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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Antioxidant Polyphenol Glycosides from the Plant Draba nemorosa

        Rahman, Md. Aziz Abdur,Moon, Surk-Sik Korean Chemical Society 2007 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.28 No.5

        Bioassay-directed fractionation of Draba nemorosa led to the isolation of two new phenolic glycosides, 1-O- (sinapoyl)-glucitol (2) and 1,3-disinapoylgentiobiose (5) along with five known phenolic glycosides (1, 3, 4, 6, and 7). Their structures were characterized based on spectroscopic methods (2D NMR, HRTOFMS, IR, and UV). The isolated compounds showed antioxidant activities (IC50) in the range of 14-98 mM which were estimated by DPPH radical-scavenging assay.


        Antimicrobial Phenolic Derivatives from Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura (Asteraceae)

        Rahman, Md. Aziz Abdur,Moon, Surk-Sik 대한약학회 2007 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.30 No.11

        A phytochemical study on the root of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura, using a series of silica gel column chromatography and reversed phase C-18 HPLC chromatography, led to the isolation of (1S, 2S)-1, 2, 3-trihydroxy-1-(3, 4-methylenedioxyphenyl)propane (1), 4-methoxycinnamic acid (2), acacetin (3) and caffeic acid methyl ester (4). The structures of these compounds were determined using spectroscopic analyses (UV, IR, HRTOFMS and NMR), with comparison of their spectral data with previously reported values, Compound 1 was isolated for the first time, with compounds 2 and 4 from this plant reported for the first time. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of the isolated compounds were measured using the disc diffusion method. Also, their cytotoxicities against the cancer cell lines, A549, B16F1 and SK-Mel-2, and brine shrimp lethalities were evaluated.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Isoetin 5'-Methyl Ether, A Cytotoxic Flavone from Trichosanthes kirilowii

        Rahman, Md. Aziz Abdur,Moon, Surk-Sik Korean Chemical Society 2007 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.28 No.8

        Bioassay-directed fractionations of the seed extracts of Trichosanthes kirilowii, have resulted in the isolation of two new compounds, 2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-(2-hydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)-3-oxo-1-propanol (2) and isoetin 5'-methyl ether (5,7,2',4'-tetrahydroxy-5'-methoxyflavone) (3), together with two known compounds, 7-hydroxychromone (1) and 5,7,4'-trihydroxy-3',5'-dimethoxyflavone (tricin, 4). Their structures were characterized by spectroscopic analysis such as 2D-NMR, HRTOFMS, and UV. Compound 3 showed cytotoxicity against human lung cancer cell line A549, human skin melanoma SK-Mel-2, and mouse melanoma B16F1, with IC50 of 0.92, 8.0, and 7.23 μg/mL, respectively.

      • 파키스탄에서의 폐기물관리 - 과제와 해결책

        ( Abdur Rahman ),( M. Ashraf Moten ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2002 APLAS Vol.2002 No.2

        폐기물 관리의 개념은 삶의 질을 향상시키는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 개념은 개발도상국에 있어서는 존재하지 않는 개념이다. 폐기물의 관리는 사회구성원의 참여를 통해서 가장 잘 이루어질 수 있다. 파키스탄에서는 건강을 증진시키고, 환경의 질을 향상시키며, 경제적 여건을 향상시키기 위하여 사회구성원들은 자원을 관리하는 법을 배우기 위한 교육을 받을 필요가 있다. 사회구성원의 파키스탄의 도시지역에서는 매일 55,000톤, 연간 2,000만톤의 폐기물이 발생된다. 폐기물 관리 비용은 톤당 10.5 달러로 산정되며, 이는 폐기물관리비로서 연간 2억 1천만 달러가 소요된다. 각 지방자치체는 예산의 40%를 사용함에도 불구하고 폐기물관리의 기준을 달성하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문은 파키스탄의 8개 도시에서 행한 조사결과에 기초를 두고 있다. 부적절하고 비효율적인 시스템에 의해 폐기물의 절반가량이 수거되지 못하고 있는 것으로 추정되고 있다. 적절한 폐기물 관리는 지자체의 예산을 증가시키고, 생산율을 높이며, 공중위생기준을 향상시키며, 보건상태를 향상시킬 수 있다. 현재 파키스탄에서는 어떤 도시도 폐기물 관리를 위해 잘 계획되고 효율적인 시스템을 갖추고 있지 않다. 이러한 이유로 대도시의 많은 부분, 어떤 경우에는 도시 전체가 환경의 암흑지대로 변해버렸다. 개인 또는 비공식적인 개체를 개입시켜서 효율성을 도모함으로써 각 지자체는 적은 비용으로 폐기물관리 기준을 달성할 수 있다. 청소부와 수거원은 폐기물에서 나온 유가물을 모아서 판매함으로써 이익을 취하면서 폐기물을 사업활동의 매개체로 만들고 있다. 그러므로 이러한 비공식적인 개체는 폐기물 수거, 선별, 재활용품의 판매를 통하여 자원순환을 유도하고 있다. 이러한 활동은 지자체로 하여금 폐기물의 최종처분에 앞선 선별의 부담을 덜어준다. 그러므로 다음과 같은 목적을 갖고 폐기물을 적절히 관리하기 위하여 정책의 개선이 필요하다. ㆍ 폐기물 발생 저감 ㆍ 원료로서 폐기물의 재활용 및 재사용 ㆍ 환경적으로 적합한 방법을 통한 최종폐기물의 처분 The concept of waste management in the world is to improve life. However, this concept is missing in developing nations. Management of solid waste can best be achieved through community participation. In Pakistan, the communities need education to learn how to manage resources to improve their health, enhance the quality of environment and raise their economic situation. It is estimated that the urban areas of Pakistan generates about 55000 tons of solid waste everyday or about 20 million tons per annum. The cost of solid waste management has been estimated at US$ 10.5 per ton requiring an annual allocation of US$ 210 million for solid waste management (SWM). The respective municipalities, despite spending 40% of their budget, have not been able to achieve the desirable standards of SWM. This paper is based on the survey conducted in 8 cities of Pakistan. According to estimates, about half of waste is left uncollected owing to inadequacy and inefficiency of the system. Proper solid waste management can lead to increased revenues for the municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standard and better health condition. Presently there is not a single city in Pakistan with properly planned and efficient system of SWM. For this reason many parts of large urban areas and in some cases entire cities have turned into environmental black spots. The involvement of private/informal sector enables the respective municipalities to achieve the adequate standards of SWM with reduced cost due to their efficiency and determination. The scavengers/collectors are involved with collection of valuables from solid waste to sell them for economic returns, making solid waste a business activity. Hence this informal sector is busy with resource mobilization through waste collection, sorting and sale of recyclable. This activity reduces the burden of municipalities for sorting of some of the components of solid waste before its final disposal. Thus a strategy needs to be evolved for proper management of solid waste with the objectives to: ㆍ avoid creation of waste ㆍ recycle and reuse waste as raw materials ㆍ dispose off the remaining MSW in an environmentally sound way.


