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      • 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』의 온라인 원문이미지 제공 현황 분석 및 개선 과제

        水谷淸佳(Mizutani Sayaka ),이정남(Jeongnam Lee) 한국교방문화학회 2023 교방문화연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구에서는 ‘국가기록원 홈페이지’와 ‘조선총독부 기록물 홈페이지’에서의 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』 원문이미지 제공 현황 및 관련 내용 항목들을 구체적이고 정치(精緻)하게 분석·고찰하여 그 안에서 발견되는 다양한 문제점들을 도출해내고, 이를 바탕으로 각 홈페이지에서 개선해야 할 주요 사항들을 체계적으로 정리·제안하였다. 각 홈페이지에서의 가장 큰 문제점은 부적절한 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』의 메인 해제(解題)로, 이는 “『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』은 대한제국 말기인 1908년 6월부터 1910년 5월까지 일제 통감부 경찰권력이 생산한 문서들을 그들 스스로가 다시 1910년 후반에 편철한 것으로, 기록물의 제목에서 드러나듯이 ‘기생(妓生) 관련 서류들’과 ‘창기(娼妓) 관련 서류들’ 이상 2종류의 기록물로 구성되어 있고, 각 기록물들은 독립적인 성격을 가지고 있다. ‘생산기관’은 ‘통감부 경시청(경시총감)과 내부 경무국(제2과장)’이고, ‘생산년도’는 ‘1908~ 1910년’이며, ‘편철기관’은 ‘조선총독부 경무총감부(警務總監部)’, 그리고 ‘편철년도’는 ‘1910년’이다. 대한제국 말기인 1908년 9월 25일에는 900여년을 이어온 한반도의 ‘기생제도(관기제도)’가 일제 통감부 경찰권력에 의해 해체되고, 민간 기생조직인 ‘기생조합소’라는 ‘근대식 기생제도(기생단속령)’가 시작되었다. 또한 동시에 공식적인 성매매에 관한 법률이나 제도가 존재하지 않았던 한반도에 일제 통감부는 공인(公認) 성매매제도인 ‘공창제도(창기단속령)’를 이식시켰다. 그리고 이 「기생단속령(근대식 기생제도)」의 제정준비에서부터 근대 여성 예술인(藝術人)집단인 ‘한성기생조합소(1908년)’의 설립과정 및 국내외 공연과 「창기단속령(공창제도)」의 제정준비에서부터 공인 성매매집단인 ‘한성창기조합(1909년)’의 설립과정 및 실제 공창제도 실시의 전말이 담긴 ‘유일한 공적 일제(日帝) 문서’가 바로 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』이다. 결론적으로 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』은 대한제국 말기 일제 통감부가 당시 ‘가무(歌舞) 전문 예술인(藝術人)이었던 기생(妓生)’과 ‘매음(賣淫)을 전업으로 하던 창기(娼妓)’를 근대적인 방식으로 통제·관리하기 위해 정책방향을 설정하고, 사전조사를 실시하고, 관련 법령을 제정하고, 세부 실시 지침을 마련하고, 실제 정책적·제도적 실시에 이르기까지 한반도에서의 ‘근대식 기생제도’와 ‘공창제도’의 ‘성립과정의 전말’을 파악할 수 있는 ‘유일한 법적·정책적 사료’이다”와 같이 수정·명시되어야 할 것이다. 또한 ‘국가기록원 홈페이지’와 ‘조선총독부 기록물 홈페이지’에 실린 모든 『기생 및 창기에 관한 서류철』에 관한 세부 내용 항목들과 ‘주요기록물들(5개)’에 대한 간략한 설명 등은 이정남(2022-2023)과 水谷淸佳(2022-2023)에 의한 일련의 연구 결과들을 참고하여 정확한 내용과 올바른 정보로 수정·재탑재되어야 할 것이다. This study referred to the National Archives and Government-General of Chosun Records Archives to analyze the current status in providing the images of original script from the [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute] and related content in a detailed manner, find the problems in the websites, and organize and point out the main items to be improved in each website. The most important point is that the main bibliography on the [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute] is the record complied in the late 1910s by the Resident-General of Korea on the documents they produced during the late Korean Empire, from June 1908 to May 1910. As the title indicates, the [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute] are composed of two types of records on the documents related to Gisaeng and prostitutes, and each record has independent characteristics. During the late Korean Empire, the Korean Peninsula’s 900-year-old “Gisaeng System (Official Gisaeng System)” was disorganized by the Resident-General of Korea in September 25, 1908. After disorganization, it enforced the modern Gisaeng system (Gisaeng Regulation Law) called the Gisaeng Association. The Resident-General of Korea also implanted a licensed prostitution system, “Licensed Prostitution System (Prostitute Regulation Law),” in the Korean Peninsula that did not have laws or systems regarding licensed prostitution. In addition, the websites also need to be revised and clarify that the [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute] are the only Japanese documents that include the preparation process of the [Gisaeng Regulation Law (Modern Gisaeng System)], establishment process of the modern female entertainer group named “Hanseong Gisaeng Association (1908),” its performances in Korea and overseas, preparation on establishment of the [Prostitute Regulation Law (Licensed Prostitute System)], establishment process of the licensed prostitute group called “Hanseong Prostitute Association (1909), and the circumstances of enforcing the state-regulated prostitution system. Furthermore, the details of the [Records of Gisaeng and Prostitute] and brief explanations of the main records in each website should be revised and re-written based on accurate information by referring to the research by Lee Jeong-nam (2022-2023) and Mizutani Sayaka (2022-2023).

