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      • 崔水雲 漢詩의 문헌적 고찰

        윤석산 한국언어문화학회 ( 구 한양어문학회 ) 2002 한국언어문화 Vol.22 No.-

        Yoon Suk San. 2002. Philological Study on Choi Su Wun's Poems. This study provides philological consideration on the poems of Choi Su Wun(崔水雲), founder of Dong Hak, He left 13 pieces of poetry in his anthology, Dong Kyong Dae Jeon(東經大全). These poetic works have something to do with his religious life, and this can be found in some of the titles of his works. In other words, his poems written in Chinese characters denote religious prophecy, achievement and awakening. We can find that in six of his 13 works many fragmented verses constitute on poem under one poem under one title. We presume that this peculiar constitution is on account of the fact that Hae Wol, one of his disciples, edited his works this way when publishing Dong Kyung Dae Jeon arter Choi Su Wun was beheaded. Therefore it is very difficult to ascertain the motive or discover the date for these six works, and only the date that the fragmented verses were written are known to us. On the other hand, it was comparatively easy to find the date and the motive for the rest of his works. On the basis of theme, his poems can be categorized into 1) the works describing religious prophecy, 2) the works emphasizing religious discipline and 3) the works chanting religious awakening. The works belonging to the first category are Gyul, Woo-Eum, Kang-Si and Jeol-Gu. Jwa-Jam, Yoo-Go-Eum and Si-Moon belong to the second category, and the third category is composed of Ip-Chun-Si, Wha-Gyul-Si, Yong-So and so on. Choi Su Wun's poems writted in Chinese characters are closely related to his religious life. All these works express his religious awakening, meditation or discipline.

      • 컴퓨터에서 쉽게 즐길 수 있는 비행 슈팅게임의 설계

        강상우, 김지윤, 안성옥, 김수균, 박동원 배재대학교 공학연구소 2014 공학논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        슈팅 게임(Shoting game)은 액션게임에 속해 있는 장르중 하나로 총 또는 미사일 같은 원거리 무기를 사용해 공격과 적의 공격을 피하는 게임이며[1]‘비행슈팅(Aircraft Shooting)’은 비행기를 조작해서 싸우는 게임이다[2]. 비행슈팅게임은 누구나 게임에 대해 쉽게 이해하고, 쉽게 즐길 수 있기 때문에 다른 장르의 게임들에 비해 대중화 되어 있다. 본 게임은 컴퓨터에서 쉽게 즐길 수 있도록 설계된 게임으로 우주를 배경으로 제작된 게임이며, 수많은 운석과 기뢰들을 피하고, 게임 중반부에 나오는 해적선을 파괴하고 목적지까지 도달하는 것이 게임의 목표이다. 본 게임은 Unity3D를 이용하였고, Unity3D엔진은 다른 플랫폼과의 호완성이 좋고 자체 내에서 지원해주는 기능들이 많기 때문에 많은 개발자들이 사용하고 있다.

      • 대학의 중소·벤처기업 창업교육의 방향

        박삼식 대구산업정보대학 2001 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        Characterizing this 21C as area based on human brain, the distinction between employer and employee has now gradually disappeared, but the employed who has equipped with intelligence and information which can be means of production has appeared. Being highlighted superior intelligentsia and the importance of its non-shaped capital, the prevalence of the organization is declined and horizontal-divided organization and new area which has put the imphasis on the new intelligentsia who has creative power is now being emerged. For this trend and to put a new solution, we should teach them to have a management mind and make the students in college get knowledge for venture and small and medium enterprise. This study aims to analyze the reality of small and medium venture enterprise education and to direct the suitable way.

