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      • KCI등재

        Neurosphere and adherent culture conditions are equivalent for malignant glioma stem cell lines

        Maryam Rahman,Karina Reyner,Loic Deleyrolle,Sebastien Millette,Hassan Azari,Bryan W. Day,Brett W. Stringer,Andrew W. Boyd,Terrance G. Johns,Vincent Blot,Rohit Duggal,Brent A. Reynolds 대한해부학회 2015 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.48 No.1

        Certain limitations of the neurosphere assay (NSA) have resulted in a search for alternative culture techniques forbrain tumor-initiating cells (TICs). Recently, reports have described growing glioblastoma (GBM) TICs as a monolayer usinglaminin. We performed a side-by-side analysis of the NSA and laminin (adherent) culture conditions to compare the growthand expansion of GBM TICs. GBM cells were grown using the NSA and adherent culture conditions. Comparisons weremade using growth in culture, apoptosis assays, protein expression, limiting dilution clonal frequency assay, genetic affymetrixanalysis, and tumorigenicity in vivo. In vitro expansion curves for the NSA and adherent culture conditions were virtuallyidentical (P=0.24) and the clonogenic frequencies (5.2% for NSA vs. 5.0% for laminin, P=0.9) were similar as well. Likewise,markers of differentiation (glial fibrillary acidic protein and beta tubulin III) and proliferation (Ki67 and MCM2) revealedno statistical difference between the sphere and attachment methods. Several different methods were used to determine thenumbers of dead or dying cells (trypan blue, DiIC, caspase-3, and annexin V) with none of the assays noting a meaningfulvariance between the two methods. In addition, genetic expression analysis with microarrays revealed no significant differencesbetween the two groups. Finally, glioma cells derived from both methods of expansion formed large invasive tumors exhibitingGBM features when implanted in immune-compromised animals. A detailed functional, protein and genetic characterization ofhuman GBM cells cultured in serum-free defined conditions demonstrated no statistically meaningful differences when grownusing sphere (NSA) or adherent conditions. Hence, both methods are functionally equivalent and remain suitable options forexpanding primary high-grade gliomas in tissue culture.

      • cDNA Cloning, Expression and Homology Modeling of a Luciferase from the Firefly Lampyroidea maculata

        Emamzadeh, Abdo Rahman,Hosseinkhani, Saman,Sadeghizadeh, Majid,Nikkhah, Maryam,Chaichi, Mohammad Javad,Mortazavi, Mojtaba Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2006 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.39 No.5

        The cDNA of a firefly luciferase from lantern mRNA of Lampyroidea maculata has been cloned, sequenced and functionally expressed. The cDNA has an open reading frame of 1647 bp and codes for a 548-residue-long polypeptide. Noteworthy, sequence comparison as well as homology modeling showed the highest degree of similarity with H. unmunsana and L. mingrelica luciferases, suggesting a close phylogenetic relationship despite the geographical distance separation. The deduced amino acid sequence of the luciferase gene of firefly L. maculata showed 93% identity to H. unmunsana. Superposition of the three-dimensional model of L. maculata luciferase (generated by homology modeling) and three dimensional structure of Photinus pyralis luciferase revealed that the spatial arrangements of Luciferin and ATP-binding residues are very similar. Putative signature of AMP-binding domain among the various firefly species and Lampyroidea maculata was compared and a striking similarity was found. Different motifs and sites have been identified in Lampyroidea maculata by sequence analysis. Expression and purification of luciferase from Lampyroidea maculata was carried out using Ni-NTA Sepharose. Bioluminescence emission spectrum was similar to Photinus pyralis luciferase.

      • KCI등재

        The relationship between the development of musculoskeletal disorders, body mass index, and academic stress in Bahraini University students

        ( Sayed A Tantawy ),( Asma Abdul Rahman ),( Maryam Abdul Ameer ) 대한통증학회 2017 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.30 No.2

        Background: There are many mechanisms in which stress can lead to weight gain thus high a BMI. The endocrine and inflammatory pathway can directly increase abdominal adiposity. Another way in which stress leads to weight gain is through changes in health behaviors. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among healthy students of Ahlia University, and to determine the relationship between the development of MSDs and academic stressors and body mass index. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 94 students aged 18-26 years who were enrolled at various Ahlia University colleges and met other inclusion criteria. The students responded to the standardized Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire and the modified College Student Stress Inventory regarding musculoskeletal symptoms and academic stressors. Height and weight measurements were also obtained to determine body mass index. Results: A total of 77.66% reported MSDs in one or more body part, with the prevalence being higher among women than among men. The 7-day prevalence of MSDs severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living was 60.64%, and 44.68% by female and male students, respectively. There was a significant relationship between academic stress and MSDs in the neck, shoulders, lower back, and hips, while the relationship between MSDs, and body mass index, academic stress, and grade point average was not significant.Conclusions: The prevalence of MSDs among Ahlia University students was found to be high. Apart from the positive correlation between academic stress and MSDs in certain body parts, other correlations were not significant. (Korean J Pain 2017; 30: 126-33)

      • KCI등재

        Glioma Immunotherapy: Advances and Challenges for Spinal Cord Gliomas

        Clare Grady,Kaitlyn Melnick,Ken Porche,Farhad Dastmalchi,Daniel J. Hoh,Maryam Rahman,Ashley Ghiaseddin 대한척추신경외과학회 2022 Neurospine Vol.19 No.1

        Spinal cord gliomas are rare entities that often have limited surgical options. Immunotherapy has shown promise in intracranial gliomas with some research suggesting benefit for spinal cord gliomas. A focused review of immunotherapies that have been investigated in spinal cord gliomas was performed. The primary methods of immunotherapy investigated in spinal cord gliomas include immune checkpoint inhibitors, adoptive T-cell therapies, and vaccine strategies. There are innumerable challenges that must be overcome to effectively apply immunotherapeutic strategies to the spinal cord gliomas including low incidence, few antigenic targets, the blood spinal cord barrier, the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and neurotoxic treatment effects. Nonetheless, research has suggested ways to overcome these challenges and treatments have been effective in case reports for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, midline glioma and glioblastoma. Current therapies for spinal cord gliomas are markedly limited. Further research is needed to determine if the success of immunotherapy for intracranial gliomas can be effectively applied to these unique tumors.

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