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        Crystal Structure and Biochemical Characterization of Tetrahydrodipicolinate <i>N</i>-Succinyltransferase from <i>Corynebacterium glutamicum</i>

        Sagong, Hye-Young,Kim, Kyung-Jin American Chemical Society 2015 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry Vol.63 No.49

        <P>Tetrahydrodipicolinate <I>N</I>-succinyltransferase (DapD) is an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of <SMALL>l</SMALL>-lysine by converting tetrahydrodipicolinate into <I>N</I>-succinyl-<SMALL>l</SMALL>-2-amino-6-oxopimelate, using succinyl-CoA as a cofactor. We determined the crystal structure of DapD from <I>Corynebacterium glutamicum</I> (<I>Cg</I>DapD). <I>Cg</I>DapD functions as a trimer, and each monomer consists of three domains: an N-terminal helical domain (NTD), a left-handed β-helix (LβH) domain, and a β C-terminal domain (CTD). The mode of cofactor binding to <I>Cg</I>DapD, elucidated by determining the structure in complex with succinyl-CoA, reveals that the position of the CTD changes slightly as the cofactor binds to the enzyme. The superposition of this structure with that of <I>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</I> shows differences in residues that make up cofactor-binding sites. Moreover, we determined the structure of <I>Cg</I>DapD in complex with the substrate analogue 2-aminopimelate and revealed that the analogue was stabilized by conserved residues. The catalytic and substrate binding sites of <I>Cg</I>DapD were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis experiments.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jafcau/2015/jafcau.2015.63.issue-49/acs.jafc.5b04785/production/images/medium/jf-2015-04785n_0006.gif'></P>

      • KCI등재

        『속된 무리를 떠나서』에 나타난 밧세바의 여성 정체성 탐구 — 포스트콜로니얼의 페미니즘 관점에서

        Sagong, Chaul 한국중앙영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.58 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to search feminine identity of Bathsheba on postcolonial feminism in Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd. During Thomas Hardy’s times, the setting for English social change was the industrialization through rapid scientific developments. In a society like this, the social lives of the contemporary women were limited because of exclusive values of social status, sexual ideology, education, religion, marriage, gender difference, and confinement of the class, yet Bathsheba who is suspicious of the contemporary male-centered society restructures her own status and feminine identity, breaking the conventional patterns of the male and the female. The romance of Bathsheba is made up of such main components as work, money, social status, and masculinity in which woman is considered as an economic subject of contemporary society. In this view, this study is to analyze the “Androgyny” of Bathsheba from the viewpoint of the postcolonial feminism, by comprehensively understanding feminine identity of Bathsheba in Far from the Madding Crowd.

      • Analytical Solution of ECV Tracking Filter with Two Measurements Based on a Eigenstructure Method

        Sagong, Seong Dae 永同大學校 1997 硏究論叢 Vol.3 No.1

        MacFarlane-Potter-Fath 고유 구조 방법을 이용하여 위치와 속도 측정치를 가지는 두 상태 ECV 목표 추적 필터의 해석적 정상 상태 해를 유도한다. 정상 상태 해는 백색 잡음의 기동 성능이라는 가정 하에 해석적으로 얻어진다. 필터 이득 그래프들은 두 측정치를 가지는 필터의 해와 고유 구조 방법을 이용한 해석적 해들의 유효성을 보여준다. Using MacFarlane-Potter-Fath eigenstructure method, analytical steady-state solutions of two-state exponentially correlated velocity(ECV) target-tracking filter with the position and velocity measurements are derived. The steady-state solutions are analytically obtained under the assumption of white noise maneuver capability. Graphs of the filter gains show the solutions for the filter with two measurements are available and the effectiveness of the obtained analytical solutions by using the eigenstructure method.

      • Identification of causative mutation in a Korean family with Crouzon syndrome using whole exome sequencing.

