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Arima, N.,Kim, S.,Kojima, M. Springer Science + Business Media 2016 Journal of optimization theory and applications Vol.168 No.3
<P>We propose the moment cone relaxation for a class of polynomial optimization problems to extend the results on the completely positive cone programming relaxation for the quadratic optimization model by Arima, Kim and Kojima. The moment cone relaxation is constructed to take advantage of sparsity of the polynomial optimization problems, so that efficient numerical methods can be developed in the future. We establish the equivalence between the optimal value of the polynomial optimization problem and that of the moment cone relaxation under conditions similar to the ones assumed in the quadratic optimization model.</P>
Kojima, Takahiko,Inui, Yuji,Miyazaki, Soushi,Shiro, Motoo,Fukuzumi, Shunichi Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Chemical communications Vol.2009 No.43
<P>A novel tetranuclear Ir(<SMALL>III</SMALL>) complex involving unprecedented coordination modes of alloxazine formed a closed π-space by intermolecular hydrogen bonding and the counter anions encapsulated in the space could be exchanged <I>via</I> self-assembly.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>A novel tetranuclear Ir(<SMALL>III</SMALL>) complex involving unprecedented coordination modes of alloxazine formed a closed π-space by intermolecular hydrogen bonding; counter anions encapsulated in the space could be exchanged <I>via</I> self-assembly. <IMG SRC=''> </P>
Kojima, Tatsuhiro,Choi, Wanuk,Kawano, Masaki The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Chemical communications Vol.50 No.89
<P>Self-assembly of the tripyridyl ligand 2,4,6-tris(4-pyridyl)triazine(TPT) and ZnI<SUB>2</SUB><I>via</I> the gas phase produced three kinds of networks: [(ZnI<SUB>2</SUB>)(TPT)]<SUB><I>n</I></SUB>; [(ZnI<SUB>2</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>(TPT)<SUB>2</SUB>]<SUB><I>n</I></SUB>; and [(ZnI<SUB>2</SUB>)(μ-I)(ZnI)(TPT)]<SUB><I>n</I></SUB>. [(ZnI<SUB>2</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>(TPT)<SUB>2</SUB>]<SUB><I>n</I></SUB> is the first example of the single crystal formation of a porous network <I>via</I> the gas phase and showed the dependence of iodine encapsulation on the crystal size.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Three kinds of coordination networks were selectively obtained <I>via</I> the gas phase. Thermodynamic control <I>via</I> the gas phase produced the first example of the single-crystal formation of a porous network. As a result of this single-crystal growth, we were able to show the dependence of guest encapsulation on the crystal size. <IMG SRC=''> </P>
Economic Evaluation of A CGS with Energy Storage Systems
Kojima, Yoshihide,Kato, Masakazu The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2011 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.1 No.1
Problems such as global warming and resource depletion are becoming more and more serious. End consumers are required to reduce CO2 emissions and to make effective use of energy. As measures, cogeneration systems (CGSs) and energy storage systems including heat storage and battery are considered. In this paper, optimum facility planning and economy evaluation has been performed by linear programming for a CGS with energy storage systems.
Kojima Tsuyoshi 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2007 유교문화연구(중문판) Vol.7 No.-
This essay introduces an intellectual trend in 17<sup>th</sup> century in Zhejiang, China. The author emphasizes the necessity for directing our attention to a kind of area studies in intellectual history. For example, some scholar-officials adhered to a tradition of the Cheng-Zhu school in Ningbo-Shaoxing area, even where the Yangmingxue was popular. While they were not professional “thinkers”, they had big influence on the intellectual culture in their “place”. The author poses utility of this method to understand what those scholar-officials thought when they lived in their “place”.
Designing matching mechanisms under constraints: An approach from discrete convex analysis
Kojima, Fuhito,Tamura, Akihisa,Yokoo, Makoto Elsevier 2018 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY Vol.176 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We consider two-sided matching problems where agents on one side of the market (hospitals) are required to satisfy certain distributional constraints. We show that when the preferences and constraints of the hospitals can be represented by an M<SUP>♮</SUP>-concave function, (i) the generalized Deferred Acceptance (DA) mechanism is strategyproof for doctors, (ii) it produces the doctor-optimal stable matching, and (iii) its time complexity is proportional to the square of the number of possible contracts. Furthermore, we provide sufficient conditions under which the generalized DA mechanism satisfies these desirable properties. These conditions are applicable to various existing works and enable new applications as well, thereby providing a recipe for developing desirable mechanisms in practice.</P>