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      • 한국, 일본, 네델란드 시설원예단지의 경관 선호도 비교분석 연구

        공민재 ( Kong Minjae ),이시영 ( Lee Siyoung ),강동현 ( Kang Donghyeon ),손진관 ( Shin Yukung ),신유경 ( Son Jinkwan ),김남춘 ( Kim Namchoon ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.2

        농업생태계는 인간에게 다양한 공익적 기능을 제공한다. 하지만 시설원예 단지 조성은 불투수면적 확장과 생물서식처 단절로 인해 생태계서비스 기능 손실이 야기된다. 경관창출은 농업생태계의 생태계서비스 기능 중 높은 중요도로 평가된 항목으로 우리나라 고유의 논, 밭, 과수원 등의 농업경관이 갖는 순기능을 유지할 필요가 있다. 하지만 시설원예단지 조성이 경관에 다소 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 1차 연구(2016 춘계학술발표, 130명 학생조사) 결과가 있어 국내 일반인의 의식조사를 실시해 확인해 보고자 하였다. 연구는 시설원예단지의 경관창출기능을 제고하기 위한 방안으로 비닐하우스 경관은 한국:일본, 유리온실경관은 한국:네델란드를 비교하였다. 연구방법은 슬라이드 쌍대비교(AHP)와 형용사(10개)를 활용한 리커트 척도 질문으로 구성하였으며, 웹페이지를 제작해 국내 일반인 581명의 의견을 분석하였다. 형용사이미지 평가 결과는 넓은, 자연적인, 시원한, 정돈된, 아름다운, 조화로운, 쾌적한. 개방된, 밝은, 좋은으로 총 10개를 1차 연구(15개) 결과를 바탕으로 추출하였다. 형용사 이미지 평가 결과 한국 비닐하우스 경관은 10개모든 형용사가 부정적인 이미지로 분석되었으며, 가장 부정적인 형용사는 자연적인(-)으로 인공적인 이미지로 평가 되었다. 다음으로는 시원한(-갑갑한), 조화로운, 아름다운 등의 순으로 우리나라 비닐하우스 일반 국민들에 있어 경관은 좁고, 인공적이며, 갑갑하고 아름답지않으며, 어둡고 나쁜 경관으로 인식되고 있음을 확인하였다. 반면 일본 비닐하우스경관은 넓고, 시원하고 정돈되고, 아름다우며, 조화롭고 쾌적한 등 대부분 긍정적인 이미지로 분석되었다. 자연적인 이미지는 우리나라와 마찬가지로 부정이미지인 인공적인 이미지로 분석되었지만 큰 차이를 확인할 수 있었다. 한국과 네델란드의 유리온실경관에 대한 이미지평가 결과는 자연적인 이미지가 한국은 평균 -0.59/-3.00 이지만 네델란드는 -0.02/-3.00으로 가장 큰 차이로 확인되었다. 나머지 모든 형용사 또한 한국 유리온실이 네델란드 유리온실보다 낮게 평가 되고 있는 것을 확인하였다. AHP 쌍대비교 또한 한국이 일본과 네델란드 경관 보다 선호도가 낮게 분석되고 있음을 확인하였다. 연구결과를 통해 한국 비닐하우스 경관을 일본을, 유리온실 경관은 네델란드를 지향할 필요성이 확인되었다고 할수 있다. 따라서 경관 내 녹지, 가변요소, 이격거리 등 요소분석을 통해 어떤 차이가 있는지 우리나라 시설원예단지의 경관을 위해 개선방안을 알아볼 필요가 있다. 농촌지역 경관을 아름답게 유지, 개선하고 대규모 시설원예단지 조성시 기존 농업생태계와 조화로운 경관이 될 수 있도록 지속적으로 연구를 수행 할 필요가 있다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 시설원예단지의 경관 개선을 위한 이미지평가