      • Role of the Intestinal Microflora in Health

        MIZUTANI, TAKEO 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 한국축산식품학회 1994 심포지움 및 학술발표회 Vol.1994 No.-

        A large number of bacteria inhabit the human intestine soon after birth, and those that are adapted to colonize in the human intestine form the intestinal flora. Almost all bacteria live in the area from the lower part of the small intestine to the large intestine. Numbers of bacteria are 1010-1011 per gram feces. The bacterial grow utilizing food components and endogenous substances, and produce various kinds of substances. The varieties of enzymes possessed by the intestinal bacteria are much more abundant than those found in the liver. However, unlike the liver enzymes that always play an important role in the metabolism of the living body, the bacterial enzymes do not always work to the benefit of the host body. Thus, There are two sides of the intestinal bacteria to the host, beneficial and harmful.

      • KCI등재

        여악을 전승한 예인으로서의 기생에 대한 왜곡에 관한 연구 Ⅰ -기생과 성병검사와의 관련성 및 실시여부를 중심으로-

        ( Mizutani Sayaka ),이정남 ( Lee Jeong-nam ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2019 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.76 No.-

        본 연구에서는 1906년 2월부터 1908년 6월까지 실시된 성병검사에서 그 대상이었던 조선인 여성들의 사회적 속성을 명확히 밝혀 기존 연구들에서의 오류를 바로잡고, 1908년 9월 25일 「기생단속령」 발령이후 기생의 성병검사에 대한 법적규정과 실제 실시여부 사이에 괴리가 없었는지를 구체적으로 고찰한다. 그리고 이를 통해서 기생(관기)의 성병검사가 내포하는 사회적 의미와 당시의 기생의 사회적 성격에 대한 새로운 시각에서의 해석의 필요성을 제안한다. 1906년 2월부터 1908년 6월까지 일제 통감부는 경성의 조선인 매음부들을 대상으로 강제적인 성병검사를 실시했는데, 기생(관기)은 이 시기의 성병검사의 대상이 아니었다. 1908년 9월 25일 「기생단속령」 발령이후 「기생조합규약표준」에 ‘기생들의 건강진단’이 명시되기는 하였지만 10월 6일의 「기생 및 창기단속령 시행심득」에서는 창기에게만 ‘건강증명서’가 요구되었고, 「기생 및 창기단속령 시행 세부지침」에서도 창기의 경우에만 ‘건강진단서’가 요구되었으며, 기생의 경우에는 ‘유예스승의 주소와 이름’이 요구되었다. 1910년 한일 병탄 이후 1916년 3월 31일 전국통일법령인 조선총독부 경무총감부령 제3호 「예기ㆍ작부ㆍ예기치옥 영업취체규칙」에 의해 경찰서장에게 ‘기생에 대한 건강진단’의 요구권한이 부여되었지만, 이 법령이 시행된 지 3주가 지난 1916년 5월 21일자 _매일신보_의 내용을 확인해보면 이 당시 경향(京鄕)의 관기출신들로 구성된 ‘광교기생조합’과 ‘다동기생조합’의 기생들은 건강진단을 받지 않고 있었음이 확인된다. 또한 ‘신창기생조합’의 기생들 역시 완전한 기생조합(갑종 기생조합)으로 승격되어 건강진단을 받지 않게 되었으며, 이들 기생조합들이 일본식 권번시스템으로 체제를 전환한 이후에도 줄곧 이들 기생들에 대한 ‘정기적인 건강진단’의 실제 실시 여부는 식민지시기가 끝날 때까지 확인된 바가 없다. 즉 1908년 9월 25일 「기생단속령」이발령된 이후부터 식민지시기 전 기간에 걸쳐서 기생에 대한 ‘정기적인 건강진단’은 실시되지 않았다. 이와 같이 대한제국기 및 식민지시기에 전국의 모든 기생들을 대상으로 공식적이고 정기적인 건강진단이 실시된 적도 없으며, ‘기생의 건강진단’이 곧 ‘기생은 공창제도하의 매음녀’를 의미하는 것도 아니기 때문에 ‘단발적인 건강진단’의 기록만으로 ‘기생은 창기와 같이 일제의 공창제도하에 편입되어 저급화되었고 창기와 유사한 존재가 되었다’라는 식의 해석은 과도한 왜곡이다. 만약 이후로도 기생의 건강진단 기록들이 발견된다고 하더라도 기생(관기)들은 공창제도하의 창기(매음녀)들과 법적ㆍ정책적 ㆍ사회적으로 분명히 구별된 존재였다. 왜냐하면 기생(관기) 누구나가 예외없이 매음을 하거나 성병에 걸렸던 것은 아니었기 때문이다. 결론적으로 대한제국기 및 식민지시기에 기생(관기)들에 대한 지배권력의 성병검사 실시계획은 기생의 직업적 특성과 위생상의 안전조치였으며, 거의 실행된 적이 없는 예방적 시도였다고 볼 수 있다. This research intended to correct the errors of existing researches by clearly investigating the social characteristics of Joseon women, who were the target of STD testing executed between February, 1906 and June, 1908, and suggest a necessity of a new interpretation of social implication of STD testing on Gisaeng(Gwangi) and social characteristics of Gisaeng of that period by concretely investigating any gap between legal regulation and actual practice of STD testing on Gisaeng