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        Care and Share Associates (CASA) in U.K.

        Guy turnbull 한국협동조합학회 2016 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        CASA는 노인과 장애인을 위한 재가돌봄서비스 직원협동조합(사회적 협동조합)이다. 1991년 영국에서 법이 변경되어 지자체 직영의 공공서비스가 민영화되면서 돌봄서비스협동조합으로 설립되었다. 서비스수혜자들이 가장 원하는 것은 오랫동안 지속적인 관계를 유지하며 서비스를 받는 것임을 알고, 직원들이 소유권을 가진다면 오래 장기적으로 근무하면서 양질의 서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것이라고 생각하며 직원소유 사회적협동조합을 만든 것이다. 현재 7개 도시에서 850명이 넘는 직원들이 1,000명 이상의 고객들에게 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 이전에는 라이선스계약을 통해 CASA본사에서 재무관리와 운영전략 지원을 하는 프랜차이즈모델로 운영되었으나, 2010년 말에 규모의 경제 효과와, 협동조합모델을 더욱 확산시키기 위해 합병하여 단일 조직으로 만들었다. CASA는 돌봄서비스에서 핵심적인 요소인 직원들의 이직율을 줄이고 서비스의 질을 높이기 위해 이들에 대한 교육투자와 운영상황에 대한 투명한 정보제공, 성과의 공정한 배분을 매우 중요시하고 있다. 또한, 혁신적이고 효율적인 사업운영을 위해 지역의 정부기관, 의료자선단체 등과 긴밀한 협조를 하고 있으며, 낙후된 지역에 들어가 사람들을 고용하고 환경친화적인 방식으로 일하는 등 스스로를 지역사회의 일부로 여기며 지역사회와 지역환경에 좋은 영향을 미치기 위해 노력하고 있다. 최근에는 맨체스터 남부에서 직업센타(Job Centre Plus)와 손을 잡고 사회복지학원(Social Care Academy)를 설립하여 인력을 양성하고 있다.

      • In Pursuit of Islamic “Authenticity”: Localizing Muslim Identity on China’s Peripheries

        Lesley Turnbull 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2014 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.12

        In this ethnographic sketch, I analyze the complex processes of Sino-Islamic identity formation by examining the variety and diversity of locally produced “authenticity,” situated within a global understanding of Islam. Even within a single province, among a single official minzu (nationality) that People’s Republic of China propaganda, media, and scholarship often construct as a unified, static group, localized practices and processes of identity formation are remarkably diverse. This article investigates how trans/national discourses and practices of Islamic authenticity are localized within two specific field sites: the provincial capital of Kunming and the rural Muslim enclave of Shadian. For the purposes of this article, I focus primarily on how life is temporally and spatially structured, both in everyday practice and in imaginings of one’s place in history, modernity, the Muslim world, and the Chinese state. By setting out details of the daily lives of two Hui Muslim women, I aim to elucidate how temporal and spatial structures of life, which are tied to urban or rural location, reflect and shape local identity formation. I argue that as actors involved in their own self-production, Hui Muslims in Kunming and Shadian negotiated, appropriated, and contested both monolithic notions of Islam and the official statepropagated minzu classificatory system, producing their own versions of authentic Hui Muslim identities. What constituted authentic Hui Muslim identity depended to a great extent on the residence of the individual.

      • KCI등재

        Learner Perspectives on National Identity and EFL Education in Japan : Report of a Questionnaire Study

        Blake Turnbull 아시아영어교육학회 2017 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.14 No.2

        Although the Japanese discourse of nihonjinron argues that the increasing hegemony of the English language will have negative effects on the Japanese identity, some scholars have suggested the opposite, that English in Japan plays a significant role in strengthening and maintaining the ideologies of the Japanese national identity. This paper investigates the potential for both positive and/or negative impacts of English education in Japan by analysing the attitudes and perspectives of 97 Japanese tertiary-level EFL students towards the study of English on Japan’s national and cultural identity. The findings suggest that support for the theories of the nihonjinron discourse are not as strong amongst the younger generation in Japan as what they once were. Participants identified the Japanese language as a constituent element of national identity, and it is therefore suggested that removing Japanese from the EFL classroom entirely, as has been advocated for in foreign language policies, may actually cultivate negative ideologies towards the study of English in general. The findings suggest the need to build a positive relationship between the English language as a support for Japanese identity if we are to see an improvement in Japanese students’ attitudes toward, and development of, EFL on the whole.

      • KCI등재

        Care and Share Associates (CASA) in U.K.

