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        유자차 부산물을 이용한 유자 과편의 최적화 연구

        남혜원,현영희,변진원 동아시아식생활학회 2004 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.14 No.6

        This study was performed to develop a standardized recipe for yuza pyun made of citron juice that is by-product of citron tea, to increase the utilization of citron. The effects of mungbean starch(15%, 18%) and dilution ratio of yuza extract(100%, 75%, 50%) on the quality characteristics were evaluated. The quality characteristics of the samples were estimated in terms of sweetness, color difference, texture profile analysis and sensory evaluation. Sweetness of the 18% mungbean groups were higher than 15% groups(p<0.001). The values of Hunter color system indicated that higher content of yuza extract tended to increase yellowness significantly(p<0.001). Texture profiles of hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess of yuzapyun showed no significant differences among samples. For sensory evaluation, color and sourness were decreased as yuza extract was diluted, whereas elasticity and sweetness were increased. Yuza pyun containing 18% of mungbean starch with 50% diluted extract was the most preferred in overall acceptability. According to multiple regression analysis, color, sweetness, elasticity and sourness(in order) were important control factors in overall acceptability.

      • KCI등재

        KFL learners’ acquisition of Korean locative particles : A corpus-based contrastive interlanguage analysis

        Danielle Ooyoung Pyun,Miri K. Chung,Ho Jung Choi 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2013 언어정보 Vol.17 No.-

        Pyun, Danielle O., Chung, Miri K. & Choi, Ho Jung. 2013. KFL learners’ acquisition of Korean locative particles: A corpus-based contrastive interlanguage analysis. Language Information. Volume 17. 23-46. Adopting the contrastive interlanguage analysis methodology, this study investigates KFL (Korean as a Foreign Language) learners’ acquisition of Korean locative case particles. A learner corpus compiled from eighty-seven intermediate learners of Korean was compared with a native speaker corpus on the frequency distribution of the five semantic categories of the Korean locative case (i.e, static location, dynamic location, time, goal, and source). In addition, learner errors on the use of locative case particles were quantified and examined according to the five semantic categories. The results of this study showed that KFL learners’ use of locative case particles substantially deviated from native speakers’ usage in frequency. Learners’ inaccurate and limited use of locative case particles were attributed to such factors as L1 transfer, overgeneralization, prior input, and interlanguage development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Awareness of Virtual Signage

        Pyun Do Young(편도영),Han Jin-Wook(한진욱),Euidong Yoo(유의동) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2008 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        가상광고는 광고노출이 빈번한 공간의 효과증대와 기존 경기장광고의 약점을 보완하기 위한 수단으로, 오늘날 그 사용이 급격히 증가되고 있다. 노출이 빈번한 광고의 경우, 시청자들은 높은 회상 (recall) 또는 재인 (recognition)을 이끌었다는 기존 연구의 결과를 근간으로, 본 연구는 미국 메이저리그 야구경기 중계동안 노출된 가상광고와 기존의 경기장광고에 대한 시청자들의 재인을 측정, 비교분석 하였다. 총 164명이 이 연구에 참여하였고, 야구 경기장 안 세 군데의 공간 - 포수 뒤 (가상광고), 내야펜스 (경기장광고), 외야펜스 (경기장광고) - 의 광고들에 대한 실험 참여자들의 재인능력이 비교되었다. T-test 분석결과, 실험 참여자들은 기존 경기장광고보다 가상광고에 유의적으로 높은 재인능력을 보여주었다. 또한, 분산분석 (analysis of variance) 측정 결과, 가상광고와 내야펜스에 설치된 광고간의 재인의 유의적 차이는 있었지만, 가상광고와 외야펜스의 광고 그리고 내야광고와 외야광고 사의에서의 재인의 유의적 차이는 발견되지 않았다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 가상광고, 경기장광고, 그리고 장소의 선택에 대한 광고 전략이 논의되었다. Virtual signage is being increasingly utilized to maximize the effectiveness of highly visible locations and to overcome limits on traditional stadium signage. Building from past findings that signage in highly visible locations had a high recall or recognition rate, the current study measured recognition rates of virtual and in-stadium signage by location in the ESPN's Sunday Night Major League Baseball games. The recognition rates were examined from 164 surveys on three different locations in a stadium. A significant difference was found between recognition of virtual and in-stadium signage. Results from a one-way ANOVA with a Tukey post hoc test indicated a significant difference between virtual and infield signage. There were no differences between virtual and outfield signage, and between infield and outfield signage. Implications regarding the use of virtual versus physical signage and locations of signs were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Portraying Monks in Illuminated Service Books in the Fourteenth Century