since the execution of 「Gisaeng regulation law」 on September 25, 1908. Between February, 1906 and June, 1908, Japanese residency-general conducted forced STD testing targeting Joseon prostitutes of Gyeongseong(Seoul). But Gisaeng (Gwangi) was not target of STD testing during that period. Since enactment of 「Gisaeng regulation law」 on September 25, 1908, ‘checkup of Gisaeng’ was specified in 「Standard of Gisaeng Association Regulation」. But ‘health certificate’ was requested only on prostitutes in 「Enforcement regulations of Gisaeng and prostitute regulation」 on October 6, also, ‘health certificate’ was requested only on prostitutes in 「Detailed enforcement regulations of Gisaeng and prostitute regulation」, in case of Gisaeng, ‘address and name of artistic teachers’ was requested. Also, considering that there were newspaper articles regarding checkup was conducted on Gwangi 6 months later, in March, 1909, checkup for Gisaeng was not conducted during the 6 months after enforcement of 「Gisaeng regulation law」. Furthermore, these articles were not determined with whether of execution, since they were unconfirmed report. After Korea and Japan annexation in 1910, on March 31, 1916, a right for request on checkup to Gisaeng was given to police chief by the national unified law, Japanese Government General of Joseon Gyeongmuchonggamburyeong no.3 based on 「Rule of YegiㆍJakbuㆍYegichiok business regulation」, however, after 3 weeks since enactment of this law, according to 『Maeil Sinbo』 dated May 21, 1916, Gisaeng of ‘Gwanggyo Gisaeng Association’ and ‘Dadong Gisaeng Association’, composed of Gwangi from Gyeongseong and the provinces, did not take health examination. Also, Gisaeng of ‘Sinchang Gisaeng Association’ were also promoted and did not take health examination, and whether of actual execution of regular checkup on Gisaeng was not confirmed until termination of colonial period, even after change of Gisang Association to Japanese style Gwonbeon system. That is, it can be said, since enforcement of 「Gisaeng regulation law」 on September 25, 1908, regular checkup on Gisaeng was not conducted through the whole colonial period. This way, official and periodic checkup was not conducted targeting every Gisaeng of the whole nation during Korean Empire period and colonial period, and since ‘checkup of Gisaeng’ did not mean ‘Gisaeng was prostitute under state-regulated prostitution system’, accordingly, the interpretation, ‘Gisaeng became low-graded and target of control by being included in Japanese state-regulated prostitution system just like prostitutes’ only based on ‘temporary checkup’ records, is an excessive distortion. Even if any checkup record of Gisaeng is discovered later, Gisaeng(Gwangi) was clearly differentiated legallyㆍpoliticallyㆍsocially from prostitutes(street girls) under state-regulated prostitution system. Because, not every Gisaeng(Gwangi) practiced prostitution or had venereal disease. In conclusion, checkup execution plan of The Empire of Japan onto Gisaeng(Gwangi) during Korean Empire period and colonial period was a safety measure considering the job characteristics of Gisaeng and hygiene, a preventive attempt, which was scarcely executed.