        ( Abdur Rahman ),( M. Ashraf Moten ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2002 APLAS Vol.2002 No.1

        The concept of waste management in the world is to improve life. However, this concept is missing in developing nations. Management of solid waste can best be achieved through community participation. In Pakistan, the communities need education to learn how to manage resources to improve their health, enhance the quality of environment and raise their economic situation. It is estimated that the urban areas of Pakistan generates about 55000 tons of solid waste everyday or about 20 million tons per annum. The cost of solid waste management has been estimated at USS 10.5 per ton requiring an annual allocation of US$ 210 million for solid waste management (SWM). The respective municipalities, despite spending 40% of their budget, have not been able to achieve the desirable standards of SWM. This paper is based on the survey conducted in 8 cities of Pakistan. According to estimates, about half of waste is left uncollected owing to inadequacy and inefficiency of the system. Proper solid waste management can lead to increased revenues for the municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standard and better health condition. Presently there is not a single city in Pakistan with properly planned and efficient system of SWM. For this reason many parts of large urban areas and in some cases entire cities have turned into environmental black spots. The involvement of private/informal sector enables the respective municipalities to achieve the adequate standards of SWM with reduced cost due to their efficiency and determination. The scavengers/collectors are involved with collection of valuables from solid waste to sell them for economic returns, making solid waste a business activity. Hence this informal sector is busy with resource mobilization through waste collection, sorting and sale of recyclable. This activity reduces the burden of municipalities for sorting of some of the components of solid waste before its filial disposal. Thus a strategy needs to be evolved for proper management of solid waste with the objectives to: ㆍ avoid creation of waste ㆍ recycle and reuse waste as raw materials ㆍ dispose off the remaining MSW in an environmentally sound way.

      • KCI등재

        Encapsulation of Submicron-sized Silica Particles by Stimuli-responsive Copolymer Shell Layer

        M. Abdur Rahman,M. Rabiul Karim,M. A. Jalil Miah,Hasan Ahmad,Tsuyoshi Yamashita 한국고분자학회 2010 Macromolecular Research Vol.18 No.3

        This study examined the encapsulation of submicron-sized silica particles by stimuli-responsive copolymer shell layer. Silica/poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate-N-isopropylacrylamide-ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate),abbreviated as silica/P(DM-NIPAM-EGDM) core-shell composite polymer particles, were prepared by the seeded copolymerization of DM, NIPAM and EGDM in the presence of silica particles. The morphology and size distribution were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The surface composition showed silica particles covered with a copolymer shell layer consisting of P(DM-NIPAM-EGDM). The temperature and pH dependent adsorption behavior of the low molecular weight surfactants and biomolecules on the silica/P(DM-NIPAM-EGDM) composite polymer particles indicated a stimuli-responsive phase transition. The activity of the adsorbed trypsin (TR) on the composite particles remained high compared to the free TR and adsorbed TR on silica particles.

      • KCI등재

        Antioxidant Polyphenol Glycosides from the Plant Draba nemorosa

        Md. Aziz Abdur Rahman,문석식 대한화학회 2007 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.28 No.5

        Bioassay-directed fractionation of Draba nemorosa led to the isolation of two new phenolic glycosides, 1-O-(sinapoyl)-glucitol (2) and 1,3-disinapoylgentiobiose (5) along with five known phenolic glycosides (1, 3, 4, 6, and 7). Their structures were characterized based on spectroscopic methods (2D NMR, HRTOFMS, IR, and UV). The isolated compounds showed antioxidant activities (IC50) in the range of 14-98 mM which were estimated by DPPH radical-scavenging assay.

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