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      • Novel graphene/Sn and graphene/SnO<sub>x</sub> hybrid nanostructures: Induced superconductivity and band gaps revealed by scanning probe measurements

        ,linká,s, Andrá,s,Molná,r, Gyö,rgy,Magda, Gá,bor Zsolt,Hwang, Chanyong,Tapasztó,, Levente,Samuely, Peter,Szabó,, Pavol,Osvá,th, Zoltá,n Elsevier 2017 Carbon Vol.124 No.-

        <P>The development of functional composite nanomaterials based on graphene and metal nanoparticles (NPs) is currently the subject of intense research interest. In this study we report the preparation of novel type of graphene/Sn and graphene/SnOx (1 <= x <= 2) hybrid nanostructures and their investigation by scanning probe methods. First, we prepare Sn NPs by evaporating 7-8 nm tin on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrates. Graphene/Sn nanostructures are obtained by transferring graphene on top of the tin NPs immediately after evaporation. We show by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) that tin NPs reduce significantly the environmental p-type doping of graphene. Furthermore, we demonstrate by low-temperature STM and STS measurements that superconductivity is induced in graphene, either directly supported by Sn NPs or suspended between them. Additionally, we prepare SnOx NPs by annealing the evaporated tin at 500 degrees C. STS measurements performed on hybrid graphene/SnOx nanostructures reveal the electronic band gap of SnOx NPs. The results can open new avenues for the fabrication of novel hybrid superconducting nanomaterials with designed structures and morphologies. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</P>

      • KCI등재

        츠빙글리의 창조와 섭리 이해

        이신열 ( Lee¸ Samuel Y. ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 취리히의 종교개혁자 츠빙글리(Huldrych Zwingli)의 창조론과 섭리론을 고찰한다. 지금까지 그의 섭리론에 대해서는 어느 정도 연구가 진행되어 왔지만 창조론에 대한 연구는 찾아보기 힘들다. 본 논문은 이런 공백을 해소하기 위한 시도로서 하나님의 존재를 창조의 관점에서 고찰하는 것으로 시작한다. 창조론에 대한 논의는 창조에 대한 정의, 성격, 그리고 이에 대한 과학적 이해라는 단락으로 나누어서 진행되었다. 창조의 성격은 다시 무로부터의 창조, 선한 창조, 그리고 목적 지향적 창조라는 세부 항목을 통해서 고찰되었다. 이런 사실들을 놓고 볼 때, 츠빙글리에게 창조가 철학적인 개념으로 이해되었음에도 불구하고 동시에 성경적인 개념이라는 사실이 강조되었고, 또한 창조의 목적이 섭리를 지향한다는 성경적 원리가 확인된다고 볼 수 있다. 섭리에 대한 논의는 정의, 구성요소, 그리고 범위로 나누어서 진행되었다. 먼저 섭리의 정의에는 하나님의 통치와 돌보심이라는 두 가지 주제가 강조되었으며, 구성 요소로는 세 가지(지혜, 선하심, 권세)로 설명되는데 이는 하나님의 속성들이 섭리와 맺는 밀접한 관계를 설명하고 있다. 주목할 만한 부분은 섭리의 범위가 상당히 넓은데, 여기에 율법, 선택, 그리고 믿음이 포함된다. 이는 섭리가 지닌 전 포괄성, 즉 섭리가 ‘모든’ 사물에 대한 하나님의 통치와 돌보심이라는 츠빙글리의 정의에서 비롯된 것이다. 마지막으로, 창조와 섭리의 관계를 살펴보았는데, 형식적으로 전자는 후자의 관점에서 논의되었을 뿐 아니라, 내용적으로도 전자는 후자에 의해서 지배된다. 따라서 츠빙글리에게 창조는 섭리적 과정의 한 부분은 아님에도 불구하고 전적으로 섭리에 의해서 결정된다고 볼 수 있다. This article articulates the doctrine of creation and providence in the thought of Huldrych Zwingli. It is almost impossible to locate secondary works on creation while some works have been published regarding providence. This article begins with an explanation of the being of God with respect to the doctrine of creation. The doctrine of creation is analyzed by considering its definition, characteristics and scientific understanding. The characteristics of creation is further divided into creation from nothing (ex nihilo), its goodness and orientation with goal. In considering these ideas, it appears that although creation has been understood in philosophical terms, one cannot deny it is clearly a biblical concept in Zwingli’s thought.His emphasis on the purpose of creation is fully biblical as well. This idea of purpose in creation is a direct link between creation and providence. Discussion on providence is divided into its definition, composing element, and categories. In its definition, Zwingli focused on the two themes of divine government and administration. Its three composing elements (wisdom, goodness, authority) are proposed in their close relationship with the divine attributes. It is important to see that the category of providence is very comprehensive, and herein included are law, election, and faith. It reminds us of Zwingli’s repeated emphasis on the all-inclusiveness of providence. Finally, the relation between creation and providence can be seen as following. The former has been discussed in terms of the latter with respect to doctrinal formality. The same can be applied to their relationship in doctrinal content. Therefore, the meaning of creation is totally determined by providence although the former does not constitute one of the processes of the latter.

