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        Cytomegalovirus Infection among Pregnant Women in Beijing: Seroepidemiological Survey and Intrauterine Transmissions

        ( Qing`e Jin ),( Jianrong Su ),( Shanna Wu ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2017 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.27 No.5

        Primary cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection during pregnancy can cause congenital defects. Available data for CMV infection during pregnancy in north China are inadequate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of maternal CMV infection and explore the incidence of congenital infection. In this prospective study, serum CMV IgG and IgM antibodies were measured in 2,887 pregnant women using ELISA, and the IgG avidity test was performed on all IgM-positive subjects. The seroprevalence of anti-CMV IgG was 94.70%, and of anti-CMV IgM was 1.28%. CMV IgG prevalence increased significantly with age (p < 0.01). Women living in downtown areas showed higher IgG prevalence than those residing in urban areas (p = 0.023). CMV-IgM seroprevalence was highest in autumn (p = 0.021). There was no difference in IgM seroprevalence by age, socioeconomic status, geographical area, or gravida. The rate of primary CMV infection was 0.45% (13/2,887) at the first trimester. The seroconversion rate during pregnancy was 0.76% (22/2,887). One woman underwent seroconversion during pregnancy and gave birth to an infant with asymptomatic CMV infection. Congenital CMV infection was diagnosed in five of the 14 infants from 14 mothers with active infection, for a vertical transmission rate of 35.71% (5/14). Three infants were asymptomatic, whereas two infants presented symptomatic infection with hearing deficits. Although CMV IgG prevalence is relatively high in north China, significant attention to primary CMV infection during pregnancy is still needed.

      • KCI등재


        ???(Qing-xia Lu) 중국어문논역학회 2006 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.17 No.-

        The special geographical position of Korean Peninsula created the ancient Korean’s special culture linguistic context. The most obvious characteristic, was no more than the culture of Chinese characters spread and permeated in early days. Chinese writing took official writing, occupied the dominant position in Korea’s cultural history. Before <xun shi ping hua>to appear, Chinesecharacters wrote the pronunciation not according with the Korean. Also appeared several kinds in the folk to record the sound symbolic expression writing, until Xun min Zheng yin appeared, just really formed the national literature characters. The Chinesecharacter writing status had not still vacillated. Li Bian’s book carried on Chinese and taught the beginners mainly. Differently with <Lao qi da> and <Piao tong shi> ,this kind of written model as a result of conformed to Easten Confucianist’s writing to retain. This, to announcing that Korean cultural policy and the Confucianist writing model change, had the important help.

      • KCI등재후보

        中國 會計制度의 發展史的 接近

        權藝卿(Quan Yi-qing),崔震賢(Choi Jin-hyeon) 한국국제회계학회 2007 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.17

