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      • 지황의 삼요소 적정시비와 생력화에 따른 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        정예표 한경대학교 2008 論文集 Vol.40 No.-

        Effects of the application of N-P-K fertilizer and organic substances on the growth and yield of chinese foxglove (Rehmania glutinosa) was studied in 2005. some plots of experimental upland were fertilized with three mixture of N-P-K=10-10-20kg/10a, 20-20-30kg/10a, and 30-30-40kg/10a, followed by mulching with black perforated film. Organic substances were mixed with N-P-K=27-27-36kg/ 10a as a basal fertilizer. Amounts of mixtures containing completely decomposed manure and those having moored and fermented manure were 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000kg/10a, respectively. Additional fertilization treatments were conducted with a mixture of N-P-K=14-14-20kg/10a and with N-P-K= 14-14-20kg/10a on 5 July, 20 July, 5 April, 5 September, and 20 September. Conventional farming performed by farmers labor and mechanization integrated cultivation were compared on order to investigate the retrenchment of labour and increases in growth and harvest yield according to the systematization of work for the labour-saving equipment. 1. Effect of Three Major Nutrients(2005) (1)The root weight from N-P-K=20-20-30kg/10a was the weightiest, 238g per plant and that from N-P-K=0-0-0kg/10a a was the lightest, 183g per plant. The difference in root weights between both group was 100g per plants. (2)The number of root from N-P-K=20-20-30kg/10a was most, 22.1 per plant and that from N-P-K=0-0-0kg/10a was the least, 17.3 per plant. The difference in root number between both group was 4.8 per plants. (3)The root weight from 3000kg/10a of manure of full ripeness was the weightiest, 295g per plant and that from non-treated was the lightest, 230g per plant. The difference in root weights between both group was 65g per plants. (4)The number root from 3000kg/10a of manure of full ripeness was the most, 29.8 per plant and that from non-treated was the least, 15.2 per plant. The difference in root number between both group was 14.6per plants. (5)The number of root weight from N-P-K=14-14-20kg/10a of side dressing of 20, July was the weightest, 265g per plant and that from non-treated was the lightest, 230g per plant. The difference in root weight between both group was 35 per plants. (6)The number of root from N-P-K=14-14-20kg/10a of side dressing of 20,July was the weightest, 21.6g per plant and that from non-treated was the least, 15.2 per plant. The difference in root weight between both group was 6.1 per plants. 2. Systematization of Work for the Labour-saving Equipment(2006) (1)The time required for the conventional work was the longest on the whole, 229 min/10a. Cultivation on mechanized group A took 1210 min/10a 980min/10a shorter than conventional one. Group B required 845 min/10a, which was 235 min/10a shorter than group A (2)The rates of mechanization over total labour time were 4207% for the mechanized group A and 36.6% for the group B, while the root weight from the conventional group was heavier than both mechanized groups. the reason of the low late in root weight of mechanized group A was considered as famers lack of skill because they worked with the equipment for the first time. (3)The reason of the better harvest from the conventional area was that famers hands were able together almost all products, while equipment was not able to lift some portion of seed tuber from the gtound. (4)It is suggested as the result that the integrated mechanized cultivation using farm appliances to the utmost should be adopted, since the cost of production for mechanized areas was lower than that for conventional area, in spite of some loss harvest.

      • 땅콩의 播種期와 品種에 따른 포리에치렌 被覆栽培가 生育및 收量에 미치는 影響 : Arachis Hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1994 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        1. 出現期는 4月 15日 無被覆區보다 被覆區에서 12日 短縮되었으며 5月 15日 播種區에서도 4日 短縮되어 發芽가 促進되었다(신풍, 영호) 2. 開花期는 4月 15日과 5月 15日 播種期에서 無被覆區에 比하여 (신풍:4月 15日에서 15日, 5月 15日에서 10日. 영호: 4月 15日에서 16日, 5月 15日에서 12日)短縮되어 初期生育이 促進되었다. 3. 主莖長은 어느 播種期에서나 被覆區에서 7-8㎝의 顯著한 差異로 地上部生育이 旺盛하였다. 4. 100粒重은 被覆區全部에서 2.5-3.4g로 粒重의 增加는 種實의 肥大와 充實이 높은 結果라 하겠다. 5. 萊實比率은 被覆區에서 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 56.6%에서 52.5%로 점차 떨어지고 있다. 6. 種實收量은 어느 播種期에서도 被覆效果가 컸으며 特히 4月 15日 播種期는 無被覆區에 比하여 被覆區에서 顯著한 增收를 보였다. 1. Germinating date was ealier 12date in mulching culture than no mulching and seeding date in May 15 was faciliatate germination at 4 early date.(Sing pung, Young ho) 2. Flower date was faciliatate earlier growth by (Si pung : Apr, 15 seeding 15 days, May 15 seeding 10 days. Young ho : Apr, 15 seeding 16 days, May 15 seeding 12 days) early date at seed date in April 15 and May 15 than no mulching. 3. Main stem length was very good over ground plant by clear grap of 7 - 8㎝ in mulching culture at even all seed date. 4. It was results in seed fleshiness and hight fruition that 100 grain weight was increased at even all seed date by 2.5 - 3.4g seed weight levels. 5. Seed ratio is decline from 52.5% to 56.6% under late seeding period in mulching culture. 6. Seed yield was very much effect in mulching culture and, cerlainly, seed date of April 15 was cleary increaser in mulching cultrue tham no mulching cultrue.

