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      • KCI등재

        경기도지역 송이버섯 분포 및 식생환경조사

        하태문 외 한국버섯학회 2004 한국버섯학회지 Vol.2 No.4

        We carried out survey of a pine mushroom picking district and its vegetation environment for increase and maintainment of its production in Kyonggi province. The district which we could pick up pine mushroom among the nineteen surveyed district were sixteen such as Geoleun ri Gangcheon myeon Yeoju gun Kyonggi do, etc. and total yields were 470∼600 kg in Kyonggi province. The temperature of atmosphere and earth in Yeoju and Bonghwa were droped to 19℃ at 5∼7th september and maintained from 12℃∼18℃ during the a pine mushroom picking period. The density of a pine tree per 100m2 was 5.1∼27.1 trees, the years of it was 15∼50years old and height was 4∼11 meter. The pine tree in a pine mushroom picking district was competed with oak trees, azaleas, lacquers, etc. The depth of organic materials accumulated on the pine mushroom mycelium layer was 4.5 cm in Yeoju. The soil texture of a pine mushroom picking district was almost sandy, soil pH was 4.3∼5.1 and organic material content was 3.91∼8.28%. 송이가 발생되지 않는 것으로 알려져 있는 경기지역의 과거 송이발생지와 발생가능지역을 중심으로 '99∼'00년간 송이 발생현황 및 식생조사를 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다 1. 도내 송이발생 지역은 조사지역 19개 지역중 여주군 강천면 걸은리 등 16개 지역이었고 년간 발생량은 총470∼600kg정도였으며, 여주군 강천면 걸은리, 북내면 도전리와 포천군 영중면 금주리 등 일부지역은 현재까지 양호한 식생환경조건을 유지하고 있었으나, 향후 지속적인 적송림의 유지관리가 요구되었으며, 나머지 지역에서는 식생변화 등으로 송이발생량이 대폭 감소하였거나 발생되지 않았다. 2. 도내 조사지역의 송이버섯은 9월 12∼15일에 발생되기 시작하여 9월말에 최성기, 10월 7∼9일경 마무리 되었고 송이발생전후의 기온과 지온은 9월 5∼7일경에 송이 자실체 발생을 위해 자극을 받기 시작하는 온도인 19℃ 이하로 낮아졌고, 그 후 약 5∼7일 이후에 송이자실체가 발생되었으며, 송이발생기간동안 기온은 12∼18℃, 지온은 14∼18℃를 유지하였다. 3. 송이 발생지점의 적송밀도는 100m²당 5.1∼27.1그루, 수령은 15∼50년생, 수고는 4∼11m이었고, 활엽수 및 관목의 밀도가 43∼80%로 높아 간벌과 적송의 관리가 시급한 것으로 조사되었다. 4. 유기물층의 깊이는 여주, 포천지역은 3.5∼4.5cm, 양평, 가평, 광주는 7.2∼7.7cm였으며 울폐도는 50∼75%범위였다. 5. 토성은 조사지역 모두 사질토였고 토양pH는 4.3∼5.1, 유기물함량은 3.91∼8.28 범위였다.

