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      • 米麥混食이 Cholesterol 및 無機質代射에 미치는 影響

        姜信英,孫延瑗,柳總根 고려대학교 의과대학 1986 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study was devised to investigate the effect of dietary fiber of barley on cholesterol metabolism and absorption of mineral on feeding either rice diets or barley mixed diets. Wistar albino rats were administered starch, rice, rice containing balrey by 10%, 30%, and 60% and barley diets for 2, 4, and 6 weeks. 1. Serum cholesterol level was higher in the rice diet group than in the barley diet group. In the meantime, fecal steroid content was highest in the barley diet group and decreased as the proportion of barley in diets became lower. 2. Correlation coefficient between the increase of fecal n-eight and the increase of fecal steroid content was 0. 988(p<0. 001). 3. Fecal Fe and Ca content was net affected by the extent of barley and rice in diets. But fecal Ka and K content was high in the barley diet group. 4. Fecal weight and fecal moisture content was highest in the barley diet group, and became lower in the diet group where barley was added in smaller proportion. The increase of fecal weight was significantly related with the increase of fecal water content(r=0.918, p<0.001). 5. Serum lipid level was lower in the diet group containing more barley than in the rice diet group. In contrast, focal lipid content was highest in the barley diet group, and decreased in proportion to the decrease of barley addition in diets. 6. Accumulation of adipose tissue was observed In the rice diet group, 2nd the more barley mixed in diets, the lower it was. 7. Length of small intestine was longer in the barley diet group than in the rice diet group.

      • 成熟赤血球의 Evans´blue 吸收에 미치는 二價金屬이온의 影響에 關한 硏究

        姜信英,曺龍鎬 慶熙大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Non-nucleated mature erythrocytes of human blood were stored at 4℃ in darkness for 4 hours. Upon the storage erythrocytes were separated by the fractional centrifugal method. The effect of divalent metallic ions on the percent of dye uptake rate of Evans' blue as a neutral salt of a organic dye in the presence of 580mM glucose was observed and the following results were obtained. 1. The dye uptake rate was found to be kinetically proportional in function of incubation period in the stored eryrocytes for 4 hours with the dye uptake of 42.2 percent for 120 minutes incubation. 2. The statistical analysis of this effect of the relationship between the incubation period and the percent dye uptake rate was found to be very highly significant (p<0.001). 3. The effect of magnesium ion (5 mM) on the percent dye uptake rate in function of incubation times was kinetically increased in human matured erythrocytes when compared to that of control group. At the end of 40 minutes of incubation the human matured erythrocytes treated with magnesium ion ( 5 mM) increased about 1.5 times more of 30.5 percent dye uptake than the control group of 20.3 percent dye uptake. 4. The effect of magnesium ion was slightly accelerated with the addition of 0.01 mM magnesium ion; between 0.05 mM and 10 mM of magnesium ions the influence of this divalent metallic ion was greatest. 5. The increase in the concentration of copper ion inhibited proportionally and remarkablly the percent dye uptake rate by human matured erythrocytes. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (1_50) of copper ion on the percent dye uptake rate by human matured erythrocytes was found to be 10.07 micromoles. 6. Also, the effect of ferrous ion (5 micromoles) on the percent dye uptake rate is human matured erythrocytes for 40 minutes incubation was found to be 21.4 percent inhibition and it inhibited that the effect of hematin (5 micormoles) on the percent dye uptake rate o Evans' blue by 65.6 percent points for 40 minutes incubation. 7. No effect was exerted on the percent dye uptake rate in human matured erythrocytes during the incubation periods by the addition of calciumion (5 mM) and manganese ion (tmicromoles). 8. The addition of lithium ion at the concentration of 5 micormoles to reactant mixture was effectively increased on the percent dye uptake rate of Evans' blue for a incubation of 40 minutes when compared to that control group (20.3%) to 43.9 percent. In view of the above findings it is clear that the effect of magnesium ion and lithium ion, as divalent metallic ions, on the Evans' blue absorbed into non-nucleated erythrocytes is considered to accelerate this enhancing effect while it does not accelerate that of hematin and copper ion. However, the effects of calcium ion and manganese ion was ineffective on the percent dye uptake of Evans' blue by human matured erythrocytes.

