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Remarks on Japanese Benefactive V - te moraw Constructions
Sawasaki, Koichi,Nakayama, Mineharu 한국현대언어학회 2001 언어연구 Vol.17 No.2
Koichi Sawasaki & Mineharu Nakayama. 2001. Remarks on Japanese Benefactive V-te moraw Constructions, 언어연구 17-2, 285-314. 이 논문은 일본어의 -te moraw ( …해 받다) 구문에 대한 연구이다. Hoshi (1994)는 -te moraw 구문에 대해, 마치 수동구문에서도 두 가지가 있는 것과 같이 직접 수혜와 간접 수혜 구문의 두 가지 통사적 구조를 제안하였다. 그러나, 우리는 여기서 일본어의 수동구문과 수혜구문은 구조적으로 다르다는 증거를 제시함으로서 Hoshi의 견해를 반박하고자 한다. 첫째, 수동구문에서는 부정어 형태소가 수동형태소 뒤에서만 나타날 수 있지만, -te moraw 구문에서는 앞이나 뒤에다 나타날 수 있다. 둘째, 수동문중 ni-수동문에서 공범주가 명시적인 요소로 채워질 수 없지만, 직접 수혜구문에서는 공범주가 명시적 범주인 zibun으로 채워질 수 있다. 셋째 직접 수혜자구문과 간접수혜자 구문의 경우 zibun과 주어 지향 부사인 wazato가 수동문과는 달리, 강한 주어지향성을 보여준다 이러한 증거를 바탕으로 우리는 수혜구문이 두 개의 IP를 가지고 있다는 제안을 한다. 수혜구문이 이중적인 구조를 가지고 있다는 우리의 제안은 다음과 같은 면에서 Hoshi의 분석과는 다르다. 우선, 이 구문이 수동화 현상과 관련이 없다는 것이다. 둘째, Hoshi의 직/간접 수혜구문이 서로 상호 배타적으로 발생하지만, 우리의 분석에 의하면 결속조건 B가 만족되기만 하면 동시에 발생할 수 있다는 것이다.^1) (The Ohio State University)
Similarity Interference and Scrambling in Japanese
( Mineharu Nakayama ),( Richard L. Lewis ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2000 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.1 No.1
Lewis and Nakayama (1999) claim that the difficulty of comprehending sentences is a function, in part, of similarity-based interference, a limitation on working memory. By examining Japanese sentences, they found that the syntactic category, the syntactic position, and the consecutive occurrence of the same category all contribute to the difficulty of sentences. The present study examines the similarity interference hypothesis in Japanese scrambling sentences. According to the hypothesis, the scrambled sentences that reduce similarity interference would be considered easier than the unscrambled sentences. This prediction was borne out. However, the experimental results also showed that sentences with scrambled embedded objects were more difficult than unscrambled sentences. We argue that there are independently-motivated explanations for the difficulty of these sentences. Therefore, the results still support the similarity interference hypothesis, and indeed similarity interference plays a significant role in the difficulty of comprehending sentences.
Combined Analysis of η Meson Hadro- and Photo-production off Nucleons
K. Nakayama,오용석,H. Haberzettl 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.2
The η-meson production in photon- and hadron-induced reactions, namely, γp → pη, π^−p → nη, pp → ppη, and pn ∪ pnη, are investigated in a combined analysis in order to learn about the relevant production mechanisms and the possible role of nucleon resonances in these reactions. We consider the nucleonic, mesonic, and nucleon resonance currents constructed within an effective Lagrangian approach and compare the results with the available data for cross sections and spin asymmetries for these reactions. We found that the reaction γp → pη could be described well with the inclusion of the well-established S_(11)(1535), S_(11)(1650), D_(13)(1520), and D_(13)(1700) resonances, in addition to the mesonic current. Consideration of other well-established resonances in the same mass region, including the spin-5/2 resonances, D_(15)(1675) and F_(15)(1680), does not further improve the results qualitatively. For the reaction π_−p → nη, the P_(13)(1720) resonance is found to be important for reproducing the structure observed in the differential cross section data. Our model also improves the description of the reaction NN → NNη to a large extent compared to the earlier results by Nakayama et al. [Phys. Rev. C 68, 045201 (2003)]. For this reaction, we address two cases where either the S_(11)(1535) or the D_(13) dominates. Further improvement in the description of these reactions and the difficulty to uniquely determine the nucleon resonance parameters in the present type of analysis are discussed.