      • 男子大學生의 欲求와 衣服의 評價基準과의 關係 硏究

        김산옥,정명선 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 1992 生活科學硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between needs(need for abasement, autonomy, exhibitionism, sex, achievement, emotion) and criteria of clothing evaluation(aesthics, status symbolism, modesty, economy, fashion) of college males, and to find out the relationship between criteria of clothing evlauation and demographic variables. (college, proportion of female in department, income.) For this study, the quetionnaire were administered to 386 college males. The data were analyzed by using Pearson's correlation, F-test, Partial correlation. The results of this study were as follows : 1) Need for achivement was strongest and need for exhibitionism, need for sex was generally strong among college males. 2) There were not significant differences in criteria of clothing evaluation according to proportion of female in department, and college too. But there were significant differences in criteria of clothing evaluation according to the income. 3) Significant positive correlation were found among the three criteria of clothing evaluation: aesthics, status symbolism, fashion. And modesty correlated significantly with economy at the .001 level. 4) There were significant positive correlation between need for abasement and modesty(p〈0.001), economy(p〈0.001). But there were negative correlation between need for abasement and fashion. Need for exhibitionism, need for sex positively correlated with aesthics, status symbolism, fashion. While need for sex negatively correlated with modesty. And need for achievement positively correlated with aesthics. 5) When status symbolism and fashion were controlled, need for exhibitionism and need for achievement positively correlated with aesthics at the .001 level. While need for sex not significantly correlated with aesthics when fashion was controlled. When aesthics was controlled, need for exhibitionism significant positively correlated fashion at the .001 level. When aesthics and fashion were controlled, need for sex correlated significantly with status symbolismat at the .01 level. After status symbolism and aesthics were controlled, need for sex correlated significantly with fashion at the .01 level and need for abasement negatively correlated with fashion at the .001 level. When fashion and status symbolism were controlled, need for exhibitionism and need for achievement significantly correlated with aesthics at the .001 level.

      • KCI등재

        부르따뉴의 부활

        이산호 프랑스문화예술학회 1999 프랑스문화예술연구 Vol.1 No.-

        La Bretagne est le pays de la mer, des forets mystherieux dt des legendes. Jusqu'au milieu du XVIIIe siecle, ce pays dont les habitants qui formaient un etat different du reste de la France par le genie, les moeurs et la langue, a reste pEr connu dans l'histoire et la litterature. Les oeuvres de Chateaubriand sont pleines de l'ame bretonne. Dans les Martyrs dont queques descriptions concernent le paysage breton et les environs du chateau paternel, Chateaubriand a fait renaitre la vie meme de ses aieux, leurs caracteres, leurs moeurs et leur culte druidique. La Bretagne a recu pour longtemps d'un de ses plus illustres fils, Chateaubriand son image. Avec sa couleur historique et locale, le tableau de la Bretagne dans les Martyrs marque une etape interessante de la formation des idees de l'ecole romantique. Poete-historien, Chateaubriand a cree L'histoire romantique avec la description vivante des tableaux historiques, et il a fait entrer pour la premiere fois son pays natal, la Bretagne, dans la litterature francaise. Apres lui, elle a tenu une place importante dans l'histoire francaise, grace a Renan, Lamennais, Michelet et Augustin Tierry.

