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        日本語会話授業における協働学習導入の可能性 ― 質問·回答タスクの分析から ―

        小松奈々 ( Komatsu¸ Nana ) 한국일어교육학회 2021 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.56

        本稿では、日本語会話授業においてどのような学習領域で学習者の協働学習を導入することができるかを探ることを目的として、日本語会話に関する学習者の疑問を仲間同士で解決し合う「質問-回答タスク」から質問および回答·非回答の傾向を探った。 質問項目は、文法と語彙に関するものが最も多く、次にスピーチレベルや発音など会話そのものに関する質問が多いことがわかった。言語知識の範囲内の質問と同時に、実際の日本語運用時に遭遇する困難点に関する質問も多く見られた。 これらの質問に対する回答数は約半数であった。特に語彙知識に関する学習者の積極的な回答が見られ、類義語間の語義の違いや語の由来など幅広い内容に対して的確な説明がなされている様子が観察された。また、親しい相手への接し方や会話の学習法など、自身の経験に基づいた回答もされていることがわかった。そして、回答がなされなかった質問で最も多いものは文法知識の領域であり、特に仮定表現やアスペクトなど、韓国語からの直訳が難しいものについて回答が避けられる傾向が見られた。また、親しくない相手への呼称や丁寧語から友達言葉へのレベルシフトの方法など、JFL環境の学習者が経験することの少ないと思われる項目に関する質問が目立った。 以上の結果を踏まえ、本稿では協働学習を進めるべき項目として①語彙、②学習者の経験に基づく知識、③学習ストラテジーを、協働学習導入に注意が必要である項目として①文法知識、②JFL環境で接触する機会が少ないもの、③学習ツールを抽出し、指導方法の提案を行った。 This study explored the tendency in the question and answer, in which learners solve their questions about Japanese conversation with their peers, to clarify learning areas with feasibility of peer learning in Japanese conversation classes. The most common questions were about grammar and vocabulary, followed by questions about conversation including speech level and pronunciation. In addition to questions within language knowledge, there were many questions about difficulties in actual use of Japanese. About half of these questions were answered. In particular, learners aggressively answered questions about vocabulary knowledge, with accurate explanations for a wide range of content including the semantic differences of synonyms and word origins. They also gave empirical answers including communication with their close acquaintances and conversation learning methods. The most common non-answered questions were about grammatical knowledge, with a tendency to avoid answering questions about items difficult to translate directly from Korean, including subjunctive expressions and aspects. In addition, notable questions were about items experienced little by learners in the JFL environment, including compellations for unfamiliar people and level shift from formal lines to informal. Taken together, this study extracted (1) vocabulary, (2) learners’ empirical knowledge, and (3) learning strategies as items promoted for peer learning, and (1) grammatical knowledge, (2) items experienced little by learners in the JFL environment, and (3) learning tools as items requiring attention when introducing peer learning, to propose teaching methods.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘말하다, 말씀하다’와 중국어 ‘說’의 의미 대조 연구