        공민재(Kong Minjae),이시영(Lee Siyoung),강동현(Kang Donghyeon),박민정(Park Minjung),윤성욱(Yun Sungwook),신지훈(Shin Jihoon),손진관(Son Jinkwan) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2017 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 시설원예단지의 경관개선점을 찾아보고 친환경적 조성방법과 생태계 서비스 기능이 최소화로 저감될 수 있는 방안제시를 목표로 했다. 연구결과 대부분의 평가요소에서 네덜란드, 일본 경관은 긍정적인 결과였으나 우리나라 경관은 다소 부정적으로 분석되어 비닐하우스는 일본을 유리온실은 네덜란드 경관으로 개선방향을 설정 할 것을 제안하였다. 따라서 미래세대에 지속가능한 농업경관을 제공하기 위한 방안으로 생태계서비스 기능 중 경관창출을 고려한 친환경 온실단지 조성을 제안을 제안하였으며, 앞으로 추진될 대규모 간척지 개발 사업에도 본 연구가 활용되길 기대하였다. Humans are provided with a wide range of public benefits from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems, but the establishment of the horticulture complex could be a space that hampers the public function of the agricultural ecosystem. In this study, we sought to focus the function of landscape creation of agricultural landscape and tried to analyze the landscape of the horticulture complex. Therefore, This study aims to suggest ways to build a greenhouse complex which is being indiscreetly introduced in the agriculture landscape through environmentallyfriendly manner and minimize the function of the ecosystem service. We divided the greenhouse complex into two categories of Plastic Greenhouse(v) and Glass Greenhouse(g), and compared them to the Netherland and Japan counterparts. Each image of research areas was selected by 3 pics and polled by a total of 101 people. The results of the Evaluation of Landscape Image are as shown in the figure. Netherland Glass Greenhouse scored 1.80 in terms of ‘Neat’ which is one of the given 15 adjectives. Study results shows that Korean Plastic Greenhouse landscapes need to endeavor Japanese vinly greenhouses and Dutch glasshouses. Consequently, an analysis on the elements of landscapes including green area, variant elements, separation distance is essential in order to improve our country’s greenhouse complex landscapes. In this regard, continuous research is required to improve rural landscapes and harmonize large-scale horticultural facilities into the existing agricultural ecosystem.

      • KCI등재

        나비 종 다양성과 전통지식 연계를 통한 정원 조성방안 연구

        공민재(Minjae Kong),남홍식(Hongshik Nam),김광호(Kwang-Ho Kim),전성욱(Sungwook Jeon),김창현(Changhyun Kim),한송희(Songhee Han),손진관(Jinkwan Son) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.8

        곤충 및 나비가 선호하는 식물 대부분은 과거부터 농업, 한방, 약재 등에 활용하였고 식물자원을 활용하는 한방 이용형태는 선조들의 가치 있는 역사로 평가될 수 있어 본 연구에서는 먼저 우리나라에 서식하는 나비 중 사육과 방사가 가능한 나비를 알아보기 위해 발생 시기별로 분류하고 도입을 인위적으로 유도할 수 있도록 문헌고찰 통해 알아보았다. 실제로 나비정원을 운영하고 있는 대상지 조사 및 분석을 통해 각 나비 종에 대한 기주식물과 흡밀식물을 선별하고 선별된 식물을 통해 전통지식 교육 콘텐츠 개발에 우선적으로 활용할 수 있는 식물자원을 도출하고자 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과, 나비정원 조성과 생태교육 콘텐츠 확보를 위해 나비정원 도입 식물 103종을 순위별로 제안하였다. 103종에 대한 전통지식 분석한 결과 103종의 나비정원 도입식물 중 93.2%에 해당하는 96종에서 전통지식이 확인되었으며, 확인되지 않은 종은 7종에 불과했다. 전통지식이 확인되지 않은 7종은 부들레야, 미스김라일락, 금관화 등 재배를 위해 개량한 종으로 확인되었다. 103종의 식물에 대한 전통지식 내재 여부를 분석결과를 통해 교육 콘텐츠 자료로 활용하길 제안하였다. Most of the plants preferred by insects and butterflies have been traditionally used in agriculture, oriental medicine, medicine , etc. The form of oriental medicine that uses plant resources constitutes a valuable history treasure trove of our ancestors. To discover which species of butterflies could be released into gardens, we classified them by the time of occurrence , and reviewed literature before artificially introducing them in the gardens. We carried out a research study to select the host plants and absorbent plants for each butterfly species through this survey. We analyzed sites that operate butterfly gardens to derive the plant resources that can be used preferentially for the development of traditional knowledge education content. As a result of the study, 103 species of plants were shortlisted for introduction into a butterfly garden that would form a basis for ecological education content. By analyzing these species, a traditional knowledge base was confirmed in 96 species, or 93.2%, of the 103 species introduced into the butterfly garden. Seven species, which did not appear in the traditional knowledge database, were identified as improved species for cultivation, such as budleya, Miss Kim lilac, and gold crown flower. This analysis provides educational content on the existence of 103 species of plants in the traditional knowledge database.

      • KCI등재

        결혼(結婚)한 부인(婦人)의 시부모(媤父母)와의 동거형태(同居形態)

