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中野浩一(Nakano Koichi),李吉魯(Lee GilRo) 동아시아일본학회 2017 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.61
1868년 메이지유신 이후 일본은 서양의 진보주의에 기초하여 주로 구미의 사상과 과학의 도입에 역점을 두었다. 이로 인해 일본의 교육학은 서양교육학설의 영향으로 발전하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 점을 객관적으로 규명하기 위해서 일본에 소개된 구미교육학설의 번역서와 일본인들에 의해 집필된 도서를 연대순으로 정리해 봄으로서 ‘체육’에 대한 언급의 유무, 그리고 그에 관한 추이와 개념의 차이를 비교하였다. ‘체육’에 대해 번역교육서에서 언급의 유무를 검토한 결과, 1870∼90년대에는 체육에 대한 언급이 나타났으나 1900년대 이후에는 극도로 감소하였다. 1870∼80년대에는 신체교육의 의미로서 언급되어졌고 1890년대에 점차 감소하기 시작하여 1900년대 이후에는 신체교육의 의미로서의 체육에 대한 언급이 극히 소수에 한정되어졌다. 1890년대부터는 신체보호로서의 의미가, 1900년대 이후에는 운동교육으로서의 의미가 사용되어졌다. After the Meiji restoration in 1868, Japan attempted to introduce physical education. This paper establishes the chronological order of the “educational translation books,” the Western educational theory books that were translated into Japanese; compares the books with reference/non-reference to the term physical education; and provides an analysis of the different concepts of the term. The examination of the number of references concerning physical education in educational translation books shows that, while the term is referred to in books written during 1870∼1890, it is seldom referred to after 1900. In a continued examination of the concepts of physical education, only the education of the body can be seen in the books from 1870∼1880, and reference to it gradually decreases in 1890, with a drastic decrease in the early 1900s. References to the care of the body can be seen in the books after the 1890s, and few references to education through physical activity are seen after the early 1900s.
中野浩一(Nakano Koichi),李吉魯(Lee Gil Ro) 동아시아일본학회 2017 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.64
본 연구는 메이지 시대의 헤르바르트주의에 있어서 “체육”의 개념을 검토하여 그 개념의 다양성과 그에 따른 영향을 분석했다. 특히 삼육주의와 헤르바르트주의에 있어서 “체육”이 형성되어 가는 과정을 검토하였고, 또한 헤르바르트주의가 종식한 이후에도 “체육”개념의 일부는 교육학이나 학교교육제도에 답습되어 그 영향력이 미쳤음을 고찰했다. 이와 같이 교육의 목적을 지 덕 체로 구분하는 삼육주의는 생리 위생학에 근거한 신체교육을 의미하는 “체육”이 교육학의 문제로 취급되었던 것이다. 또한 체조과 교원뿐만 아니라 오늘날에는 모든 교육자가 신체면의 육성을 담당하도록 요구되어지고 있는데, 그 점은 학교교육제도에도 반영되고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 교육목적을 정신면의 육성에 한정하는 헤르바르트주의는 신체교육을 부정하기 때문에 “체육”에 관한 항목이 없는 교육학서가 일반화되는 경향이 있다. 물론 “체육”에 관한 항목이 있는 경우에도 신체교육의 개념에 관해서는 삼육주의에서 인정되는 신체교육의 개념과 다른 면이 인정된다. 정신교육의 수단으로서 운동을 행한다는 운동교육의 개념에 대해서는, 정신면의 육성에 치우치고 있지만 운동교육의 개념을 각인시키는 역할을 한다고 말할 수 있다. In Herbartianism, the concept of the education of the body was denied, because Herbartianism limited an educational purpose to the mental aspect. For this, the pedagogical books without the term “physical education” generalized. Even if there was the term in rare case, it was criticized as an unnecessary thing because it was not involved in the mental development. Regarding the concept of the movement education, which used exercise as a means of mental education, although it wasa biased way of thinking towards mental development, it played a role of impressing this concept. Herbartianism distinguished between nursing and education, and regarded physical problems as nursing which was the pre-stage of education. This concept of the care of the body was applied in the subsequent pedagogy and school education system. Herbartianism was regarded as the basis of pedagogy and this situation continued, so the physical problems were the role of experts, mainly medical professionals, teachers of gymnastics and physical education.