      • KCI등재

        일반 : 볼프하르트 판넨베르그의 유비 이해

        이용규 ( Yong Kyu Lee ),이신열 ( Samue Y Lee ) 한국개혁신학회 2014 한국개혁신학 Vol.42 No.-

        판넨베르그(Wolf hart Pannenberg)는 유비 개념을 비판하면서 유비 (analogy) 대신에 송영의 개념(a concept of doxology)을 제안한다. 그에게 송 영적 진술은 “찬양의 행위”(act of adoration)이지만 그의 신학체계 안에서 송영적 언어는 학문적 언어가 아니므로 이것의 사용은 신학함의 가능성을 부인하게 될 뿐 아니라 진리에 대한 회의주의로 귀결될 수밖에 없다. 즉 그 의 송영에 대한 주장은 그의 신학적 방법의 전제들과 상충되는 것이다. 그 는 예수 부활의 확실성은 역사적 연구를 통해 주어질 수 있다고 주장한다. 물론 부활은 실제로 일어난 시간과 장소를 가지는 객관적이고 역사적 사건 이지만, 동시에 시간과 장소의 모든 한계를 넘어서는 사건이다. 이런 이유 때문에 신약성경에 나타난 빈 무덤 전승과 부활하신 주의 출현은 신앙 고 백적이며 송영을 불러일으키는 사건이다. 판넨베르그에게 부활의 역사성을 말할 수 있는 존재 유비(analogia entis )는 존재하지 않는다. 하지만 유비를 기반으로 하지 않는 송영은 불가지론에 빠질 수 있다. 그러므로 우리는 성경적인 유비 이론을 재진술하고 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 이런 측면에서, 부활의 역사성을 말할 수 있는 근거로서 구속사적 모형 유비(redemptive typological analogy)를 생각할 수 있다. 이를테면, 건물로써 옛 성전과 새 성 전인 예수 그리스도에 대한 신앙 유비가 언급될 수 있다. 예수께서 예언하신 대로 유대인들은 그분의 몸(참 성전)을 파괴했고, 그분은 사흘 만에 부활하셨다. 모형 유비는 철저히 신학적 진술이고 일종의 ‘요청되는’개념이다. 따라서 우리가 하나님께 대해 진술할 때 구속사적 모형 유비는 우리의 인식 능력의 한계와 인간의 언어가 지닌 근본적인 제약성을 지적하면서도 그리스도 안에서 신앙의 역사적 기반과 신학의 학문적 기초를 마련할 수 있는 좋은 수단으로 될 것이다. Wolfhart Pannenberg carried out research on the history of the concept of analogy at the beginning of his theological career. While criticizing this concept, he had selected the concept of doxology for his theological program. But for Pannenberg, who strongly advocates the universal character of theology, doxology is merely an “act of worship” and thus is not a scientific language. It meant for him there is no possibility of theology, but raises a skepticism regarding its truth in his decision to choose doxology in place of analogy. Christologically speaking, Pannenberg claims the certainty of Jesus`` resurrection should be proved by historical studies. He wants to demonstrate it by using the “hope of the universal resurrection of the dead” that appeared in the apocalyptic literatures of Israel, However, this “hope” is a concept based on theological concept rather than historical method. Jesus`` resurrection actually happened in time and history and in this sense it is a historic event. An empty tomb as well as appearances of the risen Christ in the New Testament provides an occasion to justify the concept of doxology in the mind of Pannenberg. Consequently, there is no theological room left for him to utilize the analogy of being (analogia entis) in his effort to guarantee the historicity of Jesus` resurrection. In this essay, instead, it is suggested that there is a redemptive typological analogy as an evidence for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can mention the new temple and the old temple as examples of redemptive typological analogy. As Jesus had foretold, the Jews destroyed the body of Jesus (the true temple), and he was resurrected on the third day. Therefore, when we try to describe God in our theological language, a redemptive typological analogy is a good means to provide a foundation for the historicity of Jesus Christ as well as a scientific basis in our theological discussion regarding him.