      • KCI등재

        A tutorial on the art of dynamic programming for some issues concerning Bellman’s principle of optimality

        Mizutani Eiji,Dreyfus Stuart 한국통신학회 2023 ICT Express Vol.9 No.6

        Reinforcement learning (RL) is fundamental to current artificial intelligence (AI). Since dynamic programming, which is based on Richard Bellman’s principle of optimality, is the basis of RL (and other AI disciplines such as A* search), it is important to apply that principle correctly and artfully. This tutorial uses examples, many from published articles, to examine both the artful and occasionally erroneous application of Bellman’s principle. Our contribution is twofold. First, we emphasize the necessity of a general thought experiment by asking what we call “consultant questions” to determine the proper state space for DP formulation to be established by Bellman’s optimality principle. Second, we convey the role of art based on common sense and effortful cleverness in designing efficient DP. Since Bellman’s principle is intuitive based on common sense, it is sometimes misunderstood. For illustrative purposes, given a directed acyclic graph (DAG), we consider four deterministic minimum-cost path network problems (found in the literature), each bringing up some validity issue concerning Bellman’s principle on a different criterion. We approach them consistently by the conventional wisdom of state augmentation (on top of the physical system state space). As a result, we show that our artful choice of state description not only renders the principle valid in each problem, but also makes each DP as efficient as the standard DP that solves a shortest-path problem in the same DAG, circumventing successfully the so-called curse of dimensionality, a price to be paid frequently by state enlargement. After that, we discuss the potential importance of the treated type of path network problems for practical applications (e.g., communications network).


        <tex> $ \phi $</tex> photoproduction on the proton at <tex> $ E_{\gamma }=1.5\hbox{--}2.9\;\mathrm{GeV}$</tex>

        Mizutani, K.,Niiyama, M.,Nakano, T.,Yosoi, M.,Nozawa, Y.,Ahn, D. S.,Ahn, J. K.,Chang, W. C.,Chen, J. Y.,Daté,, S.,Gohn, W.,Hamano, H.,Hashimoto, T.,Hicks, K.,Hiraiwa, T.,Hotta, T.,Hwang, S. H.,I American Physical Society 2017 Physical Review C Vol.96 No.6

        <P>Differential cross sections at t = t(min) and decay asymmetries for the gamma p -> phi p reaction have been measured using linearly polarized photons in the range 1.5 to 2.9 GeV. These cross sections were used to determine the Pomeron strength factor. The cross sections and decay asymmetries are consistently described by the t-channel Pomeron and pseudoscalar exchange model in the E-gamma region above 2.37 GeV. In the lower energy region, an excess over the model prediction is observed in the energy dependence of the differential cross sections at t = t(min). This observation suggests that additional processes or interference effects between Pomeron exchange and other processes appear near the threshold region.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Association between Osteoporosis and Skeletal Muscle Mass in Men

        Mizutani Masaya,Eguchi Yawara,Toyoguchi Toru,Orita Sumihisa,Inage Kazuhide,Shiga Yasuhiro,Maki Satoshi,Nakamura Junichi,Hagiwara Shigeo,Aoki Yasuchika,Inoue Masahiro,Koda Masao,Takahashi Hiroshi,Akaza 대한척추외과학회 2024 Asian Spine Journal Vol.18 No.1