        김민자 ( Minja Kim ),공세권 ( Sae Kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae Jeo Cho ) 한국보건사회연구원 1991 保健社會硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        이 연구는 韓國保健社會硏究院이 만15세 이상 기혼부인 2,838명을 대상으로 실시한 家族機能과 役割에 관한 조사자료를 기초로 旣婚婦人의 媤父母와의 同居樣相과 그 關聯要因을 檢討한 것이다. 旣婚婦人과 媤父母와의 同居는 1960年 이전 결혼코호트에서는 약 3/4에 달했으나 1980년 이후 결혼코호트에서는 1/3로 감소했고, 남편이 長男인 경우는 같은 결혼코호트에서 91%가 47%로 감소되었다. 이러한 점은 산업화로 인한 社會 · 經濟的 要件과 個人 또는 家庭的 要件이 전통규범만을 준수할 수 없게 하는 가운데서 結婚後 父母와의 別居形態가 증가되어 老人의 家族扶養은 별도의 對策이 要求됨을 지적하고 있다. Introduction Korea is known to have one of the most patriarchal family system influenced by the Confucian culture (Lee, 1990 : 118-113 : Tsuya and Choe, 1991). Under the traditional Korean family system, parents select children`s marital spouses and the eldest son brings his bride into his parental home while other siblings form their own households upon marriage, sometimes following a brief period of coresidence with the husband`s parents. Since 1960, Korea has experienced fast industrialization and urbanization. At the same time, women were getting increasingly higher level of education and more women are participating in the labor force. These changes are likely to have influenced the living arrangements of young married couples. This paper examines the pattern of the postnuptial coresidence of married women in Korea in recent years, and the factors associated with it. The study is based on the data from the Survey of Family Role in Korea conducted by Korea Institute for Population and Health in 1989. The survey collected information from 2,838 ever married women of ages 15 and over about their marriage, fertility, health status of the family, and their roles within and outside the family. Patterns of post-nuptial coresidence The pattern of post-nuptial coresidence is examined for three marriage cohorts, before 1960, 1960~1979, and 1980 or later. Women who did not have any surviving parents-in-law at the time of marriage were excluded from the analysis. The three marriage cohorts exhibit different characteristics reflecting the rapid socioeconomic changes that took place in Korea in the recent past(Table 3). The post-nuptial coresidence with husband`s family seems to have been the norm for the pre- 1960 marriage cohort. Among them, although only about half of women report that their husbands were first sons, the proportion of women experiencing post-nuptial coresidence is over three quarters. The proportion has dropped to about one third among the post-1980 marriage cohort. The proportion of women living in urban areas is much smaller among the pre-1960 marriage cohorts compared to the other two cohorts reflecting rapid urbanization. The proportion of women whose husbands are first sons are slightly over one half among the pre-1960 marriage cohort and slightly under one half among later marriage cohorts. This reflects the slight increase in fertility during the 1900~1960 period. The most dramatic changes are observed in the parental influence in marriage process. Practically all women who were married before 1960 met their husbands in some formally way or by introduction by someone belonging to the older generation. The proportion of women who met their future husbands through an informal setting (as neighbor, at school, at work, or by introduction by a friend) increased to nearly half of the post-1980 marriage cohort. The final decision of the choice of husband has become more independent from parent`s influence. The percentages of women who lived with their parent (s)-in-law right after marriage are shown in Table 4 by the marriage cohort and selected characteristics of women. The table shows a substantial declining trend in the post-nuptial coresidence. In addition, higher percentage of post-nuptial coresidence is associated with more traditional characteristics: rural post-nuptial residence; younger age at marriage I growing up in rural areas 1 more traditional marriage process 1 and lower of education. Determinants of post-nuptial coresidence This sections examines the statistical significance of the net effect of determinants of post-nuptial coresidence for the three marriage cohorts defined in the previous section. We examine (1) residence after marriage, (2) whether husband is first son, (3) woman`s age at marriage, (4) place of growth of woman, (5) place of growth of husband, (6) how woman first met husband, (7) role of parents in choosing husband, (8) woman`s level of education, and (9) year of marriage. The estimated logit regression coefficients are shown in Table 5, and Table 6 shows the estimated percentages of women living with husband`s parents after marriage by marriage cohort and other characteristics that are found to be statistically significant. Couples who lived in rural areas right after marriage experienced higher probability of coresidence with husband`s parents. The post-nuptial coresidence decreased substantially among all women regardless of the level of education, the urban residents showing sharper decrease. The probability of coresidence is about twice larger if husband is the first son compared to other sons. It is interesting to note that the probability of coresidence is higher if husband grew up in urban areas. Earlier, we noted that the relationship between coresidence and place of residence after marriage is the opposite: rural residents are more likely to live with husband`s parents. We interpret this result as being the consequences of the rural-urban migration which is selective on young adults. It is likely that husbands who grew up in rural areas are more likely to have migrated away from home and is less likely to live with parents after marriage, after controlling for other factors in the model. The level of education is found not to be statistically significant in explaining the post-nuptial coresidence in the multivariate analysis. Thus, the large difference in post-nuptial coresidence by different educational attainment shown in Table 4 seems to be due to other related factors such as post-nuptial residence and age at marriage. In summary, the post-nuptial living arrangement of the young married couples is experiencing rapid changes in Korea. The proportion of couples living with husband`s parents immediately after marriage is declining, especially in urban areas. The first sons are still much more likely to reside with parents after marriage than other sons, but the effect of birth order is weakening. On the other hand the effects of situational factors such as residence, and rural to urban migration are increasing. The role of women`s education is statistically insignificant in determining the post-nuptial coresidence with husband`s parents.

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