      • KCI등재

        큰느타리버섯 주요재배지 실태조사 및 병원균 분리동정

        하태문 외 한국버섯학회 2006 한국버섯학회지 Vol.4 No.4

        We have investigated cultural circumstance and given condition of king oyster mushroom(Pleurotus eryngii) growing farmer. We collected many pathogens from King oyster mushroom growing farmer and identified with chemicobiological test and microscope. Most of investigated farmers neglected their's growing room cleaning and washing, after harvesting At pin-heading induction time, humidity degree in growing room was kept of high level and Air ventilation volume was so little that fruit-body formation ratio was low. The collected pathogens were twenty eight strains and identified with Pseudomonas sp., Trichoderma sp. mostly. During the spawn running time and pin-heading induction time, contamination by Trichoderma sp. occurred mostly, but during the fruit-body growing time, contamination by Pseudomonas sp., Erwinia sp. etc, occurred 1995년이후부터 재배되어온 큰느타리버섯은 배양중 오염율 증가, 발이상태불량, 기형버섯의 발생, 수량 격감 등 이른바 연작장해로 불리어지는 재배상 문제점들에 대한 원인파악과 해결책이 요구되어, 전국의 큰느타리버섯 주요 재배농가에서의 종균관리, 배지제조, 배양 및 생육관리 등 전반적인 재배실태와 연작장해 발생정도를 조사한 결과와 균배양, 버섯발생, 자실체 생육과정에서 발생된 병원균을 분리하여 동정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 가. 재배실태조사 결과 재배사 청결관리가 미흡하고 수확 후 재배사 세척 및 소독이 소홀하였다. 나. 발이유기시 습도가 90%이상, 환기는 소량 또는 억제하여 관리한 농가들에서 발이 유기부위에서 세균 및 곰팡이에 의한 오염과 기형버섯 발생 등으로 인해 수량이 낮았다. 다. 자실체 생육시 발이개체수가 과다하였고 환기 및 습도 관리 미숙으로 자실체 갈변, 환기장해 등으로 자실체 생육이 불량하였다. 라. 강제흡기-강제배기 방식보다 강제흡기-자연배기 방식이나 자연흡기-강제배기 방식의 농가가 많아 발이 유기시 많은 양의 환기를 필요로 하는 큰느타리버섯 재배에 부적합한 환기시스템을 갖추고 있었다. 마. 큰느타리버섯 재배농가에서 수집한 병원균은 총 28점으로 세균13점, 곰팡이15점이었고 채집부위별로는 배양병에서 8점, 발이유기부위에서 12점, 자실체에서 8점을 분리하였다. 바. 큰느타리버섯 재배시 문제가 되는 세균은 Pseudomonas sp. Erwinia sp 가 많았는데. 발이유기 배지표면 오염과 자실체 갈변 및 괴사와 관련된 병징을 유발하였고, 곰팡이는 대부분 Trichoderma sp. 이었으며 주로 배양병 및 발이유기부위에서 발병하였다.

      • KCI등재

        느타리버섯 병재배 배양온도 및 배양기간에 따른 생육반응 연구

        하태문 외 한국버섯학회 2003 한국버섯학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        느타리버섯 병재배 품종 다양화와 신품종 느타리버섯의 병재배기술 확립을 위해 춘추2호, 수한1호, 흑평의 배양온도별 적정 배양일수에 대한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다 1. 춘추2호의 배양일수는 23℃ 배양시 17일, 17℃에서 21일이었고 흑평은 23℃와 26℃ 배양시 17일, 17℃에서 22일이었으며, 수한은 22~23일로 배양온도간 비슷하였다. 2. 초발이소요일수는 춘추2호와 흑평은 배양온도별로 4~5일 소요되었고 수한1호는 17℃, 20℃, 23℃에서는 3일, 26℃에서는 5~6일이 소요되었다. 3. 자실체특성은 춘추2호의 경우 배양일수가 길수록 유효경수가 20~25개 정도로 많았고 수한1호는 배양일수가 짧을수록 유효경수가 많았다. 4. 춘추2호와 흑평 수량은 배양온도별로 배양기간이 길수록 높은 경향이었으나 수한1호는 배양기간이 길수록 감소하였다. 춘추2호와 흑평은 배양온도 20~23℃에서 22~27일간, 수한1호는 17~23℃엥서 22~23일간 배양후발이시켰을 때 수량이 가장 높았다. This study was carried out to determine the proper pin-heading induction time(spawn running time) when different incubation temperature were applied to Pleurotus ostreatus{Chunchu 2ho, Suhan lho, Heukpyung). Incubation period was 17 days at 23 and 21 days at 17 for Chunchu 2ho, 17 days at 23 and 26 for Heukpyung, and 22~23 days at 17~23 for Suhan lho. Incubation period for Suhan lho was not significantly affected by incubation temperature. The time required for initial pin-heading was 4~5 days at 17 ,20 , 23 and 26 for Chunchu 2ho as well as Heukpyung, and was 3 days at 17 , 20 , 23 and 5~6 days at 26 for Suhan lho. As the incubation period became longer, the available fruitbodies at Chunchu 2ho were made more but they were short. The yield of Chunchu 2ho and Heukpyung increased when incubated for 22~27 days at 20~23 and that of Suhan lho also increased when incubated for 22 ~23 days at 17~23.

