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      • KCI등재

        A Case of Unilateral Otologic Symptoms as Initial Manifestations of Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis

        Batinović Franko,Martinić Marina Krnić,Durdov Merica Glavina,Sunara Davor 대한청각학회 2023 Journal of Audiology & Otology Vol.27 No.3

        Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a chronic and systematic autoimmune condition characterized by granuloma formation and necrotizing vasculitis of small to medium-sized vessels. GPA initially presents itself as respiratory and renal symptoms. Although temporal bone involvement is not uncommon, an otologic disorder is rarely the initial symptom. We present a case of a 36-year-old man who presented with unilateral ear pain, hearing loss, and facial palsy. After a series of diagnostics and temporal bone and chest imaging, he was diagnosed with GPA with multiorgan involvement. Cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone relieved the patient’s ear pain and partially improved his hearing, facial palsy, and overall clinical condition. Although uncommon, systemic GPA may cause initial otologic symptoms and should not be dismissed as a possible cause of an otologic disease resistant to standard therapy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Über die Rezeption von Steuergesetzen - 세법의 계수에 관하여 -

        Ruben Martini,황남석 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2015 조세와 법 Vol.8 No.1

        . 다른 개별 법률의 경우도 그렇지만, 특히 우리의 실정 세법은 외국 입법례의 영향을 크게 받아왔다. 실정 세법 중에서도 근간이 되는 법률인 국세기본법, 소득세법, 법인세법 등은 광복 이후 제정 단계에서부터 외국, 특히 일본 세법의 영향을 크게 받았고 그 이후 개정 과정에서는 일본, 미국 등의 세법으로부터 큰 영향을 받았다. 한편 우리 세법에 큰 영향을 준 일본 세법은 제2차 세계 대전 종전 이전까지는 독일 세법의 영향을 많이 받았고 이후에는 미국 세법의 영향을 많이 받았다. 우리 세법이 받은 영향의 수준은 단순히 입법 과정에서의 참고 수준이 아니라 계수(Rezeption)의 정도에 이른다고 판단된다. 이런 이유에서 우리 실정 세법 규정 중 많은 것들은 그 연원을 외국의 구체적인 입법례까지 소급할 수 있다. 그러므로 우리 실정 세법 규정의 존재 의의를 온전하게 이해하기 위해서는 우리 세법의 계수법적 측면을 깊이 있게 이해할 필요가 있다. 그러나 다른 기본 법률(예컨대, 민법, 형법 등)의 경우 우리 법률의 계수법적인 특성 및 그 의미에 관해서 상당한 수준의 연구가 이루어져 있지만, 세법의 경우 이에 관한 연구는 사실상 전무하다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 외국의 경우 세법을 계수법적 관점에서 연구한 성과물이 많은 것은 아니지만 아래 논문 및 그 본문 중에 인용되어 있는 몇몇 문헌들은 그런 관점에서의 성과물이라고 할 수 있다. 아래 논문은 독일의 현직 실무가가 세법을 계수법적인 관점에서 고찰할 경우의 일반적인 특성과 유의점을 고찰할 것이다. 독일은 우리나라의 경우와 역사적 배경이 동일하지 않은 까닭에 그 논의를 우리 세법에 바로 대입할 수 있는 것은 아니지만 세법을 계수법적 관점에서 비교법적으로 연구할 경우의 일반적 방법론을 전개하고 있다는 점에서 참고할 필요가 있다고 판단하여 번역에 착수하게 되었다. 저자인 루벤 마르티니(Ruben Martini)는 1982년에 독일 하이델베르크에서 출생하여 하이델베르크 대학교에서 법학을, 하겐 방송통신대학교에서 경영학을 전공하였다. 그 후 2009년 제1차 독일사법시험에 합격하여 사법관시보로 근무하였고 2013년 제2차 독일사법시험에 합격하여 같은 해 11월부터 현재까지 프랑켄탈(Frankenthal) 지방법원에서 판사로 재직하고 있다. 참고로 이 번역의 주석은 모두 원주(原註)이며 역주는 붙이지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        Performance Analysis of Various Advanced Oxidation Processes on COD Removal from Raw Petroleum Refinery Effluent

        Sri Martini,Sharmeen Afroze,Mira Setiawati 대한환경공학회 2021 대한환경공학회지 Vol.43 No.7

        Objectives : This comparative study investigated various methods of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) that were separately conducted for treating raw petroleum refinery effluent regarding chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. Methods : Fenton, photo-Fenton, TiO₂, ZnO, TiO₂/Ultra violet (UV), and ZnO/UV were performed individually for measuring the effect of light irradiation, treatment time, pH, catalysts dosage, and light source on the profile of COD values. Results and Discussion : The experimental data of this work showed that the dependency on the light exposure in heterogeneous photo-catalytic reaction using TiO₂ and ZnO is higher than that of homogeneous photo-Fenton technique. The optimum operating conditions in heterogeneous system occurred at 100 min of oxidation time, pH5, and catalyst dosage 1 g/L that resulted in 21.8, 20.68, 60.9, and 55.17% of COD removal for TiO₂, ZnO, TiO₂/UV, and ZnO/UV, respectively. In contrast, both Fenton and photo-Fenton experienced their highest performance at pH 4 by obtaining 44.2 and 59.77% of COD removal, respectively. Eventually, kinetic study indicated that COD degradation can be well expressed by second-order pattern that reached higher correlation coefficient values by 0.999 and 0.998 for TiO₂/UV and TiO₂, respectively. Conclusions : Overall, it could be assumed that AOPs are reliable techniques to purify raw and complex raw industrial effluents.

