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      • KCI등재

        Effect of Interface on Mechanical Properties and Stamping Formability of Ti/Al Multilayered Composites

        Miao Cao,Hui‑Qin Chen,KunKun Deng,Xing‑Wang Duan,Shuang Liu,Xin Che,Fei Li 대한금속·재료학회 2023 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.29 No.5

        Ti/Al multilayered composites (LMCs) with 3-layers, 5-layers and 7-layers were prepared by hot‐pressing and hot‐rolling. Theeffects of the interface on the mechanical properties and stamping formability of LMCs were revealed. The results indicatethat the TiAl3phases at the interface thicken gradually with the increase of layers. As the layers of LMCs increases, boththe grain size and the basal texture strength of Ti decrease, and Ti possesses a higher Schmid factors (SF) and more uniformSF distribution, which promotes the overall coordinated deformation of LMCs. The elongation (EL) of LMCs graduallyincreases at the expense of the strength with the increase of layers. The stress–strain transfer across the interface, the releaseof residual stress through interfacial microcracks, and the improvement of the interfacial metallurgical bonding strengthare all conducive to the coordinated deformation between Ti and Al layers, thus the strength of LMCs decreases and theEL enhances. Both the yield strength ratio (σs/σb) and plastic strain ratio (r) decrease, while the strain-hardening exponent(n) increases with the increase of layers of LMCs, which are beneficial to improve the stamping formability of LMCs. Thenumber of interface increases with the increase of layers, which hinders crack propagation. Moreover, the microcracks areeasily induced by the brittle TiAl3phase at the interface, and the main cracks deflect obviously and release part energy inthe form of secondary microcracks, thus delaying the failure of LMCs and improving their stamping formability.

      • KCI등재

        일제말기 ‘대륙’의 의미

        조곤(Kun Cao) 구보학회 2023 구보학보 Vol.- No.34

        본 논문은 만주 대륙에 대한 독특한 상상력을 가진 한설야의 『대륙』을 중심으로 일제 말기 문단에 부상된 대륙의 의미를 탐구하고자 한다. ‘대륙’은 제국 일본이 실제로 실천된 식민 침략 정책인 ‘대륙정책’의 키워드로 제국 일본의 지리적 상상을 고찰하는 데 매우 중요한 개념이다. 특히 중일전쟁이 발발한 이듬해인 1938년에 일제는 점령지에 대한 통치를 위해 ‘대륙개척 이민 정책’이 실시됨에 따라 ‘대륙’이라는 말은 일제의 담론에서 빈번하게 나타나기 시작하였다. 이어서 ‘대륙문학’ 또는 ‘대륙개척문학’은 국책문학으로 등장했다. 식민지 조선도 이러한 영향을 받아 만주 대륙에 대한 작품이 많이 창작되었는데, 그중에서도 중국 경험이 풍부한 한설야의 『대륙』은 만주의 도시와 농촌 사이에 걸쳐 이야기를 전개하는 점이 특색이다. 소설의 주요 도시 공간은 남만주철도 연선의 봉천과 신경인데, 봉천은 소설 주인공의 사랑이 좌절되는 공간으로, 신경은 각국 스파이들이 활동하는 무대로 부정적으로 그려진다. 반면에 대륙의 오지인 간도의 시골 공간은 마적 떼의 횡행으로 언제 전쟁이 났을지 모르는 불안정한 공간이지만, 동시에 민족 간의 화해와 합력이 가능한 유일의 희망적인 공간으로 나타난다. 일본제국의 시선으로 봤을 때 대륙은 정복할 넓은 공간이며 제국의 중심 일본 본토와 떨어진 변두리다. 그러나 소설 『대륙』에서는 일본인 마적 납치 사건을 통해 일본 청년들은 대륙의 감화 속에서 ‘섬나라 근성’을 제거하는 일본인 개조의 과정을 이루고, 이러한 개조와 감화를 통해 일본과 만주의 관계를 제국/식민지의 도식에서 섬나라/대륙의 숨은 논리로 전환함으로써 일본을 문명제국의 우월적 위치에서 대륙과 대조된 섬나라의 열세 위치로 대체함으로써 제국 담론을 전복하게 하였다는 것이다. This paper aims to examine the meaning of the continent that emerged in the literary world at the end of Japanese colonial period;focusing on Han Seol-ya’s The Continent;which has a unique imagination of Manchuria continent. ‘continent’ is the key word of ‘Continental Policy’;the colonial aggression policy actually practiced by the Japanese Empire;as well as an important concept to explore the geographical imagination of Japanese Empire. Especially in 1938;the year after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War;the term ‘continent’ frequently appeared in discourse of Japanese Imperialism;with the implementation of the ‘Continental immigration Policy’ as a way to dominate the occupied territories. Subsequently;the ‘continental literature’;or ‘continental exploitation literature’;emerged as national policy literature. The colonial Joseon was also influenced by this;and many works about Manchuria were created. Among them;Han Seol-ya;with extensive experience in China;wrote the novel The Continent;which features stories unfolded between the urban and rural areas of Manchuria. The main urban spaces of this novel are Fengtian and Xinjing along the South Manchurian Railway;with Fengtian being the space where the protagonist’s love is frustrated;and Xinjing being negatively portrayed as a stage for spies of various countries. On the contrary;the remote countryside of Gando was the only space of hope for reconciliation and unity between ethnic groups;although it was an unstable space where bandits were rampant and wars were uncertain. From the perspective of the Japanese Empire;the continent was a vast conquerable space and the edge far from the center of the Japanese Empire. However;in the novel The Continent;through the kidnapping of Japanese by bandits;the Japanese youth are reformed from their “insularity” on the impact of the continent. Furthermore;the relationship between Japan and Manchuria was transformed from an imperial/colonial pattern to a hidden logic of island/continent;where the superior position of the civilized Japanese Empire was replaced by the inferior position of an island in contrast to the continent;and thus the empire discourse was reversed.

