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        묵자학설의 사상사적

        유청평 ( Liu Qingping ) 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2017 동양문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        묵가의 학설은 이미 일찍이 “현학”(顯學)의 지위를 잃었지만, 백가쟁명 시기의 다른 수많은 사조처럼 그렇게 흔적도 없이 사라지지 않고, 중국사상사에 있어서 매우 견고한 존재로 유지될 수 있었는데, 그 관건적 원인은 이천여 년 전의 묵자가 제기했던 “귀의”(貴義)를 저선으로 하는 일련의 완강한 생명력을 가지고 있기 때문이며, 심지어 오늘날 우리에게 계도적 의의를 주는 창조적 이념을 가지고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 특히 수많은 유가의 대표 인물들도 부득이하게 긍정적이었거나 부정적이었던 두 측면에 정면으로 도전하는 것으로써 유가의 혈연주의가 주장했던 “남을 헤치고 집안을 이롭게 한다”는 불의의 폐단을 지적하고 있기 때문이다. Although Mohism has lost its position as one of the “famous schools” for a very long time, it has not totally disappeared like many other schools of thought in the pre-Qin period, but could still maintain its strong and undeterred existence in the Chinese history of ideas. The key reason for it is that Mozi as a creative thinker already put forward quite a few original and profound ideas based on the bottom line of “valuing justice” two thousand years ago, which have not only revealed the fatal unjust defects of Confucian consanguinitism, but also are of abundant significances of enlightenment for us even today. As a result, many Confucian masters have had to be seriously confronted with the Mohist challenges from both the positive and negative perspectives.