        중국의 회계는 그 어원으로 보아 요순시대(BC 2000경)로부터 발전된 것으로 보이나 부기가 일반화된 것은 BC475년경 춘추전국시대의 종료 이후 성립된 봉건사회라고 할 수 있다. 중국에서 복식주기에 의한 회계의 시초는 청나라 말기 해외 유학생의 귀국으로 전파된 것으로 보인다. 현재의 중국회계는 러시아 회계의 발전과 약간의 시차를 두고 봉건자본주의회계-사회주의계획경제회계-사회주의시장경제회계의 순서로 변화ㆍ발전되어 왔다. 공산주의 정권의 초기에는 봉건자본주의회계를 원용했기 때문에 사회주의 개조과정에 적합하지 못했다. 따라서 1953년으로부터 1978년까지 형성된 통일회계제도는 중국의 특수한 역사조건하에서 고도로 집중된 계획경제모형아래 건립하였다. 당시 중국의 경제규모가 크지 않고, 그 구조가 간단하여 중앙 집중ㆍ통일의 회계관리 방식에 특별한 결점이 나타나지 않았지만 경제규모의 확대에 따라 과거 회계제도의 부적응이라는 문제점이 부각되었다. 1978년 대외개방이후 주로 중국 영내에 해외직접투자가 급증하면서 이런 기업들을 위해 기업의 입장에서 미시적 차원의 영미식 회계를 필요로 하였다. 이러한 필요성 때문에 도입된 것이 1985년도의 「중화인민공화국회계법」 및 「중외합작경영기업회계제도」이다. 특히 「중외합작경영기업회계제도」는 영미식 회계에 의한 국제적 회계관례에 접근하기 시작한 최초의 회계제도이다. 2000년에 중국이 회계제도를 개혁한 이유는 1998년의 기업회계준칙과 주식유한회사회계제도 중 구체회계준칙 사이의 모순점에 대하여 비록 일부의 보충 규정을 공포하여 조정하였지만 구체적 집행과정에서 일부 주식유한회사의 재무상태와 경영성과 및 현금흐름을 허위로 보고할 수 있는 여지가 남아 있었다. 따라서 2006년의 제2차 회계제도의 개혁은 한마디로 세계화와 개방경제에 알맞은 회계제도의 도입이후 국제회계기준에 근접하는 중국 회계기준의 마련을 위해서 「실질주의」와 「공시의 확대」를 위한 개혁을 단행했다. 한마디로 말하면 2006년 2월의 회계제도개혁은 업종별회계제도의 보류와 회계제도의 국제화라고 요약해 말할 수 있다. 현재 중국의 회계제도 개혁은 대외적 개방에 박차를 가하면서 경제개발을 꾀하고 내부적으로 빈부격차의 문제를 완화시켜야 하는 과제를 안고 있기 때문에 중국의 경제발전단계나 사회주의시장경제라는 중국적 특성과 경제의 국제화 관계를 고려하여 중국내회계제도와 국제회계기준 간의 상호관계를 규정하여 병존시키거나 통일시켜야 할 것이다. The Chinese accounting existed as early as 2000 B.C accompanied by audit function and independent public officials. But Chinese accounting of the double-entry system was adopted in Qing-dynasty. The Chinese accounting based on the private ownership at the first stage of socialism in China existed. The origin of Chinese accounting for social-planning established at year 1953. Which was modified Soviet accounting system. Chinese accounting for social-planning was applied at all economic sectors. After adopting market-based socialism. the revolution of Chinese accounting was changed at, year 1985. 1992, 2000, 2006. The Modern Chinese accounting standards is similar to International Accounting standards. But it is necessary to consider problems of the individual income gap in domestic and globalism of Chinese economy in the revolution of Chinese accounting. So, the Chinese accounting standards changed by fitting to International Accounting standards is not so good all aspects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        中國에서의 環境犯罪

        盧靑錫 한국환경법학회 2004 環境法 硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        It's few and far between that many countries in the world are interested in environment. Actually the history of human being's development are exploiting the nature and the human being also got publishment from the nature because of such development, For example, global warming, desertification, weather unusual changing and so on. China is a huge country, so the environmental pollution problems are different and complicated according to the different area. There are many environment problems happened before and also many new problems are breaking out now. But the protection of environment and the lawmaking were late in China. The Chinese government didn't attach great important to the environment pollution in 1970', even they established the criminal law in 1979, the contacts of environment crime were very feeble. With the development of economy, the environmental problem were getting more serious, even many illegal acts happened. but there were no criminal regulations to control, instead they used the executive regulations. Later the environmental lawmaking developed and some criminal regulations were made. For example, ≪the environmental protection law≫, ≪Wild animals protection law≫, ≪the mining resources law≫ etc. But most of the criminal clauses are abstractly and actually the performance are very difficult after all. In the middle of 1980', some scholars proposed to strengthen the environmental criminal lawmaking, that was to add technical articles about environment crime to criminal law. After 1990, the Chinese government brought in the market economy system. In the cause of only pursuing the economical profits and ignoring the protection of environment, the environment pollution were getting more serious and also brought a heavy loss to the property. To provide against such a problem, the government called many experts to researched in the subject of environmental crime and many scholars of the judical world also published many thesis and books on such a subject. Finally, the government added the charge of "destruction of environmental resources protection", Even though there are only 9 clauses about the charge, the legal basis of publishing environmental crime are prepared in China. Even China have established technical clause about environmental crime in Criminal law, it is the first practise after all and also they haven't covered a wide range. So China should fill up the shortages of establishing environmental crime regulation continually.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 固體廢物汚染放置法