Rolling down the throat in NS5-brane background: the case of electrified D-brane
Nakayama, Yu,Panigrahi, Kamal L.,Rey, Soo-Jong,Takayanagi, Hiromitsu IOP Publishing Ltd 2005 Journal of high energy physics Vol.2005 No.1
<P>We study rolling radion dynamics of electrified D-brane in NS5-brane background, both in effective field theory and in full open string theory. We construct exact boundary states and, from them, extract conserved Noether currents. We argue that T-duality and Lorentz boost offer an intuitive approach. In the limit of large number of NS5-branes, both boundary wave functions and conserved currents are sharply peaked and agree with those deduced from the effective field theory. As the number of NS5-branes is reduced, width around the peak becomes wider by string corrections. We also study radiative decay process. By applying Lorentz covariance, we show how the decay of electrified D-brane is related to that of bare D-brane. We compute spectral moments of final state energy and winding quantum number. Using Lorentz covariance argument, we explain in elementary way why winding quantum number should be included and derive rules how to do so. We conclude that Kutasov's ``geometric realization'' between radion rolling dynamics and tachyon rolling dynamics holds universally, both for bare and electrified D-branes.</P>
D-brane propagation in two-dimensional black hole geometries
Nakayama, Yu,Rey, Soo-Jong,Sugawara, Yuji IOP Publishing Ltd 2005 Journal of high energy physics Vol.2005 No.9
We study propagation of D0-brane in two-dimensional lorentzian black hole backgrounds by the method of boundary conformal field theory of SL(2,&BbbR;)/U(1) supercoset at level <I>k</I>. Typically, such backgrounds arise as near-horizon geometries of <I>k</I> coincident non-extremal NS5-branes, where 1/<I>k</I> measures curvature of the backgrounds in string unit and hence size of string worldsheet effects. At classical level, string worldsheet effects are suppressed and D0-brane propagation in the lorentzian black hole geometry is simply given by the Wick rotation of D1-brane contour in the euclidean black hole geometry. Taking account of string worldsheet effects, boundary state of the lorentzian D0-brane is formally constructible via Wick rotation from that of the euclidean D1-brane. However, the construction is subject to ambiguities in boundary conditions. We propose exact boundary states describing the D0-brane, and clarify physical interpretations of various boundary states constructed from different boundary conditions. As it falls into the black hole, the D0-brane radiates off to the horizon and to the infinity. From the boundary states constructed, we compute physical observables of such radiative process. We find that part of the radiation to infinity is in effective thermal distribution at the Hawking temperature. We also find that part of the radiation to horizon is in the Hagedorn distribution, dominated by massive, highly non-relativistic closed string states, much like the tachyon matter. Remarkably, such distribution emerges only after string worldsheet effects are taken exactly into account. From these results, we observe that nature of the radiation distribution changes dramatically across the conifold geometry <I>k</I> = 1 (<I>k</I> = 3 for the bosonic case), exposing the `string - black hole transition' therein.