      • 거북밀깍지벌레(Cerostegia japonicus)의 發生消長과 그 防除에 관한 硏究

        裵泰雄,曺種澤,河祥永,韓熙世,文炳周 東亞大學校 1979 東亞論叢 Vol.16 No.2

        거북밀깍지벌레의 效果的인 防除法을 규명하기 위하여 釜山地域에서의 發生消長을 검토하고, 4종류의 寄主別로 기계유유제, 有機燐劑 3종 및 Carbamate劑 3종을 공시하여 殺蟲率을 Bliss의 Probit법으로 분석하고 農藥의 농도에 따른 蟲體의 呼吸代謝를 검토 하였다. 1. 釜山地方에서의 거북밀깍지벌레의 孵化器는 6月15日∼7月12日이였으며 孵化最盛期는 7月 初旬이였다. 2. 防除適期는 8月10日경이었다. 3. 8月3日에 처리한 寄主別의 본 害蟲의 LD?이 가장 낮은 것은 자목련에서는 DEP, 감나무에서는 BUX,사철나무와 치자나무에서는 BUX와 DEP로서 전체적으로 볼 때 BUX 및 DEP가 가장 效果的이고 그 다음이 Diazinon이였다. 4. 8月18日 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 것은 자목련과 감나무에서는 Diazinon이, 사철나무와 치자나무에서는 BUX와 DEP로서 전체적으로 보면 Diazinon, BUX와 DEP등이 感受性이 높았다. 5. 8月3日의 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 농약은 BUX로서 寄主別 농도 범위는 0.011∼0.043%였다. 6. 8月18日의 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 농약은 BUX와 Diazinon으로서 寄主別 농도 범위는 각각 0.011∼0.1076%, 0.028∼0.074%였다. 7. 本 害蟲의 正常 酸素消費量은 9.25∼10.02㎕O₂/㎎ body weight/hour였으며 寄主에 따른 차이를 인정할 수 없었다. 8. Diazinon과 BUX에서는 농도가 높아질수록 산소소비량은 정상호흡량 보다 훨씬 증가하였으나 기계유유제에서는 감소되었다. In order to investigate the effective control of Florida was scale (Cerostegia japonicus), the seasonal occurrences of 1st in star in Busan area was examined, the insecticides tested with the different four hosts were carbamates(NAC,BUX BPMC), organicphosphates(DEP,MEP,Diazinon)and Machine-oil emulson, and the mortality was analyzed by the probit analysis. Also the effects of insecticide's concentration on respiratory metabolism of Florida wax scale was examined. The results obtained were as follows 1. The periods of the larva occurrence was from June 15 to July 12, and the major peak of its occurrence was found to be in the early July. 2. The adequate period for the effective control of Florida wax scale was about August 10. 3. The lowest insecticides of LD 50 values to Florida wax scale with each hosts in August 10 was DEP in the people magnolia, BUX in the persimmon tree, BUX and DEP in the spindle tree and the gardenia. So generally the most effective insecticides for controlling it were BUX and DEP, Diazinon was the next. 4. In the second experiments treated in August 18, the lowest insecticide of LD50 values to it was Diazinon in the purple magnolia and the persimmon tree, BUX and DEP in the spindle tree and the gardenia. So the susceptibility of it to the insecticides was highest in Diazinon, BUX and DEP. 5. The lowest insecticide of LD90 values to it was BUX and the concentration range by the hosts was from. 0.011% to 0.043%. 6. In the second experiment treated in August 18, the lowest insecticides of LD90 values to it were BUX and Diazinon, and the concentration ranges by the hosts were from 0.011 to 0.1076%, 0.028 to 0.074% respectively. 7. The normal oxygen consumption of Florida wax scale was from 9.25 to 10.02㎕O₂/㎎ body weight/hour and wasn't recognized the significance by the hosts. 8. The oxygen consumption of it in Diazinon and BUX was higher with increasing of insecticides concentration than the normal respiratory, but it was decreased in machine oil emulsion.