        Sagong, Borum,Jung, Da Jung,Baek, Jeong-In,Kim, Min-A,Lee, Jaetae,Lee, Sang-Heun,Kim, Un-Kyung,Lee, Kyu-Yup Institute for Clinical Science] 2014 Annals of clinical and laboratory science Vol.44 No.4

        <P>Craniosynostosis is a heterogeneous disorder that results in a common malformation which causes premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was recently developed as a powerful genetic strategy for identifying pathogenic mutations of heterogeneous disorders with various causative genes. A 24-year-old woman visited our department for evaluation of persistent hearing impairment and absence of an external auditory canal from birth. In this study, we performed WES to identify the causative mutation in a Korean family who has Crouzon Syndrome (CS). We first focused on 16 genes associated with craniosynostosis and sorted the heterozygous variations according to the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern of her family. After the bioinformatic analysis for filtering and detecting variations, three non-synonymous variations in different genes were selected for additional analysis. Among these, the p.C278F mutation in the FGFR2 gene was only absent from both dbSNP and the 1000 Genomes database. We considered the p.C278F mutation in the FGFR2 gene as the causative mutation for the CS. This result suggests that the application of WES will be valuable for diagnosis of congenital disorders with clinical and genetics heterogeneities.</P>

      • Discrete Variable Structure Controller with Integrator for Uncertain Systems

        Sagong, Seong-Dae 永同大學校 1999 硏究論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구에서는 불확실성을 가지는 서보 시스템에 대하여 적분기를 포함하는 이산 시간 가변구조 제어에 관하여 살펴보았다. 이 적분기를 포함하는 이산시간 가변구조 제어는 서보 시스템의 응답에서 발생하는 정상상태 오차를 제거할 수 있는 특징을 가지고 있다. 불확실성을 포함하는 시스템에 대하여 제안한 이산시간 가변구조 제어가 슬라이딩 모드에서 채터링을 제거할 수 있음을 살펴보았다. 그리고 제아한 알고 리듬의 타당성을 시뮬레이션을 통하여 확인하였다. In this paper, a discrete variable structure control(DVSC) with integrator for servo systems with uncertainty is proposed. The DVSC with integrator which eliminates the steady-state error that is happened for the reference input in the servo systems is proposed. For systems with uncertainty, we design a DVSC which guarantees the robustness of uncertain systems and which has an advantage of elimination of the chattering in the sliding mode. Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        Self-division and Self-sacrifice in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders

        Sagong, Chaul(사공철) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2018 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.15 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 토마스 하디의 『숲속의 사람들』에 나타난 여성 주인공 그레이스와 남성 주인공 가일스의 자아를 탐구하는 데 있다. 이 작품의 주요 무대인 리틀 힌톡은 단순한 목가적 공동체가 아니라 공동체 내에서의 두 주인공들의 자아형성 배경으로 작용한다. 위기에 놓인 당시의 농촌 공동체의 흥망성쇠와 더불어 젠더와 계급의 불안정한 성격이 두드러지게 나타난다. 하디는『숲속의 사람들』을 다른 어떤 소설보다도 최고의 작품으로 묘사했지만, 이야기의 전반적인 전개는 침울한 분위기로 흐른다. 공동체 내의 인간관계에서 서로 다른 정체성을 지닌 두 주인공들은 갈등과 대립으로 인하여 양립할 수없는 관계에 놓이게 되면서 그들의 불행한 결말을 독자들에게 남긴다. 따라서 이 논문은 두 주인공들의 불행을 불안정한 자아정체성에서 비롯된다고 보고 그레이스의 “자아분열”과 가일스의 “자기희생”에 초점을 맞추면서 고찰하게 된다. 그레이스와 가일스의 불행한 삶과 그들 자신의 불안정안 자아를 통해서 인간은 자아분열과 자기희생 어느 한쪽의 치우침이 없는 보편적인 자아성찰과 더불어 서로 소통하며 주변의 자연환경과 동화되어 자연스럽게 살아야 한다는 평범한 삶의 진리를 깨닫게 된다. 바로 이러한 점이 필자가 이 논문에서 논의하려는 주된 요지이다. The purpose of this paper is to explore the self of the male and female protagonists, Grace and Giles in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders. In The Woodlanders, Little Hintock is not a simple pastoral community, but a background for self-formation of protagonists within the community. This work shows the ups and downs of the rural community during times of social crisis, where the unstable nature of gender and class appears more prominent. Moreover, Hardy elaborates his emphasis on Grace’s and Giles’s self, which are the key points throughout the novel. Though Hardy described The Woodlandres “as a story, more than any of his other novels” (Millgate 279) and as “the best of all”(Florence 151), the overall development of the story takes on a more sombre tone and leaves readers with an unhappy ending. The emphasis will be placed on the incompatible aspects of characters’ identity that arise from conflicts and confrontations by the different identities between community and individuality of human relations. Therefore this paper will prove identities of their self, focusing on “Self-division” of Grace and “Self-sacrifice” of Giles. Through the unhappy life of Grace and Giles and the instability of their self, we are able to learn about the deep meaning of self-reflection. Furthermore, we realize the realities of life and how it relates through communication with each other in harmony and the natural environment surrounding us. The above is the major issue that I attempt to discuss in the paper.