      • KCI등재


        류청평 ( Qingping Liu ) (사)율곡연구원(구 사단법인 율곡학회) 2015 율곡학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        ``자식이 부모의 허물을 감추고(子爲父隱)``, ``몰래 없고 도망친다(竊負而逃)``라는 유명한 사례 중에 공자와 맹자는 명확하게 다음과 같이 주장하였다. 아버지가 ``양을 훔치고(攘羊)``, ``살인(殺人)``을 저지르는 등의 사람을 등치고 해하는 범죄 행위에 종사하더라도 아들은 ``효자``로서 반드시 유가에서 견지해야 하는 ``혈친정리(血親情理)`` 정신을 따라야 한다. 바로 아버지의 범죄 행위를 감추려 노력하거나 내지는 아버지의 도피를 도울 방법을 찾아 아버지가 그 범죄로 인해 도덕적 견책과 법률적 징벌을 받지 않도록 하는 것이다. 깊이 분석해보면, 이 ``친친상은``의 관념은 공자와 맹자 당시에 이미 자각적으로 인정했던 "진실로 인에 뜻을 두었다면, 악함이 없다"(苟志于仁矣, 無惡也) "죄없는 자를 죽이는 것은 어질지 못함이며 자기가 소유하지 않은 것을 취함은 의가 아니다"하는 도덕적 최저선(最低線)과 충돌하고, 사람들로 하여금 지고무상한 혈연친정(血緣親情)을 유지하고 친속의 정당치 않은 사리사욕을 보호하도록 부추겨왔다. ``남을 해치고 친속을 이롭게(損人利親)`` 하는 것을 부끄러워하지 않는 것은 유가의 특수성인 ``효제(孝悌)``에 의존해 보편성인 ``인의``를 부정하는 심각한 모순을 드러내는 것이다. 바로 이러한 이유로 인해, 공맹 유학의 ``친친상은``의 관념과 현대 서양사회의 ``친속간 용인`` ``사적 권리 용인``, ``침묵권``과 관련된 법률 규정과 목적과 실질에서 큰 차이를 보인다. 또한 후자처럼 기본적으로 "사람을 등치거나 해치지 않고 인권을 존중한다"라는 정의의 최저선에 부합하지 않을 뿐만 아니라, 공맹유학 윤리사상의 내적 모순을 폭로하고 있다. 이는 한편으로는 고상하고 순결한 ``인의도덕``을 자각적으로 창도하겠다고 자임하고 또 그로 인해 현대사회에서 추종하는 ``인권 존중``을 세상에 펼치겠다는 가치와 근본적으로 일치하는 적극적 요소를 포함하고 있다. 다른 한편으로 인간이라면 응당 소위 ``천리 인정``에 기초하여 ``친친상은``과 같은 피해자의 권익을 침해하고 또 동시에 ``인의``라는 표준을 위반하는 부도덕적 행위를 하도록 주장한다. 2000여 년 넘게 공맹유학의 이러한 관념은 중국 사회와 중국인의 심리와 도덕 전통에 엄중한 부작용을 낳았으며, 특히 사람들은 수천년 동안 공동 생활 속에서 형성된 ``사람을 등치거나 해치지 않는 정의감(양심)``을 왜곡하였다. 그래서 웅십력은 ``정의감 결핍`` 현상을 명확하게 지적했으며, 지금도 여전히 어느 정도 차이는 있으나 서로 끌어주는 관계나 뒷거래, 외척 관계, 태자당, 가족부패, 사사로운 정에 얽매여 법을 어김, 개인 파벌을 만듦, 신뢰를 지키지 않음, 위증과 거짓말을 늘어놓음, 인권을 중시하지 않음, 법치를 경시함 등 부도덕한 행위의 범람과 유행을 용인하게 했다. 이를 통해 우리는 유가 자신이 적극적으로 인정하는 ``인의``의 표준을 빌려 유가가 견지하는 ``혈친정리`` 정신을 엄중히 비판할 수 있으며, 공맹이 창도한 ``친친상은`` 관념을 근본적으로 부정할 수 있고, 어떤 상황 하에서도 ``인권 존중``을 긍정하는 정의의 최저선이 신성불가침한 영역으로 유지되도록 할 수 있다. 또한 "사람을 등치거나 해치지 않는 것"이 고금에 유전되고 세상이 공인할 뿐만 아니라, 유가의 ``인의`` 표준에 내재한 ``정의감``이 다시금 사회에 주도적 지위를 점하게 할 수 있다. In the two famous cases of Lunyu (the Analects) 13:18 and Mengzi 7A35, both Kongzi and Mengzi definitely hold that, even the filial son has known his father`s criminal offences such as stealing a sheep and murdering an innocent, he should still try his best to conceal his father`s crime and even take his father to flee in order to prevent his father from moral condemnation and lawful punishment according to the Confucian basic spirit of "consanguineous emotionale". It may be argued through a close analysis that this typical Confucian idea seriously violates the bottom line of "humaneness and justice (renyi)" clearly set up by Kongzi and Mengzi themselves, and encourages people to do substantive harm to their fellow humans merely for the sake of kinship love as well as the selfish interests of their relatives. In such an in-depth ethical paradox, this idea is also sharply different from those legal provisions of contemporary Western society about family concealment and right to privacy or to silence, and shows the in-depth paradox of Confucianism as a moral doctrine in distorting people`s common sense of justice as "no harm to fellow humans". In reality, this distortion has brought about a lot of serious negative effects in Chinese society till now, so that we should re-affirm the ultimate significance of the sense of justice as "no harm to fellow humans" through the profound criticisms of the Confucian spirit of "consanguineous emotionale" as well as its idea of mutual concealment between relatives.

      • Dynamics in Biomass of Poa pratensis ver. anceps Gaud. Cv. in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

        Qingping Zhou,Wenhui Liu,Hongbo Yan,Guoling Liang 한국초지조사료학회 2009 한국초지조사료학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.08

        Dynamics of aboveground and underground biomass of Qinghai flat-stem bluegrass (Poa pratensis vayr. anceps Gaud. Cv in ">" shape, and vertical distributions of biomass of roots, rhizomes and underground were all in "T" shape and fit equation of Y= l-βD. There was direct correlation between biomass of above ground and biomass of underground. Ration of underground to aboveground was 0.4l.


