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      • 21세기 타이완(臺萬) 신세대 시인의 시와 그 기독교적 의식

        류성준 국제기독교언어문화연구원 2002 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.6 No.-

        Sung Joon Yoo. 2003. On the Poets' Poetry of New Generation and its Christian Spirit in 21 Century. Collected Papers on Christian Language Culture. Chinese literature has few relation with Christian spirit. Lu Xun(1881∼1936) who was a giant of modern literature, already said ; 「All literature is shaped for its surroundings and though devotees of art like to claim that literature can sway the course of world affairs, the truth is that politics comes first, and art changes accordingly. If you fancy art can change your environment, you are talking like a idealist.」(「Some thoughts on our new literature」) In what respect does Chinese poetry differ from Western poetry? Firstly, from the very beginning, Chinese poetry has been intimately related to music. Secondly, underlining the affinity of poetry with music is the nature of the Chinese language itself, which dictates that each written graph, or character has a monosyllabic pronunciation. Thirdly, on the social provenance of Chinese poetry, one must conclude that, despite the exalted status enjoyed by poetry as a literacy form, there is no special class of people or profession in traditional Chinese society designated as poets. This article introduced five young poets in Taiwan modern literature: Ku Ling(1955∼), Lie Ke Rang(1957∼), Su Xiao Lian(1950∼), Jian Zheng Zhen(1950∼) and Xiang Yang(1955∼).

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        晩唐 皮日休詩와 黃巢亂과의 相關性

        유성준(Yoo Sung-joon) 우리문학회 2004 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.17

        Pi Ri Xiu(834~883) is known for his poetry, which portrayed the social injustices of his era, for his advocacy of Mencius(孟子) and Han Yu(韓愈), and for his literary association with an insular Soochow(蘇州) coterie centered about Lu Gueimeng(陸龜蒙). Provincial life kept him in close touch with the people and much of his early verse reflects their concerns and hardships:<br/> Deep into autumn the acorns ripen,<br/> Scattering as they fall into the hillside scrub.<br/> Hunched over, a hoary-haired crone<br/> Gathers them, treading the morning frost.<br/> (From “Hsiang-wen tan” [ Lament of an Old Acorn-gatherer])<br/> Having been in the capital off and on since 864, Pi passed the chin-shih(進士) examination in 867. He seems to have never been comfortable in the capital city, which was indeed not the mecca for young graduates it had been several generations earlier. Unable to find either patron or position-the two wend hand in hand in the late Tang-he went to Soochow and attached himself to the coterie of the prefect, Ts’ui P’u. in a matter of months he and Lu Kueimeng, a scion of a prominent local clan, had become fast friends. Pi traveled back to the capital and served in the government there, attaining the rank of Erudite of the National University. His family may have stayed in the South. And as he returned there in 880 with an appointment to a post in Chang chou he encountered Huang Chao and his rebel horded returning from Canton. Apparently swept up by the possibility of replacing a corrupt regime, Pi joined the rebels and upon their arrival in Chang-an was made a Han-lin(翰林) Academician in the Ta-Ch’i dynasty. It soon became apparent that Huang Chao was not receptive to advice from his courtiers; many of them were persecuted for admonishing him. Although there are several accounts of Pi’s death(this is the other major concern of modern critics, but none of the theories has solid textual support), it seems most likely that Pi offended Huang Chao and was put to death by the rebel leader.<br/> Pi Ri Xiu’s poetic legacy represents the two major tendencies of the late Tang and perhaps illustrates by its inadequacies some of the reasons for the prominent place of the new lyrics(tz’u 詞) on the literary stage of the Five Dynasties and Sung. The inner drive which seems to have steered Pi through his capricious career-from avid reformer, to recluse-poet, to rebel-in addition to the large and varied corpus he has left, make him one of the most fascinating minor literary figures of the late Tang.

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      • 본태성 고혈압환자의 순응도에 관한 연구 IV : 의사개입과 제도개선의 합동효과 Effect of Combined Strategies Provided by Physician and Insurance

        유원상,김용균,김준희,최석구,전영빈 인제대학교 1991 仁濟醫學 Vol.12 No.1

        본태성 고혈압환자의 순응도 제고를 위하여 채택한 방책중 의사의 단독개입만으로는 13%의 통원탈락율의 개선, 보험급여 제도의 일부개선만으로는 3%의 악화에 비하여 양자 합동으로는 17%의 개선효과를 보았다. 따라서 진료의사의 좀 더 적극적인 개입과 보험급여의 진료일수제한 철폐가 요망된다. One hundred patients with essential hypertension, consecutively and newly diagnosed, were followed up at hypertension clinic of Paik Hospital to evaluate their compliance for 12 months with combination strategies provided by physician's intervention and extended insurance coverage. Rate of drop-out from reserved visit to clinic were 23% at the end of 3 months, 52% at the end of 12 month, which showed decrease, compared with 26%, and 63% respectively of ordinary management. In conclusion, in order to improve patient's compliance, a positive intervention by physician as well as lifting of insurance limitation should be intensified drastically.

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        《詩學纂聞》의 唐詩體韻論 考

        柳晟俊 한국외국어대학교 외국어 종합연구센터 언어연구소 1999 언어와 언어학 Vol.24 No.-

        Wang Shi Han's(汪師韓)Shi Xue Chan Wen appears in Qing Shi Jua (淸詩話)(Talks on Peotry of the Qing Dynasty) by Ding Fu-Bao(丁福保). Shi Hua (talks on poetry) is a form of literary criticism that consists of a critic's comments on various aspects of Chinese poetry. One definition of Shi Hua which points out the diversity of content is that of Xu Yi(허의) who stated in the opening lines of his Yen Zhou Shi Jua (彦周詩話), "Shi Hua distinguishes ways of expression, fills in gaps in information about many points ancient and modern, records examples of superlative virtue, makes note of extraordinary things, and corrects misrepresentations and errors." The Qing shi Jua is valuable tool for studying certain aspects of Qing criticism. The works included fall into three broad divisions: (1) those concerned with the technical problems of writing poetry, (2) works which involve the critical evaluation of poets, and (3) writings of a more theoretical nature. Some pieces combine all three concerns. This paper analyzes(1) the background of author's poetical theories, (2) the styles of Tang poetry--multiple styles of poetry, music bureaus(樂府), san ti(散體), and the phrases of Du Fu (杜甫) poetry, and (3) the verse of Tang poetry--the mutual rhymes of Du Fu seven words old style poetry.

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        柳晟俊 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 中國硏究所 2005 中國硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        In Quan Tang Shi Poetry there 10 poems of Shilla paets, for example, Kim Jin Duk (金眞德). Wang Ge In (王巨仁), Sul yo(薛瑤), Kim Ji Zhang(金地藏) ect.They are very important poets of Korea old literature and their poetry is very important literary articles for the comparative study of Korean―Chinese literature. Their poems are concerned with both political and social aspects and the language in one of lucidty and succinctness. Their poems voice their grievances and over the misfortunes and slights they had suffered as foreign poets in Tang Dynasty, Living at the time when The Tang Dynasty was on the road to decline and fall, they wrote poems that are mostly expressions of breavement, recollection and sighs with a musical lament.

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