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        정지용 번역 연구(2) : 번역과 창작 사이, 자기 변용적 창조 - 그리스 신화의 모티프 차용을 통한 시적 변용을 중심으로

        전세진(Jeon, Sejin) 한국현대문학회 2021 한국현대문학연구 Vol.- No.64

        1923년, 정지용이 번역한 두 편의 ‘그리스 신화’ 이야기는 시적 변용을 거쳐 다시 정지용의 작품이 되어 돌아왔다. 『퍼-스포니와 水仙花』 와 『黎明의 女神 오-로아』 (『휘문』 창간호, 1926)라는 그리스 신화의 이야기가 『산에ㅅ 색시 들녘사내』(『문예시대』 1호, 1926.11.)와 『毘盧峰』(『가톨닉靑年』 1호, 1933.6.)으로 재탄생된 것이다. 이에 본고는 정지용이 번역한 그리스 신화와 두 편의 시를 비교분석하고, 이를 통해 정지용의 번역 경험이 그의 창작에 미친 영향을 살피는 것을 목적으로 한다. 번역과 창작 사이, 정지용에게 있어 그 굴절의 각도는 꽤 가파른 것으로 보인다. 정지용의 번역 경험이 다시 창작으로 이어지기까지는 수년의 시간적 간극이 있을 뿐만 아니라 이 번역 글의 모티프들이 차용되어 시 작품으로 변모하기까지의 차이도 크기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 정지용의 번역 경험은 창작에 분명히 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 본고는 이 텍스트들을 번역 문학의 관점에서 고찰해 보며, 궁극적으로 정지용의 번역 경험은 ‘자기 변용적 창조’라는 공정과정을 거쳐 자신의 창작의 밑거름으로 활용되고 있음을 밝히고자 한다. 1920년대 해외문학의 수용·번역과 창작을 동시에 수행한 작가들은 ‘조선적인 것’을 높은 수준으로 구현할 수 있는 작가의 도래를, 세계문학과 비교해도 손색이 없는 작품들의 등장을 기원했다. 이러한 맥락에서 정지용의 시 『산에ㅅ 색시 들녘사내』,『毘盧峰』과 그가 번역한 두 편의 그리스 신화 사이에 상호텍스트성이 성립한다는 점을 증명한다면 새로운 의미 부여가 가능해질 것이다. 본고에서 다룰 이 두 시편은, 한국근대문학에서 ‘번역시’의 성취를 보여줄 수 있는 텍스트의 발견인 동시에 정지용에게 있어 ‘조선’이라는 ‘항(項)’이 그의 문학적 정체성과 어떠한 연관이 있는지를 설명해줄 수 있다는 점에서 유의미하다. 정지용의 이 두 작품은 번역 경험을 바탕으로 한 창작적 재구축의 성과로 평가되어야 한다. This study aims to consider Jeong Ji-Yong as a poet who combined translation and creation. This paper is the second part of the study. In 1923, Jeong Ji-Yong translated two stories of "Greek mythology". These stories went through poetic transformation and became the poetry work of Jeong Ji-Yong again. Two stories of ‘Greek mythology’ - ‘Persephone and Narcisuss’(「퍼-스포니와 水仙花」, 《휘문Hwimun》1<SUP>st</SUP> issue, 1926) and ‘the Goddess of dawn, Eos’(「黎明의 女神 오-로아」《휘문Hwimun》1<SUP>st</SUP> issue, 1926) - was reborn as Jeong Ji-Yong’s two poet - ‘Mountain’s Bride, Field’s Lad’ (「산에ㅅ 색시 들녘사내」, 《문예시대Munyesidae》1<SUP>st</SUP> issue, 1926.11) and ‘Birobong Peak’(「毘盧峰」, (《가톨닉靑年Catholic Cheongnyun》1<SUP>st</SUP> issue, 1933.6). This purpose of this paper is to comparatively analyze the process by which these poems were made and to reveal the influence of Jeong Ji-Yong"s translation on his creation. There is a time gap of several years between Jeong Ji-Yong"s translation experience and creation. In addition, there were many changes until a story was made into a poetry. The angle of refraction between translation and creation seems quite steep. Nevertheless, Jeong Ji-Yong"s translation clearly influenced his creation. Therefore, this paper will examine these works from the perspective of translation literature, and ultimately define that Jeong Ji-Yong"s translation experience is being used as a basis for his own creation through a process called "self-transforming creation". There is an intertextuality between Jeong Ji-Yong’s ‘Mountain’s Bride, Field’s Lad’ and ‘Birobong Peak’ and the two Greek myths he translated. The reason why this discovery is significant is, first of all, it is the discovery of a text that can show the achievement of "translated poetry" in Korean modern literature, and secondly, it explains how "the things of Josheon" is related to his literary identity for Jeong Ji-Yong. Writers who accepted, translated, and created foreign literature in the 1920s simultaneously prayed for the advent of writers who could embody “the the things of Josheon” at a high standard. They hoped that translation would become the driving force for creation, and that works comparable to world literature would appear. These two poems of Jeong Ji-Yong are just suchlike, in other words, they should be evaluated as the achievements of creative reconstruction based on his translation experience.


