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        영어 장거리 의존 구문의 분석

        나기덕 대한언어학회 1996 언어학 Vol.4 No.-

        Nah, Kie-Deok. 1996. A Study on Unbounded Dependency Constructions in English. Linguistics 4, 57-76. Unbounded dependency constructions are constructions within which some linguistic elements occur in other places than those which they are expected to occur. Major constructions are those of topicalization, relative clauses, and questions. In this analysis, by extending and generalizing categorial rules such as functional application rules, functional composition rules and type raising rules in a categorial grammar, we show that those extended and revised formulations derive sufficiently unbounded dependency constructions. And we show that even parasitic gap constructions can be derived by another categorial rule, functional substitution rule. (Seokang College)

      • 라모의 조카에 나타난 비이성의 문제

        송기정 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.1

        Denis Diderot est un des ecrivains qui ont ete mal connus a leur epoque. Tres souvent Diderot etait considere comme un ecrivain manquant dordre, de coherence. Mais la confusion, le desorder et lincoherence sont une sorte de polarisastion menant a un nouvel ordre. Cest pourquoi son discours ne peut etre compris que de nos jours. Foucault a indique que depuis Le Neveu de Rameua, la folie reapparait dans le domaine du langage litteraire, ce qui etait defendu a lage classique. Quest-ce que signifierait-donc le discours de la folie, celui de la deraison que Diderot a attribue a Rameau? Le Neveu de Rameau est un dialogue entre le philosophe et le neveu de Rameau. Mais cest plutot Rameau qui parle et le philosophe ne fait que pousser Ramuau a parler. Rameau est un personage compose de hauteur et de bassesse, de bon sens et de deraison. Il a une conception tres originale de la morale. Dapres lui, tout ce qui est naturel, meme le vice, est jistifie, et donc legitime. Pour lui le bonheur est de boire du bon vin, de se gorger de mets delicats, de se rouler sur de jolies femmes et de se reposes dans des lits bien mollets; et le reste nest que vanite. Rameau le fou est introduit chez Bertin pour desennuyer les gens par ses discours de la folie. Il lui est donc interdit de parler de la parler de la raison. Mais une fois pour toutes, il a commis la faute de parler raisonnablement et il est chasse de chez Bertin. Or, quand il parle de la musique, son discours est tres raisonnable et ordonne. Mais aussitot quil sapercoit de ses discours raisonnables, il retourne a son etat de bouffon et joue le pantomime. Malgre le talent que Rameau a en musique, pourquoi nessaie-t-il pas de faire quelque close qui vaille, et pourquor reste-t-il toujours le meme : un fou, un bouffon, un vil parasite? Cest parce quil veut rester etranger et marginal, plutot que detre integre dans la societe ou la verite absolue nexiste plus, ou les notions de la vertu et du vice sont inverses. Et cest sa facon de se revolter contre la societe. Si Sade a exprime sa revolte contre un ordre social par son erotisme, le neveu de Rameau exprime sa revolte contre la societe par ses discours de la deraison.

      • CAE를 이용한 플라스틱 사출금형 제품 개발

        김기환,권창오,송동주 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 2002 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.30 No.2

        Optimal design for the injection molding process of a hand brake cover was investigated by using CAE. The viscoelastic flow through a hand brake cover shape mold were calculated and compared with the experimental data. Numerical analysis reasonably predicted the general performance, i.e, hold pressure, cooling time and hold pressure time. In order to determine optimal process parameters, Numerical analysis and experiments have been performed for various process conditions. In this study, we increased the productivity by 160% by optimal process conditions.

      • 海外直接投資의 最近動向과 우리나라 海外投資의 推進方向

        裵基烈 東亞大學校 大學院 1981 大學院論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        1. As forign direct investment have increased rapidly since 1960's, theoretical studies on it have been ongoing. While international trade has grown rapidly than world production, the growth rate of production in foregn countries by foreign direct investment have increased more fast than of international trade. We have noticed that the expansion of international specialization by muntinational corporations. 2. It is expected that oversea direct investment will be increased in the future owing to new protectionism tendency and the defence of foreign market of developed countries. Developing countri sould import capital and technology needed for the promotion of industrialization from developed countries. 3. Korea gradually should transfer the industry sectors of which comparative advantage will be reduced to other developing countries for the purpose of enlarging or defending Korea's foreign marke. And we should promote the heavy industry. 4. Oversea direct investment for developing resources should be promoted for the purpose of importing stably the resource which will be demanded gradually much of promoting heavy industry. 5. Theoretical studies and practical efforts oversea direct investment should concentrated to minimize the negative effect due to oversea direct investment and to enlarge the allocation effect of resources.