        노청석,최동일 한국환경법학회 2004 環境法 硏究 Vol.26 No.3

        This is a study on the Act on the Control of Solid Wastes of China. An outlines of this study is as follows : China is called as ‘factory of the world’ lately due to economy development which is caused by reform and opening policy, practical economy policy. In economy development process, China government is getting into trouble about the control of solid wastes. Developing Cities yield refuses of life, industrial wastes, dangerous wastes. Its disposal is connected directly with cities' survival. In order to solve this problem, Government have established 'Act on the Control of Solid Wastes' which is fundamental Act on solid wastes disposal in 1995, and 'Interim regulation on the Environment Protection Control of Waste Import', 'Regulation on the Control of Medical Waste', 'Measures on the Control of City's Radiation', 'Act on the Control of Radiation Pollution', 'Measures on the Control of Medical Instrument and Waste' and so on. These statutory laws adopted 'reclamation' as a main disposal means, but will adopt 'incineration' in future. And special provisions have been established for dangerous wastes and radiation wastes. Government will expand investment in this part. But most important policy is prior protection. We must make an effort to reduce a waste and recycle for sound and sustainable development.

      • KCI등재

        캡사이신유도체를 함유하는 폴록사머 겔제제의 물리화학적 특성 : based Gel Containing Capsaicin Analog

        김태완,조청일,최춘영,이범진 한국약제학회 2003 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.33 No.1

        Physicochemical changes of poloxamer-based gel containing capsaicin analog (N-[3-(3,4-dimethylphenyl)propyl]-4-(2-aminoethoxy)-3-methoxypheny] acetamide) such as drug content, viscosity and surface tension were investigated during the storage conditions at three different temperatures (25, 40 and 60℃) over 90 days. No noticeable changes of color were observed when stored at 25 and 40℃. However, the color of white poloxamer gels turned yellow during storage at 60℃. The drug contents were unchanged during storage at 25℃ but had tendency to decrease at 40℃. The drug contents were highly decreased over 40-50% when stored at 60℃. The viscosity of a poloxamer-based gel was unchanged during storage at 25 and 40℃ but greatly increased at 60℃. The surface tension of a poloxamer-based gel was not changed at three different temperatures. The storage conditions of a poloxamer-based gel containing capsaicin analog can be considered for further clinical applications.

      • 明淸通俗小说中的法术母题

        陣慶紀(CHEN Qing-Ji) 한림대학교 아시아문화연구소 2007 아시아문화 Vol.- No.24

        Magic is one of the important themes in Chinese ancient novels, it is imported from the Western Region in Han dynasty, and it stems from the magical power story of the classics of Buddhism. The eminent monks those come from India and the Western Regions start from preaching utility, demonstrate magic on the spot, and promote magic spread in China greatly. After magic being transported into China, it combines with local original sorcery faith, thoughts of the five elements and yin-yang theory, and is gradually influenced by Buddhism Esoteric and the folk secret religion White Lotus sect of Ming and Qing dynasty, at last forms the magic pattern with unique characteristics. The popular novels of Ming and Qing dynasty absorb nutriments of traditional magic motif, greatly expend magic scope of expression, and form new surmount features. This text combs the relation between magic motif and popular novels of Ming and Qing dynasty, investigate its some characteristics of happening, developing and surmounting on the base of differentiating origin of magic motif. Magic is mysterious and unreal, but it expands content of expression of the ancient novels, brings illusion and amusement of the complicated and confusing to people, and has certain value of exist and social sense.

