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      • Gene-Specific Repair of 6-4 Photoproducts in Trichothiodystrophy Cells

        Nathan, Sheila,Van Hoffen, Anneke,Mullenders, Leon H.F.,Mayne, Lynne V. Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1999 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.32 No.6

        TTD1BI cells are non-hypersensitive to UV irradiation and perform normal genome repair of pyrimidine dimers but fail to excise 6-4 photoproducts and, concomitantly, are unable to restore RNA synthesis levels following UV irradiation. This pointed to a detect in gene-specific repair and this study was undertaken to examine repair of 6-4 photoproducts at the gene-level. The results indicated a defect in gene-specific repair of 6-4 photoproducts in active genes, although strand-specificity of 6-4 photoproduct removal was essentially similar to that of normal cells. These findings indicate that the near normal UV resistance of TTD1BI cells may be due to the inability of these cells to remove DNA lesions preferentially, as well as to the cells opting out of the cell cycle to repair damage before resuming replication.

      • KCI등재

        A Biblical Rationale for Teaching Art to Children

        Nathan Shannon 한국기독교교육정보학회 2018 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.33

        This paper proposes a biblical and theological rationale for art education in Christian schools. I first examine art and art education as components of the original, Edenic cultural mandate, and then under the renewed cultural commission signified in the resurrection. I argue that in the post-fall context, the cultural mandate for art and art education must incorporate consciousness of what some have called a cultural ‘antithesis’. That is, the practice and teaching of art are properly undertakings of the body of Christ and must be always mindful of sin.

      • KCI등재

        REVIEW : “Lemonade Legs”: Why do Some Patients Get Profound Hypomagnesaemia on Proton-Pump Inhibitors?

        ( Nathan S. S. Atkinson ),( D. John M. Reynolds ),( Simon P. L. Travis ) 대한장연구학회 2015 Intestinal Research Vol.13 No.3

        Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely used though an association with hypomagnesaemia and hypocalcaemia has only been described since 2006. Patients typically present after years of stable dosing with musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiac arrhythmic symptoms, but it is likely that many cases are under-recognised. Magnesium levels resolve rapidly on discontinuation of PPI therapy and hypomagnesaemia recurs rapidly on rechallenge with any agent in the class. The cellular mechanisms of magnesium homeostasis are increasingly being understood, including both passive paracellular absorption through claudins and active transcellular transporters, including the transient receptor potential channels (TRPM6) identified in the intestine and nephron. PPIs may alter luminal pH by modulating pancreatic secretions, affecting non-gastric H+K+ATPase secretion, altering transporter transcription or channel function. A small reduction in intestinal absorption appears pivotal in causing cumulative deficiency. Risk factors have been associated to help identify patients at risk of this effect but clinical vigilance remains necessary for diagnosis. (Intest Res 2015;13:227-232)



        Nathan, S. Swami,Mallikarjuna, J.M.,Ramesh, A. The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 2007 International journal of automotive technology Vol.8 No.5

        It is becoming increasingly difficult for engines using conventional fuels and combustion techniques to meet stringent emission norms. The homogeneous charge compression ignition(HCCI) concept is being evaluated on account of its potential to control both smoke and NOx emissions. However, HCCI engines face problems of combustion control. In this work, a single cylinder water-cooled diesel engine was operated in the HCCI mode. Diesel was injected during the suction stroke($0^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ degrees aTDC) using a special injection system in order to prepare a nearly homogeneous charge. The engine was able to develop a BMEP(brake mean effective pressure) in the range of 2.15 to 4.32 bar. Extremely low levels of NOx emissions were observed. Though the engine operation was steady, poor brake thermal efficiency(30% lower) and high HC, CO and smoke were problems. The heat release showed two distinct portions: cool flame followed by the main heat release. The low heat release rates were found to result in poor brake thermal efficiency at light loads. At high brake power outputs, improper combustion phasing was the problem. Fuel deposited on the walls was responsible for increased HC and smoke emissions. On the whole, proper combustion phasing and a need for a well- matched injection system were identified as the important needs.

