gradient refractive index (GRIN) profile of two types: linear and quadratic. By varying the profile parameters, preserving the average value of the refractive index for the GRIN slab, the results show the formation of new photonic band gaps whose bandwidths depends on the slope and the curvature of the linear and quadratic profile respectively. Also, it can be observed the formation of omnidirectional photonic bandgaps for the TE and TM polarizations, one for the linear profile and three for the quadratic one, for which their bandwidths depend linearly on the slope and the curvature of the GRIN profiles. It is expected that the presented results could be useful in the construction of optical devices based in their optical response under oblique incidence.

      • KCI등재

        Al filo de Guillermo Samperio: un escritor inclasificable

        ( Rafael Pontes Velasco ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2008 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.1 No.-

        El proposito de este articulo reside en una doble vertiente de difusion y analisis. Por una parte, presentaremos a Guillermo Samperio, uno de los escritores mexicanos de mayor trascendencia y posibilidades de perduracion en la literatura latinoamericana contemporanea. Por otra, trazaremos pinceladas criticas sobre su obra, una de las mas arriesgadas en el aspecto formal e innovadoras en cuanto a tematica de los ultimos tiempos, desde una perspectiva cronologica y desde diferentes generos literarios. Asumiremos para ello una metodologia que combine el rigor filologico con la aceptacion de las dificultades implicitas que supone abordar lo inclasificable de una apuesta unica y en continuo crecimiento, con la conviccion de que la indudable calidad de la creacion de Samperio merece un puesto destacado y memorable en la historia literaria de nuestra era. El presente estudio abarcara desde el primer libro de cuentos de nuestro autor, Cuando el tacto toma la palabra (1974), hasta el ultimohasta la fecha, La guerra oculta (2008), revisando el resto de titulos significativos de una amplia trayectoria en narrativa, lirica y ensayistica. Dada la versatil y ya extensa bibliografia samperiana, procuraremos aportar una vision global de una propuesta tan brillante en la escritura de largo aliento como maestra y definitoria en los marcos de la ficcion breve. Bienvenidos al fascinante mundo de Guillermo Samperio, del que resulta tan accesible su entrada como imposible su salida.

      • KCI등재

        La muerte enamorada. Amor y muerte en la literatura espa?ola de los siglos XVIII y XIX

        Rafael Pontes Velasco 한국스페인어문학회 2005 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.37

        Entre las múltiples preocupaciones que los escritores españoles de los siglos XVIII y XIX abordaron en sus obras, cabe preguntarse por qué elegimos el estudio del "amor" y la "muerte". Sencillamente, porque la conjunción de estos dos conceptos implica una belleza equivalente a la armonía perfecta. Es decir, su unión indisoluble apunta a una suerte de compenetración cósmica, anhelada a lo largo de la historia de la Humanidad. La relación existente entre el amor y la muerte conlleva, en la mayor parte de las letras orientales y occidentales, la asunción de un orden primigenio y, con él, la posibilidad de otra vida fronteriza, anterior o posterior a la perceptible y conocida. Esa otra vida, enlazada íntimamente con la génesis literaria, trataremos de analizarla a través de la semántica profunda de los siguientes textos españoles de los siglos XVIII y XIX: Noches lúgubres (1774), de José Cadalso; Los amantes de Teruel (1836), de Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch; El estudiante de Salamanca (1839), de José de Espronceda; El diablo mundo (1840), también de José de Espronceda; Don Juan Tenorio (1844), de José Zorrilla; y Rimas (1867), de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. El comentario de estas obras no se detendrá en el género literario de las mismas ni en sus peculiaridades formales. En cambio, adoptaremos una óptica centrada en los hallazgos de algunos de los libros más radicales a la hora de afrontar la comunión del amor y la muerte en la literatura, como Justine o los infortunios de la virtud (1791), del Marqués de Sade; Más allá del principio del placer (1920), de Sigmund Freud; El erotismo (1957), de Georges Bataille; y Pensamiento y cultura en la antigua India (1995), de Ana Agud.

      • Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunting (TIPS) versus Endoscopic Band Ligation and Beta-Blocker Combination Therapy for Secondary Prophylaxis of Variceal Bleeding: A Meta-Analysis

        ( Mariel Dianne Velasco ),( Geraldine Claire Floro ),( Adrian Manuel Fausto ),( Jenis Emmanuel Camenforte ),( Felix Zano ) 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: Variceal hemorrhage is a life-threatening complication of cirrhosis. Combination of endoscopic band ligation (EBL) and nonselective beta-blockers (NSBB) is the current preferred secondary prophylaxis. This meta-analysis aims to determine if transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting (TIPS) is comparable to EBL + NSBB in the prevention of a recurrent variceal bleed. Methods: Included studies were randomized trials where treatment groups underwent TIPS after a variceal bleed. The outcomes measured were recurrence of variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy and mortality. A search of PubMed, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library for articles up to February 2017 was done using the terms “variceal bleeding”, “varix”, “transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt”, and “TIPS”. Analysis of study data was carried out through RevMan 5.3. Pooled efficacy of the intervention was done by estimating the risk ratio and 95% confidence interval and heterogeneity assessed by evaluating chi-square and I2 tests. Sensitivity analysis was performed to determine cause of heterogeneity. Results: Four studies were included. The risk ratio for recurrence of variceal bleeding was 0.33 (95% CI 0.12 - 0.91), showing benefit for the use of TIPS. The p-value for the chi-square test was 0.06, showing no statistically significant heterogeneity. For the outcome of hepatic encephalopathy, RR was 1.17 (95% CI 0.71 - 1.94). There was a trend towards benefit with the use of TIPS in the prevention of mortality (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.46 - 1.32). Conclusions: TIPS is a feasible alternative to EBL + NSBB for the secondary prevention of variceal bleeding.

      • KCI등재

        El cine, Cagliostro y la generacin del 27

        Rafael Pontes Velasco 한국스페인어문학회 2007 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.45

        Cagliostro (1934), “novela visual” del poeta Vicente Huidobro, se relaciona con la generación del 27 en tanto asume y personaliza los postulados filosóficos que los artistas de la época mantenían en torno al cine y la literatura. Anticipadamente, el principal promotor del creacionismo apoyó la consolidación del interés de La Gaceta literaria por el séptimo arte. El propósito de nuestro artículo reside en reconstruir el puente que Cagliostro pudo haber diseñado entre Huidobro y los autores españoles del 27, propiciado por una inspiración vanguardista común. Estructuramos nuestra reflexión en cuatro partes. En primer lugar, proponemos una sinopsis argumental de Cagliostro y un comentario del mismo, a la luz de varios hallazgos estéticos de Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca y Rafael Alberti. A continuación, analizamos algunas de las técnicas cinematográficas de la novela, teniendo en cuenta sus procedimientos literarios. En tercer lugar, realizamos una digresión interpretativa en torno al simbolismo de “los ojos” en el cine, y por tanto en la literatura de Huidobro y la generación del 27. Finalmente, damos paso a las conclusiones valorativas y señalamos el posible alcance profético que la vinculación primigenia entre la magia y la imagen suscitaba en los primeros artistas de vanguardia.

      • KCI등재

        Building a Culture of Peace through Non-Formal Education: The Case of Colombia's Memory Museum

        Ana Catalina Velasco,Kevin Kester 한국비교교육학회 2022 比較敎育硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        This article explores Colombia’s Memory Museum as a form of non-formal peace education in a conflict-affected society. Since the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian government and FARC, many initiatives have been established to foster reconciliation and sustainable peacebuilding. One such initiative is the Colombian Memory Museum. Through a qualitative case study approach involving in-depth interviews, document analysis and digital artefacts, this study explores the potential of the museum to contribute to building a culture of peace in Colombia. The study is guided by two questions: What possibilities can non-formal peace education strategies like Colombia’s Memory Museum offer to construct a culture of peace in conflict-affected settings like Colombia? What lessons could be learned from Colombia’s Memory Museum that might be useful for educators in other contexts facing conflict and division? Organized into five themes, findings indicate that the museum aligns with the construction of a culture of peace by helping in the rejection of violent conflict to solve differences, fostering self-reflection as a strategy to resist structural and cultural violence, promoting horizontality, presenting multiple views of reality, and working toward social justice in the form of symbolic reparation. It is expected that the analysis presented in this paper is meaningful for South Korean researchers and educators who aim to employ new forms of non-formal education to promote a more sustainable culture of peace.

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