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        松浦?子(Matsuura, Keiko) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.76

        The author has been invited Japanese language learners other than Korean native speakers living in Busan at her university to attend her classes, and held visitor sessions to talk with Korean native speakers in Japanese. However, it has become impossible to conduct visitor sessions because the university curriculums were changed. Therefore, the author has been conducting the online meetings instead that connect Sweden, China, Korea, and Japan (Japan joined in 2014) since 2012. Matsuura(2012) shows the results of the reflection sheets of visitor sessions which states the students’ comment in the reflection sheets can be classified such as “eliminating stereotypes”, “motivation for learning Japanese” and “interests to new cultures”. In this thesis, the students’ comments on reflection sheets after online meetings and comments from Matsuura(2012) were compared. As a result, similarities such as “eliminating stereotypes” and “motivation for learning Japanese” were observed, regardless of whether the sessions were face to face or online. However, as the collaborative research was being conducted with universities in Sweden, China, and Japan, problems such as adjusting schedule and matching the number of participants from each country were occurred.

      • A Generator of Gaseous Singlet Oxygen

        Matsuura, Teruo,Sato, Hideya,Suzuki, Nobutaka,Matsumoto, Masakatsu Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.2

        In order to prevent side reactions due to free radical formation occurring in the reactions of singlet oxygen generated in solution phse, it was required that singlet oxygen is generated in gas phase from an apparatus of a solid-gas system. We have accomplished to construct an apparatus generating singlet oxygen in solid-gas system, which is composed of a flexible optical fibre tube connected by a dye-sensitizer probe containing rose bengal dye on polymer or inorganic material. Through the optical fibre tube visible light from a laser and an oxygen stream are passed into the sensitizer probe where singlet oxygen is generated. The determination of singlet oxygen was carried out by two methods. One involves the detection of the luminescence of singlet oxygen at 1268 mn and the other involves the chemiluminescence reaction of a dihydroisobenzofuran with singlet oxygen emitting luminescence at 456 nm.

      • New Spectral Evidence of an Unaccounted Component of the Near-infrared Extragalactic Background Light from the<i>CIBER</i>

        Matsuura, Shuji,Arai, Toshiaki,Bock, James J.,Cooray, Asantha,Korngut, Phillip M.,Kim, Min Gyu,Lee, Hyung Mok,Lee, Dae Hee,Levenson, Louis R.,Matsumoto, Toshio,Onishi, Yosuke,Shirahata, Mai,Tsumura, K American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Vol.839 No.1

        <P>The extragalactic background light (EBL) captures the total integrated emission from stars and galaxies throughout the cosmic history. The amplitude of the near-infrared EBL from space absolute photometry observations has been controversial and depends strongly on the modeling and subtraction of the zodiacal light (ZL) foreground. We report the first measurement of the diffuse background spectrum at 0.8-1.7 mu m from the CIBER experiment. The observations were obtained with an absolute spectrometer over two flights in multiple sky fields to enable the subtraction of ZL, stars, terrestrial emission, and diffuse Galactic light. After subtracting foregrounds and accounting for systematic errors, we find the nominal EBL brightness, assuming the Kelsall ZL model, is 42.7(-10.6) (+11.9) nW m(-2) sr(-1) at 1.4 mu m. We also analyzed the data using the Wright ZL model, which results in a worse statistical fit to the data and an unphysical EBL, falling below the known background light from galaxies at. lambda<. 1.3 mu m. Using a model-independent analysis based on the minimum EBL brightness, we find an EBL brightness of 28.7(-3.3)(+5.1) nWm(-2) s(r-1) at 1.4 mu m. While the derived EBL amplitude strongly depends on the ZL model, we find that we cannot fit the spectral data to ZL, Galactic emission, and EBL from solely integrated galactic light from galaxy counts. The results require a new diffuse component, such as an additional foreground or an excess EBL with a redder spectrum than that of ZL.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Evolutionary host shifts across plant orders despite high host specificity in tree stem surface-living Stomaphis aphids inferred from molecular phylogeny

        Matsuura Takumi,Yamamoto Tetsuya,Matsumoto Yoshiyuki,Itino Takao 한국응용곤충학회 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.26 No.4

        We reconstructed Stomaphis phylogeny and analyzed evolutionary host-plant shifts. The molecular phylogeny revealed 23 well-supported lineages, each specialized to use specific host plant family, whilst host plants of Stomaphis aphids ranged across 6 orders, 11 families, 21 genera, and 28 species. This combination of high host specificity with evolutionarily distant host shifts is exceptional in herbivores. To explain this pattern, we propose one hypothesis among several possibilities: Stomaphis aphids are generalists with respect to the defensive chemicals produced by the plant, but specialists with respect to the stem surface structure of the host tree. This hypothesis predicts that tree taxa having stem surface structures preferred by Stomaphis would be used again and again by genetically distinct Stomaphis lineages. Consistent with this prediction, we found that different (occa sionally phylogenetically distant) Stomaphis lineages shared the same host plant genera such as Alnus and Betula. This result suggests that, in the course of their evolutionary history, Japanese Stomaphis aphids have repeatedly colonized a limited number of host plant genera.