      • KCI등재

        Vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture: A novel modification of surgical technique

        Nathan Hoag,Johan Gani,Justin Chee 대한비뇨의학회 2016 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.57 No.4

        Purpose: To present a novel modification of surgical technique to treat female urethral stricture (FUS) by a vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal urethroplasty. Recurrent FUS represents an uncommon, though difficult clinical scenario to manage definitively. A variety of surgical techniques have been described to date, yet a lack of consensus on the optimal procedure persists. Materials and Methods: We present a 51-year-old female with urethral stricture involving the entire urethra. Suspected etiology was iatrogenic from cystoscopy 17 years prior. Since then, the patient had undergone at least 25 formal urethral dilations and periods of self-dilation. In lithotomy position, the urethra was dilated to accommodate forceps, and ventral urethrotomy carried out sharply, exposing a bed of periurethral tissue. Buccal mucosa was harvested, and a ventral inlay technique facilitated by a nasal speculum, was used to place the graft from the proximal urethra/bladder neck to urethral meatus without a vaginal incision. Graft was sutured into place, and urethral Foley catheter inserted. Results: The vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty was deemed successful as of last follow-up. Flexible cystoscopy demonstrated patency of the repair at 6 months. At 10 months of follow-up, the patient was voiding well, with no urinary incontinence. No further interventions have been required. Conclusions: This case describes a novel modification of surgical technique for performing buccal mucosal urethroplasty for FUS. By avoiding incision of the vaginal mucosa, benefits may include reduced: morbidity, urinary incontinence, and wound complications including urethro-vaginal fistula.

      • KCI등재

        An Ovariectomy-Induced Rabbit Osteoporotic Model: A New Perspective

        Nathan Robert Wanderman,Cindy Mallet,Hugo Giambini,Nirong Bao,Chunfeng Zhao,Kai-Nan An,Brett A. Freedman,Ahmad Nassr 대한척추외과학회 2018 Asian Spine Journal Vol.12 No.1

        Study Design: Experimental Animal Model. Purpose: The aim of our study was to validate a pure bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) female New Zealand white rabbit model of postmenopausal osteoporosis utilizing animal-sparing in vivo techniques for evaluating bone mineral density (BMD). We also sought to demonstrate that bilateral OVX in female New Zealand white rabbits can produce diminished BMD in the spinal column and simulate osteoporosis, without the need for adjuvant chemotherapeutic agents (i.e., no additional glucocorticosteroids or other drugs were used for stimulating accelerated BMD loss), which can be assessed by in vivo BMD testing. Overview of Literature: Multiple animal models of postmenopausal osteoporosis have been described. Rat ovariectomy models have been successful, but are limited by rats’ inability to achieve true skeletal maturity and a slight morphology that limits surgical instrumentation. Rabbit models have been described which do not have these limitations, but previous models have relied on adjunctive steroid therapy to achieve osteoporosis and have required animal sacrifice for bone mineral density assessment. Methods: Thirty-six skeletally mature female rabbits underwent bilateral OVX. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry on the metaphysis of the proximal tibia and distal femur, at baseline and 17 weeks postoperatively. Results: Mean BMD values were significantly reduced by 21.9% (p <0.05) in the proximal tibia and 11.9% (p <0.001) in the distal femur at 17 weeks. Conclusions: This study is the first to demonstrate a significant bone loss within four months of pure OVX in rabbits using animalsparing validation techniques. We believe that this OVX model is safe, reproducible, and can be employed to longitudinally evaluate the effect of anti-osteoporosis therapeutics and surgical interventions.

      • KCI등재

        Yeats Matters : Iconic Value and Visibility

        Nathan Myers 한국예이츠학회 2015 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.47 No.-

        많은 정경화된 문인들과 달리, 윌리엄 버틀러 예이츠는 학자들과 대중매체의 창작인들에게 호기심과 다양한 관점으로서 영속적이다. 예이츠 인용, 언급, 환기는 시간, 장소, 장르를 초월하며, 그 양과 지속성은 예이츠는 영원하다는 것이다. 그의 이름은 권위적이고, 영속적이고, 특이하게 변하는 자산이다; 그의 문학적 특성은 작가들에게 도움과 자료가 된다. 이것은 지난 반세기 동안의 점차 지구화되는, 범국가적 문화의 기억 속에서 예이츠의 뛰어나고 변화무쌍한 지위를 동시에 활용하고, 주장하고, 영속화시키는, 뚜렷하지만, 애매하게 정의된, 역사적으로 대중적이면서도 도회적인, 문학전통과 맥을 같이한다. 세기말 사이드와 키버드의 예이츠의 정치적 면모를 (재)조명함으로써, 리처드 엘만이 조지 예이츠와의 관계를 설명함으로써, TV와 영화 속의 예이츠의 등장을 통해서, 나는 예이츠의 시와 개성이 어떻게 20세기를 넘어서 국가적, 종족적, 사회적 힘에 관한 복잡한 개념들과 얽혀있는지를 탐구한다. Unlike many canonized literary figures, William Butler Yeats endures as a curious and multifarious point of reference for both the academic community and purveyors of more popular media. Yeats allusions, references, and evocations span time, location, and genre, but their volume and consistency clearly indicate that Yeats matters. His name retains an authoritative, enduring, and uniquely protean capital; his literary signature aids the writer and affords resources, aligning it with a distinctive, though vaguely defined, literary tradition, historically popular and urbane, that simultaneously exploits, asserts, and perpetuates Yeats’s eminent and mutable position in the increasingly globalized, transnational cultural memory of the last half century. Through discussions of Richard Ellmann’s relationship with George Yeats, Yeats’s (re)politicization by Said and Kiberd near the end of the century, and Yeats’s appearances in television/film, I explore how Yeats’s poetry and personage have been tangled in complex notions of national, ethnic and social power across the 20th century.