      • 정신질환자의 계속입원치료 심사에서 불승인에 미치는 요인

        이산수,오소영,박민철 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.2

        정신보건법에 의한 계속입원치료 심사청구는 해마다 증가하고 있다. 이에 계속입원치료 심사의 청구서에 기재되어 있는 항목들을 바탕으로 일 지역 정신보건심판위원회의 계속입원치료 불승인 현황과 그 불승인에 영향을 주는 요인에 대해 조사하였다. 2002년 1월부터 2006년 12월 까지 5년간 정선보건심판위원회에 요청된 계속입원치료 심사청구는 총 14,782 건이었다. 이 중 불승인은 1,832건으로 약 12.4%의 불승인율을 보였다. 각 요인별 불승인율을 보면, 시설은 정신병원 10.6%, 정신요양원 14.6%이었고, 의료보장 형태는 의료보험 10.5%, 의료보호 12.9%이었고 모두 유의하게 차이가 있었다. 진단에 따른 불승인율은 알코올 중독 27.9%, 기타 17.1%, 정신지체 16.4%, 기분장애 12.5%, 정신분열병 11.5%, 기질성 정신장애 8.6% 순이었으며 유의한 차이가 있었다. 계속입원치료 심사청구 횟수와 진단에 따른 불승인율을 보면 기분장애, 정신지체, 기타 환자들은 3회-6회 사이에서 불승인율이 높았다. 심사청구 횟수와 시설을 보면, 정신병원은 4회 이상에서 정신요양원은 6회 이상에서 불승인율이 높았다. 계속입원치료 심사에 가장 영향을 주는 요인은 시설, 심사청구 횟수, 진단이었으며 주로 정신병원 입원, 알코올중독, 의료보험, 자해 및 타해의 위험성이 낮고 지남력이 좋은 환자들에서 불승인이 되는 경우가 많았다. The number of applications for judgment of continuing hospitalization by the Mental Health Act is increasing every year. Thus, the present study surveyed the current state of continuing hospitalization disapproval by the Mental Health Judgment Board of an area, and factors affecting the disapproval based on items recorded in the application for the judgment of continuing hospitalization. During the 5 years' period from January 2002 to December 2006, there were a total of 14,782 applications for judgment of continuing hospitalization to the Mental Health Judgment Board. Among them, 1,832were disapproved, showing a disapproval rate of around 12.4%. As to disapproval rate related to each factor, according to facility, the disapproval rate was 10.6% for patients at mental hospitals and 14.6% for those at nursing homes for mental patients. According to medical security type, it was 10.5% for medical insurance patients and 12.9% for medical aid patients. These differences were all statistically significant. According to diagnosis, the disapproval rate was 27.9% for alcoholism, 17.1% for others, 16.4% for mental retardation, 12.5% for mood disorder, 11.5% for schizophrenia, and 8.6% for organic mental disorder, and the differences were statistically significant. According to the number of applications for judgment of continuing hospitalization and diagnosis, the disapproval rate was higher when the number of applications was 3~6 among patients with mood disorder, mental retardation, or others. According to the number of applications for review and facility, the disapproval rate was higher when number of applications was 4 or more among mental hospital patients, and when it was 6 or more among nursing home patients. The factors most influential on the judgment of continuing hospitalization were facility, the number of applications for review, and diagnosis, and the disapproval rate was high among mental hospital patients, alcoholics, those with medical insurance, and those with low risk of self-injury and injury by others and good orientation.

      • p-PbSe/n-Si Heterojunction 태양전지에 대한 연구

        柳相河,李在連 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1987 自然科學硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        Heterojunction solar cell of p-PbSe/n-Si fabricated by solution growth technique at room temperature. The crystal structure, spectral response, surface morphology, and I - V characteristics of p-PbSe/n-Si heterojunction are studied. The PbSe/n-Si layer deposited on a silicon substrate (400) were found to be cubic structure with crystal orientation (400), (220), (200), and (111) from the X-ray diffraction patterns. The open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, fill factor, and conversion efficiency of p-PbSe/n-Si heterojunction solar cell under 80Mw/㎠ illumination were found to be 0.41V, 21mA, 0.73, and 6.285%, respectively.

      • 産業社會에 있어서의 간호교육의 역할

        田山草 연세대학교 교육대학원 1979 연세교육과학 Vol.15 No.-

        Health conditions are influenced by the social norms and background of the people of a community. The health status of hundreds of millions of people in the world today is unacceptable, particularly in developing countries. More than half the population of the world do net have the benefit of proper health care. Health is a fundamental human right and world wide social goal. A new approach to health and health care, to close the gap between the "have", anb "have nots", achieve more equitable distribution of health resource anb attain a level of health for all the people of the country that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life. The close interrelationship anb interdependence of health and social and economic development, with health leadinh to and at the some time depending on a progressive improvement in conditions and quality of life. Primary health care is an integral part of the socioeconomic development process. The problems of human beings in an industrial society are related to health problems and the health problems are related to nursing education. There-fore the first part of this paper deals with social change and change in health concepts. The second part deals with the role of nursing education in an industrial society. The following topics are covered in this discussion: 1) Problems of rising medical costs 2) Probleems of hob distribution in health scrvices 3) Problems of quality of are 4) Nursing role in primary health care 5) Changes in nursing education

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