      • KCI등재SCISCIE

        Matsuura, S.,Shirahata, M.,Kawada, M.,Takeuchi, T. T.,Burgarella, D.,Clements, D. L.,Jeong, W.-S.,Hanami, H.,Khan, S. A.,Matsuhara, H.,Nakagawa, T.,Oyabu, S.,Pearson, C. P.,Pollo, A.,Serjeant, S.,Taka IOP Publishing 2011 The Astrophysical journal Vol.737 No.1

        <P>We report new limits on the absolute brightness and spatial fluctuations of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) via the AKARI satellite. We carried out observations at 65, 90, 140, and 160 mu m as a cosmological survey in AKARI Deep Field South, which is one of the lowest cirrus regions with a contiguous area of the sky. After removing bright galaxies and subtracting zodiacal and Galactic foregrounds from the measured sky brightness, we successfully measured the CIB brightness and its fluctuations across a wide range of angular scales, from arcminutes to degrees. The measured CIB brightness is consistent with previous results reported from COBE data, but significantly higher than the lower limits at 70 and 160 mu m obtained via Spitzer from the stacking analysis of selected 24 mu m sources. The discrepancy with the Spitzer result is possibly due to a new galaxy population at high redshift obscured by hot dust or unknown diffuse emission. From a power spectrum analysis at 90 mu m, two components were identified: the CIB fluctuations with shot noise due to individual galaxies in a small angular scale from the beam size up to 10 arcminutes, and Galactic cirrus emission dominating at the largest angular scales of a few degrees. The overall shape of the power spectrum at 90 mu m is very similar to that at longer wavelengths, as observed by Spitzer and the Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST). Our power spectrum, with an intermediate angular scale of 10-30 arcminutes, gives a firm upper limit for galaxy clustering, which was found by Spitzer and BLAST. Moreover, the color of the CIB fluctuations, which is obtained by combining our data with the previous results, is as red as ultra-luminous infrared galaxies at high redshift. These galaxies are not likely to provide the majority of the CIB emission at 90 mu m, but are responsible for the fluctuations. Our results provide new constraints on the evolution and clustering properties of distant infrared galaxies and any diffuse emission from the early universe.</P>

      • KCI등재

        「 継承語」の用語比較 -韓国における用語使用の妥当性-

        MATSUURA KEIKO 부산외국어대학교 다문화연구소 2024 다문화사회와 교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        행정안전부에서 발표한 2020년 통계에 따르면 한국에는 7,932명의 한일부부자녀가 있고, 그 대부분은 한국의 일반 초중등 학교를 다닌다. 이러한 자녀들이배우는 부모의 모국어인 일본어를 ‘계승어’라고 부른다. 본 연구는 ‘계승어’라는용어가 한국에서 사용되고 있는 현황에 대한 타당성과 한국에서 발표된 논문에서어떤 용어가 사용되고 있는지에 대한 조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 부산에서 활동하는 주로 한일부부 학부모로 구성된 ‘부산일본마을’ 그룹을 중심으로 부모의 모국어인 일본어를 배우는 아이들의 속성 살펴보았다. 그 결과, ‘계승어’라는 용어가 한국의 실제와 맞지 않는 것이 밝혀졌다. 향후부모의 모국어로써 일본어를 배우는 자녀들에 대한 추가적인 조사를 실시하고, 자녀에게 부모의 모국어로써의 일본어를 가르침으로 인한 어떤 인재로 육성될 지 논의가 필요하다. 그런 논의를 통해 한국에서 어떤 용어를 쓰는 것이 적당한지 모색하는 것이 중요하다. According to the statistics in 2020, 7,932 children of Japanese-Korean couples live in Korea. The Japanese language as the mother tongue of their parent(s) is called “Keishogo(Heritage language)”. The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of the term “Keishogo” which is used in Korea. Also, other terms used in the world and Korea are explored. Moreover, the Japanese-Korean couples’s children are not the only children learning “Keishogo” in Korea. As a result, “Keishogo”is not very valid for the current situation since it contains pedigree. For further research, more details about the children should be explored and discuss the objectives of teaching “Keishogo”. Through further discussion, more appropriate term will be decided.


        Peritectic Transformation during Cooling of Iron-Carbon Alloy

        Matsuura, Kiyotaka,Kudoh, Masayuki 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1998 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.4 No.3

        Peritectic transformation behavior during cooling of iron-carbon alloys is simulated by a numerical analysis. The peritectic transformation, δ+L=γ, is divided into δ-γ transformation at δ/γ interface and L-γ solidification at γ/L interface, and proceeds by the following two mechanisms: (1) carbon diffusion from liquid (referred to as L) through austenite (γ) into b-ferrite (δ) and (2) precipitation of austenite from b-ferrite and crystallization of it from liquid due to cooling. Approximately 80% of the austenite formed during the peritectic transformation is the products of δ-γ transformation, which may cause the generation of tensile stress in the solidification shell of cast steels due to the difference in density between δ-ferrite and austenite The amount of the δ-γ transformation is largest, when the initial carbon content is 0.17 mass%. However, when the transformation in a well-developed dendrite network structure is focused on, the carbon content for the maximum amount of the δ-γ transformation decreases to 0.14-0.16 mass%, which corresponds to the carbon content at which surface cracking of continuously cast slabs is reported to be most frequent

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