        Pyun, Kyunghee(변경희) 서양미술사학회 2016 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        생드니교회를 위해 제작된 14세기 중엽 채색 미사전서에 나타난 베네딕틴 수도승의 초상화는 중세 말기에 유행하는 수도원 구성원의 초상적 표현으로 이해할 수 있다. 같은 시기의 다른 채색 미사전서 혹은 찬송전서에도 주교, 대주교, 수녀원장, 수도원장을 비롯한 수도원 혹은 카톨릭 교회의 주요인물들이 이름과 함께 혹은 가문의 문장과 재현되어 종교인물의 초상적 표현도 세속군주 혹은 귀족 후원자들과 더불어 유행하였다고 볼 수 있다. 왕족 혹은 귀족의 초상과 다른 점은 본인의 개성보다는 본인이 속한 수도원의 집단정체성을 중시하여 초상화가 들어간 전례서가 교회 혹은 수도원에 다시 기증되어 다른 구성원들이 여러 세대에 걸쳐 사용할 수도 있다는 점이 주목할 만하다. 이런 점에서 개인의 추모를 목적으로 한 개인용 기도서와는 성격이 조금 다르다고 볼 수 있다. 14세기 채색 전례서에 나타나는 이러한 초상적 인물화는, 15세기 미술계에 중요한 장르로 대두하는 사실적인 초상화에 나타나는 유일무이한 개인적 재현은 아직 나타나지 않았기에 “초상화”라는 장르에 대입할 수는 없지만 이름 혹은 문장 등의 다른 기재를 통해 개인화를 시도하였다는 점은 중요하다. 15-16세기에 유화 혹은 조각 등에 자주 나타나는 사실적인 초상화 장르의 유행으로 나아가는 도입적인 단계라고 해석할 수 있다. In the fourteenth century, an increasing number of portraiture-like images of monks or nuns appear in illuminated service books. Analyzing an illuminated missal used at the royal abbey of Saint-Denis as a case study, I interpret these depictions of monks and nuns as broader representations of their monastic identity. Drawn from other studies of royal donors and ecclesiastical patrons in late medieval art, my research includes lesser-known examples of portraiture-like images of members of various religious communities such as Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictines, canons, and others. While portraitures of royal and aristocratic men in private devotional books and panel paintings bear some similarities with those in illuminated service books made for churches or monasteries, it is notable that the portrayal of monastic figures emphasize their sense of belonging to their religious communities. Analysis of material objects as well as invisible elements like music, prayers, miracles of patron saints used in various liturgical contexts(both private and public) at Saint-Denis and other monastic communities demonstrates a function of illuminated liturgical books within each monastic community. Rather than serving as a personal possession, a service book with portraiture of a prominent member would remain as a present to the entire community and be used by other members in a following generation. Portraiture-like images of a monk, a nun, or a bishop were often depicted along with a coat of arms and miracles of a patron saint. Some images include a name written below, thus identifiable with a historical figure. Although they do not bear a physiognomic representation of an individual as shown in fifteenth-century realistic portraiture, a tendency to portray a conspicuous member of the community in the fourteenth century is a transition from medieval humility to the early modern discovery of self. This period is an introduction to the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century realistic portraiture as a genre of painting or sculpture. The current research on French medieval art should be expanded to German devotional books and Italian Trecento altarpieces and frescoes in order to comprehend a European development.

      • KCI등재

        Gender Differences in Korean Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

        Pyun So Young,최수정,조현진,황윤하,Cho Jae Wook,Joo Eun Yeon 대한수면학회 2020 sleep medicine research Vol.11 No.2

        Background and ObjectiveaaOur objective in this study was to investigate gender-specific differences in demographic factors, clinical presenting symptoms, medical comorbidities, and sleeprelated parameters in patients newly diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). MethodsaaWe enrolled patients who were more than 30 years old, had undergone overnight polysomnography, and had filled out the questionnaires, including demographics, medical comorbidities, and sleep-related symptoms. ResultsaaFrom December 2014 to August 2017, 1224 patients (female, n = 277, 22.6%) were newly diagnosed with OSA. Female patients were significantly older than males (59.62 years vs. 52.75 years, p < 0.001). Alcohol consumption and current smoking were more common in males (p < 0.001). Non-specific symptoms of OSA, such as insomnia-related symptoms, loss of energy, and subjective poor sleep, were observed more frequently in females. Females reported more depressive moods (Beck Depression Inventory-II 15.58) than males did (12.17). Males complained about OSA-specific symptoms, such as snoring, witnessed apnea, and daytime sleepiness, more frequently than females did. The mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was much lower in females (26.25 /h vs. 33.36 /h), but AHI during rapid eye movement sleep was similar for the two groups (33.55 /h vs. 32.76 /h). Sleep latency was longer (15.45 min vs. 10.11 min) and spontaneous arousal index (4.48 /h vs. 3.48 /h) was more frequent in females. ConclusionsaaFemales have a different OSA phenotype from males in terms of demographics, clinical manifestations, and sleep parameters of polysomnography. Thus, clinicians should comprehend the different clinical phenotype of female OSA and detect earlier unrecognized OSA in females.

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