        NA NA 중국인문학회 2024 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.87

        발화(發話)라는 행위는 말하는 사람이 언어를 통해 의도와 태도를 표현하는 것으로, 입을 열어 말하는 동시에 해석을 주거나 다른 사람에게 해석을 구하거나 건의를 하거나 다른 사람에게 건의를 구하거나 타인에 대한 비판, 경고, 위협 등 하는 것을말한다. 발화 동사에 관한 선행연구는 많지 않고 의미적으로 한중 발화 동사의 의미실현조건 대조분석에 대해서는 논의된 바가 없는 것으로 보인다. 본고에서 발화 동사를 “사람이 입으로 소리를 내어 자신의 생각을 음성적인 형태로 나타내는 동사”로정의를 내린다. 발화 동사는 [+음성적 언어적 행위], [+사람], [+생각] 등 의미 속성을 지니고 있다. 이 개념에 부합하는 수많은 발화 동사 가운데 발화 동사‘말하다’가다른 발화 동사에 비해 지니는 개별 의미의 수가 가장 많기도 하거니와 명사구 논항이나 보문, 부사어 등 다른 성분과의 결합 양상에 따라 다양한 의미가 실현되는데, 이러한 복합적인 의미 특성을 보이기에 제일 적합하기 때문에 본 연구에서 대조언어학의 입장에서 한국어 ‘말하다’와 그의 높임 형태인 ‘말씀하다’, 그리고 중국어‘說’을 중심으로 각 단의의 대응 관계를 밝힘으로써 한국어와 중국어 간의 발화 동사의 미세한 차이를 밝힐 것이다. 먼저 한국어‘말하다’와 그의 존댓말 형태인 ‘말씀하다’ 및 중국어 ‘說’을 대상으로 의미평정을 한 것을 제시한 다음에 한국어의 ‘말하다’, ‘말씀하다’와 중국어의 ‘說’의 의미 실현 조건을 구체적으로 조사하고 대응관계를 대조해 보고자 하였다. 이런 연구는 한국어교육 분야에서 한국어를 공부하는 중국인 학습자들에게 한국어 발화 동사를 사용하는 과정에서 모어의 간섭에 의해 오류가 발생하는 부분을 줄일 수 있도록 도와준다. 뿐만 아니라 한중 대역사전 편찬이나 한중 번역 사업에도 도움이 될 수 있다. Verbs like 'say,' 'talk,' and 'speak' in Korean and Chinese correspond to the single words ‘말하다,’ ‘말씀하다,’ and ‘說.’ This paper aims to analyze the semantic realization conditions of these verbs and elucidate the semantic correspondences between Korean and Chinese speech verbs. There are few prior studies on speech verbs, and there appears to be no discussion on the contrastive analysis of the semantic realization conditions of Korean and Chinese speech verbs. The act of speech involves the speaker expressing intentions and attitudes through language, which includes speaking out loud, providing or seeking interpretations, making or requesting suggestions, criticizing, warning, threatening, etc. In this paper, speech verbs are defined as "verbs that express a person's thoughts in a vocal form by making sounds with their mouth." Speech verbs have semantic attributes such as [+vocal linguistic act], [+human], and [+thought]. Among the many speech verbs that fit this concept, ‘말하다’ has the most individual meanings compared to other speech verbs and exhibits a variety of meanings depending on its combination with noun phrases, complements, adverbial phrases, etc. Therefore, due to its complex semantic characteristics, ‘말하다’ is most suitable for this comparative study. By elucidating the correspondences of each meaning of Korean '말하다' and its honorific form '말씀하다,' and Chinese '說,' this study will reveal the subtle differences between Korean and Chinese speech verbs. This will help Chinese learners of Korean to reduce errors caused by mother tongue interference in the process of using Korean speech verbs and contribute to the compilation of Korean-Chinese bilingual dictionaries and translation projects. In this paper, the semantic analysis and contrast were conducted based on the semantic analysis theories presented by Choi Ho-cheol (1993, 1996), Nam Kyung-hwan (2005), and Kim Hye-ryeong (2015). Based on the definitions of Korean '말하다,' '말씀하다,' and Chinese '說' in dictionaries, we conducted semantic evaluation to identify the commonalities and differences in lexical meanings, analyzed the semantic realization conditions, and compared the correspondences. For meanings not listed in dictionaries, we verified their actual usage in real language environments using corpora. Through this process, we investigated the meanings and examples that are not included in dictionaries but are used in reality, and identified the actual semantic correspondences of '말하다,' '말씀하다,' and '說' through tables. The contrastive analysis results show that Korean '말씀하다' and '말하다' correspond only in the dimensions of conveying information and making requests. Korean '말하다' and Chinese '說' do not correspond in the dimensions of making requests, evaluations, introducing marriage matters, and indicating related phenomena, but they correspond in various other dimensions. From this, it is concluded that '말씀하다' and '說 ' only correspond in the meaning of conveying factual information.

      • KCI등재
      • Emotion Expressiveness and Knowledge in Preschool-Age Children: Age-Related Changes

        Nana Shin,Lisa Krzysik,Brian E Vaughn 한국아동학회 2014 Child studies in Asia-Pacific context Vol.4 No.1

        Emotion is a central feature of social interactions. In this study, we examined age-related changes in emotion expressiveness and emotion knowledge and how young children`s emotion expressiveness and knowledge were related. A total of 300 children attending a daycare center contributed data for the study. Observation and interview data relevant to measures of emotion expressiveness and knowledge were collected and analyzed. Both emotion knowledge and expressed positive affect increased with age. Older preschool children expressed positive affect more frequently than did younger preschoolers. Older preschool children also labeled, recognized, and provided plausible causes mores accurately than did younger preschool children. In addition, we tested whether children`s errors on the free labeling component conform to the structural model previously suggested by Bullock and Russell (1986) and found that preschool children were using systematic strategies for labeling emotion states. Relations between emotion expressiveness and emotion knowledge generally were not significant, suggesting that emotional competence is only gradually constructed by the child over the preschool years.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect of Cold Temperature and Exercise on BAT and Browning of WAT

        ( Nana Chung ),( Kiwon Lim ) 한국체육학회 2018 International journal of human movement science Vol.12 No.2