        Development of a Virus Concentration Method and its Application for the Detection of Noroviruses in Drinking Water in China

        Liu, Junyi,Wu, Qingping,Kou, Xiaoxia The Microbiological Society of Korea 2007 The journal of microbiology Vol.45 No.1

        A new procedure for the concentration of nonoviruses from water samples has been developed. This procedure (calcium flocculation-citrate dissolution method) uses the following steps: virus flocculation formed by treatment with 1 M $CaCl_2$ and 1 M $Na_2HPO_4$, virus release by sodium citrate dissolution (0.3 M Na citrate, pH 3.5), and virus re-concentration by ultrafiltration. When reverse transcription (RT)-PCR was performed after the procedure, the overall detection sensitivity for seeded noroviruses in a one liter drinking water sample was as low as 1 RT-PCR unit, which is equal to a $10^{-6}$ dilution of the virus sample. This approach showed at least a 5-fold-higher sensitivity than the current method with its three steps of adsorption-elution-concentration. The newly developed procedure was used to test different brands of bottled drinking water from China for putative contamination with noroviruses. A total of 144 samples were analyzed; all of the samples were negative for norovirus specific nucleic acids.

      • KCI등재

        Insensitive High Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) Nanostructured Explosives Derived from Solvent/Nonsolvent Method in a Bacterial Cellulose (BC) Gelatin Matrix

        Qingping Luo,Chonghua Pei,Guixiang Liu,Yongjun Ma,Zhaoqian Li 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2015 NANO Vol.10 No.3

        Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) is an energetic material (EM) from the class of cyclic nitroamine explosive widely used in military applications because of its excellent integral properties. Using bacterial cellulose (BC) gelatin with a three-dimensional network as a matrix, N,Ndimethyllformamide (DMF) as the solvent of RDX, the RDX nanostructured explosives were prepared through the solvent/nonsolvent method. It was found that the solvent had a great impact on the crystallization of RDX in the solution and the RDX content in the nanostructured explosive. The RDX particles in the nanostructured explosives smoothly coated to the nanofibers of BC gelatin network at high RDX concentrations, and the granularity distributions of RDX in the nanostructured explosives were very uniform in the range of 30–50 nm. The average contents of the RDX in the nanostructured explosives are greater than 83 wt.% when the RDX concentrations of the soaked solutions are greater than 0.20 g/mL. The average content is approximately 91 wt.% when the RDX concentration is 0.30 g/mL. The decomposition temperatures of the RDX nanostructured explosives were found to decrease approximately to 20 C and their mechanical sensitivities decreased greatly compared to that of raw micro-size RDX. It opens a useful way to prepare nanostructured explosives with high energy and low mechanical sensitivity.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of L-lysine and D-lysine on ε-Poly-L-lysine Biosynthesis and Their Metabolites by Streptomyces ahygroscopicus GIM8

        Liu Shengrong,Wu Qingping,Zhang Jumei,Mo Shuping 한국생물공학회 2012 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.17 No.6

        ε-Poly-L-lysine (ε-PL), produced by Streptomyces or Kitasatospora strains, is a homo-poly-amino acid of Llysine,which is used as a safe food preservative. In this study, the effects of L-lysine and its isomer, D-lysine, on ε-PL biosynthesis and their metabolites by the ε-PLproducing strain Streptomyces ahygroscopicus GIM8 were determined. The results indicated that L-lysine added into the fermentation medium in the production phase mainly served as a precursor for ε-PL biosynthesis during the flask culture phase, leading to greater ε-PL production. At an optimum level of 3 mM L-lysine, a ε-PL yield of 1.16 g/L was attained, with a 41.4% increment relative to the control of 0.78 g/L. Regarding D-lysine, the production of ε-PL increased by increasing its concentrations up to 6 mM in the initial fermentation medium. Interestingly, ε-PL production (1.20 g/L) with the addition of 3 mM D-lysine into the initial fermentation medium in flasks was higher than that of the initial addition of 3 mM L-lysine (1.06 g/L). The mechanism by which D-lysine improves ε-PL biosynthesis involves its utilization that leads to greater biomass. After S. ahygroscopicus GIM8 was cultivated in the defined medium with L-lysine, several key metabolites, including 5-aminovalerate, pipecolate, and L-2-aminoadipate formed in the cells, whereas only L-2-aminoadipate was observed after D-lysine metabolism. This result indicates that Llysine and D-lysine undergo different metabolic pathways in the cells. Undoubtedly, the results of this study are expected to aid the understanding of ε-PL biosynthesis and serve as reference for the formulation of an alternative approach to improve ε-PL productivity using L-lysine as an additional substrate in the fermentation medium.