        3-D Manipulation of ZnO Nanowire Using Optically Activated Thermoplastic Tip on Silica Fiber Taper

        Sejin Lee,Doo-Eui Kang,Pyojin Jeon,Seongil Im,Ryong Ha,Heon-Jin Choi,Songnian Fu,Kyunghwan Oh IEEE 2014 IEEE photonics technology letters Vol.26 No.20

        <P>Semiconductor nanowire offers various opportunities in novel optoelectronics yet its precise manipulation technique has not been fully developed. We proposed a new method to transport and manipulate individual single ZnO nanowire in 3-D space using an optically activated ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) tip on microtapered silica fiber. The microtaper fiber delivered laser light to optically activate the plasticity in the microscopic EVA spot, where the single ZnO nanowire was selectively adhered. Detailed principles and procedures are discussed along with a unique artificial structuring of nanowires.</P>

      • Dental Management of a Patient with Congenital heart defects, dysmorphic facial features and intellectual developmental disorders (CHDFIDD) under General Anesthesia: A Case Report

        Sejin Chun,Hyuntae Kim,Ji-Soo Song,Teo Jeon Shin,Hong-Keun Hyun,Jung-Wook Kim,Ki-Taeg Jang,Young-Jae Kim Asia Association for Disability and Oral Health 2022 International Journal of Disability and Oral Healt Vol.18 No.1

        Congenital heart defects, dysmorphic facial features and intellectual developmental disorders (CHDFIDD) is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease caused by mutation in cyclin-dependent kinase 13 (CDK13) gene. It was first discovered in 2016 by exome sequencing of patients with congenital heart defects and now, more than 50 patients have been diagnosed for CHDFIDD since the initial discovery of the disease and the number is increasing every year. Dental manifestation of wide-spaced or peg-shaped teeth are reported in patients with CHDFIDD. This case report describes the dental treatment of a 5-year-girl with CHDFIDD under general anesthesia. Through clinical and radiographic examination, interproximal caries lesion on primary molars and severe attrition on primary incisors with deep bite were detected. Fibrous gingival hyperplasia on buccal interproximal area between lower right lateral incisor and canine was also observed. Considering the extensive treatment need and patient’s uncooperative behavior, we planned to do dental treatment under general anesthesia. Conservative resin restoration, stainless steel crown restoration and excisional biopsy were done. Dental treatment of patients with CHDFIDD is challenging due to poor cooperation. Preventive dental care including oral hygiene instruction, plaque control, dietary consultation and fluoride application are necessary for maintaining oral health and preventing the development and progression of dental caries.