        Study Design: Cross-sectional study.Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the risk factors for osteoporosis in men by assessing bone mineral density (BMD), skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, grip strength, and advanced glycation end products (AGEs).Overview of Literature: Fewer studies have reported the correlation between BMD and skeletal muscle mass in women. Moreover, a few studies have examined the relationship between osteoporosis and skeletal muscle mass.Methods: This study included 99 men (mean age, 74.9 years; range, 28–93 years) who visited Qiball Clinic for BMD and body composition examinations. The osteoporosis group consisted of 24 patients (mean age, 72.5 years; range, 44–92 years), and the control group consisted of 75 individuals (mean age, 74.9 years; range, 28–93 years). Whole-body skeletal muscle mass was measured using a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. BMD was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Skin autofluorescence (SAF), a marker of dermal AGE accumulation, was measured using a spectroscope. Osteoporosis was defined as a bone density T score of –2.5 or less. Physical findings, skeletal muscle mass, BMD, grip strength, and SAF were compared between the osteoporosis and control groups.Results: The osteoporosis group had significantly lower trunk muscle mass (23.1 kg vs. 24.9 kg), lower leg muscle mass (14.4 kg vs. 13.0 kg), and skeletal mass index (7.1 kg/m<sup>2</sup> vs. 6.7 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) than the control group (all <i>p</i><0.05). Lower limb muscle mass was identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis in men (odds ratio, 0.64; <i>p</i>=0.03).Conclusions: Conservative treatment of osteoporosis in men will require an effective approach that facilitates the maintenance or strengthening of skeletal muscle mass, including exercise therapy with a focus on lower extremities and nutritional supplementation.

      • KCI등재

        Costume Design and Arts Management Making Use of Local Resources: Practical Research Towards Stimulating Growth of Tokuji in Yamaguchi-city

        Mizutani, Yumiko The Korean Society of Costume 2013 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.13 No.1

        This paper is focused on practical research regarding costume design and arts management that make use of local resources and which are influenced by local culture of Tokuji in Yamaguchi-city, located in a mountainous area in Yamaguchi Prefecture in the western part of Honshu in Japan. We will examine possibilities in fashion design through this study. This was a practical research project, done with cooperation between the university and local industry, with priorities being assigned by the requests of residents of the Tokuji area. In 2011 the Aurinko, Tokuji, Talo (it means the Solar Tokuji Building in Finnish) was decided as the base of activities. Other functions were gradually added on, including a salon for people of the area to exchange ideas and workshops for group discussions. This paper will specifically be focused on the handmade paper peculiar to Tokuji and traditionally used as a material in fashion. The fashion designs developed by this researcher's laboratory were strongly influenced by these styles of paper. These costumes were made with a handmade paper called "Kamiko" in Japan, that is aesthetic sense has been historically cherished. This paper suggests that the affluence and depth of costume design may be expressed not only by directly borrowing from these influences, but also by borrowing the traditional aesthetic sense original to Japan. Thus this paper will examine industry and culture simultaneously, examining in particular the impact of arts management and costume design using handmade paper manufactured locally.

      • KCI등재

        Carboxypeptidase E, Identified As a Direct Interactor of Growth Hormone, Is Important for Efficient Secretion of the Hormone

        Mizutani, Akiko,Inoko, Hidetoshi,Tanaka, Masafumi Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2016 Molecules and cells Vol.39 No.10

        We have identified 88 interactor candidates for human growth hormone (GH) by the yeast two-hybrid assay. Among those, we focused our efforts on carboxypeptidase E (CPE), which has been thought to play a key role in sorting prohormones, such as pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), to regulated secretory vesicles. We found that CPE colocalizes with and interacts with GH in AtT20 pituitary cells. Downregulation of CPE led to decreased levels of GH secretion, consistent with involvement of CPE in GH sorting/secretion. Our binding assay in vitro with bacterially expressed proteins suggested that GH directly interacts with CPE but in a manner different from POMC.

      • Construction of a 300-Meter Vertical City: Abeno Harukas

        Mizutani, Kenichi,Hirakawa, Kiyoaki,Nakashima, Masato Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat Korea 2015 International journal of high-rise buildings Vol.4 No.3

        Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan and is located in Abeno, which is one of the three main railway transport nodes in Osaka. This building has a height of 300 meters, and its lowest levels are 30 meters below ground. It contains a department store, museum, offices, a hotel, and an observatory. In this urban renewal project, a section of the department store that encloses the station was dismantled and replaced by a supertall building complex, while infrastructure was simultaneously constructed, including: upgrades to the station and the existing department store, improved connections to the subway and pedestrian bridges, and a new pedestrian walkway over the road. In this paper, the ingenious erection processes, newly developed technologies, and precise construction management techniques are introduced for Japan's tallest building.

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