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        T.S. Eliot의 FOUR QUARTETS(Ⅰ) : 그 주제를 중심으로

        이봉국 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1975 人文科學 Vol.33-34 No.-

        Eliot's Four Quartets has been the center of numerous discussions among the critics of his poetry. This is a happy discovery, since I have been concerned with the poem for the past ten years since Eliot's death. The Waste Land could be termed a poem of pure art composed on the basis of Impersonal Theory of Poetry when he was in his thirties; whereas, Four Quartets could be interpreted his master. piece in which the mature Eliot in his fifties are personified in his song of faith, love, and hope. I have attempted to show his use of musical analogies in the composition of Four Quartets in terms of its themes. As he manifested in his Music of Poetry in 1942, he professed that a poet mihgt gain much from the study of music. He himself said that he does not have the technical knowledge of music himself, but he believed that the properties in which music concerns the poet most closely, are the sense of rhythm and the sense of structure. Despite his belief that too much use of musical analogies would result in an effect of artificiality, he knows that a poem, or a passage of a poet, may tend to realize itself first as a particular rhythm before it reaches expression in words, and that this rhythm may bring to brith the idea and the image. Although he does not say that this is an experience peculiar to himself, he favors the sense of recurrent themes, which he feels as natural to poetry as to music. It is my contention that as to musical analogies he used in Four Quartets, he had in mind possibilities for verse which bear some analogy to the development of a theme by different groups of musical instruments. And at the same time, these analogies extend to possibilities on transitions in a poem that are comparable to the different movements of a sympony or a quartet and the possibilities. of contrapuntal arrangement of subject-matter. As he manifested these in Four Quartets, a germ of poem was quickened in the concert room rather than in the opera house. With these musical analogies, I have attempted an explication of the poem in terms of his view of time, in the celebration of Eliot's ever-lasting poem of masterpiece.

      • A Study on the Hierarchical Representation of a 2D Shape

        허봉식 동의공업대학 2000 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        본 논문에서는 2차원 형상의 계층적 표현 방법에 대해 연구하였다. 컴퓨터 비전 시스템에서 보다 복잡한 수준의 처리를 쉽게 하기 위해서는 2차원 형상에 대한 보다 적절한 표현 방법이 필요하다. 특히, 2차원 형상을 단순한 형태부터 매우 상세한 정도까지 나타낼 수 있는 방법은 응용 분야가 다양하다. 형상의 크기에 무관하게 인식할 경우나, 지도를 다양한 축척으로 나타내야 하는 GIS(Geographic Information System) 분야, 형상의 전체적인 윤곽은 유지하면서 처리 데이터를 줄여야 하는 경우 등이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 단순한 곡선의 일반화 알고리즘으로 널리 알려져 있는 Douglas-Pecuker 알고리즘을 수정하고 확장하였다. 그리고 보다 자연스러운 표현을 할 수 있는 방법에 대해서도 연구하고 그 해결 방법을 구현하였다.

      • 지형정보시스템을 위한 벡터링 도구의 설계 및 구현

        허봉식,김민환 부산대학교 1994 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.47 No.

        In this paper, a vectoring tool maned PNUVT(Pusan National University Vectoring Tool) is designed and implemented to allow users to capture and edit vector data from raster-format data in geographic information system(HIS). It is the interactive semi-automatic vectoring tool. To increase the efficiency of PNUVT, connected components extracted from the scanned image processed in the image processing step are classified into several component groups by considering vectoring method. Then each component group is converted into vector data automatically. PNUVT is designed to reduce necessity for operator intervention as much as possible, so it improves its throughput greatly compared to other interactive vectoring systems that require and operator to watch and help the conversion process at all times. Especially, in this paper, a hierarchical representation of vector data is proposed and implemented. An attribute value is assigned to each vertex of arc to represent a degree holding its shape. This value can be used for the fine or coarse representation of the arc with a controlled threshold value. It can be used efficiently in the coordinate thinning process, too. A vector-to-raster conversion module and a vector data format conversion module are also implemented to output geographic information effectively. 본 논문에서는 지형정보시스템(GIS)에서 사용자로 하여금 래스터 데이타를 백터 데이타로 변환할 수 있도록 도와주기 위한 벡터링도구(PNUVT:Pusan National University Vectoring Tool)를 설계하고 구현하였다. 이 도구는 대화식이면서 반자동으로 동작한다. PNUVT의 변환효율을 높이기 위해서, 이미지 처리과정을 거친 이미지로 부터 연결성분(connected component)들을 추출한 후에, 이 연결성분들을 백터링 방법에 따라서 몇 개의 연결성분 그룹으로 분류하였다. 그리고 각 연결성분 그룹별로 벡터 데이타로 자동변환 된다. PNUVT는 가능한 한 사용자의 개입을 줄이도록 설계 되었기 때문에, 변환과정 전반에 걸쳐 사용자가 계속 지켜보면서 작업을 지시해야 하는 기존의 벡터링 시스템에 비해서 그 효율성을 매우 높였다. 특히, 본 논문에서는 백터 데이타의 계층적 표현방법을 제안하고 구현하였다. 형상을 구성하는 각 점에 대해서 그 점이 전체적인 모양의 형성에 기여하는 정도에 따라서 속성값을 부여하였다. 그리고 이 속성값에 대한 임계값을 조절함으로써, 아크의 표현 정밀도를 결정할 수 있다. 이 방법은 또한 좌표 평활화에 이용될 수 있다. 아울러 벡터 데이타를 래스터 데이타로 변환하는 모듈, 벡터 데이타 변환 모듈이 지형정보의 효율적인 출력을 위해서 구현되었다.