      • KCI등재

        Synergistic Enhancement of the Strength-Ductility for Stir Casting SiCp/2024Al Composites by Two-Step Deformation

        Fu‑xiang Cao,Kunkun Deng,Cui‑ju Wang,Kai‑bo Nie,Wei Liang,Jian‑feng Fan 대한금속·재료학회 2021 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.27 No.12

        The 10 μm 10 vol% SiCp/2024Al composites sheet was successfully fabricated by semi-solid stir casting followed withtwo-step deformation (extrusion and rolling). The two-step thermal deformation solves the sheet rolling formability of theSiCp/2024Al composites produced by stir casting. Compared with the SiCp/2024Al composites prepared by traditional powdermetallurgy, this paper innovatively studied the synergistic enhancement between CuAl2phase and SiCpon the mechanicalproperties. The result shows that the two-step deformation can significantly improve the uniformity of the distribution of SiCpand CuAl2phases. At the same time, the average size of the SiCpand CuAl2phase decreases after the two-step deformation. During the hot extrusion, SiCphas an obvious hindrance to the refinement of the CuAl2phase. Moreover, the SiCp/2024Alcomposites sheet exhibits excellent yield strength (295 MPa), ultimate tensile strength (489 MPa), and elongation (10.42%). The performance improvement of SiCp/2024Al after two-step thermal deformation is mainly attributed to the improvedinterface bonding strength of SiCp-2024 Al matrix, the refined SiCpand the more uniform distribution of SiCp.

      • KCI등재

        Sensitive and Extraction-Free Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus through Ag + Aptamer-Based Color Reaction

        Cao Hongli,Zhang Guosheng,Ma Hui,Xue Zhongwen,Huo Ran,Wang Kun,Liu Zijin 한국미생물·생명공학회 2024 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.34 No.1

        Refractory infections, such as hospital-acquired pneumonia, can be better diagnosed with the assistance of precise methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) testing. However, traditional methods necessitate high-tech tools, rigorous temperature cycling, and the extraction of genetic material from MRSA cells. Herein, we propose a sensitive, specific, and extraction-free strategy for MRSA detection by integrating allosteric probe-based target recognition and exonuclease-III (ExoIII)-enhanced color reaction. The penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a) aptamer in the allosteric probe binds with MRSA to convert protein signals to nucleic acid signals. This is followed by the DNA polymerase-assisted target recycle and the production of numerous single-strand DNA (ssDNA) chains which bind with silver ion (Ag+ ) aptamer to form a blunt terminus that can be identified by Exo-III. As a result, the Ag+ aptamer pre-coupled to magnetic nanoparticles is digested. After magnetic separation, the Ag+ in liquid supernatant catalyzes 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) for a color reaction. In addition, a concentration of 54 cfu/mL is predicted to be the lowest detectable value. Based on this, our assay has a wide linear detection range, covering 5 orders of magnitude and demonstrating a high specificity, which allows it to accurately distinguish the target MRSA from other microorganisms.

      • KCI등재

        Targeting the IL-1β/IL-1Ra pathways for the aggregation of human islet amyloid polypeptide in an ex vivo organ culture system of the intervertebral disc

        Cao Yang,Xinghuo Wu,Zhiwei Liao,Kun Wang,Wenbin Hua,Xianzhe Liu,Yu Song,Yukun Zhang,Shuhua Yang 생화학분자생물학회 2019 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.51 No.-

        Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is characterized by excessive apoptosis of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells and hyperactive extracellular matrix (ECM) catabolism. Our previous studies revealed the relationship between human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) and NP cell apoptosis. However, the role of hIAPP aggregates in IDD has not yet been investigated. This study aimed to determine whether the accumulation of hIAPP aggregates promotes IDD progression. The aggregation of hIAPP increased in human NP tissues during IDD. The deposition of hIAPP aggravated the compression-induced IDD that promoted NP cell apoptosis and ECM degradation via IL-1β/IL-1Ra signaling in an ex vivo rat disc model. Moreover, neutralizing IL-1β augmented the protective effects of hIAPP overexpression by decreasing hIAPP aggregation in human NP cells. These results suggest that the aggregation of hIAPP promotes NP cell apoptosis and ECM degradation ex vivo and in vitro by disrupting the balance of IL-1β/IL-1Ra signaling.

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