      • 타액선 악성선상낭종과 조직학적 등급과의 관계

        박윤규(Yoon Kyu Park),박성길(Sung Gil Park),이삼열(Samu el Lee),오성수(Sung Soo Oh),이혜경(Hye Kyung Lee) 대한두경부종양학회 1991 대한두경부 종양학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This is a clinical, retrospective review of 66 cases of the Adenoid cystic carcinoma who were treated at the Department of Surgery, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju during the past 20 years from January, 1971 to December, 1990. The results were obtained as follows; 1) The most common malignant tumor in the minor salivary gland was adenoid cystic carcinoma and it's incidence was 57.6% (38 cases). 2) The most common site of adenoid cystic carcinoma in the major salivary gland was parotid gland with the incidence of 22.7% (15 cases). 3) The peak age of patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma was 5th decade(30.3%) and others' peak age except adenoid cystic carcinoma was 6th decade(35.9%). 4) The duration of symptoms of adenoid cystic carcinoma patient was less than one year in the minor salivary gland, comprising 21 cases(55.3 %) and more than one year in 18 cases(64.9 %) of the major salivary gland carcinoma. 5) According to histologic grades of 66 cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma, Grade I was 15 cases and Grade II 19 cases, Grade III 5 cases. Other 27 cases were undetermined. 6) The incidence of cervical lymphnode metastasis of 39 cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma classified into histologic grades was 0% in Grade I, 10.5% in Grade II and 20% in Grade III. 7) The incidence of nerve invasion confirmed histologically was 20% in Grade I, 63.2% in Grade II and 100% in Grade III. It was significant(p<0.01). 8) The local recurrence rate was 26.7% in Grade I, 47.4% in Grade II and 60% in Grade III. The lung was the commonest site for distant metastasis comprising 14 cases among 19 cases in which distant spread occurred. 9) 5 year determinate disease-free survival rate according to the histologic grade was 57.1% in Grade I, 27.33 in Grade II and 25.03 in Grade III. 10) The determinate 5-year survial rate of adenoid cystic carcinoma was 71.4% in the only curative surgery group, 70.6% in the combined treatment group of surgery and postoperative irradiation, 66.7% in the combined treatment group of surgeη with postoperative irradiation and chemotherapy, and 33.3% in the non-curative treatment group. 11) The average size of tumor was 3.6cm in Grade I, 4.8cm in Grade II and 4.5cm in Grade III.


        Treatment of 4T1 metastatic breast cancer with combined hypofractionated irradiation and autologous T-cell infusion.

        Filatenkov, Alexander,Baker, Jeanette,M?ller, Antonia M,Ahn, G-One,Kohrt, Holbrook,Dutt, Suparna,Jensen, Kent,Dejbakhsh-Jones, Sussan,Negrin, Robert S,Shizuru, Judith A,Engleman, Edgar G,Strober, Samu Academic Press 2014 Radiation research Vol.182 No.2

        <P>The goal of this study was to determine whether a combination of local tumor irradiation and autologous T-cell transplantation can effectively treat metastatic 4T1 breast cancer in mice. BALB/c mice were injected subcutaneously with luciferase-labeled 4T1 breast tumor cells and allowed to grow for 21 days, at which time metastases appeared in the lungs. Primary tumors were treated at that time with 3 daily fractions of 20 Gy of radiation each. Although this approach could eradicate primary tumors, tumors in the lungs grew progressively. We attempted to improve efficacy of the radiation by adding autologous T-cell infusions. Accordingly, T cells were purified from the spleens of tumor-bearing mice after completion of irradiation and cryopreserved. Cyclophosphamide was administered thereafter to induce lymphodepletion, followed by T-cell infusion. Although the addition of cyclophosphamide to irradiation did not improve survival or reduce tumor progression, the combination of radiation, cyclophosphamide and autologous T-cell infusion induced durable remissions and markedly improved survival. We conclude that the combination of radiation and autologous T-cell infusion is an effective treatment for metastatic 4T1 breast cancer.</P>

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