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      • The Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on International Trade Flows in ASEAN Countries

        Nguyen Khanh Doanh 대구대학교 경제경영연구소 2006 경제경영연구 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper aims at analyzing the impact of intellectual property protection on international trade flows, using ASEAN as a case study. The finding of the paper could be summarized as follows. First, IPR protection is an important determinant of international trade flows. Overall, stronger protection of IPRs increases bilateral trade between ASEAN and the rest of the world. Second, IPR protection in the importing countries (the rest of the world) has positive effect on ASEAN's exports, indicating the market expansion effect. When the impacts of IPR protection are allowed to differ across sectors, stronger effects on exports are found in high tech sectors, such as chemicals and transport equipment and machinery. Third, IPR protection in ASEAN countries has negative effect on their imports from the rest of the world, exhibiting the market power effect. When the impacts of IPR protection are allowed to differ across sectors, strong effects on ASEAN's imports are found in such sectors as food and manufactured goods. Implications being derived from this study are summarized as followed. First, industrializing countries with strong imitative capacities tend to experience the market expansion effect as their IPR regimes become stronger, while for developing countries with weak imitative abilities, the effects of stronger IPR protection in these countries on their imports are ambiguous. Second, most industrializing countries are those which should expect the largest adjustment in domestic output and labor as their fringing production activities are replaced progressively by foreign imports.

      • KCI등재

        Trade Flows and IPR Protection : A Dynamic Analysis of the Experience of ASEAN-6 Countries

        NGUYEN KHANH DOANH,YOON HEO 이화여자대학교 국제통상협력연구소 2015 Asian International Studies Review Vol.16 No.1

        This paper examines the impacts of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in foreign markets on ASEAN countries’ exports for the period 2005-2010 using a dynamic panel data model, which allows us to account for persistence effects. In order to solve the inconsistency of OLS in a dynamic modelling, we opt for the system GMM estimator because it helps researchers overcome the problems of serial correlation, heteroskedasticity, and endogeneity for some explanatory variables. Our results are robust and summarized as follows. First, reinforced IPR protection in foreign countries has a positive effect on ASEAN’s exports, indicating the dominance of market expansion effects. Second, regardless of the level of economic development in importing countries, stronger IPR protection induces ASEAN’s exports to foreign countries. Third, the trade impacts of IPR protection are strongest in high-income trading partners, followed by mediumincome, and finally, low-income partner countries. Fourth, at the sectoral level, the effect of IPR protection is found to be the strongest for capital-intensive exports to highly developed countries and the weakest for capital-intensive exports to less developed countries. Thus, it is likely that ASEAN’s exports will increase if appropriate mea- sures are taken to strengthen IPR protection in foreign countries.

      • KCI등재

        Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade in Korea

        Nguyen Khanh Doanh,Yoon Heo 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2018 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.16 No.1

        This study investigates the patterns and determinants of Korea’s horizontal intra-industry trade by employing a dynamic panel data analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows. An increase in the market size of both trading partners is associated with a higher level of horizontal intra-industry trade. Dissimilar economic sizes and per capita incomes have a negative effect on trade in horizontally differentiated products. Geographical distance and trade imbalance serve as obstacles to horizontal intra-industry trade. These findings have policy implications for reconsidering the orientation of promoting trade. Inclusive economic growth in the region, taking advantage of neighboring nations and making efforts to reduce trade imbalances between trading economies, can accelerate further trade expansion through horizontal intra-industry trade.

      • ASEAN Free Trade Area: Discriminatory or Not?