      • 땅콩의 催芽와 全用複合肥料에 따른 멀칭 被覆裁培가 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        1. 開花期는 無被覆區와 無催芽한 種子 및 標準肥料區보다 被覆區와 催芽한 種子 및 複合全用肥料區에서 開花가 빨랐다. 2. 分枝數는 無被覆區, 被覆區에서 無催芽한 種子보다 催芽한 種子에서 標準肥料區보다 複合全用肥料區에서 增大하였다. 3. 乾物重은 無被覆區가 65.6g이고 被覆區가 135.8g로 70.2g의 差異가 있었다. 4. 萊實重은 無被覆區가 530㎏이고 被覆區가 585㎏로 55㎏差異가 있었다. 5. 種實重은 無被覆區가 215㎏이고 被覆區가 378㎏로 163㎏差異가 있다. 1. Flawer date was early the mulching and pregermiated seed or compler fertilizer than that no mulching and no pregerminated seed or stander rate of fertilizer. 2. Munfer of branch was mulching than that of no mulching. The pregerminated seed and complex fertilizer than no pregerminated seed and stander rate of fertilizer. 3. Dry weight is defferent 70.2g by 65.6g in no mulching and135.8g in mulching. 4. Weight of pods is defferent 55kg by 530kg in no mulching and 585kg in mulching. 5. Seed weight is defferent 163kg by 215kg in no mulching and 378kg in mulching.

      • 地黃의 播種期가 비닐被覆에 따른 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        정예표 한경대학교 2004 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        Seeds of Rehmannia glutinosa were sown at intervals of ten days on 10 April, 20 April, 30 April and 10 May, 2004, on the areas divided into three parts of the non-mulched, the mulched with transparent perforated film and the mulched with black perforated film, in order to examine its growth and harvest yields according to the seedtime and film mulching. 1. Tests for Seedtime of Rehmannia Glutinosa and Film Mulching (2004). 1) Measurement of leaf weight per plant on 20 June showed that the heaviest was the group of transparent perforated film of 20 April, grown up to 82.9 g per plant, that is, 74.6 g heavier than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 8.3 g per plant. It was also found from the investigation on 9 September that the heaviest was the leaf weight of black perforated film of 20 April, increased up to 385.3 g per plant, and 210.5 g weightier than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 174.8 g per plant. 2) An examination on 20 June indicated that the leaf area of transparent perforated film of 20 April grew the widest up to 126.3 cm2 per plant, and 94.5 cm2 wider than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 31.8 cm2 per plant. From the test on 9 September, the leaf area of black perforated film of 10 April was found the widest, up to 234 cm2 per plant, that is, 28.7 cm2 wider than that from the non-mulched part of 10 May, 206.2 cm2 per plant. 3) On 20 June, the root weight the group mulched with transparent perforated film of 20 April was found the heaviest, 14.6 g per plant, that is, 11.9 g heavier than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 2.7 g per plant. On 9 September, the heaviest was the root of black perforated film of 20 April, 205.2 g per plant, and 100.6 g weightier than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 104.6 g per plant. 4) On 20 June, the most was the root number of the plants from black perforated film of 20 April, 13 per plant, which was 8 more than that from the non-mulched of 10 May, 5 per plant. On 9 September, roots of transparent perforated film of 20 April was the most, 21 per plant, and 11 more than those of the non-mulched of 10 April, 10 per plant. 5) It was found on the whole that the groups mulched with film grew only a little in their leaf weights, leaf areas, numbers of roots, root weights.