      • KCI등재

        A Joint Allocation Algorithm of Computing and Communication Resources Based on Reinforcement Learning in MEC System

        ( Qinghua Liu ),( Qingping Li ) 한국정보처리학회 2021 Journal of information processing systems Vol.17 No.4

        For the mobile edge computing (MEC) system supporting dense network, a joint allocation algorithm of computing and communication resources based on reinforcement learning is proposed. The energy consumption of task execution is defined as the maximum energy consumption of each user's task execution in the system. Considering the constraints of task unloading, power allocation, transmission rate and calculation resource allocation, the problem of joint task unloading and resource allocation is modeled as a problem of maximum task execution energy consumption minimization. As a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, it is difficult to be directly solve by traditional optimization methods. This paper uses reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this problem. Then, the Markov decision-making process and the theoretical basis of reinforcement learning are introduced to provide a theoretical basis for the algorithm simulation experiment. Based on the algorithm of reinforcement learning and joint allocation of communication resources, the joint optimization of data task unloading and power control strategy is carried out for each terminal device, and the local computing model and task unloading model are built. The simulation results show that the total task computation cost of the proposed algorithm is 5%-10% less than that of the two comparison algorithms under the same task input. At the same time, the total task computation cost of the proposed algorithm is more than 5% less than that of the two new comparison algorithms.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Virus Concentration Method and its Application for the Detection of Noroviruses in Drinking Water in China

        Junyi Liu,Qingping Wu,Xiaoxia Kou 한국미생물학회 2007 The journal of microbiology Vol.45 No.1

        A new procedure for the concentration of nonoviruses from water samples has been developed. This procedure (calcium flocculation-citrate dissolution method) uses the following steps: virus flocculation formed by treatment with 1 M CaCl2 and 1 M Na2HPO4, virus release by sodium citrate dissolution (0.3 M Na citrate, pH 3.5), and virus reconcentration by ultrafiltration. When reverse transcription (RT)-PCR was performed after the procedure, the overall detection sensitivity for seeded noroviruses in a one liter drinking water sample was as low as 1 RT-PCR unit, which is equal to a 10-6 dilution of the virus sample. This approach showed at least a 5-fold-higher sensitivity than the current method with its three steps of adsorption-elution-concentration. The newly developed procedure was used to test different brands of bottled drinking water from China for putative contamination with noroviruses. A total of 144 samples were analyzed; all of the samples were negative for norovirus specific nucleic acids.

      • Study on Forage Oat in Qinghai Alpine Region

        Yajun Ji,Qingping Zhou,Hongbo Yan,Wenhui Liu 한국초지조사료학회 2009 한국초지조사료학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.08

        The cultivation of oat in China could be traced back to 2500 B.C. while the Qinghai province, which located in the North-East of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, has been the major region for oat production due to its high quality caused by the unique climate say long sun-shine hours and large temperature discrepancy between days and nights that is beneficial to the accumulation of nutrients in oat plant. Oat has been grown in the Qinghai alpine region on the altitude ranging from 1600m to 3600m and regarded as an ideal forage plant due to its resistance to environment. The role of oat drew more attention in 1980s along with the implementing of so called four-matched policy, which compounds establishment of fenced rangeland, animal bars, fodder production base and settled living place for local herdsmen who used to be nomadic around the region. To make a full use of the oat resource in Qinghai province, a great deal research and extension with respect of oat had been engaged in the region. The author overviewed researches accomplished in Qinghai province on oat germplasm collection, breeding of fine oat variety, cultivate techniques, oat base establishment and production and marketing system establishment as well in terms of projects completed.

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