      • 교육용 비디오 자료에서의 자막 특성을 이용한 대표화면추출 및 자막화면추출에 관한 연구

        유신(Sheen Lew),신희정(HeeJung Sheen),이완주(WanJoo Lee),이병래(Yongkyu Kim),김용규(ByeongRae Lee),강현철(Hyunchul Kang) 한국정보과학회 1999 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.26 No.1B

        본 연구에서는 자막특성을 이용하여 대표 프레임 추출과 문자 인식을 위한 문자 프레임 추출을 수행함과 동시에 장면전환을 검출할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하였다. 이는 기존의 방식인 장면전환 검출을 통해 비디오자료를 샷(shot)단위로 구조화하고 단순대표 프레임으로 각 샷의 내용을 요약하는 방식과는 달리, 비디오 스트림의 내용에 기반하여, 중요도가 상대적으로 높은 프레임을 대표 프레임으로 추출, 대표 프레임의 의미적(semantic)효용성을 보장한다. 이러한 기법은 교육용 비디오자료 특성에 기반하여 적용되었으며, 본 논문에서 제안한 시스템은 수행시간과 정확성면에서 뛰어난 특성을 보였다.

      • The impact of size on tissue distribution and elimination by single intravenous injection of silica nanoparticles

        Yhun Yhang, Sheen,Minjung, Cho,Wan-Seob, Cho,Mina, Choi,Sueng Jun, Kim,Beam Seak, Han,Sheen Hee, Kim,Hyoung Oak, Kim,Ja Young, Jeong 이화여자대학교 약학연구소 2010 藥學硏究論文集 Vol.- No.20

        Many approaches for the application of nano-sized particles to the human body as nanotechnology have been recently developed. The size of nanoparticles is related to their useful character and also plays a key role in toxicity. Since this surface area can interact with biological components of cells, nanoparticles can be more reactive in than larger particles. In the present study, a fluorescence dye-labeled 50, 100 and 200 nm-sized silica particle suspension was intravenously injected into mice to identify the toxicity, tissue distribution and excretion of silica nanoparticles in vivo. Incidence and severity of inflammatory response was transiently increased with injection of 200 and 100 nm silica nanoparticles within 12h. But there was no significant response related to injection of 50 nm particles. The silica particles of 50, 100 and 200 nm were cleared via urine and bile. The 50 nm silica anoparticles cleared to urine and bile than 100 nm and particles of 200 nm existed at lower concentration than other two smaller particles in urine and feces. Silica nanoparticles were trapped by macrophages in the spleen and liver and remained there until 4 weeks after the single injection.

      • KCI등재

        미용서비스 종사자의 직무스트레스와 직무소진의 관계에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과

        신영식(Young Seek Sheen),권도희(Do Hee Kwon),오경희(Kyung Hee Oh),신라미(La Mee Sheen) 한국인체미용예술학회 2017 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study aimed to figure out correlations among job stress, ego resilience and job burn out in beauty salon workers. For this, a questionnaire survey was administered to 300 beauty salon workers in Busan and the capital region from May 2nd to 31st, 2014. Except for 44 poorly answered ones, 256 copies were used for a final analysis. For analysis of the data, the analysis was conducted to analyze the frequency analysis and the validity of the measurement of the measurement participants’ characteristics. In addition, a correlation analysis was conducted to verify the validity of the variables and the identification validity of the variables, and conducted a regression analysis to verify the suitability and validity of the research model. The study results found the following: while a positive correlation was found between job stress and job burn out, a negative correlation was observed between ego resilience and job burn out. In other words, job stress has a negative effect on beauty salon workers’ life as well as their working environment. In contrast, ego resilience reduces job burn out by helping staff build the ability to handle problems in a positive manner.