Modal Auxiliary Verbs in Japanese EFL Learners' Conversation: A Corpus-based Study
Nakayama, Shusaku Institute for Corpus Research 2021 Asia pacific journal of corpus research Vol.2 No.1
This research examines Japanese non-native speakers' (JNNS) modal auxiliary verb use from two different perspectives: frequency of use and preferences for modalities. Additionally, error analysis is carried out to identify errors in modal use common among JNNSs. Their modal use is compared to that of English native speakers within a spoken dialogue corpus which is part of the International Corpus Network of Asian Learners' English. Research findings show at a statistically significant level that when compared to native speakers, JNNSs underuse past forms of modals and infrequently convey epistemic modality, indicating the possibility that JNNSs fail to express their opinions or thoughts indirectly when needed or to convey politeness appropriately. Error analysis identifies the following three types of common errors: (1) the use of incorrect tenses of modal verb phrases, (2) the use of inflected verb forms after modals, and (3) the non-use of main verbs after modals. The first type of error is largely because JNNSs do not master how to express past meanings of modals. The second and third types of errors seem to be due to first language transfer into second language acquisition and JNNSs' overgeneralization of the subject-verb agreement rules to modals respectively.
″Drifting Cups on a Meandering Stream″ in Japan
Nakayama, Yasuki,Aoki, K.,Oki, M.,Kobayashi, T.,Saga, T.,Maruoka, H.,Kato, S. The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.15 No.12
Drifting Cups on a Meandering Stream (Kyokusui-no-En) is a Poetry Party that had its origin In ancient China, and was introduced to Japan passing through Korea. The flow of the meandering stream was made clear using the flow visualization techniques, surface floating method, PTV and the numerical simulation. At the same time, the motions of floating cup, the floating speed, relating speed and the trajectory of the cup were also analysed by using an originally developed image processing technique. Based on these researches, the model channel was considered. To make this party interesting the channel must has the characteristic that the drifting cups take the random pass and stagnant at the unexpected place. This model channel is satisfied with these conditions and the fluid mechanics consideration is performed on the both points of the experimental visualization and numerical simulation.
Recent Gold Exploration in Japan
Nakayama, Ken The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1996 자원환경지질 Vol.29 No.6
Domestic metal mines have contributed to the national industrialization of Japan for over a century through their stable supply of raw materials. However, due to the changes which have taken place in the industries structure, mining industry has been shifted to downstream industries. At present, only three major mines are in production. In recent times, changing economic conditions have made it increasingly difficult to develop new base metal mines. Subsequently, the deposit type targeted has shifted from base metals to epithermal associated gold deposits which, if of sufficient grade and tonnage, can be economical. Accompanying the dramatic rise in the price of gold during the late 1970's, has been an increase in the geological information and our understanding of epithermal gold deposits around the Pacific rim region. In particular, the common acceptance of the plate tectonic theory and the correlation's between modem geothermal systems and fossil epithermal systems were most important developments. In 1988, the Mining Council authorized the domestic exploration of 19 districts, targeting epithermal gold mineralization. Since 1989 the Metal Mining Agency of Japan, semi-government organization, has been conducted gold exploration in such area. With new genetic concepts and new technologies, promising gold mineralization has been discovered. Two such areas which are at an advanced stage of exploration are Seta, in northern Hokkaido, and Noya, in central Kyushu.
Nakayama, Hiroyuki,Kajikawa, Satoru,Doi, Kunio The Korean Society of Toxicology Korea Environment 2001 Toxicological Research Vol.17 No.-
The brain of the aged dog possesses senile plaques and amyloid angiopathy, which characterize Alzheimer's disease brains. We have defined the dementia condition of aged dogs and examined which mechanism(s) is responsible for the condition. A series of studies revealed that the dementia condition in aged dogs is significantly related to the number of apoptotic brain cells including both neurons and glial cells, but not to the number of senile plaques. On the other hand, 5-azacytidine (5AzC) is a cytidine analogue, and is thought to induce kinds of cell differentiation possibly through hypomethylation of genomic DNA. We have revealed neuronal apoptosis induced in 5AzC-treated fetal mice and PC12 cells. The ribosomal protein L4 (rpL4) gene is expressed prior to the apoptosis in the PC12 cell system. Therefore, the involvement of the rpL4 gene expression in age-related brain cell apoptosis in dogs may contribute to the investigation of Alzheimer's dementia.