      • 땅콩의 開墾地 土壤과 催芽種子에 따른 肥料效果가 生育 및 洙量에 미치는 影響 : Arachis .hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        1. 開花期는 有機物土壤과 開墾地 土壤에서 催芽안한 種子區에 비하여 催芽한 種子區가 3日, 標準施肥區에 비하여 複合肥料區가 4日 開花日이 短縮되었다. 2. 地上部 乾物重은 有機物土壤 보다 開墾地 土壤에서, 催芽 안한 種子區 보다 催芽한 種子區에서, 標準施肥區보다 複合肥料區에서 급격히 增加되었다. 3. 主莖長은 어떤 催芽한 種子區에서나 複合肥料區에서 4∼5㎝의 顯著한 差異로 地上部 生育이 旺盛하였다. 4. 種實收量은 어떤 催芽한 種子區에서도 複合肥料區效果가 컸으며 특히 開墾地 土壤은 有機物土壤에 비하여 催芽한 種子에서 複合肥料區에서 顯著한 增加를 보였다. 5. 萊實比率은 開墾地土壤의 複合肥料區에서 有機物土壤의 標準施肥區가 지연됨에 따라서 79.2%에서 45.2%로 점차 떨어졌다. 6. 100粒重은 催芽한 種子의 複合肥料區 전부에서 8.6∼11.9g으로 粒重의 增加는 種實의 肥大와 유실이 높은 結果라 하겠다. 1. Flower date was faciliatate earlier flowering grawth by (no pregerminated seed:3days, standard rate of fertilizer:4days) early date at reclaimed land soil of prgerminated seed and complex fertilizer than soil argnic matter of no pregarmnated and standard rate of fertilizer. 2. Top dry weight increased quite rapidly then began to fall slightly. Reclaimed land soil to pregerminated seed and complax fertilizer tended to yield more top dry weight than soil organic matter to no pregerminated seed and standard rate of fertilizer cultivars did. 3. Main stem lenght was very good over ground plant by clear-gap of 3~5㎝ in complex fertilizer culture at all pregerminated seed. 4. Seed yield was very much effect in pregerminated of complex fertilizer culture and, certarinly seed date reclained land soil was cleary increase in pregerminated seed of complex fertilizer culture than no pregerminated seed of standard rate of fertilizer culture. 5. Seed ratio in decline grom 45.2% to 79.2% under late seeding period in reclaimed land soil of complex fertilizer culture than soil organic matter of standard rate of fertilizer culture. 6. pregerminated seed of complex fertilizer was results in seed freshiness and hight fruition that 100 seed weight was increased at even all complex fertilizer date by 8.6~11.1g seed weight leuels.

      • 땅콩의 品種과 種字크기에 따른 포리에치렌 被覆栽培가 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.30 No.2

        1. Flower date was early the mulching and all peanut seed than that no mulching and sin pumg seed. 2. Number of branches was mulching than that no mulching, the mulching of all Peanut seed than no mulching of sin pung seed. 3. Dry weight is defferent 36g by 61.5g in no mulching of sin pung small seed and 97.5g in mulching of sin pung midway seed. 4. Weight of pods in defferent 116kg by 352kg in no mulching of sin pung small seed and 468kg in mulching of sin pung midway seed. 5. Seed weight is defferant 88kg by 185kg in no mulching of sin pung small seed and 273kg in mulching of sin pung midway seed.

