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      • 변형 Z변환의 특헝의 적용상의 해석적 문제

        정태상,이재석,Chung, Tae-Sang,Lee , Jae-Seok 대한전기학회 2002 전기학회논문지 D Vol.51 No.12

        While the z-transform method is a basic mathematical tool to relate the imput/output signals only at the sampling instants in analyzing and designing sampled-data control systems, the modified z-transform which is a variation of the z-transform is widely used to represent the details of continuous signals between the sampling instants. To relate the modified z-transform to the corresponding regular z-transform, some properties were established regarding the modified z-transform method. This paper will show that these properties, in their current forms, cause come analytic problems, when they are applied to the signals with discontinuities at the sampling instants, which accordingly limit their applications significantly. In this paper, those analytic problems will be investigated, and the theorems of the modified z-transform will be revised by adopting new notations on the z-transform so that those can be correctly interpreted and used without any analytic problems. Also some additional useful schemes of applying the modified z-transform will be developed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        〈속보논문〉 MATLAB을 이용한 부동소수점 연산의 특이사항 분석

        鄭台相(Tae-Sang Chung) 대한전기학회 2007 전기학회논문지 Vol.56 No.2

        A floating-point number system is used to represent a wide range of real numbers using finite number of bits. The standard the IEEE adopted in 1987 divides the range of real numbers into intervals of [2<SUP>E</SUP>, 2<SUP>E+1</SUP>), where E is an integer represented with finite bits, and defines equally spaced equal counts of discrete numbers in each interval. Since the numbers are defined discretely, not only the number representation itself includes errors, but in floating-point arithmetic some strange behaviors are observed which cannot be agreed with the real world arithmetic. In this paper, errors with floating-point number representation, those with arithmetic operations, and those due to order of arithmetic operations are analyzed theoretically with help of and verification with the results of some MATLAB program executions.

      • KCI등재

        비교기를 사용하지 않는 부호화-절대값 가/감산기 설계

        정태상(Tae-Sang Chung),권금철(Keum-Cheol Kwon) 대한전자공학회 2008 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.45 No.1

        이진수 시스템에서는 하드웨어 구현, 연산속도 등에 따라 음수와 양수를 나타내는 여러 가지 수 표현법이 있다. 그 중에서 한 비트로 부호를 정하고 나머지 비트들로 절대값을 표현하는 부호화-절대값 표현법은 간단하고 부호비트를 변환 시키는 것만으로 음수를 구할 수 있다. 그러나 부호화-절대값 표현법에서 실제 계산은 연산과 연산자들의 부호에 따른 절대값 비교를 필요로 한다. 간단한 구조에서 두 부호화-절대값 수의 덧셈, 뺄셈 연산기는 비교기와 선택적인 보수기, 덧셈기로 구성된다. 본 논문에서는 명시적인 비교기 사용 없이 두 수의 차이를 구할 수 있는 회로를 설계하고 이 회로를 이용하여 두 부호화-절대값으로 표현되는 수의 덧셈/뺄셈을 수행하는 가/감산기 설계하였다 There are many possible representations in denoting both positive and negative numbers in the binary number system to be applicable to the complexity of the hardware implementation, arithmetic speed, appropriate application, etc. Among many possibilities, the signed-magnitude representation, which keeps one sign bit and magnitude bits separately, is intuitively appealing for humans, conceptually simple, and easy to negate by flipping the sign bit. However, in the signed-magnitude representation, the actual arithmetic operation to be performed may require magnitude comparison and depend on not only the operation but also the signs of the operands, which is a major disadvantage. In a simple conceptual approach, addition/subtraction of two signed-magnitude numbers, , requires comparator circuits, selective pre-complement circuits, and the adder circuits. In this paper circuits to obtain the difference of two numbers are designed without adopting explicit comparator circuits. Then by using the difference circuits, a universal signed-magnitude adder/subtracter is designed for the most general operation on two signed numbers.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        明의 철령위와 고려말 국경의 재검토

