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        An Adaptable Destination-Based Dissemination Algorithm Using a Publish/Subscribe Model in Vehicular Networks

        Morales, Mildred Madai Caballeros,Haw, Rim,Cho, Eung-Jun,Hong, Choong-Seon,Lee, Sung-Won Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Eng 2012 Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Vol.6 No.3

        Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are highly dynamic and unstable due to the heterogeneous nature of the communications, intermittent links, high mobility and constant changes in network topology. Currently, some of the most important challenges of VANETs are the scalability problem, congestion, unnecessary duplication of data, low delivery rate, communication delay and temporary fragmentation. Many recent studies have focused on a hybrid mechanism to disseminate information implementing the store and forward technique in sparse vehicular networks, as well as clustering techniques to avoid the scalability problem in dense vehicular networks. However, the selection of intermediate nodes in the store and forward technique, the stability of the clusters and the unnecessary duplication of data remain as central challenges. Therefore, we propose an adaptable destination-based dissemination algorithm (DBDA) using the publish/subscribe model. DBDA considers the destination of the vehicles as an important parameter to form the clusters and select the intermediate nodes, contrary to other proposed solutions. Additionally, DBDA implements a publish/subscribe model. This model provides a context-aware service to select the intermediate nodes according to the importance of the message, destination, current location and speed of the vehicles; as a result, it avoids delay, congestion, unnecessary duplications and low delivery rate.

      • Combination of Mn oxidation states improves the photocatalytic degradation of phenol with ZnAl LDH materials without a source of O<sub>2</sub> in the reaction system

        Morales-Mendoza, Getsemani,Alvarez-Lemus, Mayra,,pez, Rosendo,Tzompantzi, Francisco,Adhikari, Rajesh,Lee, Soo Wohn,Torres-Martí,nez, Leticia M.,,mez, Ricardo Elsevier 2016 CATALYSIS TODAY - Vol.266 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Mn-doped Zn/Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) materials were synthesized by the co-precipitation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed the polytype structure of LDH materials obtained as well as the successful incorporation of Mn into the structure. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) studies showed a well dispersion of Mn and a good correlation between the nominal and experimental composition. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of grains close to 1μm length. Energy band gap (Eg) of the solids determined by UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) showed high photoresponse in the ultraviolet (UV) region, which was increased with Mn incorporation into the LDH structure. The LDH materials were evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of phenol in aqueous medium, under UV radiation with and without O<SUB>2</SUB> source in the reaction system. The results showed that the O<SUB>2</SUB> is not an effective electron scavenger as usually occurs in TiO<SUB>2</SUB> photocatalyst. The Mn effect in the photocatalytic activity was notably marked in anaerobic condition however in aerobic or anaerobic conditions the presence of Mn increases the photoactivity. The phenol mineralization reached in anaerobic conditions was 95% (1.5ppm) of the initial concentration (30ppm) and it is maintained constant after 6h of radiation while in aerobic conditions the TOC reaches only 55% (13.5ppm). The role of Mn as charges separator is discussed and a suitable mechanism is proposed. This study shows that the Mn doped-Zn/Al LDH materials could be a promising photocatalysts under anaerobic conditions for the removal of phenol from aqueous medium.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> ZnAl LDH rebuilt in phenol solution have not capacity to open the interlayer space. </LI> <LI> A source of O<SUB>2</SUB> have not influence in the phenol photooxidation with ZnAl LDH. </LI> <LI> Mn doped-ZnAl LDH increases the optical properties of absorption. </LI> <LI> The role as electron and hole trap of Mn takes advantage to separate charge. </LI> <LI> The Mn incorporation in ZnAl LDH materials improves the photocatalytic activity. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재