      • 땅콩의 播種期와 催芽에 따른 멀칭 被覆栽培가 生育및 收量에 미치는 影響 : Arachis Hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1995 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        1) 出現期는 4월 10일 無被覆區보다 被覆 催芽種子區에서 10일 短縮되었고 5월 10일 播種區에서도 3일 短縮되어 發芽가 促進되었으며 6월 10일 播種區에서는 2일 發芽가 促進되었다. 2) 開花期는 4월 10일, 5월 10일 및 6월 10일 播種期에서 無被覆區에 비하여(催芽 않한 種子:4월 10일에서 12일, 5월 10일에서 8일, 6월 10일에서 7일, 催芽한 種子:4월 10일에서 9일, 5월 10일에서 4일, 6월 10일에서 5일)短縮되어, 初期 生育이 促進되었다. 3) 主莖長은 어떤 播種期에서나 被覆區에서 6-9㎝의 顯著한 差異로 地上部 生育이 旺盛하였다. 4) 100粒重은 被覆催芽區 전부에서 3.2-4.3g으로 粒重의 增加는 種實의 肥大와 유실이 높은 結果라 하겠다. 5) 萊實比率은 被覆催芽區에서 播種期가 遲延됨에 따라 68.2%에서 51.6%로 점차 떨어졌다. 6) 種實 收量은 어떤 播種期에서도 被覆催芽 效果가 컸으며 특히 4월 10일 播種期는 無被覆區에 비하여 被覆 催芽區에서 顯著한 增收를 보였다. 1. Germination date was earlier April 10 date in mulching culture than no mulching and seed date in May 10 was at 3 early date and Jun 10 was faciliatate germination at 2 early date pregerminated seed. 2. Flower date was faciliatate earlier growth by(no pregerminated seed: April 10 seeding 12 days, May 10 seeding 4 days, Jun 10 seeding 1 days. pregerminated: April 10 seeding 9 days, May 10 seeding 4 days, Jun 10 seeding 5 days) early date at seed date in April 10 and May 10 than no mulching. 3. Main stem length was very good over ground plant by cleargap of 6-9cm in mulching culture at even all seed date. 4. Mulching of pregerminated seed was results in seed freshiness and hight fruition that 100seed weight was increased at even all pregeminated seed date by 3.2 - 4.3g seed weight levels. 5. Seed ratio in decline from 51.6% to 68.2%under late seeding period in mulching of pre-germinated seed cuture. 6. Seed yield was very much effect in mulching of pregerminated seed culture and, certainly seed date of April 10 was cleary increase in mulching of pregerminated seed culture than no mulching of pregerminated culture.

      • 땅콩의 草型을 主로한 播種期가 生育 및 開花生態反應에 關한 硏究 : Arachis hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        栽培環境의 變化에 따른 땅콩 草型의 生態反應에 對한 硏究를 위하여 1990年에 葡蔔型, 半立型, 直立型을 供試하여 安城農業專門大學 實驗圃場에서 實施하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 主莖長은 葡蔔型 보다 直立型에서 晩播보다 早播에서 變幅이 컸다. 2. 分枝數는 直立型 보다 葡蔔型에서, 葡蔔型에 의한 減少가 半立型 및 直立型 보다 컸다. 3. 分枝長은 播種한 後 8月 24日 까지 伸長속도가 빨랐다. 4. 開花日數는 4月 20日 播種區, 5月 30日 播種區에서 모두 38日로 晩播區의 開花日數가 短縮率이 컸다. 5. 萊乾物重의 增加率은 葡蔔種의 경우 8月 24日에 가장 크며 半立 및 直立型은 8月 9日부터 增加하였고 9月 8日 以後부터는 鈍化하였다. 6. 收量은 直立型<半立型<葡蔔型의 順으로 많았으며 播種期에 있어서 早播와 晩播보다 5月 10∼15日에 收量이 많았다. These studies were carried out to study on ecological reaction of peanut variety depend on cultural environment at the experiment farm of An Sun agricultural technical college from April to ocotober 1990, Runner, Semirunner, Spanish type varieties were planted. The result obtained are summarized as follws : 1. Main stem of the spanish type was longer than that of the runner type cultivars. Stem length tended to be longer for early seeding date than for late seeding date. 2. Mumber of branches per plant was significantly greate for runner types than spanich types, the number of branches decreased the late seeding date more for runner cultivars than for semi-runner or spanish types. 3. The branch of a plant grow rapidly from seeding date to August 24. 4. The period from sowing to flowering of April 20, May 10 and May 30 sowing was needed 38 days in all varieties, so it was recognized that the perid from wowing to flowering was generally shortened in late planting time. 5. It was recognized that increasing rate of dry weight of pod in runner type is biggest at August 24, that in semi-runner and spanish type increased from August 9, but decreased from October 8. 6. Pod yields were generally in the increasing oder of runner, semi-runner and spanish type cultivars, seeding data had yield was highter to May 10~15 seeding that thes for early or late seeding date.