      • 神의 죽음 神學 : 最近 特히 歐美에서 論議되고 있는 기독교 사상의 새로운 움직임 The Contemporary Christian Thought emerged in the European and American Theological Discussions

        朴鳳琅 건국대학교 1967 學術誌 Vol.8 No.1

        This is a study on the movement which has been taking place in the Christian churches of the Westrn world, especially in the American Scene in the first part of the post 20th century, often called "New Theology," or "Radical Theology," but generally "Death of God Theology." The origin of this movement is not without identifiable in certain particular persons or writings as shown in this thesis. But it is the present writer's observation that this radical Christian movement will adequately be understood only by pointing to a certain claim of the spirit of the time. The expression, death of God, implies the negative element of the modern consciousness. It is an agony in which the modern church experiences her life in the midst of the radically changing cultural climate of the post·modern era. Death of God Theology is not to be identified with Atheism either in terms of Anti-theistic Atheism, or naturalistic, materialistic Atheism, but to be understood in terms of a certain theological position which claims to accept the fact of the modern scientific, atheistic world view and to establish their christian insight within the context of the atheistic position. It is this sort of Gospel of christian Atheism, or theological claim that calls for our special attention here. In this thesis the present writer attempts to investigate theological implications of the five radical theologians, analizing their thoughts and claims in the context, first of the traditional christian thought, but especially of the present christian situation. The pivotal question in this thesis is what God would they mean when they say God is dead. Readers will find that their answers are varied. However the common denominator which underlies all their writings is the sense of loss. This sense of loss wall give the characteristic to this movement. The thesis includes seven chapters. The first two of these will serve as an introduction to the understanding of the death of God movement, while the remaining chapters deal with the five voices of the contemporary Death of God Theology. Readers are suggested to follow the main subject of each chapter and its subdivisions with special attention. They are as following : 1.The New Challenge 2.The Origin of the Death of God Theology What is the Death of God Theology? How this movement arose? Who are Death of God Theologians? Main sources 3.The Proclamation of the theological revolution : John Robinson The request of the theological revolution The End of Theism God as a Depth of Being The beyond in the midst : Christ Criticism and Conclusion 4.Atheistic Christology : Thomas Altizer The demand of the Death of God The Death of God as that of the historical christian God Nirvana and the Kingdom of God God as the Incarnate Christ Criticism and Conclusion : on the atheistic Christology 5.The New Optimism : William Hamilton Hamilton and the radical theology movement The Death of God The Obedience to Jesus and the new Optimism The Interpretation of Bonhoeffer's 〈Prisoner for God〉 Criticism and Conclusion 6.Post-Christian Era : Gabriel Vahnian What Vahnian attempts to do The Modern Promedeus : The scientific Humanism The Revolt of Science The religious deviation : Man's Religiosity The way out : the Secularization of Christianity and the Demythlozisation of the Gospel Criticism and Conclusion 7.To Speak of God in the Secular Fashion: Harvey Cox The Significance of Cox in modern theology What is meant by the Death of God? To speak of God in the Secular Fashion Criticism and Conclusion 8.The Final Conclusion

      • 複合模型과 高次對稱性

        朴鳳烈 서울대학교 1969 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The dynamical connection between various compound models and higher symmetry will be investigated by the method of current algebra. It will be shown that both quark and triplet models will be qualitatively valid for generating the higher symmetry.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Macbeth의 世界 : 그 字宙秩序觀을 中心하여

        李鳳國 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1962 人文科學 Vol.8 No.-

        A theme central to Macbeth may be human ambition or temptation leading to crime. Be that as it may one thought seems to underlie the process of evil's birth, growth and consummation as represented in the poetic drama : it is the Elizabethan conception of the universe or a view of order. In form and in content Macbeth heavily leans on the idea of "chain of being" and of "correspondence". "My single state of man (Ⅰ, ⅲ, 40)" shows the idea of "body politic" of the age. Scenes of natural calamity (Ⅱ, ⅲ, 36-; Ⅱ, ⅳ, 1-; Ⅰ, ⅴ, ⅲ, 159-) are seen as nature's "correspondence" to destruction of order in the form of the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth may in fact be read better in association with the contemporary conception of cosmic order. Projected into a setting where nature unfolds its drama-order destroyed and restored corresponding with the order destroyed by the regicide and later restored -Macbeth reaches the solemn heights of sweeping majesty. This paper delineates the parallel developments with Macbeth's course of action on one hand with nature's course in correspondence on the other. In Macbeth the state symbolized by King Duncan represents the macrocosm, his murder disturbs it and two of its microcosms, i.e., the Macbeth, are caught up in a spiral of causality. Action and reaction ascend in a concentric spiral development while character and plot blend into the play's symbolic imagery. Macbeth by killing Duncan destroys order itself and values as a whole, himself with them. A world with its order destroyed is a world with its values and indeed its meaning voided. In Macbeth order is both a medium and the signification of determinist relations which are corollary to the Elizabethan philosophy. It is a peculiarly Shakespearean technique of tragedy, and Macbeth gives poetic meaning to order.

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