        Morales, Mario Alonso Arango 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1996 인문과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        메타픽션적인 것, 혹은 미학적 고찰의 공간을 생각한다는 것은 자신의 작품 안에 녹아 있는 미학적 주체의 여러 자질구레한 일에 관한 고찰의 장으로 우리가 들어서는 것이다. 말하자면, 그 주체가 현실에 대해 생각하는 것, 주체가 자신의 작품에 주는 기능 그리고 주체가 자신의 담화를 다른 담화-그 담화들이 미학적이든 그렇지 않든 간에-의 연관하여 조직화시키는 것임며, 세워나가는 방식이다. 그리고 또한 상기한 주체 안에 의미를 조직화하는 중심 또는 공간을 찾아내는 것과 동일하다 본 논문에서는 진지한 작가 사르두이가 주조한 "La Prosa del Cerveceo"를 가지고 위에 언급된 메타픽션적인 요소를 더욱 구체적으로 고찰해 보도록 하겠다.

      • KCI등재


        Morales, Mario Alonso Arango 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문과학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        이 글에서는 17세기 식민지 시기에 라틴 아메리카에서 시작된 토착적 감각과 바로크 양식의 결합에 대해 설명한다. 즉, 그들은 스스로를 알기 위해서 풍부한 대자연을 지닌 그들의 환경의 특수성을 발견하게 되며, 그 자연 환경 속에서 공존하는 원주민, 흑인, 스페인인들을 발견함으로써 그들의 주체성을 찾기 시작한다. 또한 인종의 혼혈은 바로크의 총체적 탐욕과 밀착되어 미학적 측면에서 뿐 아니라, 보편적 문제에 관한 성찰의 측면에서 창조적 힘으로 천화되었음을 설명한다. 그리고 우리들은 라틴 아메리칸의 스페인어를 이 땅에 사는 사람들의 혼혈적 특성으로 주어진 다양한 개념에 항상 열려 있는 우주로써 인지 해야 함을 강조한다. 그리하여 혼혈의 바로크적 소명과 이상세계 또는 행복을 추구하는 인간의 임무를 관련시킨다.


        Further seismic displacement PSDF results

        Morales, C.A. Techno-Press 2010 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.34 No.5

        The spectral content of ground displacement of the 10 largest last California earthquakes is studied. Specifically, the power spectral density function of the critical horizontal-component record of the closest-to-epicenter station is analyzed in each case. The results permit to state that horizontal ground displacement is a narrow-band process. This fact was previously noticed while trying to solve the large-base-displacement problem in isolated structures and it was fundamental in the solution of this issue; however, these preliminary results were limited in number to enable a statement like the foregoing one. Thus, the broader results presented herein were necessary.

      • Mn-doped Zn/Al layered double hydroxides as photocatalysts for the 4-chlorophenol photodegradation

        Morales-Mendoza, G.,Tzompantzi, F.,Garcia-Mendoza, C.,Lopez, R.,De la Luz, V.,Lee, S.W.,Kim, T.H.,Torres-Martinez, L.M.,Gomez, R. Elsevier 2015 Applied clay science Vol.118 No.-

        Mn-doped Zn/Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) with Mn 0.5-3.0% mol respect to Zn content with improved photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol (4Clphenol) were studied. The characterization studies showed the isomorphic incorporation Mn as dopant until 1% mol. The 4Clphenol degradation was proposed as result of a combined effect of oxidation by both hydroxyl radicals (OH?) and photogenerated holes (h<SUP>+</SUP>). In a proposed mechanism it is suggested that Mn enhances the charge separation acting as electron e<SUP>-</SUP> (Mn<SUP>3+</SUP>; Mn<SUP>4+</SUP>) or hole h<SUP>+</SUP> (Mn<SUP>2+</SUP>; Mn<SUP>3+</SUP>) traps according to its oxidation state. Exhaustive characterization through EDS, XRD, UV-vis-DRS, TEM-Dark field STEM, fluorescence spectroscopy for OH? detection and XPS, has been done denoting the importance of the Mn content and its different oxidation states in the photophysical and photocatalytic properties of the Mn-doped Zn/Al-based layered double hydroxides.