        ( Dr Guy Turnbull ) 한국협동조합학회 2016 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        CASA는 노인과 장애인을 위한 재가돌봄서비스 직원협동조합(사회적 협동조합)이다. 1991년 영국에서 법이 변경되어 지자체 직영의 공공서비스가 민영화되면서 돌봄서비스협동조합으로 설립되었다. 서비스수혜자들이 가장 원하는 것은 오랫동안 지속적인 관계를 유지하며 서비스를 받는 것임을알고, 직원들이 소유권을 가진다면 오래 장기적으로 근무하면서 양질의 서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것이라고 생각하며 직원소유 사회적협동조합을 만든 것이다. 현재 7개 도시에서 850명이 넘는 직원들이 1,000명 이상의 고객들에게 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 이전에는 라이선스계약을 통해 CASA 본사에서 재무관리와 운영전략 지원을 하는 프랜차이즈모델로 운영되었으나, 2010년 말에 규모의경제 효과와, 협동조합모델을 더욱 확산시키기 위해 합병하여 단일 조직으로 만들었다. CASA는 돌봄서비스에서 핵심적인 요소인 직원들의 이직율을 줄이고 서비스의 질을 높이기 위해 이들에 대한 교육투자와 운영상황에 대한 투명한 정보제공, 성과의 공정한 배분을 매우 중요시하고 있다. 또한, 혁신적이고 효율적인 사업운영을 위해 지역의 정부기관, 의료자선단체 등과 긴밀한 협조를 하고 있으며, 낙후된 지역에 들어가 사람들을 고용하고 환경친화적인 방식으로 일하는 등 스스로를 지역사회의 일부로 여기며 지역사회와 지역환경에 좋은 영향을 미치기 위해 노력하고 있다. 최근에는 맨체스터 남부에서 직업센타(Job Centre Plus)와 손을 잡고 사회복지학원(Social Care Academy)를 설립하여 인력을 양성하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Ventricular Arrhythmia Burden as a Marker of Success Following Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with Structural Heart Disease

        Richard Bennett,Samual Turnbull,Yasuhito Kotake,Timothy Campbell,Saurabh Kumar 대한심장학회 2021 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.51 No.5

        Background and Objectives: There is little emphasis on the efficacy of catheter ablation for ventricular arrhythmia (VA) when using VA burden reduction as a marker for success. We examined the efficacy of catheter ablation using VA burden, rather than VA recurrence as a marker of success, following catheter ablation of structural heart disease (SHD) related VA. Methods: Catheter ablation of SHD related VA was performed at a single centre over 4-years. VA episodes and implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapies were recorded over the 6-months before and after final ablation. Outcomes were reported in terms of burden reduction and compared to singular VA recurrence. Results: Overall, 108 patients were included in the study. Mean age 64.2±13.9 years, 86% male, mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 42±16%. Median VA episodes and ICD therapy were significantly reduced after ablation (VA before: 10 [interquartile range, IQR: 2–38] vs. VA after: 0 [IQR: 0–2], p<0.001; anti–tachycardia pacing [ATP] before: 16 (IQR: 1.5–57) vs. ATP after: 0 [IQR: 0–2], p<0.001; shocks before: 1 [IQR: 0–5] vs. shocks after: 0 [IQR: 0–0], p<0.001). Procedural success at 6-months was significantly higher when considering ≥75% reduction in VA burden, rather than a singular VA-free survival (83% vs. 67%, p=0.001). Conclusions: The vast majority (>80%) of patients achieve reduction in VA burden (≥75% reduction) after catheter ablation for VA. This data suggests that catheter ablation is highly therapeutic when procedure success is defined as reduction in VA, rather than using a single VA recurrence as a metric for failure.

      • KCI등재

        A high-whey-protein diet does not enhance mechanical and structural remodeling of cardiac muscle in response to aerobic exercise in rats

        Kevin Boldt,Venus Joumaa,Jeannine Turnbull,Paul W.M. Fedak,Walter Herzog 한국운동영양학회 2022 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.26 No.1

        [Purpose] Aerobic exercise training results in distinct structural and mechanical myocardial adaptations. In skeletal muscle, whey protein supplementation is effective in enhancing muscle adaptation following resistance exercise. However, it is unclear whether cardiac adaptation to aerobic exercise can be enhanced by systematic protein supplementation. [Methods] Twelve-week-old rats were assigned to 12 weeks of either sedentary or aerobic exercise with either a standard (Sed+Standard, Ex+Standard) or high-protein (Sed+Pro, Ex+Pro) diet. Echocardiography was used to measure cardiac structural remodeling and performance. Skinned cardiac fiber bundles were used to determine the active and passive stress properties, maximum shortening velocity, and calcium sensitivity. [Results] Aerobic training was characterized structurally by increases in ventricle volume (Ex+Standard, 19%; Ex+Pro, 29%) and myocardial thickness (Ex+Standard, 26%; Ex+Pro, 12%) compared to that of baseline. Skinned trabecular fiber bundles also had a greater unloaded shortening velocity (Sed+Standard, 1.04±0.05; Sed+Pro, 1.07±0.03; Ex+Standard, 1.16±0.04; Ex+Pro, 1.18±0.05 FL/s) and calcium sensitivity (pCa50: Sed+Standard, 6.04±0.17; Sed+Pro, 6.08±0.19; Ex+Standard, 6.30±0.09; Ex+Pro, 6.36±0.12) in trained hearts compared to that of hearts from sedentary animals. However, the addition of a high-protein diet did not provide additional benefits to either the structural or mechanical adaptations of the myocardium. [Conclusion] Therefore, it seems that a high-whey-protein diet does not significantly enhance adaptations of the heart to aerobic exercise in comparison to that of a standard diet.

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