      • KCI등재

        Rb-Sr isotopic study of the Hwacheon granite in northern Gyeonggi massif, Korea: A case of spurious Rb-Sr whole rock age

        S.-T. Kwon,C.- S. Cheong,H. Sagong 한국지질과학협의회 2006 Geosciences Journal Vol.10 No.2

        Sagong, H., Kwon, S.-T., and Ree, J.-H., 2005, Mesozoic episodicmagmatism in South Korea and its tectonic implication. Tecton-ics, 24, TC5002, doi:10.1029.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Novel Korean H9-Specific rRT-PCR Assay and Its Application for Avian Influenza Virus Surveillance in Korea

        Sagong Mingeun,Kang Yong-Myung,Kim Na Yeong,Noh Eun Bi,Heo Gyeong-Beom,An Se-Hee,Lee Youn-Jeong,Choi Young Ki,Lee Kwang-Nyeong 한국미생물학회 2023 The journal of microbiology Vol.61 No.10

        Since the 2000s, the Y439 lineage of H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) has been the predominant strain circulating in poultry in Korea; however, in 2020, the Y280 lineage emerged and spread rapidly nationwide, causing large economic losses. To prevent further spread and circulation of such viruses, rapid detection and diagnosis through active surveillance programs are crucial. Here, we developed a novel H9 rRT-PCR assay that can detect a broad range of H9Nx viruses in situations in which multiple lineages of H9 AIVs are co-circulating. We then evaluated its efficacy using a large number of clinical samples. The assay, named the Uni Kor-H9 assay, showed high sensitivity for Y280 lineage viruses, as well as for the Y439 lineage originating in Korean poultry and wild birds. In addition, the assay showed no cross-reactivity with other subtypes of AIV or other avian pathogens. Furthermore, the Uni Kor-H9 assay was more sensitive, and had higher detection rates, than reference H9 rRT-PCR methods when tested against a panel of domestically isolated H9 AIVs. In conclusion, the novel Uni Kor-H9 assay enables more rapid and efficient diagnosis than the “traditional” method of virus isolation followed by subtyping RT-PCR. Application of the new H9 rRT-PCR assay to AI active surveillance programs will help to control and manage Korean H9 AIVs more efficiently.

      • Two Novel Missense Mutations in the TECTA Gene in Korean Families with Autosomal Dominant Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss.

        Sagong, Borum,Park, Raekil,Kim, Yee Hyuk,Lee, Kyu-Yup,Baek, Jeong-In,Cho, Hyun-Joo,Cho, In-Jee,Kim, Un-Kyung,Lee, Sang-Heun Institute for Clinical Science] 2010 Annals of clinical and laboratory science Vol.40 No.4

        <P>The TECTA gene, which encodes alpha-tectorin, is known as a causative gene for DFNA8/DFNA12, and DFNB21 hearing loss in humans. In the present study, mutation analysis of the TECTA gene was performed in 62 Korean patients with hereditary hearing loss. Two novel nucleotide substitutions, p.V317E and p.T1866M, were identified for the first time in the Korean population. These mutations result in the substitution of amino acids in the zonadhesin (ZA) and the zona pellucida (ZP) domains, and show a genotype-phenotype correlation, which is a characteristic of TECTA-related mutations in autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss. Both mutations are located in highly conserved regions of alpha-tectorin and were not found in 120 unrelated control subjects with normal hearing. Based on this evidence, it is likely that both mutations are the pathogenic ones causing the hearing loss. This study provides useful information for the functional study of hereditary hearing loss caused by tectorial membrane defects.</P>

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