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        IT 기술력으로 대한민국을 연결하다: 메쉬코리아의 성공 메커니즘 분석

        유정범(Jeong-bum Rhyu),박재홍(Jae-hong Park),이동근(Dong-gun Lee),박기찬(Kichan Park) 한국경영학회 2021 Korea Business Review Vol.25 No.신년 특별호

        온라인 쇼핑 시장의 발전과 코로나19 바이러스의 확산으로 비대면 생활 시대가 점진되면서 라스트 마일 시장(Last Mile Market)은 유래 없는 호황을 맞이하고 있다. 이제는 배송의 대상이 음식에 국한되지 않고 편의점, H&B 스토어 등 비(非)음식분야까지 서비스가 보편화 되었다. 본 연구는 라스트 마일 업계에서 IT(Information Technology) 기술력을 기반으로 성공적인 성장을 거듭하고 있는 메쉬코리아의 성공 사례를 자원기반이론(RBV)의 확장 모델로 평가되는 SER-M 패러다임을 통해 분석했다. 주체의 특성, 환경적 조건, 자원의 역량요인 등이 융합 · 결합을 통해 어떠한 메커니즘을 형성하여 성공할 수 있었는지, 그리고 더 큰 성장을 위해 어떤 도전과제에 직면하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 분석결과, 선순환적 성장 메커니즘을 구축시켜준 주요 원동력은 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 주체변수의 특성은 창업가의 기업가정신으로 나타났다. 메쉬코리아의 창업주 유정범 대표는 아버지의 장례식장에서 배달 시스템의 비효율성을 보면서 이를 개선하기 위해 창업을 결심했다. 유대표의 기업가 정신은 현장 중시 철학인 ‘우문현답’, 모두에게 이익이 되도록 하려는 모토인 ‘세상에서 가장 깨끗한 1원의 가치’, 그리고 흔히 라이더(Rider)라 부르는 배송기사들에 대한 ‘섬김의 리더십’실천으로 부각된다. 둘째, 성공을 위한 환경적 요인은 온라인 쇼핑이 활성화되어 라스트 마일 사업이 확대된 시장 환경, 인공지능(AI), 빅데이터 등 다양한 기술의 발전에 힘입어 신유통 등 물류 시장에 혁신의 바람을 불게 한 시대적 환경, 그리고 코로나-19 신종 바이러스 확산에 따른 강력한 사회적 거리두기 조치등의 정책적 환경이 새로운 기회를 제공한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유정범 대표의 기업가 정신과 코로나 팬데믹 환경에 더하여 메쉬코리아가 보유하고 있는 인적, 물적 자원을 업계에서 유일하게 직영 구조로 운영하는 전략적 자원으로 구축 및 활용함으로써 글로벌 배송 업체까지도 벤치마킹하고자 하는 메쉬코리아의 선순환적 성공 메커니즘이 사내외로 확산되고 있음을 확인하였다. 논문의 마지막 부분에서는 대부분의 사업과 산업이 어려움에 처한 상황에서도 배송업계에 대한 낙관적 전망에 따라 포화상태로 접어들고 있는 라스트 마일 업계에서 메쉬코리아가 향후 직면하게 될 도전과제에 대하여 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 메쉬코리아의 성공적 성장사례를 통해 스타트업 기업들의 시장진입 및 성장전략, 그리고 그 과정에서 직면하게 되는 이슈와 과제를 어떻게 대응하고 극복해 갈 것인지에 대한 방법을 토론하는 데 그 의미를 두고자 하였다. The Last Mile Market is experiencing an unprecedented boom due to advent of the non-faceto-face life era caused by the development of the online shoppong market and the spread of the COVID-19. The target of delivery is not limited to food, and services have become common in non-food fields such as convenience stores and H&B stores. This study analyzed the success cases of Mesh Korea, which has achieved successful results based on IT(Information Technology) in the Last Mile Industry, through a ser-M model. and this study examines what kind of mechanisms the subject, environment, and resourse factors could have formed and succeeded through fusion and combination, and what challenges they face for greater growth. CEO Rhyu Jeong-beom, founder of Mesh Korea, decided to start a business in order to improve the inefficiency of the delivery system at his father’s funeral. His entrepreneurship is “Woo Moon Hyeon-dap(The answer to our problem is in the field),” a philosophy that focuses on the field, “the cleanest value of 1 won in the world,” and the leadership of serving delivery riders. Environmental factors for success were analyzed by dividing in to Market Environment in which the Last Mile Market has expanded due to active online shopping, The environment of the times in which various technologies such as AI(artificial intelligence) and big data have been developed to blow the wind of innovation in the logistics market. and Policy Environment such as strong social distancing following the spread of the COVID-19. This study presents the challenges that Mesh Korea will face in the future in the last mile industry, which is saturated with indyustry optimism. And it is meaningful in discussing how to overcome the start-up and growth of start-up companies and the challenges they will face through the case of Mesh Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Rhyu, Ji-Sung 단국대학교 정책과학연구소 1992 정책과학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        우리는 政府가 社會를 위해 보다 많은 일들을 하기를 바라지만, 그 비용을 추렴하는 행위에는 너나없이 인색하다. 이웃이 내는 稅金은 사회를 위해 좋은 돈이고 자신에게 책정된 세액을 불공정하다는 느낌은 누구나 갖고 있는 듯 하다. 따라서 정부가 公共事業을 얼마나 效率的으로 집행하는가하는 문제도 중요하지만, 정부가 공공사업을 위해 얼마나 공정히 각 개인에게 세액을 책정하는가하는 문제 역시 상당히 중요하다. 그러나, 한 국가의 租稅制度는 그 國家의 目標, 政治的, 經濟的 條件, 그리고 社會的, 文化的 與件 등에 따라 큰 차이를 보임으로 일률적으로 특정한 형태의 세제가 가장 합리적이라고 단정하기는 어렵다. 이는 곧, 한 사회의 조세제도를 가장 잘 설명하고 분석하기 위해서, 몇 가지 중요한 변수들의 相關關係만을 설명할 수 있는 특정 조세이론에 의존하기보다는 한 사회세제의 총체적인 (특정사회의 경제, 정치, 및 문화 등) 설명을 통한 이해가 더욱 적실성이 있다는 얘기다. 이러한 맥락에서, 이 글에서는 (1) 租稅의 公平性問題와 (2)租稅政策과 經濟活性化 및 經濟發展과의 關係를 한 국가의 총체적 맥락에서 설명하고자 했다. 이 글에서는, 먼저 조세의 개념, 정의, 및 용어들이 이 분야에서 쓰이는 의미를 간략히 소개하고 있고, 이것은 이 글을 이해하는데 상당히 도움이 되리라 믿는다. 다음으로, 주제의 논의를 통한 "理想的인 租稅制度"를 소개하였다. 결론적으로, 이 글에서는 "이상적인 세제"로의 전환은 한 국가의 정치 및 경제 엘리트들의 강한 의지와 국민들의 기대가 가장 잘 조화를 이루는 점에서 가능하다고 보았다. 다시 말해서, 사회에서 요구되는 세제개혁의 문제는 곧 그 사회의 리더쉽 문제이고, 국민 역시 그 문제에 깊은 관심을 보였을 때 가능하다는 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Kinetic Studies on Bromine-Exchange Reactions of Antimony Tribromide with $\alpha$-Phenyl-n-butyl and $\alpha$-Phenyl-i-butyl Bromides in Nitrobenzene$^\dag$