      • KCI등재

        Zentrale Stichworte

        Mario Martini 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        Mediation ist ein Erfolgsmodell. Längst beschränkt sich sie nicht auf die zivilrechtliche Familienmediation oder die Schlichtung won Streitigkeiten zwischen Unternehmen. Ihr Anspruch ist es, sich auch im öffentlichen Recht als Konfliktlösungsmechanismus zu etablieren. Im Umweltrecht, auch im Beamtenrecht, Schulrecht und Sozialrecht hat sie sich bereits einen festen Platz unter den Instrumenten der Streitbeilegung erobert. Ihr Siegeszug gibt vielen Juristen Rätsel auf - Rätsel, die zum Teil auf fachlichen Sichtblenden und einem Missverständnis des Wesens von Mediation beruhen. Die Mediation willkeine „bessere Justitia“ sein, sondern ein aliud. Sie fahndet nicht primär nach Rechtspositionen, sondern nach den Interessen der Parteien. Sie macht sich die Erkenntnis zunutze, dass auch Personen, die völlig unterschiedliche Positionen haben, gemeinsame Inter essen haben können. Interessen lassen sich eher in Einklang bringen als starre Positionen. Dadurch lässt sich brachliegendes Kooperationspotenzial von Konflikten zum beiderseitigen Nutzen ausschöpfen. Mediation ermöglicht den Konfliktparteien, das hinter destruktiven Verhaltensmustern verborgene produktive und konstruktive Potenzial von Konflikten für sich zu erkennen und fruchtbar zu machen. In privatrechtlichen Rechtsverhältnissen lässt sich diese Idee zu idealer Entfaltung bringen: Das Privatrecht lebt von der Freiheit privatautonomer Gestaltung von Interessen. Das öffentliche Recht ist jedoch von der Freiheit privatautonomer Gestaltung von Interessen. Das öffentliche Recht ist jedoch von dem Gedanken der Gemeinwohlorientierung und der Befriedigung eines Allgemeininteresses verpflichtet, das mehr ist als nur die Summierung subjektiver Interessen. Das löst Reibungskonflikte zwischen der Gemeinwohlidee und der Mediation aus: Es treffen ein etatistisches Gemeinwohl-und ein ökonomisches Wohlfahrtskonzept aufeinander. Gemeinwohl und Mediation sind zugleich keine unversöhnlichen Antagonisten. Die Mediation begreift sich als Instrument akzeptanzfördernder Gemeinwohlsuche. In ihrer die Wissensbasis und Transparenz der Entscheidungsfindung stärkenden, rationalisierenden Wirkung stellt sie sich als Erscheinungsform der Ordnungsidee kooperativer Gemeinwohlkonkretisierung dar. Sie zielt auf eine umfassende Konfliktbewältigung namentlich dort, wo traditionelle Verwaltungsverfahren angesichts hoher Komplexität und großen Konfliktpotenzials an die Grenze der Überforderung geraten. Ihrer Regelungsstruktur sind desungeachtet Gemeinwohlgefahren strukturell eigen, insbesondere unter vier Gesichtspunkten 1. Risiken der Interessenselektivität, 2. Externalisierung vonKosten und Risiken auf die Allgemeingeit, 3. verhandlungspsychologische Annäherungs- und Scheuklappeneffekte und 4. gestörte Verhandlungsparität, Das Gemeinwohl muss in der parlamentarischen Demokratie geschöpft werden von denjenigen Instanzen, denen die Gemeinwohlkonkretisierung anvertraut ist, d.h. der insoweit auf den Posten gestellten letztverantwortlichen Behörde. Wiewohl der Prozess der Gemeinwohlfindung in dem kooperativen Staat nicht bei staatlich legitimierten staatlichen Organen monopolisiert ist, so doch die Gemeinwohlentscheidung. Die Letztverantwortung und die rechtlichen Schranken einer faktischen Vorabbindung von Mediationsergebnissen bilden die rechtsstaatlichen Sicherungsinstrumente gegen eine Unterwanderung demokratischer Gemeinwohlsicherung. Für eine aktive, gemeinwohlsichernde Rolle des Mediators ist in diesem System kein Raum.

      • KCI등재

        Gender Differences in Osteoporosis: A Single-Center Observational Study

        De Martinis Massimo,Sirufo Maria Maddalena,Polsinelli Matteo,Placidi Giuseppe,Di Silvestre Daniela,Ginaldi Lia 대한남성과학회 2021 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.39 No.4

        Purpose: Osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people worldwide: its prevalence increases with age and is actually growing due to the constant population aging. Women are at greater risk than men, but in recent years it has become increasingly evident that osteoporosis represents a significantly important problem also for men. However, osteoporosis in men is still poorly studied, underdiagnosed and inadequately treated. Materials and Methods: We conducted an observational study to identify any gender disparities in osteoporosis screening. For this purpose we observed people consecutively admitted at our Outpatient Service for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis during the last 3 years. Patients underwent clinical and laboratory assessment and bone mineral density (BMD) measurements by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Bone turnover serum markers have been evaluated and stratified according to gender. Results: Out of 3,752 patients, 2,376 subjects who met the inclusion criteria were identified. As expected, the great majority (94.5%) of the screened subjects were women and only 5.4% were men. Women exhibited lower BMD compared to men (Tscore values: -2.33±1.14 vs. -1.31±1.55; p<0.001), whereas the prevalence of fractures in osteoporotic men was significantly higher (50% vs. 31%; p<0.001). Women had lower vitamin D and higher bone remodeling markers compared to men. Secondary osteoporosis was more frequent in men (66.67%) than in women (20.83%) and the calculated risk for hip fractures was higher in osteoporotic men compared to women (11.47±10.62 vs. 6.87±7.73; p<0.001). Conclusions: Here we highlighted that men are under-screened for osteoporosis and exhibit secondary osteoporosis more frequently than women.

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