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      • 한국에 있어서 사서실습교육의 실태조사연구

        구본영 韓國圖書館學會 1983 圖書館學 Vol.10 No.1

        1. Library practice education in Korea is in the form of field experience, that is , Practicum, which is one type of field experience. 2. The practicum is a shout-term work experience guided by the academic institutions. (2 to 6 weeks of full time employment in a library, or one to two semesters of approximately 10 to12 hours. weekly) 3. Field work is largely accepted as a required subject. 4. Field work is usually carried out during the first semester of senior year. (or of sophomore year in junior college) 5. Libraries in other universities (or in other institutions) can beused for a student's field work. But the current tendency is to use his or her own university's library. 6. Most universities give one credit for 2 week' field work. 7. The method of evaluation is strict: A or "excellent" (above 90), B or "good" (above 80), C or "fair" (above 70), D or "bad" (above 60). 8. The expense of field work is usually included in the tuition fees. However, some think that an additional fees should be collected in the case of special practice. 9. Respondents to my survey 'say that the field experience is necessary so that professional librarians can connect theory and practice. 10. They also indicate that there are some problems in library practice education: administrative difficulties in the department chairman's office, the burden on professors in the library being used, and the limited unmber of libraries in which the field work is practicable. 11. The Department of Library Science is responsible primarily for providing faculty supervision over the students, and secondarily for the preparation of evaluation cards and field work reports. 12. Most of the faculty respondents use evaluation cards for the field work, some of which serve as grade sheets, some as field work diaries, and some as field work reports

      • 낙동강의 실시간 홍수예측을 위한 통계적 모형구축

        구본수,최한규,최영수 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1998 産業技術硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        To flood forecastion, until now, Storage function method, Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation, and HEC-1 model have been analysed generally in various definite simulation. Generally, Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulastion and HEC-1 model are more delicacy and more excellent model than Storage function method in physically.But the resource huge for test of moels. On the contrary, Storage function method has not only a few model various and data for decisionbut also has poor theory background in model excessively simpled water circulation asbout a basin. In this reason, this study is purpose to develop a statistical flood forecasting model that can forecast with accuracy variety of water height to Nak-Dong river vibration spots in flood with accumulated water resource.

      • KCI등재

        한국문헌정보학의 학부제 도입에 관한 연구

        구본영 한국문헌정보학회 1996 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        현재 학국의 대학사회는 안팎으로 거센 도전을 받으면서 변화와 개혁의 소리가 높다. 한국 대학 개혁의 방안으로 학부제(School Program)의 추진 논의가 진행되고 있는 가운데, 과연 문헌정보학과의 진로는 어떻게 설정해야 바람직한 방향으로 갈 것인가를 검토하였다. 다가오는 정보화사회에 대처해 나갈 문헌정보 전문직의 특성과 역할 그리고 교육의 변화를 살펴보고, 학부제에 대한 교수들의 찬성과 반대 의견을 수렴한후, 현재 학부제를 실시하고 있는 3개 대학교의 교육과정을 조사 하였다. 한국 문헌정보학 교수 139명에게 설문지를 보낸 결과 92명(66%)이 응답했고 그중 학부제 찬성이 42명, 그리고 학부제 반대 45명으로 나타났다. 학부제 찬성 모형안은 「학과중심형 학부제」가 44%로 가장 많다. 이안은 현재와 같은 학과중심으로 운영하되 커리큘럼 기자제 등의 영역만 공동활용하거나 협약교수제를 운영하면서 공동교재활용과 제한된 복수전공제도를 도입하는 형태이다. 학부제 도입을 반대하는 이유는 「문헌정보학과는 학문의 성격상 다른 학과와는 통합되기 어렵다」는 이유를 가장 많이 지적하고 있다 At present, Korean universities and colleges are confronted with a strong challenge, within and without, demanding a drastic change or innovation of university education. Discussion on the propulsion of the School Program is now under way as one of the means to reform the university education. With such a background in mind, we have considered what should be the desirable course of Library and Information Science in Korea. We have considered the characteristic features and roles of library and information professionals to cope with the now approaching information society and the changing conditions of educational environment. We have collected the pros and cons among professors of the School Program, and investigated the curricula of the three universities which are at present practicing the School Program. Of the 139 professors to whom we have sent the questionnaries, 92(66%) responded, of which the pros were 42 and the cons were 45. The model plan for the School Program is 'departmental school program'(44%), which purports to adopt 'departmental school program', with the curricula and material resources being utilized in common, or to adopt joint-appointment system, with the common utilization of teaching materials and the introduction of a limited dual major system. The argument against introduction the School Program was that because of the peculiar nature of the discipline itself, Library and Information Science can not be merged with any other discipline