      • 稻熱病 抵抗性에 關한 硏究

        金明運,盧愼圭,白壽鳳,李成泰,任文淳,朴澤奎,李麗夏 건국대학교 1974 學術誌 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was made to investigate the degree of rice blast disease developing in various plants and also the relationship between the disease developing and the amount of content of nutrients in rice plants which were differently dressed. Possibility for culture of rice-blast race was studied and the structure of infected leaves were observed by electron microscope. 1) The varieties sampled, Pung-kwang, Jin-heung, Pal-tal, Pung-ok and Tong-il, were seeded and cultivated in pots. When fifth or sixth leaf emerged, the races of blast T,C,N were innoculated in all varieties. In dressing test Pung-ok, which leas susceptible to blast, was dressed with nitrogen fertilizer in ordinary and twofold and in none-dressing or dressing of silicon fertilizer. When the fifth or sixth leaf was appeared, races T, C, N was innoculated in each varieties of pot. In all experiment the degree of infection was checked out according to the order of leaf, and at the same time, the relationship between the degree of disease developing and the contents of nutrients by determining the total nitrogen, total sugar, phosphoric acid, kalium, silicon dioxide soluble nitrogen and soluble sugar was studied. The occurance of symptom was relatively frequent in upper primary or secondary leaf in all varieties regardless of the kind of fertilizers or their dressing amount. Comparing the occurrencies of disease development in examined varieties, Jin heung was lowest and Pung-ok was highest, while Tong-il was completely free from the infection of the disease. The race T-type attacked most seriously the varieties of Jin-heung, Pal-Tal and Pung-kwang except Pung-ok, C-type was moderate and N-type was very weak in Pung-ok. In the amount of dressing, the occurance of disease was very rare in the rice plant of N-ordinary-silicon fertilizer dressed and frequent in that of nitrogen fertilizer-twofold-and-silicon fertilizer none dressed. The disease developing differed with the races, indicating T-type was most poweful, C-type moderate while N-type was weak. In the interaction between the contents of nutrients in riceplant and the degree of disease developing, Pung-ok, which was very abundant in nitrogen, phosporic acid, glutamic acid, asp artic acid glutamine, asparagine, cystine, serine and sucrose but little in sugar, kalium and silicondioxide, was most susceptible to the disease. Jin-heung, resistant one, was opposite to Pung-ok in all aspects. As a result there was a correlation between the kind or amount of nutrients in rice plant and the disease attack. According to the amount of dressed fertilizer, the rice plant dressed in N-twofold and silicon dioxide none dressed had the larger amounts of total nitrogen, phosphoric acid, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and gldtamine but little in sugar and silicon dioxide contents. While in the rice plant dressed with N-ordinary and silicon fertilizer. the tendancy of disease occuring was low respectively. 2) The study on the cultivation of race T,C,N in the media added such organic acid as succinic acid, valeric acid, malic acid, ketoglutaric acid and such phenolic chlorogenic acid and salicylic acid was made. The result of which was as follow: ① There were no differences in growth of T,C,N type races. ② In the media added organic acid the growth was favorable. ③ In the media added chlorogenic acid the growth was promoted but in the one added salicylic acid the growth was inhibited. 3) The morphological changes of the infected waves alls the structure of hypha of blast which had penetrated into the leaf cell of Pung-ok, which was susceptible one to the disease, was observed by electric microscope. The following facts were found. ① In healthy leaves normal nucleus, mitohcondria, chloroplast, entoplasmic reticulum, vacuole and cytoplasm, especially round substances, were chearly observed by electron microspcope. ② In the infected leaves, the space of the nucleus double memberance was enlarged, and some of the nucleu walls were destroyed. The thinlayer structure of glanalamelae in lamela system was enlarged, somewhere spates were appeared while stromas were disappeared. In mitochondria the spaces of the double membrance were enlarged. ③ Cytoplasm of cell which were attacked by hypha was completely destroyed and the hypha lost their normal structure. ④ In the structure of hypha which penetrated into the cell wall of epidermis, nucleus, mitochondria, round ectoplasmic reticulum, vacuole and substances were clearly observed.

