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      • KCI등재

        Cost Viability of a Base Isolation System for the Seismic Protection of a Steel High-Rack Structure

        Vojko Kilar,Simon Petrovčič,David Koren,Simon Šilih 한국강구조학회 2013 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.13 No.2

        In this study the effects and costs of implementing a base isolation system for the mitigation of the seismic risk of an existing externally-braced steel frame rack structure are analysed by means of nonlinear static (pushover) analysis. Various plan asymmetric variants, with different realistic distributions of the payload mass and occupancy levels, have been investigated under two seismic intensities. The results obtained are presented as floor plan projection envelopes of the top displacements and as plastic hinge damage patterns of the superstructure. In the presented cost evaluation, the cost of the implementation of the proposed base isolation system is compared with the estimated costs of structural repairs to the damaged structural members of the superstructure, as well as with estimated expenses of the downtime period and content damage. The results have shown that base isolation is, in general, not economically feasible for lower ground motion intensities, whereas it could be of great benefit in the case of moderate and high intensities. A simple rough cost estimation study, based on the obtained plastic hinge patterns, showed that the inclusion of the downtime period costs and content damage costs might be important parameters,which - if taken into account - could make such an isolation system viable also for lower ground motion intensities. The other benefits brought by seismic isolation, such as savings on the building design costs, reductions in the threat to employees’ lives,and others, were, however, not included in the presented study. The comparison is done only for two deterministic scenarios of seismic attack, e.g. for design ground motion intensity (ag =0.175 g) and for increased intensity with ag =0.25 g indicating the Maximum Considered Earthquake level.

      • Koreans in Russia, 1861-1917 : Some Prolems of New Conditions

        Petrov, Alexsander I. 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1992 環太平洋硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        1864년에 나온 동시베리아 전투부대 겸열관의 보고서에 14가구 65명의 한인남녀가 남우수리지역(프리모스카야 오브라스트)으로 건너와서 오막살이를 짓고 농업에 종사하기 시작했다고 기록되어 있다. 러시아극동에 한인들이 이주해 보낸 생활에 대해서는 공식편지와 보고서 같은 기록들이 다수 남아 있다. 1860년대초부터 1880년대초까지 러시아극동에 이주해온 한인들에게는 안전과 생존이 가장 중요한 문제였다. 한인들의 안전과 생존을 위협하는 문제는 크게 세가지 요인으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 한인들의 러시아주는 조선에서 엄격히 금지되었다. 한인들은 조선으로 송환될까 매우 두려워했다. 그때 당시 조선은 쇄국정책을 추구하고 있었으며 승인되지 않은 외국인과의 접촉은 참수에 처해졌다. 조선에서 이주를 금지하는 법은 1882년에 공식적으로 폐지되었다. 한인들의 안전과 생존에는 중국 도적떼들의 습격이 또다른 문제를 제기했다. 중국 도적떼들은 19세기 후반에 중국영토에서 러시아 극동의 한인마을 습격해 들어오곤 했다. 다수의 한인들이 죽었던 1878년에 한인들은 자신들의 안전을 지켜줄 러시아 군인들의 주둔을 요청했다. 그 결과 1882년까지 수이펑지역의 한인마을에 네개의 막사가 생겼다. 이들 두 요인외에 한인들의 안전과 생존을 위혀반 또 다른 문제는, 당시 한인들이 어떤 생계수단도 마련하지 않은채 러시아 땅에 이주해왔다는 사실과 관계있다. 1869년 가을과 그 다음해 겨울사이에 조선에서 대량으로 이주민들이 들어왔다. 그때 티친헤와 야노히헤마을에 들어온 5천9백19명의 한인들에게 러시아 당국은 가축을 포함해 밀가루.호밀.보리.감자.소금, 그리고 돈을 제공했다. 러시아에 이주해온 한인들은 조선에 있는 대다수 농민들보다 훨씬 나은 생활조건을 갖게 되었다. 러시아 정부 혹은 러시아 극동 당국은 러시아어로만 읽고 쓰도록 강요하지 않았다. 한인들은 자녀를 위해 여러개의 학교를 세웠고 교육에 대한 태도는 매우 적극적이었다. 한인들은 한국어를 폭넓게 사용했다. 20세기초에 교육을 잘 받은 한인들이 러시아 극동의 많은 기업체는 물론, 남우수리지역 위원회와 프리아무르의 장관직에까지 진출했다.

      • KCI등재후보


        Petrov, Leonid,Lee, Sang-Sung,Kim, Jongsoo,Jung, Taehyun,Oh, Junghwan,Sohn, Bong Won,Byun, Do-Young,Chung, Moon-Hee,Je, Do-Heung,Wi, Seog-Oh,Song, Min-Gyu,Kang, Jiman,Han, Seog-Tae,Lee, Jung-Won,Kim, American Institute of Physics 2012 The Astronomical journal Vol.144 No.5

        <P>This paper presents the catalog of correlated flux densities in three ranges of baseline projection lengths of 637 sources from a 43 GHz (Q band) survey observed with the Korean VLBI Network. Of them, 14 objects used as calibrators were previously observed, but 623 sources have not been observed before in the Q band with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). The goal of this work in the early science phase of the new VLBI array is twofold: to evaluate the performance of the new instrument that operates in a frequency range of 22-129 GHz and to build a list of objects that can be used as targets and as calibrators. We have observed the list of 799 target sources with declinations down to –40°. Among them, 724 were observed before with VLBI at 22 GHz and had correlated flux densities greater than 200 mJy. The overall detection rate is 78%. The detection limit, defined as the minimum flux density for a source to be detected with 90% probability in a single observation, was in the range of 115-180 mJy depending on declination. However, some sources as weak as 70 mJy have been detected. Of 623 detected sources, 33 objects are detected for the first time in VLBI mode. We determined their coordinates with a median formal uncertainty of 20 mas. The results of this work set the basis for future efforts to build the complete flux-limited sample of extragalactic sources at frequencies of 22 GHz and higher at 3/4 of the celestial sphere.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Two Dynasties: Formation of the Romanov-Qing Interaction