      • KCI등재

        청소년에서 폭력에의 노출과 관련된 정신의학적 증상

        김동기,이호분,민성길,송동호,육기환,전여숙 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.2

        서울 시내 중학생 1345명을 대상으로 폭력에 노출되는 정도와 이와 연관된 정신의학적 증상을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 자기보고식 설문지를 사용하였는데. 설문지의 내용은 사회인구학적 자료와 집. 학교, 동네에서 폭력을 당하거나 목격했는지를 묻는 문항과 폭력에 의한 정신의학적 증상의 정도를 묻는 TSC(trauma symptom checklist)로 구성되었으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 전체 학생 중 45%가 폭력에 노출된 경험이 있었으며. 남자가 여자보다 많았다 (p<0.025). 집에서 구타 당한 경험은 여학생이 22.8%로 남학생보다 유의하게 높았다 (p<0.001). 학교. 동네에서 구타당한 경험은 남학생이 각각 22.1%. 10.1%로서 여학생보다 유의하게 높았다. 2) TSC를 요인 분석한 결과 불안-우울, PTSD, 해리, 분노 증상으로 나뉘었다. TSC는 폭력 경험 변인들과 상관 관계를 나타냈다. 다중 회귀분석을 실시한 결과 TSC와 연관된 폭력 노출 변인은 일생 동안의 폭력 노출(R²=0.18). 최근의 성폭력 경험(R²=7.12). 최근 집에서의 폭력 경험(R²=0.08), 최근 학교에서의 폭력 경험(R²=0.08), 최근 집에서의 폭력 목격(R²=0.07). 모든 종류의 폭력 노출(R²=0.29)로 나타났다. 3) TSC와 유의하게 연관된 사회인구학적 변인은 여성, 물질 남용의 가족력이 있는 경우, 술이나 담배 약물 남용을 하는 청소년인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 청소년 폭력에의 희생자에 대한 정신의학적 개입에는 이러한 위험인자에 대한 고려가 필요하리라고 본다. In this research, we examined the frequency of exposure to violence in the home, school and neighborhood among middle school students as well as its related psychiatric symptoms. A total of 1,345 students from 5 middle schools in Seoul participated in this study : 670 were male,675 were female. We administered self-reported questionaires including discriptions of exposure to violence and a trauma symptom checklist(TSC)(Singer 1995). 1) The total frequency of exposure to any type of violence was 45% in our sample. The frequency of girls' being hit in home was 22.8%, which was significantly higher than it was for boys(p<0.001). The frequency of boys' exposure to violence in school and in the neighbor-hood was 22.1% and 10.1% respectively, which was higher than it was for girls(p <0.005). 2) In factor analysis of TSC, 4 factors were identified. TSC including depression-anxity, PTSD, dissociation and anger was correlated with violence exposure variables. Multiple regression analysis revealed that TSC is related with violence victimization in life(R2=0.18), sexual assault(R2= 0.12), recent victimization in the home(R2= 0.08), recent witness to violencein the home(R2=0.07), recent victimization in school(R2=0.08) and all violence exposures(R2=0.29). 3) Among the demographic variables, sex, parental alcohol problem and student alcohol-smoking-drug problems influenced the TSC(p <0.005). TSC could be result of witness to violence as well as violence victimization. And the risk factors for violence-related psychiatric symptoms were mainly seen in females, who have parents with alcohol problems or who themselves have alcohol-smoking-substance problems. So intervention programs for violence victims should be focused on the these high risk group.

      • KCI등재

        경로분석을 이용한 뮤지컬 만족도에 관한 가치사슬 구조 분석

        김윤태 ( Haw Rye Kim ),김화례 ( Youn Tae Kim ),권병웅 ( Byung Woong Kwon ) 한국연극교육학회 2012 연극교육연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Analysis on the Value Chain Structure of Musical Satisfaction Using Path Analysis Kim, Haw-rye/Kwon, Byung-woong/Kim, Youn-tae Path analysis is a form of statistical analysis used to examine therelationships betweenvariablesand its advantage is to enable direct effect, indirect effect and spuriouseffect which are hard to identify by regression analysis. Using path analysis, this study examined the value chain structure of musical elements such as distribution, planning, production and consumption which are expected to affect musical satisfaction. The selected population was Seoul Citizens who watched musicals at least one time and, through random sampling, 250 were selected as sample at eight musical theaterslocated in Daehakro, Chungmuro, etc. in Seoul. Among the questionnaires collected from the 250 samples, 212 were used for this study except 38 unfit for analysis. Survey is composed with total of 24 questions which include 6 demographic questions, 17 audience tendency questions and 18 satisfaction questions. We made value chain structure analysis by dividing each level of satisfaction in planning, manufacturing, distribution and consumption and executing subsequent factor analysis in those satisfaction questions. Study results after reliability analysis of 18 satisfaction level questions showed high level of 0.893 reliability coefficient and therefore, we can tell there exists high level of internal consistency in each factor.

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