        Rhyu, Sok-Hwan,Choi, Sang-Up Korean Chemical Society 1987 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.8 No.5

        The rate of bromine-exchange reaction between antimony tribromide and ${\alpha}-phenyl-n-butyl$ bromide in nitrobenzene has been determined, using antimony tribromide labelled with Br-82. The results indicate that the exchange reaction follows the first-order kinetics with respect to the organic bromide, and either the second- or first-order kinetics with respect to antimony tribromide depending on its concentration. The third-order rate constant obtained was 7.50 ${\times}10^{-2}l^2mol^{-2}s^{-1}$ at 28$^{\circ}$C. Similar study on the bromine-exchange reaction between antimony tribromide and ${\alpha}$-phenyl-i-butyl bromide has also been carried out. The results of the study show the same kinetic orders as the ones observed with $\alpha$-phenyl-n-butyl bromide. The third-order rate constant observed was 2.40 ${\times} 10^{-2} l^2mol^{-2}s^{-1}$ at 28$^{\circ}$C. The activation energy, the enthalpy of activation and the entropy of activation for the two exchange reactions mentioned above have been determined. The reaction mechanisms for the exchange reactions are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Communication Redundancy for Reliability Improvement in an Industrial Monitoring and Control System

        Rhyu, Keel-Soo,Chung, Kyung-Yul The Korean Society of Marine Engineering 2004 한국마린엔지니어링학회지 Vol.28 No.8