        정태상(Chung, Tae-Sang) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        고려말 1387년 12월 명나라 태조 주원장이, 명나라와 고려간에 철령을 경계로 할 것을 통고해 온 것은 사실이지만, 그 철령은 강원도 북단의 철령이 아니라 요동의 철령이었다. 이는 고려가 ‘철령과 그 이북의 문주, 함주, 공험진 등이 고려땅’임을 주장한 표문을 명나라에 제출한데 대해, 명 태조가 ‘요동의 봉집현에 이미 철령위가 설치(1388년 3월)되었고, 고려는 옛날부터 압록강을 경계로 해왔으므로, (요동의) 철령과 그 이북땅은 명나라땅’임을 주장하여 거부한 것으로 알 수 있다. 즉, 고려가 그 철령이 ‘강원도 철령’인지 ‘요동의 철령’인지 명시하지 않고, 고려땅임을 주장한데 대해, 명나라는 철두철미하게 요동에 있는 철령에 관한 것으로 간주하고 고려의 요구를 거부한 것이다. 이는 애당초부터 주원장이 강원도 북단 철령이 아닌 요동의 철령을 경계로 하여, 그곳에 철령위를 설치하고자 했고, 당연히 강원도 철령 이북의 쌍성총관부 지역을 직접 통치할 생각도 없었음을 의미한다. 그런데 명나라 태조 주원장이 위의 철령위에 관한 사실들을 고려에 통고하도록 명령했음에도 불구하고, 『고려사』와 『고려사절요』에는 ‘요동에 이미 철령위가 설치되었다(1388년 3월)는 사실’이 누락되었을 뿐만 아니라, “명나라에서 철령위 설치 논의가 중지되었다”고 왜곡되게 기록되어 있다. 『고려사』와 『고려사절요』의 누락 왜곡이 오늘날 교과서에까지 왜곡되게 기록된 원인의 시작이다. 그 후 대일항쟁기에 일제 학자들에 의해 "고려말 문제가 된 철령은 강원도 철령"을 말하는 것으로 고착되고, 해방 이후 식민사학자들에 의해 그대로 답습되어 오늘에까지 이르고 있다. 또한, 위의 역사적 사실을 연계시키면, 고려말 1388년 당시 명나라와 고려간 국경은 요동땅 철령이라는 결론에 이르게 된다. It was known that the Ming Dynasty attempted to rule directly Cheollyeong of the Gangwon Province and further north, SSangsung-Chongganbu area at the end of the Koryo era. By the way, in December of 1387, the Joo, Wonjang, founder of the Ming Dynasty, had informed that the Ming and Koryo Dynasty should be bounded by the Cheollyeong. The Cheollyeong was not in the northern end of Gangwon Province but in Liaodong area. This can be known from the Ming"s answer to Koryo"s claim that the land in the northern part of Cheollyeong is Koryo’s Land. The Ming regarded thoroughly that the Cheollyeong, which Koryo says, was not in Gangwon Province but in Liaodong area. And, notified that from the old days, the Abrok River was the border of Koryo, and the Cheollyeongwi had already been established in Liaodong area. This means that the Joo, Wonjang, founder of the Ming Dynasty had originally intended to set up the Cheollyeongwi not on the north side of Gangwon Province but on the Liaodong area. It also means that Ming had no intention to govern SSangsung-Chongganbu area at that time, further north of Cheollyeong of nowadays Gangwon Province. By the way although Joo, Wonjang ordered to inform the facts on the above-mentioned to Koryo, in Koryo History, not only the facts that "the Cheollyeongwi was already established in Liaodong" are omitted, but also the fact are recorded in a distorted way saying that "Ming has ceased discussions on the establishment of the Cheollyeongwi. The link between these historical facts led to the conclusion that in 1388, the border between Ming and Koryo Dynasty was the Cheollyeongwi of Liaodong area.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        복합줄넘기 트레이닝이 초등학교 비만학생의 인슐린 저항성, Adiponectin, CRP에 미치는 영향

        백상진(Sang Jin Baek),이한(Han Lee),박종훈(Joung Hoon Park),정태상(Tae Sang Chung) 한국발육발달학회 2009 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of study that physical composition, blood pressure, blood lipids, glucose, insulin resistance, adiponectin and CRP change shown by obese elementary male students between pre-training and post-training when applied by 12-week combined rope-jumping training. 1) There found no significant difference in weight and body fat percentage according to physical obesity and birth weight. Changes of weight and body fat percentage varying with pre- and post-training were observed with statistically significant decrease as for the group of severe obesity. 2) In case of serum lipid profiles, such blood indexes as TG, TC, HDL and LDL according to obesity and birth weight did not In cases of HDL and LDL, statistically significant reduction was detected in severe obesity group and moderate obesity group. As for HOMA-IR and HOMA-IS, 3) significant difference existed in mild obesity group due to the increase of concentration in HOMA-IS after training application. 4) Though post-training implementation made the concentration of blood adiponectin increased a little bit in all target groups, their identification did not reach statistical significance. 5) As per CRP, except for the severe obesity group showing decrease after training implementation, no significant identification was found in group difference between obesity and birth weight factors as well as correlation effect including correlation effect of training, birth weight and degree of obesity. The above results were analyzed that long-term based rope-jumping exercise be positively influential on physical construction, serum lipid profiles, glucose, insulin resistance, adiponectin and CRP.

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