      • 선형구구조문법에 대한 소고

        나기덕 서강정보대학 1992 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        A desirable modern grammar model should have logical persuasiveness, psychological reality in expressing the generation and recognition process, and computational tractability. Among various recent theories, Linear Phrase Structure Grammar(LPSG) tries to incorporate all those points in its description. Especially, LPSG captures those important points that a natural language is generated and recognized from left to right and that syntactic generation and semantic interpretation is processed homomorphically. LPSG can be summarized as follows: monostratal context-free grammar based on linearity and binarity to do homomorphic processing of syntactic generation and semantic interpretation with the help of ID rules and default category assignment principles.

      • 自我槪念의 變化와 그 關聯要因의 探索

        金琪正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1984 학생생활연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The present study aimed to investigate the determinants of three measures of self-concept such as the academic self-concept, the general self-esteem, and the non-academic self-concept, on the students in primary and secondary school levels. A quasi-longitudinal design, motivated by the work of Kifer(1975), was used to test the effects of a pattern of academic success or failure on the changes of each measures of self-concept. For this design, the subjects from the fourth through the ninth grades were sampled purposively in Seoul and Cheong-Ju. And another sample from fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh grades was selected purposively in Seoul and Cheong-Ju, to examine the main, the combined, and the relative effects of the independent variables on the self-concepts. The independent variables for this study comprised the students` backgrounds(sex, living area, SES IQ), the present academic achievement, and the emotional relationships with their parent and friends. The major findings of this research were as follows: First, the academic self-concept was most highly related to cumulative patterns of academic success or failure than were the general self-esteem and the non-academic self-concept. The mean differences of academic self-concept measure between the success group and the failure group were serious with the size of about 1.2 standard deviation for the fourth graders through the seventh graders, and deepened with the size of about 1.8 SD for the ninth graders. Second, the combined effects of the independent variables on each of three measures of self-concept were significantly differentiated. The effects were estimated at about 35 percent for the academic self-concept, about 30 percent for the general self-esteem, about 25 percent for the non-academic self-concept, respectively. Third, SES, IQ< school achievement of students and the perceived parent`s attitude of acceptance were turned out to be important determinants of self-concepts. But the relative importance of these variables for each of three measures of self-concept were not the same. For the academic self-concept, the percentage of the combined effect of SES, IQ, and school achievement to the combined effect of all the independent variables was estimated at about 80 percent. And the percentage was decreased to about 30 percent for the general self-esteem and about 2 percent for the non-academic self-concept.

      • 서원대 재학생들의 스트레스 실태 분석

        金璂正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1994 학생생활연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to assess the situations of Seowon university students' stress. For the purpose, Stress Assessment Scale designed by Won Ho-Tack, Lee Myung-Sun, and Kim Soon-Jin(1989) was administered to 105 male and 352 female junior students of teachers' college of Seowon university. The scale was consisted of 14 stress domains with 117 items. The domains that were rated as substantially stressful by students were 'physical environment'(40%), 'techniques for learning/work'(33%), 'learning/work'(32%), 'the way of thinking & value'(30%), 'interpersonal relation(friends)'(29%), 'general personality'(26%), and 'self-esteem'(24%). It was found that Seowon university students experienced much more stress compared with the situations of Seoul National university students' stress assessed by same scale in 1989. Significant sex differences of stress were found in the domains such as 'physical conditions'(P<.05), 'physical environment'(P<.01), 'learning/work'(P<.001), 'interpersonal relation with friends of opposite sex'(P<.05), 'general personality'(P<.01), 'self-estem'(P<.05), and 'the way of thinking & value'(P<.001). The results of this study may serve as basic data to make comprehensive and systematic plans for the effective adjustments of university students.

      • 흄과 스튜아트의 貿易思想

        裵基烈 효성여자대학교 산업경영연구소 1986 경영경제 Vol.3 No.-

        D. Hume : The theory of free trade The industry of a country determines its level of foreign trade. The favorable balanceof trade which is over the level of industry will cause prices to rise. The rise of prices will cause exports to reduse, and import to increase. On the contrary the unfavorable balance of trade will cause prices to lower. Exports will be increeased inports will be redused by the reduction of prices. Thus the trade level of a country is adjusted to balance with its industry level by the automat iccorrecting mechanism of money quantity. Therefore, a controlled trade is more injurious than beneficial. J. Steuart : The theory of the balance of trade Steuart does not assume A full employment. An additional inflow of money by the favorable balance of trade will cause employment and production to increase when factors of production are unimployed. The production level of a country is determined by the balance of works(supply) and demand. The balance of works and demand does not adjust automatically. therefore The foreign trade has to be controlled to enlarge the market of goods to maintain the balance of works and demand.

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