        The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cold exposure and/or exercise on resting energy metabolism over 24 h and on BAT activity and browning of WAT related gene responses. Forty ICR male mice were divided into four groups: thermoneutrality-untrained (23 ± 1°C in room temperature, n=10), cold-water immersion (24 ± 1°C, n=10), exercise in neutral temperature (34 ± 1°C, n=10), and exercise in cold temperature (24 ± 1°C, n=10). The mice performed swim training (30 min to 60 min, 5 days/week) for 8 weeks. After end of experiment, we confirmed BAT activity and browning of WAT-related gene expression changes in interscapular-BAT and inguinal adipose tissue, and measured resting energy metabolism over 24 h. The results showed that the relative tissue weights of BAT and inguinal fat tissue differed by temperature (p = 0.016, p= 0.001 respectively). The UCP1 mRNA expression in BAT showed a significant effect in the exercised groups (p = 0.038). The sum of the oxygen uptake, only a significant temperature effect (p = 0.040) was observed and the average of the RER showed a significant temperature (p = 0.024) and exercise (p = 0.008) effect. Our data demonstrate that cold exposure and exercise independently induces the gene expression of thermogenic markers and the energy metabolic rate. The relative expression of these markers and the change of the energy metabolism indicators differed across the tissues and experimental treatments. In conclusion, our results suggest that cold exposure and exercise has no synergy effect on thermogenic markers of BAT and beige/brite adipose tissue and energy metabolism over 24h.

      • KCI등재

        Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): a component of total daily energy expenditure

        ( Nana Chung ),( Mi-young Park ),( Jisu Kim ),( Hun-young Park ),( Hyejung Hwang ),( Chi-ho Lee ),( Jin-soo Han ),( Jaemoo So ),( Jonghoon Park ),( Kiwon Lim ) 한국운동영양학회 2018 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.22 No.2

        [Purpose] The purpose of this review is to promote awareness of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) as a new strategy to increase energy expenditure, and to manage obesity. [Methods] The content of this review is based on a literature search of PubMed and the Google Scholar search engine, using the search terms obesity, energy expenditure, non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), and sitting disease. [Results] Daily energy expenditure is of great interest because most obese individuals have no exercise activity- related thermogenesis (EAT); thus their physical activity-related energy expenditure (PEE) is comprised almost entirely of NEAT. Consequently, NEAT represents the main variable component of daily total energy expenditure (TEE); this varies considerably, both within among individuals. These somewhat unplanned and unstructured low level physical activities are associated with energy expenditure in excess of the resting metabolic rate (RMR). They may therefore have the potential to stimulate greater energy expenditure over time with a higher rate of adherence. [Conclusion] In conclusion, NEAT is a highly variable component of daily TEE and a low level of NEAT is associated with obesity. NEAT enhances lifestyle, and variations in individual and environmental factors can significantly affect daily energy expenditure. Therefore, well designed longitudinal studies that focus on personal behavioral approaches and re-engineered environments to increase NEAT should be conducted in the future.

      • KCI등재

        The effects of exercise and cold exposure on mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue

        ( Nana Chung ),( Jonghoon Park ),( Kiwon Lim ) 한국운동영양학회 2017 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.21 No.2

        [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to deter-mine whether exercise or/and cold exposure regulate mitochondria biogenesis-related gene expression in soleus and inguinal adipose tissue of mice. [Methods] Forty ICR 5-week old male mice were divided into four groups: thermoneutrality-untrained (23 ± 1 ℃ in room temperature, n=10), cold-water immer-sion (24 ± 1 ℃, n=10), exercise in neutral temperature (34 ± 1 ℃, n=10), and exercise in cold temperature (24 ± 1 ℃, n=10). The mice performed swimming exer-cise (30 min to 60 min, 5 times) for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, we confirmed mitochondrial biogenesis-relat-ed gene expression changes for peroxisome prolif-erator- activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α), nuclear respiratory factors 1 (NRF1), and mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) in soleus muscle and inguinal adipose tissue, and the related protein expression in soleus muscle. [Results] In soleus muscle, PGC-1α expression significantly increased in response to cold exposure (p=0.006) and exercise (p=0.05). There was also significant interaction between exercise and cold ex-posure (p = 0.005). Only exercise had a significant ef-fect on NRF1 relative expression (p=0.001). Neither cold exposure nor the interaction showed significant effects (p=0.1222 and p=0.875, respectively). Rel-ative Tfam expression did not show any significant effect from exercise. In inguinal adipose tissue, rela-tive PGC-1α expression did not significantly change in any group. NRF1 expression showed a significant change from exercise (p=0.01) and cold exposure (p=0.011). There was also a significant interaction between exercise and cold exposure (p=0.000). Tfam mRNA expression showed a significant effect from exercise (p=0.000) and an interaction between exercise and cold exposure (p=0.001). Only temperature significantly affected PGC-1α protein levels (p=0.045). Neither exercise nor the interaction were significant (p=0.397 and p=0.292, respectively). NRF1 protein levels did not show a significant effect in any experimental treatments. Tfam protein levels showed a significant effect in the exercise group (p=0.012), but effects of neither cold exposure nor the interaction were significant (p=0.085 and p=0.374, respectively). [Conclusion] Exercise and cold exposure pro-moted increased expression of mitochondrial bio-genesis- related genes in soleus muscle. Only cold exposure had a significant effect on PGC-1α protein expression and only exercise had a significant effect on Tfam protein expression. In inguinal adipose tissue, there was interaction between exercise and cold exposure in expression of mitochondrial bio-genesis- related genes.

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