      • KCI등재


        NATHAN SIU,DOROTHY COLLINS 한국원자력학회 2008 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.40 No.5

        Over the years, probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) research activities conducted at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have played an essential role in support of the agency’s move towards risk-informed regulation. These research activities have provided the technical basis for NRC’s regulatory activities in key areas; provided PRA methods, tools, and data enabling the agency to meet future challenges; supported the implementation of NRC’s 1995 PRA Policy Statement by assessing key sources of risk; and supported the development of necessary technical and human resources supporting NRC’s risk-informed activities. PRA research aimed at improving the NRC’s understanding of risk can positively affect the agency’s regulatory activities, as evidenced by three case studies involving research on fire PRA, human reliability analysis (HRA), and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) PRA. These case studies also show that such research can take a considerable amount of time, and that the incorporation of research results into regulatory practice can take even longer. The need for sustained effort and appropriate lead time is an important consideration in the development of a PRA research program aimed at helping the agency address key sources of risk for current and potential future facilities.

      • 정당지지 변동, 공천 실수, 그리고 단기비이양식 제도에서의 정부의 이점

        ( Nathan F. Batto ) 한국선거학회 2011 선거연구 Vol.1 No.2

        이전의 문헌들에 따르면, 단기비이양식 선거제도 하에서 집권정당은 유리한 위치에 처하게 되는데, 그 이유는 국가의 자원을 사용하여 이 제도가 초래하는 조정 문제를 해결하기 때문이다. 정당들은 자신들이 획득할 득표 수를 예상하고, 적절한 수의 후보를 공천해야 하며, 그리고 득표를 후보들 간에 적절하게 나누어야 한다. 이전의 연구들은 뒤의 두 가지 요소에 초점을 맞추었다. 본 논문은 선거 결과를 예상하는 데 있어서 우월한 능력이 집권 정당이 갖는 이점의 한 부분인가의 여부를 묻고 있다. 대만의 민주주의 시기 동안 전국 수준 및 지방 수준에서 실시된 모든 단기비이양식 선거 자료를 사용하여, 투표를 의석으로 전환하는 정당의 능력이 이전 선거 결과와 관련이 있음을 발견하고 있는데, 만약 정당들이 오직 미래의 결과만을 고려한다면 이러한 유형은 예상하기 어렵다. 그 어떤 변화도 (정당 지지에 대한 증가이던 혹은 감소이던) 기대했던 것보다 더 적은 승리와 연관이 있다. 집권정당과 야당 간에 차이가 나타나지 않는데, 이는 선거 결과 예측 능력이 정부 이점의 주요 요소가 아님을 시사한다. 그러나 이 논문은 이러한 이점의 기제를 밝혀내고 있다. 집권 정당은 보다 공격적으로 공천을 하는데, 야당의 경우와는 달리 이러한 초과 공천이 기대 이하의 승리를 초래하지는 않는다. Previous literature has argued that governing parties are advantaged under SNTV because they use state resources to overcome the coordination problems created by the electoral system. Parties must anticipate the number of votes they will win, nominate an appropriate number of candidates, and then divide their votes among those nominees. Previous literature has focused on the latter two elements. This paper asks whether a superior ability to anticipate election results is part of the governing party`s advantage. Using data from all national and local SNTV elections in the democratic era in Taiwan, I find that the ability to turn votes into seats is correlated with previous election results, a pattern we would not expect to see if parties ignored everything but anticipated future results. Any change, whether support for the party increases or decreases, is associated with fewer victories than might otherwise be expected. There is no difference between governing and opposition parties, implying that predictive capacity is not a major element of the government`s advantage. However, this paper does uncover the mechanics of this advantage. Governing parties nominate more aggressively, but, unlike for opposition parties, excess nominees do not cause lower than expected numbers of victories for governing parties.

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