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      • One CNV Discordance in <i>NRXN1</i> Observed Upon Genome-wide Screening in 38 Pairs of Adult Healthy Monozygotic Twins

        Magnusson, Patrik K. E.,Lee, Donghwan,Chen, Xu,Szatkiewicz, Jin,Pramana, Setia,Teo, Shumei,Sullivan, Patrick F.,Feuk, Lars,Pawitan, Yudi Cambridge University Press 2016 TWIN RESEARCH AND HUMAN GENETICS - Vol.19 No.2

        <P>Monozygotic (MZ) twins stem from the same single fertilized egg and therefore share all their <I>inherited</I> genetic variation. This is one of the unequivocal facts on which genetic epidemiology and twin studies are based. To what extent this also implies that MZ twins share genotypes in adult tissues is not precisely established, but a common pragmatic assumption is that MZ twins are 100% genetically identical also in adult tissues. During the past decade, this view has been challenged by several reports, with observations of differences in post-zygotic copy number variations (CNVs) between members of the same MZ pair. In this study, we performed a systematic search for differences of CNVs within 38 adult MZ pairs who had been misclassified as dizygotic (DZ) twins by questionnaire-based assessment. Initial scoring by PennCNV suggested a total of 967 CNV discordances. The within-pair correlation in number of CNVs detected was strongly dependent on confidence score filtering and reached a plateau of <I>r</I> = 0.8 when restricting to CNVs detected with confidence score larger than 50. The top-ranked discordances were subsequently selected for validation by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), from which one single ~120kb deletion in <I>NRXN1</I> on chromosome 2 (bp 51017111-51136802) was validated. Despite involving an exon, no sign of cognitive/mental consequences was apparent in the affected twin pair, potentially reflecting limited or lack of expression of the transcripts containing this exon in nerve/brain.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        It is not SAD if you Sell in May: Seasonal Effects in Stock Markets Revisited

        Gylfi Magnusson 한국국제경제학회 2019 International Economic Journal Vol.33 No.4

        This paper examines one type of calendar effect in financial markets, seasonal variation in the return on stocks. The effect analyzed is referred to as the Halloween Effect or Sell in May and Go Away. This refers to the finding that stock markets tend to return considerably less in the six months beginning in May than in the other half of the year. This effect has persisted over time and is seemingly large enough to be economically significant. The alternative, but somewhat overlapping hypothesis, that seasonal affective disorder, SAD, creates seasonal variation in the return on stocks is also addressed. Based on daily data from 75 stock markets during the period 2000–2014 there is a strong calendar effect in a large majority of the markets as the period from November to April witnesses higher returns than do the other six months of the year. However, there is only weak evidence that SAD had any effect on stock prices. The paper shows that Halloween Effect seems to be remarkably consistent, even after being widely discussed, and both statistically and economically significant. However, it remains unexplained. The SAD hypothesis finds less support in the data and seems of limited relevance economically.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Zr-hydride distribution of irradiated Zircaloy-3 cladding in RIA-simulating pellet-clad mechanical interaction testing

        Per Magnusson,Anna-Maria Alvarez Holston,Katja Ammon,Guido Ledergerber,Marcus Nilsson,David Schrire,Klaus Nissen,Jonathan Wright 한국원자력학회 2018 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.50 No.2

        A series of simulated reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) tests on irradiated fully recrystallized boilingwater reactor Zircaloy-2 cladding has been performed by means of the expansion-due-to-compression(EDC) test method. The EDC method reproduces fuel pelleteclad mechanical interaction (PCMI) conditionsfor the cladding during RIA transients with respect to temperature and loading rates by out-of-pilemechanical testing. The tested materials had a large variation in burnup and hydrogen content (up to907 wppm). The results of the EDC tests showed variation in the PCMI resistance of claddings withsimilar burnup and hydrogen content, making it difficult to clearly identify ductile-to-brittle transitiontemperatures. The EDC-tested samples of the present and previous work were investigated by lightoptical and scanning electron microscopy to study the influence of factors such as azimuthal variation ofthe Zr-hydrides and the presence of hydride rims and radially oriented hydrides. Two main characteristicswere identified in samples with low ductility with respect to hydrogen content and test temperature:hydride rims and radial hydrides at the cladding outer surface. Crack propagation and failuremodes were also studied, showing two general modes of crack propagation depending on distributionand amount of radially oriented hydrides. It was concluded that the PCMI resistance of irradiatedcladding under normal conditions with homogenously distributed circumferential hydrides is high, withgood margin to the RIA failure limits. To further improve safety, focus should be on conditions causingnonfavorable hydride distribution, such as hydride reorientation and formation of hydride blisters at thecladding outer surface.

      • A-GPS (Assisted GPS), is this the system we need for indoor location & navigation?

        Lars E Magnusson,Oskar Grö,nqvist 한국항해항만학회 2006 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        For a long time the GSM and GPS world has been living side by side. There have been some half hearted attempts to invoke the GPS unit into GSM units but performance and usability has suffered. The A-GPS approach is interesting and we wanted to verify general performance for fleet application and alarm/emergency situations. The result is now promising but still more to enhancements are anticipated. We achieved near acceptable availability (~70%) under indoor conditions. Accuracy was as anticipated (50-100 meter) as we are using reflected signals. Time to first fix is in general good in outdoor conditions but too long for indoor conditions (45-60 seconds). We would like manufactures to put some more effort to get better performance in the future as test with Nordnav high sensitivity measurement system proves that conditions indoor are at a level where better performance should be possible.