        In development of monitoring and control systems, one of the most important points is to consider a redundancy so that the system can be operated normally although hardware faults are partly occurred. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a monitoring and control system with a redundancy function for I/O servers and communication networks. I/O servers composed with an active server and a standby server. Each server also has 3 communication ports, 2 ports of them were connected to field units and the other 1 port was connected to the other server. Field units have to be constructed to 2 communication ports connected I/O servers through communication lines. Also, server communication module was implemented for analyzing and handling fault elements. and was submodularized for linking easily with a monitoring and control module. An experiment with 2 servers and 2 field units was constructed to demonstrate its effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Human Skin Replica

        Rhyu, Yeon-Seung,Chung, Ye-Ji,Uhm, Chang-Sub Korean Society of Microscopy 2010 Applied microscopy Vol.40 No.4

        The skin is the largest organ of the integument system whose surface is closely related with many physiological and pathological conditions. Various methods are used to understand the structural and functional status of human skin. We would like to present usefulness of scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observation of skin replica and its significance of training module for a novice. The silicon replicas from several regions of the body (hand, finger, forearm, lip, and face) were casted by applying Exafine$^{(R)}$ mixture. The positive replicas were prepared by applying EPON 812 mixture on negative silicon replicas. Some of the negative silicon replicas were cut with a razor blade and surface profiles were observed. The negative and positive replicas were coated with platinum and were observed under the scanning electron microscope. We could investigate the detailed structures of the human skin surface without any physical damage to the subject. The positive replicas depicted real surface structure of the human skin vividly. The cross sectional view of the negative silicon replicas provided surface profile clearly. The scanning electron microscopic observation of the human skin replicas would be useful to study skin surface structures and to evaluate medical and esthetical applications.

      • The Changes of Adjacent Intervertebral Discs after Lumbar Spine Immobilization in Rabbit

        Rhyu, Kee Won,Kim, In CATHOLIC MEDICAL CENTER 1996 Bulletin of the Clinical Research Institute Vol.24 No.2

        It has been known that the mechanical force loaded on spinal segments is changed after lumbar spinal immobilization. The abnormally high stress concentrated on the adjacent segments to the fused site results in degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs. In the present study, we investigated the changes following lumbar spinal immobilization in the spinal segment including intervertebral disc located just above the fused segment to relate the radiological findings of the spinal segment with the histopathological findings of the intervertebral disc using 20 adult rabbits, 4 control and 16 experimental group. Bilateral pedicular screw and plate were fixed at L6-7 spinal segment of experimental group. The experimental group were sacrificed 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after the operation. The results were as follows: 1. On the radiological examination of the L5-6 segment, the end plate sclerosis has been observed since 8th week after operation. At 12th week, the evidence of angular difference was seen. The more prominent findings for degenerative change such as anterior traction spur and angular difference were seen at 16th week. 2. Grossly, the mild discoloration of the intervertebral disc was seen at 4th week after operation. From 8th week, the degenerative changes such as discoloration, dehydration, and fibrosis were detected and were more prominent at 12th and 16th week. 3. Histologically, amorphous debris were seen from 4th week after operation in the nucleus pulposus. At 8th week, increased fibre bundles and chondroid cells were observed. The junction between the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus were progressively distorted. From 12th week, the cluster of chondroid cells and chondroid metaplasia were formed. No definite demarcation between nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus was observed. These changes were more definite at 16th week. In the endplate cartilage, spindle shape of chondrocytes and loss of columnar cellular arrangement were detected from 8th week. At 12th week, the microfractures of endplate cartilage and osteoid formations were observed. At 16th week, it was unable to notice the borderline of the endplate cartilage and more osteoid formations were observed. On the stain for the mucopolysaccharides, the evidence of neutral mucopolysaccharides were observed. After 12th week, the neutral mucopolysaccharide and chondroid metaplasia were more prominent. 4. In intervertebral disc, more severe degenerative changes were noticed at the posterior parts of nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus. Above results suggest that the posterior spinal immobilization seems to accelerate the degenerative changes in the adjacent intervertebral disc above the immobilization. And these changes were more prominent at the posterior part of the intervertebral disc.