        ( Petrov A. I. ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2009 러시아연구 Vol.19 No.2

        On the base of the historico-historiographical approach the author in his article "Two Dynasties: Formation of the Romanov-Qing Interaction" seeks to explain why Russians, who have been experienced the long Tatar-Mongol yoke, soon after shaking it off began their movement "against sun". Having had started at the end of 16th century from Ural Mountains the Russian people by the middle of the 17th century had reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean and banks of Amur River having had done 5-8 thousand kilometers. At the same time Russian started first official contacts with the Ming China. In 1618 the first Russian mission headed by Ivan Petlin arrived to Peking and negotiated with Ming`s dignitaries. But in 26 years Ming China was conquered by Manchurian Qing Dynasty. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich showed considerable initiative to establish official ties with Qing Government: in 1656 and in 1676 he sent his two envoys to Peking. After all under official rule of Tsarevna Sofia in 1689 the third Russian envoy Fiodor Golovin was sent, and in August of the same year the Nerchinsky Treaty between two states was signed. With establishing the official relations between Russia and China, the Eurasian continent has completely took "habitable" character. If Khans of Mongol Empire of 12-13th centuries had tied East and West "with iron and blood", the Russians after four centuries had led different civilization to mutual cohesion and balance by comparatively peaceful and natural ways.



        Petrovic, Ljiljana,Valjarevic, Dragana Korean Mathematical Society 2018 대한수학회보 Vol.55 No.2

        In this paper we consider the concept of statistical causality in continuous time between flows of information, represented by filtrations. Then we relate the given concept of causality to the equivalent change of measure that plays an important role in mathematical finance. We give necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of statistical causality, for extremality of measure in the set of martingale measures. Also, we have considered the extremality of measure which involves the stopping time and the stopped processes, and obtained similar results. Finally, we show that the concept of unique equivalent martingale measure is strongly connected to the given concept of causality and apply this result to the continuous market model.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Acoustooptical Approach for Moving Scene Holography

        Petrov, Vladimir The Korean Infomation Display Society 2003 Journal of information display Vol.4 No.3

        At the paper the method of 3D holographic moving image reconstruction is discused. The main idea of this method is based on the substitution of optically created static hologram by equal diffraction array created by acoustical (AO) field which formed by bulk sound waves. Such sound field can be considered as dynamic optical hologram, which is electrically controlled. At the certain moment of time when the whole hologram already formed, the reference optical beam illuminates it, and due to acoustooptical interaction the original optical image is reconstructed. As the acoustically created dynamic optical hologram is electronically controlled, it can be used for moving 3-dimentional scene reconstruction in real time. The architecture of holographic display for moving scene reconstruction is presented at this paper. The calculated variant of such display laboratory model is given and discussed. The mathematical simulation of step by step images recording and reconstruction is given. The pictures of calculated reconstructed images are presented. The prospects, application areas, shortcomings and main problems are discussed.

      • Evolution of TCP in High Speed Networks

        Ivan Petrov,Toni Janevski 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Future Generation Communi Vol.8 No.2

        TCP congestion control protocols have low performances in high speed wide area networks mainly because their slow response with large congestion windows. This TCP behavior has initiated new design phase of alternative protocols that provide improved traffic utilization in high bandwidth delay product networks. The paper presents survey of various high speed sender side congestion control proposals that preserve the fundamental host to host principle. Solutions focus on variety of problems occurring in high speed environment with intention to eliminate congestion collapses and to ensure effective resource utilization. Internet data transfer does not depend only on that how TCP will utilize the network capacity, we have to stress that TCP must cooperate with existing transmitting data protocols through the same network in order to assure fair resource sharing. Part of the paper scope are state of the art high speed TCP proposals, we explore their congestion control techniques, strengths, weaknesses and we try to detect future TCP development possibilities.

      • KCI등재

        An Investigation into Effects of In Vitro Test Condition on the Release Properties of Theophylline from HPMC Matrices using Factorial Design

        Aleksandra Petrovic,Svetlana Ibric,Svetlana Trajkovic,Radmila Popovic,Zorica Djuric,Dragica Popadic 대한약학회 2009 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.32 No.7

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of various in vitro test conditions, on the release properties of theophylline (TP) from aminophylline (AP) matrices based on different hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) ratio and viscosity grades. The General full factorial experimental design 3 × 3 × 3 was used, based on three independent variables: applied in vitro test (X1), HPMC/drug ratio (X2) and polymer viscosity grade (X3). The drug release percent at 2h (Y2h), 4h (Y4h) and 8 h (Y8h) and time for 50% of TP release from matrices (YT50%) were response variables. Three in vitro tests were used: Test 1 and Test 4 (Theophylline Extended-release Capsules, USP 30) and Half-change method. According to factorial design analyses, in vitro test was the most significant factor influencing mechanism and amount of drug release. For Half Change method erosion was the predominant mechanism indicating Case – II transport, while for Test 1 the release mechanism were followed by both diffusion and erosion. The lowest release exponent n values, obtained from Ritger-Pepass equation, for Test 4 indicate diffusion process inclining from Fickian diffusion to Anomalous transport. Therefore, it is in the stage of development, useful to consider the influence of various in vitro test conditions on the formulation, in order to choose an optimal test for the purpose of future drug release examination.

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