近代日本におけるペスタロッチ教育学説の変遷とその影響 - 身体教育の概念に注目して -
中野浩一(Nakano, Koichi),李吉魯(Lee, GilRo) 동아시아일본학회 2022 일본문화연구 Vol.- No.81
본 연구는 일본의 페스탈로치주의에서 신체적 측면이 어떻게 취급되었는지를 검토하였다. 선행연구에 의하면 페스탈로치 교육학설은 메이지(明治)초기부터 메이지 10년대까지를 중심으로 교육목적을 지 · 덕 · 체의 세 가지 영역으로 구분하고 있음을 알 수 있다(1801). 따라서 당시의 일본 교육학은 ‘지육’, ‘덕육’, ‘체육’의 세 가지로 교육을 정의하는 것이 일반적이었다. 그 이후로 ‘체육’의 개념은 신체교육을 의미하게 되었다. 메이지 20년대에는 교육목적을 정신면에 한정하는 헤르바르트의 교육학설이 도입되면서 종래의 신체교육 개념은 부정되었다. 이에 따라 ‘체육’이라는 단어의 개념은 신체양호 혹은 신체활동을 통한 운동교육의 개념으로 변화되기에 이르렀다. 메이지 30년대 이후에는 페스탈로치의 학설을 재평가하고자 하는 나도르프(Natorp)의 교육학설이 주목받게 되었으나 신체적인 측면에 있어서는 메이지 20년대의 헤르바르트의 교육학설과 동일한 맥락으로 교육의 문제가 아닌 의학적인 문제로 인식하게 되었다. 즉, 신체교육의 개념은 메이지 초창기에만 그 존재가 인정되었으며 메이지 30년대에 페스탈로치가 다시 주목받았음에도 불구하고 그 이후에는 부활되지 않았다. This study clarified how the physical aspects were treated in Japanese Pestalozziism. According to previous studies, Pestalozzi"s educational theory was mainstream from the early Meiji era to the 10s. Pestalozzi’s main work “Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt”(1801) had been divided educational objectives into three categories: intellectual, moral and physical, so Japanese pedagogy at that time generally consisted of three contents: “intellectual education”, “moral education” and “physical education”, and this term “physical education” meant the education of the body. In the 20s, when Herbartianism was introduced, which limited the purpose of education to the mental side, the concept of the education of the body was denied. Along with this, the concept of the term “physical education” changed into the care of the body, or the education through the physical activity. In the 30s, Natorp"s educational theory, which advocated the revival of Pestalozzi, attracted attention. However, as with Herbartianism in the 20s, the physical aspect was perceived as a medical issue rather than an educational one. After all, the concept of the education of the body was recognized only around the beginning of the Meiji era and never revived after that, despite Pestalozzi regaining attention in the 30s.
Agent based Simulation of Hot Strip Rolling Mills with Controllers
Keita Ohe,Koichi Nakano,Yoshihiro Abe,Masami Konishi 대한전자공학회 2008 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2008 No.7
Currently, operators try to improve their operating situation under the changing production circumstances. Their operations are some kinds of empirical fruits of manufacturing experiences. It is an important problem in the future to maintain and to extend their technologies having been built up. For the purpose, methods and systems for technical inheritance of advanced techniques like the skilled engineers are needed which can train the unskilled operators and also assist skilled operators. In this research, simulation technology for hot strip rolling mills based on distributed agents is presented aimed to the diagnosis of hot strip rolling mills with controllers. In the operation of hot strip mills, human operators try to maintain rolling conditions in an appropriate situation. To help the operators, it is needed to build an intelligent rolling simulator which can check the whole rolling performances including control apparatus. To help human experts, it is necessary to simulate rolling phenomenon considering operating conditions in detail. It is also required to simulate results by changing control parameters. Visualization of three-dimensional rolling process, and simulation of defects in rolling mills that scarcely occur are studied. In the paper, development of agent based rolling simulator is presented.
Takuya Misugi,Takashi Juri,Koichi Suehiro,Kohei Kitada,Yasushi Kurihara,Mie Tahara,Akihiro Hamuro,Akemi Nakano,Masayasu Koyama,Takasi Mori,Daisuke Tachibana 대한산부인과학회 2022 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.65 No.4
ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the accuracy and precision of continuous, non-invasive blood pressure obtained usingthe ClearSight system by comparing it with invasive arterial blood pressure, and to assess the hemodynamic changesusing invasive methods and the ClearSight system in patients undergoing cesarean section. MethodsArterial pressure was measured invasively with an intra-arterial catheter and non-invasively using the ClearSightsystem during cesarean section in patients with placenta previa or placenta accreta. Blood pressure measurementsobtained using these two means were then compared. ResultsTotal 1,277 blood pressure measurement pairs were collected from 21 patients. Under Bland-Altman analysis, theClearSight system demonstrated an acceptable accuracy with a bias and standard deviation of 8.8±13.4 mmHg forsystolic blood pressure, -6.3±7.1 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure, and -2.7±8.0 mmHg for median blood pressure. Cardiac index levels were significantly elevated during fetal delivery and 5 minutes after placental removal, andsystemic vascular resistance index levels were significantly decreased during fetal delivery and 40 minutes afterplacental removal. ConclusionIn patients undergoing cesarean section, the ClearSight system showed excellent accuracy and precision compared tothat of the currently used invasive monitoring system. 영어
Kumagai, Hozumi,Kusaba, Hitoshi,Okumura, Yuta,Komoda, Masato,Nakano, Michitaka,Tamura, Shingo,Uchida, Mayako,Nagata, Kenichiro,Arita, Shuji,Ariyama, Hiroshi,Takaishi, Shigeo,Akashi, Koichi,Baba, Eishi Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.1
Background: Antiemetic triplet therapy including dexamethasone (DEX) is widely used for patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC). In Japan, the appropriate dose of DEX has not been established for this combination. Materials and Methods: To assess the efficacy and safety of increased-dose DEX, we retrospectively examined patients receiving HEC with antiemetic triplet therapy. Results: Twenty-four patients (fosaprepitant group) were given an increased-dose of DEX (average total dose: 45.8mg), fosaprepitant, and 5-HT3 antagonist. A lower-dose of DEX (33.6mg), oral aprepitant, and 5-HT3 antagonist were administered to the other 48 patients (aprepitant group). The vomiting control rates in the fosaprepitant and aprepitant groups were 100% and 85.4% in the acute phase, and were 75.0% and 64.6% in the delayed phase. The incidences of toxicity were similar comparing the two groups. Conclusions: Triplet therapy using an increased-dose of DEX is suggested to be safe and effective for patients receiving HEC.