      • KCI등재

        The Recovery of More Desirable Humanity through Emphasizing Traditional Music in Music Education

        Sheen, Dae-Cheol 한국국악교육연구학회 2017 국악교육연구 Vol.11 No.1

        이 연구는 초ㆍ중등학교 음악교육에서 전통음악을 활용하여 보다 바람직한 인간성을 회복 하기 위한 방안의 하나를 강구할 목적으로 관련 문헌을 바탕으로 하여 수행되었고, 그 결과 를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 모든 전통음악은 미래 음악을 위한 초석으로 과거․현재․미래 음악을 위한 가교의 역할 을 충실히 수행해 왔다. 그래서 많은 전통악곡들이 오늘에 이르기까지 전승되면서 그 요소들 이 후대 음악에서 되살아 날 수 있었다. 예악사상에 기초한 한국과 중국의 전통음악은 인간 과 삼라만상간의 지극한 조화를 지향하여 왔다. 이와 같은 조화는 인간성 함양과 깊은 상관 을 맺는다. 인격 함양 수단으로서 음악을 사랑한 공자와 조선조의 선비들의 정신이 담긴 한 국과 중국의 전통음악은 인간성 함양을 위한 귀중한 원천이라고 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 음악 의 정신세계는 고대 희랍 음악과 중세 신부들에 의했던 음악, 문예부흥기의 음악, 그리고 루 터의 교회음악 등등에서도 확인된다. 물론 이와 같은 정신세계는 비서구권 국가와 민족의 전통음악에서도 발견될 수 있으리라고 본다. 인간성 함양을 위한 힘과 기(氣)가 각 나라의 전통음악 정신 속에 담겨있다고 본다. 또한 모든 나라와 민족의 전통음악에는 인간성을 함양하는 귀중한 음악적 의미를 전달하는 언어 적 특성이 함유되어 있다고 본다. 전통음악의 언어적 특성을 활용하는 방도와 함께 전통음악 과 그 속에 담긴 정신의 회복이 미래의 음악교육을 위해 간절히 요구된다. 서양음악 중심으 로 경도되어 있는 기존의 음악교육으로부터의 의식 전환이 미래 음악교육을 위해서 강력히 요구된다. 오직 서양음악의 전통만을 좋아해서 좆는 음악교육이어서는 곤란하다. 모든 전통 음악은 세계의 음악적 다양성 구축에 공헌하고 있다. 이러한 다양성은 당연히 존중되어야 한다. 따라서 독특한 모든 문화적 음악적 맥락의 틀 안에서, 특별히 전통음악의 맥락 안에서, 생성되어 온 여러 민족의 다양한 인간성 역시 존중되어야 한다. 회복된 전통음악을 포함한 모든 전통음악이 미래 음악교육의 중심 틀이 되어야 하며, 전통음악은 서양음악과 대등한 입장으로 지도되고, 아울러 주인의 입장에서 서양음악이 가르쳐져야 한다. 그래야 학생들이 자신의 전통 속에 담긴 인간성의 모습을 갖추게 될 기회를 가질 수 있게 된다. 이와 같은 전통음악 교육을 통한 인간성 회복의 목표를 성취하기 위해서는 국제적인 공조는 필수이다. The aim of this study was to find a way of recovering more desirable humanity through utilizing traditional music in the primary and secondary school music education based on researching concerned literatures. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. As a corner stone for the future music, traditional music has faithfully played an important role of bridging the past, the present and the future music. A lot of traditional musical pieces could have been transmitted up until today and the traditional musical elements could be revived in the music of next generation for that reason. The traditional music of Korea and China based on Confucius’ idea has headed for the harmony between human beings and all things in nature. This harmony is deeply related with cultivating humanity. It can be said that the traditional music of Korea and China, which is based on the spirit of Confucius and gentle literati who loved music as a means of cultivating humanity, is the valuable source of cultivating humanity. This kind of musical spirit can be found in the ancient Greek music, the music by the Church Fathers of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance music, the church music by M. Luther and others. Naturally this kind of musical spirit can be found in the traditional music of non-European countries and peoples. It can be said that the power and energy for cultivation humanity are included in the spirit of traditional music of each country. The traditional music of every country and people contains linguistic characteristic which delivers valuable musical meaning for cultivating humanity as well. It is strongly needed to utilize the linguistic characteristics of traditional music and the restoration of traditional music and the spirit in it for the future music education. The conversion of consciousness is strongly needed from the present music education which is concentrated on the Western music for the future music education, too. The music education which only loves and follows the tradition of the Western music is not good. Every traditional music of the earth is contributes to establish the musical diversity of the world. This diversity naturally should be respected. Consequently the diverse humanities of every people which have been generated in the typical context of culture and music, especially in the context of traditional music, also should be respected. All the traditional music including restored traditional music should be the center of the future music education and the traditional music should be taught on an equal footing with the Western music, and in addition to these we should teach the Western music as the master of it. Students can get a chance to form the humanity of her/his tradition, then. The international mutual assistance is indispensable to accomplish the aim of recovering humanity through the traditional music education.