      • KCI등재후보

        역사의 의미 -청말 중국의 "역사" 인식과 "역사" 읽기-

        장칭 ( Zhang Qing ) 한림과학원 2011 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.8

        ``역사적 기억``의 연속은 청말 사상 변천을 구성하는 중요한 상징이다. 이 글에서는 청말 사람들이 ``역사의 의미``를 어떻게 탐색했는지 논하고자 한다. 주로 청말의 과거제도 개혁에서 ``역사``가 왜 시험의 주요 내용을 구성하였는지에 관심을 기울이면서, 과거시험 응시자의 답안에서 ``역사``를 어떻게 해석했는지를 구체적으로 분석할 것이다. 두 문명이 만날 때에는 본래 ``너는 어디에서 왔는가?``, ``어떻게 오늘에까지 왔는가?``라는 질문이 제기될 수 있다. 이는 곧 공간과 시간이라는 축에 근거해서 ``타자``를 상상·이해하고 자신의 ``정체성``을 확립하는 작업이다. 이런 배경 아래 ``역사``가 중국과 서양의 소통에서 특별한 역할을 수행했다. 청말 중국에서 ``역사적 기억``의 연속은 분명 상이한 기준으로 구분되는데, 역사 해석자의 ``입장``이 결정적인 역할을 했다. 과거제도를 개혁하는 과정에서 ``역사``에는 여전히 관변 이데올로기의 흔적이 남아 있었다. 똑같이 ``서양적 요소``에 의해 환기되고 똑같이 역사를 새롭게 해석했지만, ``자기개혁``의 입장에 서서 역사에서 배울 만한 경험을 발굴하려 하였고, 여기서 중요한 것은 역사에서 자신의 영광을 유지하게 하는 자원을 찾으려는 것이었다. 그러나 어떤 입장에 서든 ``역사문화``를 중시했다는 점은 아주 분명하다. 이른바 ``역사의 의미``는 청말 중국에서 충분히 드러났다. 그것은 중국에 이미 역사인식에 대한 유구한 학술적 전통이 있었는데 ``역사 읽기``가 독서인의 독서생활에서 중요한 부분이 되었다는 사실에서 구체적으로 표출되었다. 바로 이런 배경 아래 ``역사``가 중국과 서양의 소통에서 특별한 역할을 했다. 그 영향으로 ``역사``에서 부강의 길을 찾고 문명의 우월감을 유지했으며, ``역사``를 통해 ``경세치용``을 하고, 과거시험과 신식학교 교육에서 관련 내용을 배치한 것도 출제에서 마땅히 있어야 할 의미였다. 물론 ``역사``에 대한 이런 입장은 결코 한번 정해지고 나면 변하지 않는 것이 아니어서, 청말 중국에서 ``역사적 기억``의 연속이 드러낸 또 다른 장면은 ``역사의 의미``에 대한 탐색이 또 다른 방식으로 전개될 수 있다는 것을 보여 준다. "What`s the use of history?" Marc Bloch, the founder of the Annals School raised this question from a child in the beginning of his Historian`s Craft. In China`s case, we will find problems of this kind from time, and they are dissimilar as they appeared in different times. In the late Qing Dynasty, when China was faced with a "seismic situation that never happened in the previous three thousand years", such problems were even more conspicuous. The question was not only "What`s the use of history?" but also how to awaken the "memory of history" to deal with all manner of changes. It was certain that the awakening of the "memory of history" in late Qing was obviously guided by two factors: one was the recovering of the Hans` collective memory stimulated by "anti-Manchuria"; the other was the memory about China, which was activated by foreign factors. This leads us to focus on how the scholars in the late Qing Dynasty thought about "what history has told us" and how to explore the "significance of history". Needless to say, the encounter of the two civilizations would naturally give rise to questions like "where do you come from?" and "how do we come here?" which were based on the dimensions of space and time in order to imagine "the other". Accordingly, incorporating Chinese history and foreign histories into the framework of "Universal History" to achieve historical "harmony" and to seek mutual understanding also constituted the core of communication between Chinese history and foreign histories. Moreover, such "harmony" represents not only the significance of time but also the judgment on historical process. In this context, "history" also played a special "role" in Sino-foreign communication. Its influence was to seek a way to wealth and power in "history" and to maintain the superiority in civilization. With the assignment of relevant topics, the intention of the imperial examinations was to "study Confucianism for statecraft" through "history". This treatise attempts to outline this situation, which occurred in the late Qing Dynasty, in order to explore "the significance of history" in this period.

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