      • Trichinella spiralis 感染이 마우스의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響

        任善永,李黃浩,金文中,河大有 全北大學校 齒醫學硏究所 1983 전북치대논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        Male, IcR mice weighing 20 to 25 gm were infected experimentally by esophageal intubation of 300 Trichinella spiralis infective muscle larvae prepared by acid-pepsin digestion of infected mice. Delayed type hypersensitivity and hemagglutinin antibody reactions to unrelated antigen, sheep red blood cell (SRBC) were measured at 37 and 83 days after infection, employing footpad and ear swelling reactions and microtitration technique. All mice were sensitized i.v. with SRBC. It was found that DTH and hemagglutinin responses to SRBC were depressed in infected mice when observed at 37 and 83 days postinfection, and degree of immunosuppression was more profound in mice observed at 83 days than in those at 37 days. The secondary cell-mediated immune response of DTH to SRBC were suppressed in Trichinella - infected mice, indicating the development of immunological memory cell is affected. In addition, immunodepression to SRBC in mice infected with T. spiralis was eliminated by pretreating infected mice by subcutaneous injection of cyclosphosphamide(100㎎/㎏) 2 days prior to infection. These results suggest that the immuno suppression in trichinellosis can be due to suppressor T cells.

      • Effect of prolonging the freshness maintenance period according to the growing humidity condition of Pleurotus eryngii

        Tai-moon Ha,Ji-young Moon,Jeong-Han Kim,Jong In Choi,Bok-Eum Shin,Guhyun Jung 한국버섯학회 2020 버섯 Vol.24 No.1

        The results of the study on the effect of extending the freshness maintenance period by controlling the growing environment such as growth temperature and humidity of Pleurotus eryngii for export are as follows. The temperature in the growth room was maintained at 17°C from the time of scratching P. eryngii until the formation of young mushrooms, then at 16°C and 12°C untill 2 days before harvesting. However, the control was maintained at 16 ℃ until the completion of the harvest. Relative humidity is maintained at 90% until 2 days before harvesting and then lowered to 85% from 2 days before harvesting (T2). A treatment group (T3) that was controlled as low as 80% from 2 days untill harvesting. Control (T1) was maintained at 90% until the end of the harvest. Growth days were 15 days in the control group, while 16 days in the T2 and T3 treatment groups took 1 more day. There was no difference between the amount per bottle and the pin-heading rate. The hardness of the fruiting body was harder than the T2 and T3 treatments than the control. When stored at a low temperature of 1 to 2°C, freshness was maintained for control (T1) for 50 days, but freshness was maintained for T2 and T3 treatment for 60 days. In addition, when stored at room temperature at 20°C for 8 days after low temperature storage at 1∼2°C for 10 days, 20 days, and 30 days, freshness was maintained at room temperature (20°C) for 8 days after T3 treatment was stored at room temperature for 30 days.

      • KCI등재

        The characteristics of oyster mushroom mycelium incubation and fruit-body growing accoding to moisture content of substrate and relative humidity in growing house

        Tai-Moon Ha,Dae-Hoon Jeon,Young-Cheuol Ju,Jae-Mo Sung 한국버섯학회 2008 한국버섯학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        This study was carried out to set up proper moisture content of substrate and relative humidity during fruit-body induction and growing period in oyster mushroom. The proper moisture content for mycelium incubation of Suhanneutari1ho was 65∼ 70% and that of Chunchu neutari2ho was 70%. at that condition, it took 13 days to finish spawn running and the yield of Suhanneutari1ho and Chunchuneutari2 ho were 2.36kg/0.2㎡, 2.44kg/0.2㎡ respectively. The higher relative humidity in growing room, the less moisture content in substrate and the higher relative humidity in growing room, the more moisture content in fruit body during the growing period. In Chunchuneutari2 ho, when the volume of 5 per days was put on the bed and relative humidity was keep about 90%, the yield was 2.35kg/0.2㎡. In Suhanneutari1 ho, the water supply on the bed, when relative humidity was keep about 90%, the yield was 2.29kg/0.2㎡

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