      • KCI등재

        Abdominal Hypertension after Abdominal Plication in Postbariatric Patients: The Consequence in the Postoperative Recovery

        Morales-Olivera Martin,Hanson-Viana Erik,Rodríguez-Segura Armando,Rendón-Medina Marco A. 대한성형외과학회 2023 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.50 No.6

        Background Abdominoplasty with abdominal plication increases intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and has been previously associated with limited diaphragmatic excursion and respiratory dysfunctions. Many factors found in abdominoplasties and among postbariatric patients predispose them to a higher occurrence. This study aims to evaluate the impact of abdominal plication among postbariatric patients, assess whether the plication increases their IAP, and analyze how these IAP correlate to their postoperative outcome.Methods This prospective study was performed on all patients who underwent circumferential Fleur-De-Lis abdominoplasty. For this intended study, the IAP was measured by an intravesical minimally invasive approach in three stages: after the initiation of general anesthesia, after a 10-cm abdominal wall plication and skin closure, and 24 hours after the procedure.Results We included 46 patients, of which 41 were female and 5 were male. Before the bariatric procedure, these patients had an average maximum weight of 121.4 kg and an average maximum body mass index of 45.78 kg/m2; 7 were grade I obese patients, 10 were grade II, and 29 were grade III. Only three patients were operated on with a gastric sleeve and 43 with gastric bypass. We presented six patients with transitory intra-abdominal hypertension in the first 24 hours, all of them from the grade I obesity group, the highest presented was 14.3 mm Hg. We presented 15% (7/46) of complication rates, which were only four seroma and five dehiscence; two patients presented both seroma and wound dehiscence.Conclusion Performing a 10-cm abdominal wall plication or greater represents a higher risk for intra-abdominal hypertension, slower general recovery, and possibly higher complication rate in patients who presented a lower degree of obesity (grade I) at the moment of the bariatric surgery.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Generalized 𝜓-Geraghty-Zamfirescu Contraction Pairs in b-metric Spaces

        Morales, Jose R.,Rojas, Edixon M. Department of Mathematics 2021 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.61 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to introduce a class of contractive pairs of mappings satisfying a Zamfirescu-type inequality, but controlled with altering distance functions and with parameters satisfying the so-called Geraghty condition in the framework of b-metric spaces. For this class of mappings we prove the existence of points of coincidence, the convergence and stability of the Jungck, Jungck-Mann and Jungck-Ishikawa iterative processes and the existence and uniqueness of its common fixed points.


        Effects of Various Packaging Systems on the Quality Characteristic of Goat Meat

        Morales-delaNuez, A.,Moreno-Indias, I.,Falcon, A.,Arguello, A.,Sanchez-Macias, D.,Capote, J.,Castro, N. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.3

        40 goat kid ribcages were held for 7 days in storage conditions ($4^{\circ}C$) and used to determine the effects of three different packaging methods (atmospheric air, vacuum and modified atmosphere package (MAP) 10:70:20 mixture of $N_2:O_2:CO_2$) on meat quality of the chops. L* was affected by the packaging method being lighter than MAP chops. The coordinate a* significantly increased during storage time. For MAP-packed chops and those kept in atmospheric air, b* increased markedly during storage time whereas it remained unaffected throughout storage when in vacuum packages. Final pH values ranged from 5.6 to 5.8 and no effects were found for either storage time or packaging method. WHC means were lowest for the three packaging methods on day 7 of storage and highest on day 1. Storage time increased water loss in vacuum treatments. Trained panel colour acceptability was lower at 3, 5 and 7 days than on day 1 of storage for atmospheric air treatment and vacuum packaging, while for the MAP treatment average values on days 5 and 7 were lower than those observed on days 1 or 3. Trained panel odour was lower for atmospheric air and vacuum packages at 3, 5, and 7 days storage than at 1 day, while no differences were found in trained panel odour acceptability for MAP packages. With reference to consumers, the MAP proposed in the present study is the chosen method for storing goat meat, rather than vacuum or atmospheric air packaging.

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