        Nguyen Khanh Doanh,Heo Yoon 한국로고스경영학회 2008 한국로고스경영학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.5월

        This paper analyses and compares the economic effects of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) on the trade flows of Vietnam and Singapore. Using the gravity model, the analysis in this study shows a number of robust empirical findings. First, on the multilateral trade flows of Vietnam and Singapore, the model reveals no trade diversion following integration. Second, trade flows are not significantly affected immediately following the signing of the AFTA agreement. Third, trade distance still remains a hindrance to trade, indicating that globalization and integration have not mitigated the relevance of physical distance even though technological innovations continue to reduce transportation costs. Fourth, cultural familiarity. as a proxy for linguistic affinity and colonial relationship, continues to be an important determinant of bilateral trade flows. Finally, differences in per capita income among trading partners continue to have negative impacts on bilateral trade. Efforts to narrow the GDP gaps among members, improving social infrastructure, and continued domestic reforms are suggested as remedies for the obstacles to freer flows of trade in the region.

      • KCI등재

        Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Trade Flows in ASEAN Countries

        Nguyen Khanh Doanh,Yoon Heo 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2007 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.14 No.1

          This study provides new evidence regarding the linkage between the enforcement of IPR and trade flows in ASEAN countries. Based on the analysis of a gravity model and using the categorized panel data, the study finds robust empirical results. First, reinforced IPR protection in the importing countries (non-ASEAN countries) has a positive impact on ASEAN’s exports, indicating the prevalence of the market expansion effect. Stronger effects are found in the high-tech sectors such as chemicals, machinery and transport equipment. Second, increased IPR protection in the importing countries (ASEAN) has a negative effect on ASEAN’s imports, exhibiting the dominance of the market power effect. Stronger effects are found in the manufactured goods, beverage and tobacco industries. Third, since the coefficient on the IPR index is positive and statistically insignificant, we conclude that stronger protection of IPRs in both the ROW and ASEAN leads to an ambiguous increase in bilateral trade between ASEAN and the ROW. This is because of the fact that the increase in ASEAN’s exports due to stronger IPR protection in the ROW is partly cancelled out by the decrease in ASEAN’s imports as the result of stronger IPR protection in ASEAN.

      • KCI등재

        Impacts of ecosystem vitality on ASEAN’s agricultural exports: A System Generalized Method of Moments approach

        Doanh Nguyen Khanh,Quynh Nguyen Ngoc,Heo Yoon 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2020 International Area Studies Review Vol.23 No.4

        This study examined the impact of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s ecosystem vitality (EV) on its agricultural exports to the rest of the world. Using a sample of the six major ASEAN countries (ASEAN-6) (including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) and their 72 trading partners for the period 2007–2016, we found robust evidence of a positive relationship between the quality of EV and the volume of agricultural exports. At the sectoral level, the quality of EV had the most substantial effects on the ASEAN’s exports of SITC-0 (food and live animals) and exerted the least impact on the ASEAN’s exports of SITC-2 (crude materials, inedible, except fuels). This empirical evidence implies that natural resource-intensive products are more sensitive to the quality of EV. At the country level, EV has the most potent effect on the ASEAN’s agricultural exports to high-income countries and the least impact on the ASEAN’s agricultural exports to low-income countries. To promote agricultural exports, especially to high-income countries, our empirical results suggest that ASEAN countries need to build specific and effective plans for conservation of environment and management of sustainable ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        The Formation of AFTA and Trade Diversion: Evidence from China’s Agricultural Exports

        허윤,Nguyen Khanh Doanh,이지훈 이화여자대학교 국제지역연구소 2016 Asian International Studies Review Vol.17 No.1

        This study analyzes the impacts of the formation of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) on China’s agricultural exports. The Hausman-Taylor analysis is applied to panel data collected from China and its 68 trading partners from 1993–2012. Our major findings areas follows. First, the discrimination in tariffs imposed by AFTA diverts trade in agricultural products from China toward AFTA’s member countries. Second, at the sectoral level, the trade diversion effects of AFTA’s formation on China’s exports are significant in the case of beverage and tobacco industries. AFTA and China need to focus more on diversifying and differentiating their farming products. To gain better access to AFTA’s market, more investment in research and development activities is recommended as a cure for Chinese farmers. Moreover, this study implies that more efforts in reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to further liberalize trade between China and AFTA could enhance their bilateral trade flows.

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