      • Complex object wave direct extraction method in off-axis digital holography.

        Kim, Daesuk,Magnusson, Robert,Jin, Moonseob,Lee, Jaejong,Chegal, Won Optical Society of America 2013 Optics express Vol.21 No.3

        <P>Off-axis digital holography generally uses a 2D-FFT based spatial filtering method to extract the complex object wave from an off-axis hologram. In this paper, we describe a novel single exposure complex object wave extraction method which can provide a faster solution than the FFT based spatial filtering approach while maintaining the reconstructed phase image quality. And also, we show that the proposed direct filtering scheme can provide more robust filtering capability to the off-axis spatial carrier frequency variation than the spatial filtering method.</P>

      • Introductory classes for newcomer primary school students in Sweden: Pedagogical principles and emotional understanding

        Hedman Christina,Magnusson Ulrika 한국다문화교육학회 2021 Multicultural Education Review Vol.13 No.1

        Through the study of pedagogic discourse and practice in introductory classes (ICs) aimed at new migrant students at a linguistically diverse primary school in Sweden, we discuss pedagogic principles and power dynamics, drawing on Bernstein’s conceptual frame. Our ethnographic data consist of teacher interviews and observational fieldnotes. A compound set of pedagogic principles was found, where the acknowledgement of the students’ prior languages differs from previous research. Furthermore, the teachers’ accommodations to the students’ needs through a collaborative practice of care formed an important part of the inner logic of discourse and practice. We find this multilingual and emotional support to be contingent upon the IC teachers’ multilingual competencies and long-term experience with ICs, multilingualism and migration, and support from school management. We welcome interrelated discussions of underpinning logics based on research within different educational contexts comprising migrant students.


        Optical properties of carbon nanofiber photonic crystals

        Rehammar, R,Magnusson, R,Fernandez-Dominguez, A I,Arwin, H,Kinaret, J M,Maier, S A,Campbell, E E B IOP Pub 2010 Nanotechnology Vol.21 No.46

        <P>Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) are used as components of planar photonic crystals. Square and rectangular lattices and random patterns of vertically aligned CNFs were fabricated and their properties studied using ellipsometry. We show that detailed information such as symmetry directions and the band structure of these novel materials can be extracted from considerations of the polarization state in the specular beam. The refractive index of the individual nanofibers was found to be <I>n</I><SUB>CNF</SUB> = 4.1. </P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Development of a Novel Imaging Agent for Determining Albumin Uptake in Solid Tumors

        S. Daum,J. P. Magnusson,L. Pes,J. Garcia Fernandez,S. Chercheja,F. Medda,F. I. Nollmann,S. D. Koester,P. Perez Galan,A. Warnecke,K. Abu Ajaj,Felix Kratz 대한핵의학회 2019 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.53 No.3

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the albumin-binding compound 111In-C4-DTPA as an imaging agent for the detection of endogenous albumin accumulation in tumors. Methods 111In-C4-DTPA was injected in healthy nude mice for pharmacokinetic and biodistribution studies (10 min, 1, 6, 24, and 48 h, n = 4) and subsequently in tumor-bearing mice for single-photon emission computed tomography/X-ray-computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging studies. Four different human tumor xenograft models (LXFL529, OVXF899, MAXFTN401, and CXF2081) were implanted subcutaneously unilaterally or bilaterally (n = 4–8). After intravenous administration of 111In-C4-DTPA, SPECT/CT images were collected over 72 h at 4–6 time points. Additionally, gamma counting was performed for the blood, plasma, lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, muscle, and tumors at 72 h post-injection. Results 111In-C4-DTPA bound rapidly to circulating albumin upon injection, and the radiolabeled albumin conjugate thus formed was stable in murine and human serum. SPECT/CT images demonstrated a time-dependent uptake with a maximum of 2.7– 3.8% ID/cm3 in the tumors at approximately 24 h post-injection and mean tumor/muscle ratios in the range of 3.2–6.2 between 24 and 72 h post-injection. The kidneys and bladder were the predominant elimination organs. Gamma counting at 72 h postinjection showed 1.3–2.5% ID/g in the tumors and mean tumor/muscle ratios in the range of 4.9–9.4. Conclusion 111In-C4-DTPA bound rapidly to circulating albumin upon injection and showed time-dependent uptake in the tumors demonstrating a potential for clinical application as a companion imaging diagnostic for albumin-binding anticancer drugs.

      • Electromechanically Tunable Carbon Nanofiber Photonic Crystal

        Rehammar, Robert,Ghavanini, Farzan Alavian,Magnusson, Roger,Kinaret, Jari M.,Enoksson, Peter,Arwin, Hans,Campbell, Eleanor E. B. American Chemical Society 2013 Nano letters Vol.13 No.2

        <P>We demonstrate an electrically tunable 2D photonic crystal array constructed from vertically aligned carbon nanofibers. The nanofibers are actuated by applying a voltage between adjacent carbon nanofiber pairs grown directly on metal electrodes, thus dynamically changing the form factor of the photonic crystal lattice. The change in optical properties is characterized using optical diffraction and ellipsometry. The experimental results are shown to be in agreement with theoretical predictions and provide a proof-of-principle for rapidly switchable photonic crystals operating in the visible that can be fabricated using standard nanolithography techniques combined with plasma CVD growth of the nanofibers.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/nalefd/2013/nalefd.2013.13.issue-2/nl3035527/production/images/medium/nl-2012-035527_0004.gif'></P>

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