      • 2-D modeling and characteristic analysis of a magnetic position sensor

        Rhyu, Se-Hyun,Jung, In-Soung,Kwon, Byung-Il IEEE 2005 IEEE transactions on magnetics Vol.41 No.5

        This paper presents the shape design of the permanent magnet for a rotary type magnetic position sensor for an automobile acceleration pedal using a new two-dimensional (2-D) analysis method. Basically, its flux path is not uniform in the axial direction because the magnetic flux flows three-dimensionally (3-D) between the stator yoke and permanent magnet. So, the analysis and design of the magnetic position sensor has to consider the 3-D shape. We propose a 2-D analytical modeling method of magnetic position sensor account for fringing effects and optimize the shape of the permanent magnet for a high linearity characteristic. Then, the validity of the developed method is confirmed by comparing the calculated values with the measured values.


        Radix Angelica Elicits Both Nitric Oxide-Dependent and Calcium Influx-Mediated Relaxation in Rat Aorta

        Rhyu, Mee-Ra,Kim, Jung-Hyun,Kim, Eun-Young Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Inc. 2005 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology Vol.46 No.1

        This study examined the vascular relaxation produced by Radix Angelica (AG; Dong Quai) and its possible mechanisms in isolated rat aortic rings precontracted with norepinephrine. The butanolic fraction (AgBt) of the crude extract of AG causes gradual endothelium-independent relaxation, which was unaffected by five different potassium channel inhibitors. AgBt attenuated the CaCl2-induced vasoconstriction in high-potassium depolarized medium; this required less than one-tenth the concentration needed to elicit vascular relaxation. An aqueous fraction (AgDw) of the crude extract induced transient acute relaxation, which was virtually abolished by endothelial ablation and pretreatment with L-NNA. L-Arginine fully reversed the action of L-NNA. Methylene blue and atropine significantly attenuated the relaxation, but indomethacin did not. Ferulic acid, the main active component in AG, relaxed both endothelium-intact and -denuded rings, while L-NNA, methylene blue, or atropine did not modify the relaxation. Ferulic acid also did not attenuate the CaCl2-induced contraction in high-potassium depolarized medium. In conclusion, Radix Angelica leads to both endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation of isolated rat aorta. Increased formation of NO might contribute to the endothelium-mediated relaxation, while inhibition of the calcium influx might be an important mechanism in direct smooth muscle relaxation. A substance other than ferulic acid might create these effects.


        Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in TGF-β1-Induced Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activation and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells

        Rhyu, Dong Young,Yang, Yanqiang,Ha, Hunjoo,Lee, Geun Taek,Song, Jae Sook,Uh, Soo-taek,Lee, Hi Bahl American Society of Nephrology 2005 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Vol.16 No.3

        <P>Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) plays an important role in renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis and TGF-beta1 is the key inducer of EMT. Phosphorylation of Smad proteins and/or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) is required for TGF-beta1-induced EMT. Because reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in TGF-beta1 signaling and are upstream signaling molecules to MAPK, this study examined the role of ROS in TGF-beta1-induced MAPK activation and EMT in rat proximal tubular epithelial cells. Growth-arrested and synchronized NRK-52E cells were stimulated with TGF-beta1 (0.2 to 20 ng/ml) or H(2)O(2) (1 to 500 microM) in the presence or absence of antioxidants (N-acetylcysteine or catalase), inhibitors of NADPH oxidase (diphenyleneiodonium and apocynin), mitochondrial electron transfer chain subunit I (rotenone), and MAPK (PD 98059, an MEK [MAP kinase/ERK kinase] inhibitor, or p38 MAPK inhibitor) for up to 96 h. TGF-beta1 increased dichlorofluorescein-sensitive cellular ROS, phosphorylated Smad 2, p38 MAPK, extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK)1/2, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) expression, and fibronectin secretion and decreased E-cadherin expression. Antioxidants effectively inhibited TGF-beta1-induced cellular ROS, phosphorylation of Smad 2, p38 MAPK, and ERK, and EMT. H(2)O(2) reproduced all of the effects of TGF-beta1 with the exception of Smad 2 phosphorylation. Chemical inhibition of ERK but not p38 MAPK inhibited TGF-beta1-induced Smad 2 phosphorylation, and both MAPK inhibitors inhibited TGF-beta1- and H(2)O(2)-induced EMT. Diphenyleneiodonium, apocynin, and rotenone also significantly inhibited TGF-beta1-induced ROS. Thus, this data suggest that ROS play an important role in TGF-beta1-induced EMT primarily through activation of MAPK and subsequently through ERK-directed activation of Smad pathway in proximal tubular epithelial cells.</P>

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