      • 도서관학 교육과정 구성의 원칙

        구본영 韓國圖書館學會 1988 圖書館學 Vol.15 No.1

        A study has been made prior to the emphatic research to see how the curriculum of the Library Science Departments, in general, has developed to date. In the principles of the composition of the curriculum of library science, research has been conducted to determine what decisions will be the most appropriate for the changing trend of the society, regarding the matters of general specialization versus subject specialization education, the definition, change and operation of the core subject, the expansion of the elective specialized subjects and the composition of the curriculum by types of the library, and the curriculum composition in terms of subject specilization. The curriculum should consist of a unified series of courses and other educational experiences, designed to meet specific program objectives. Principles and concepts should be emphasized, over routines and techniques. All students should study certain fundamental "core" subjects, as well as more specialized electives. General education (studies outside of librarianship) should be a major component of the total education of the librarian. Fundamental core subjects should be treated as introductory courses covering deep studies that can provide the most inclusive information related to the library science field. They should be offered as pre-requisites required of all the students entering the Department of Library Science. Specialized subjects and interdisciplinary courses comprising subject concentration should be offered as electives at the advanced level

      • 태권도 基本姿勢의 理論的 逮繫에 關한 用語考察

        구본칠,조영민 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2003 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.13 No.2

        Takweondo is, as widely acknowledged, a popular and excellent promoter for the health preservation of modem people. This paper has treated the theoretical foundation of Takweondo, focusing on its terminology. According to the survey result, a variety of terms for the basic postures of Takweondo has been sorted and summarized like follows: 1. The basic goal of Takweondo lies on the cultivation of mind and body. The accomplishment of the goal is possible only to those who keeps the spirit of Truth, Morality, Patience, Rightness, Courtesy, Wisdom, confidence. 2. The body parts used are the fists(back, middle-knuckle, mounted-knuckle), the hands(edge, back, end), the arms(elbow for vertical and horizontal swing), the wrists(right and left sides), the feet(under-toe, heel, top, edge, toe), and the legs(knee, thin). 3. The basic postures are the wide stances(parallel stance, right stance, left stance, ease stance, forward stance), the narrow stances(heel stance, semi-attention stance, single-leg stance), and the special stances(an attention posture with hands held together above the chest an attention posture with hands stacked together below the belly, in ease posture with hands apart above the chest). 4. The terms for attacking skills are the punches(side punch, downward punch, front punch, round punch), the special punches(semi-upper punch, stronger semi-upper punch, target punch, u-shape punch, back punch, tug-and-upper punch), and strikes(front strike, face strike, downward strike, inside strike, outside strike), the thrusts(straight thrust, flat thrust, upper thrust), and the kicks(front kick, turning kick, crescent-shape kick, twist kick, side kick, back kick, inside kick, stretching kick, downward kick). 5. The terms for defense skills are the blocks(low block, body block, face block, outside block, wedge block, body-side block) and the special blocks(upper-swing block, upper-body block, middle-body block, both sides bloc, scissors-cross block, bullhom-shape block, Geumgang block, target block, front-push block, side-stretch block, yoke-shape block).

      • 태권도 선수에 대한 어성초·삼백초·추출액 복용전후 중성지방의 수치변화 비교

        구본칠,조영민 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2003 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.13 No.1

        Modern people are under the situation of consistent increase of the obesity rate from the overdose of Calories and lack of consumption of the intakes, which causes the serious unbalance in the mixture of the body components. In this paper, the natural material for decreasing T.G value has been researched to make the access from general people easy. The Houttuynia cordata Thnub. and Saururus chinensis from the Dukyu mountain 720m were prepared for this experiment in extract status mixed by halves and were taken by the Taekwondo players(50 males and 10 females). They took it three times a day before meals and had their blood examined twice, before and after this experiment. The tests were implemented twice. The first was from January 13th, 2003 and ended in February 22th, 2003 with 20 participants and the second was from March 10th, 2003 and ended in April 19th, 2003 with 40 participants. The comparison of their tests showed the result as follows. 1. In the first experiment, their value of T.G decreased by 12.3(the drop of 10% in total average). This result was meaningful statistically at the level of 98%. 2. In the second experiment, their value of T.G decreased by 9.2(the drop of 5.3% in total average). This result was meaningful statistically at the level of 99%. When adults take the extract of Houttuynia cordata Thnub. and Saururus chinensis three times a day before meals for six weeks, they can get decrease the value of Triglycerid.

      • 뇌성마비환자의 안과적 장애에 관한 조사

        온영훈,구본술 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1985 中央醫大誌 Vol.10 No.4

        Ophthalmological examinations were carried out on the 67 cerebral palsy patients of Korean children and adults (Holt Ilsan center), and the ocular disorders were classified and evaluated. In view of rarity of previous report on the ocular disorders in this important non­progressive brain disorder with resultant abnormality of motility and posture as well as the considerably serious disturbances of visual functions, the outcome of this survey was analyzed and results were as follows. 1. The incidence of nonrefractive ocular disorders was 47.8% of all cerebral palsy patients. 2. The strabismus was the most prevalent nonrefractive disorder of 20 cases (29.9%) with 19.4% of exotropia and 10.5% of esotropia. 3. The optic nerve atrophy was found in 14 cases (20.9%) consisting of four binocular and six monocular cases. 4. Of 64 eyes in which E­game vision was elicited, 40 eyes (62.5%) had uncorrected vision of 0.6 or worse. 5. The refractive error occupied 57.7% (60 eyes in 104 eyes) including 42 myotic eyes (40.4%) and 18 hyperopic eyes (17.3%).

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