      • KCI등재

        Magnitude scaling relationships using P waves for earthquake early warning in South Korea

        Sheen, D. H.,Lim, I. S.,Park, J. H.,Chi, H. C. The Association of Korean Geosciences Societies 2014 Geosciences Journal Vol.18 No.1

        The scaling relationships of the peak displacement, P (d) , and the maximum predominant period, tau (p) (max) , of P waves were investigated to estimate magnitudes for earthquake early warning in South Korea. P (d) and tau (p) (max) were measured for 504 vertical records from 70 earthquakes at distances of 20 to 100 km. The earthquakes occurred between 2001 and 2011 and ranged from M (L) = 3.0 to 5.2. Since the events were generally low to moderate in magnitude, the parameter for a real-time high-pass filter was adjusted and the first 3 seconds of the P-waves were processed. The scaling relationships of P (d) and tau (p) (max) obtained from iterative regressions were M = 1.17 log(P (d) ) + 0.87 log(R) + 6.57 and M = 3.30 log(tau (p) (max) ) + 5.75, respectively, where R is the epicentral distance in kilometers, P (d) is in centimeters, and tau (p) (max) is in seconds. The average errors of the magnitude estimates obtained from the mean of the P (d) magnitude and tau (p) (max) were 0.06 magnitude units for the calibration data but 0.37 for a recent magnitude 3.9 event, which implies that the scaling relationships can be used in these forms but the relationships still need to be improved with more data to be useful for mitigating damage from future earthquakes around the Korean Peninsula.


        Sheen, Yun-Kyeong,Jeong, Hyunjin,Yi, Sukyoung K.,Ferreras, Ignacio,Lotz, Jennifer M.,Olsen, Knut A. G.,Dickinson, Mark,Barnes, Sydney,Park, Jang-Hyun,Ree, Chang H.,Madore, Barry F.,Barlow, Tom A.,Conr American Institute of Physics 2009 The Astronomical journal Vol.138 No.6

        <P>One possible channel for the formation of dwarf galaxies involves birth in the tidal tails of interacting galaxies. We report the detection of a bright UV tidal tail and several young tidal dwarf galaxy (TDG) candidates in the post-merger galaxy NGC 4922 in the Coma cluster. Based on a two-component population model (combining young and old stellar populations), we find that the light of tidal tail predominantly comes from young stars (a few Myr old). The Galaxy Evolution Explorer ultraviolet data played a critical role in the parameter (age and mass) estimation. Our stellar mass estimates of the TDG candidates are ~10<SUP>6–7</SUP> M<SUB>☉</SUB>, typical for dwarf galaxies.</P>

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