      • Awake during General Anesthesia with BispectralIndex Value of 35

        Sejin Lee,Soon Im Kim,Si Young Ok,Sang Ho Kim,Sun Young Park,Mun-Gyu Kim,Hye-Rim Jeon,Hae Jin Suh,A Na Cho,Sekwang Park 순천향대학교 순천향의학연구소 2013 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.19 No.1

        Awareness of intraoperative events in patients under general anesthesia is rare, but awareness during anesthesia is a serious complication that leads to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Bispectral Index (BIS) has generally been accepted as a measurement of hypnosis under anesthesia. It is derived from a processed electroencephalogram and computer algorithm that assigns a numerical value based on the probability of consciousness. A 46-year-old, 65-kg male without underlying disease underwent elective surgery for ventral hernia. The patient in this case was administered an anesthetic that we frequently use and then average BIS value are 35. But he experienced awake during general anesthesia. We describe the first case of intraoperation awake under BIS 40 using desflurane.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Dual routes for verbal repetition: Articulation-based and acoustic–phonetic codes for pseudoword and word repetition, respectively

        Yoo, Sejin,Chung, Jun-Young,Jeon, Hyeon-Ae,Lee, Kyoung-Min,Kim, Young-Bo,Cho, Zang-Hee Elsevier 2012 Brain and language Vol.122 No.1

        <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P><P><ce:figure id='f0045'></ce:figure></P><P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>► We compared verbal repetitions of ambiguous auditory stimuli by fMRI. ► We separately localized neural activities involved in each phase of verbal-repetition task. ► We observed the frontal-versus-temporoparietal dissociation between pseudoword- and word-perceived stimuli. ► The result supports the dual-stream model of speech processing and the imitative learning of vocabulary.</P> <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Speech production is inextricably linked to speech perception, yet they are usually investigated in isolation. In this study, we employed a verbal-repetition task to identify the neural substrates of speech processing with two ends active simultaneously using functional MRI. Subjects verbally repeated auditory stimuli containing an ambiguous vowel sound that could be perceived as either a word or a pseudoword depending on the interpretation of the vowel. We found verbal repetition commonly activated the audition–articulation interface bilaterally at Sylvian fissures and superior temporal sulci. Contrasting word-versus-pseudoword trials revealed neural activities unique to word repetition in the left posterior middle temporal areas and activities unique to pseudoword repetition in the left inferior frontal gyrus. These findings imply that the tasks are carried out using different speech codes: an articulation-based code of pseudowords and an acoustic–phonetic code of words. It also supports the dual-stream model and imitative learning of vocabulary.</P>

      • 프로토콜 명세언어 생성 도구의 구현에 관한 연구

        손세진(Sejin Sohn),김종탁(Jongtak Kim),박병섭(Byungsub Park),김성천(Sungchun Kim),주성순(Sungsoon Joo),전경표(Kyoungpio Jeon) 한국정보과학회 1994 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.21 No.2B

        본 논문에서는 프로토콜 설계자들에 의한 기능적 요구의 검증을 돕기위해 자동화된 개발도구를 구현하였다. 첫 단계로 이 생성도구에서 사용하는 세가지 통신 프로세스의 동작을 형식적으로 명세하였다. 사용자가 간단한 형태의 입력만을 제공하면 도구의 내부에서 대수적 기법의 명세언어를 자동적으로 생성하도록 설계하였으며, 생성된 프로토콜의 동시적 동작을 계산하여 데드록이나 비명세수신, 사용자가 명시하지 않은 메시지 에러 등을 검출하는 검증기능을 추가하였다. 프로토콜 동작의 병행합성은, 모든 상태에서의 프로세스를 추적하여 각 상태에서 발생하는 사건을 셔플링하고, 각 대응되는 송신과 수신 사건에 대한 랑데뷰 사건을 찾음으로서 계산된다. 이러한 연구는 여러 명세기법 및 에러 검출과 검증을 위한 모델로써 확장 적용되어 범용 네트워크 프로토콜이나 다른 시스템의 프로토콜 성능분석 도구로 활용될 수 있다.

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