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        유ㆍ무한형대두품종의 재배조건에 따른 건물생산 및 형질변이에 관한 연구

        박근용,Keun-Yong Park 한국작물학회 1974 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.17

        To provide useful information for developing new high yielding soybean varieties and for improving cultural practices, an investigation was made on variation of dry matter production and on relationship among several agronomic characters of soybean plants grown under different planting times and densities as well as under different fertilizer levels, using Kwang-kyo, Dong puk-tae, and Suke # 51 as determinate types and Shelby, SRF-300 and Harosoy as indeterminate types at the Crop Experiment Station during the period of 1972 and 1973. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1. The dry weight, CGR and LAI at the initial flowering stage were high in the high plant population irrespective of varieties, planting times, and fertilizer levels. However, those characters of the indeterminate type were lower than those of the determinate types. The same characters of the indererminate type at the terminal leaf stage were either same or higher than those of the determinate types. 2. The dry weight of the determinate type at the initial flowering stage was similar to the indeterminate, type, when planting times were May 21 or June 15. The dry weights of both types of varieties were low when planted on July 10. When fertilizer levels were increased, the CGR, dry weight and LAI at the initial flowering stages were also increased. 3. Even though significant differences of LAI were obtained among the varieties within the same plant type, the indeterminate type was in general lower than that of the determinate type regardless of planting time and densities, or fertilizer levels, while the yield of the indeterminate type was comparable to the yield of the determinate type. 4. The high degree of leaf- and petiole-fall at the greenbean stage was highly associated with early planting and high levels of fertilizers. However, less amount of leaf- or petiole-fall was found when planted on July 10 or under low plant population. 5. The percent of stem weight was high under higher plant population, while the percent of leaf weight was high under lower plant population. When planting time was late, the percent of stem and petiole weight were reduced, while the leaf weight was increased. 6. The percent of pod weight of the determinate type at the terminal leaf stage was about 2% when planted on May 21, about 8% when planted on June 15, and about 9% when planted on July 10. The percent of pod weight of the indeterminate type at the terminal leaf stage were about 6 % when planted on May 21, 14% when planted on June 15 and 21% when planted on July 10. 7. Kwang kyo showed less degree of leaf-fall even when lodged due to high levels of fertilizer applied, while SRF-300 showed great damage due to lodging. 8. High yields were obtained when planted on May 21, but there were little yield differences between yields from May 21 and June 15 plantings. The reduction of yield due to late planting of July 10 was less apparent in the determinate type of varieties, while it was high in the indeterminate type. 9. The optimum plant population per are for high yield was 1, 250 to 2, 500 plants when planted on May 21, 2, 500 plants when planted on June 15, and 3, 333 plants when planted on July 10. 10. High correlation coefficients were obtained between dry matter weight and LAI at the terminal leaf stages, and between the dry matter weight and yield at the greenbean stages. The optimum dry weight for high yield in the determinate type was expected to be 25 kg. per are at the initial flowering stage and 50 kg. per are at the terminal leaf stage. In the indeterminate type the LAI and dry weight at the greenbean stage were 4 to 5 and 80 kg. per are, respectively. 11. Under the high plant population plant height was increased, while the stem diameter and the number of nodes and branches were reduced. Consequently, the percent of mainstem to main stem plus branches were increased, and the length of internode was also elongated. The rati 본 시험은 유ㆍ무한형대두품종에 대한다수성품종의 유종 및 재배기술개선의 기초자료로서 건물생산 및 제 형질간의 상호관계를 밝힐 목적으로 파종기, 재식밀도 및 시비수준이 다른 조건에서 광교, 동북태 및 수계5001를 유한형품종으로 그리고 Shelby, SRF-300 및 Harosoy를 무한형품종으로 하여 1972년부터 2개년에 걸쳐 작물시험장(수원)에서 실시하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 개화기에 있어서의 건물중, CGR 및 LAI는 품종, 파종기, 시비수준을 막론하고 밀식할수록 증가하였고 개화기가 빠른 무한형품종들은 유한형품종보다 현저히 떨어졌으나 정엽전개기에는 오히려 유한형보다 무한형이 더 높거나 거의 같은 수준을 나타냈다. 2. 파종기별로 본 개화기의 건물중은 유ㆍ무한형 모두 5월 21일구와 6월 15일구가 거의 비슷하나 7월 10일구의 건물중은 낮았으며 시비수준이 높을수록 개화기에는 CGR을 비롯하여 건물중과 LAI도 높았다. 3. 엽면적지수(LAI)는 동일군내에서 품종간차이도 상당히 컸으나 무한형품종은 파종기, 재식밀도 및 시비수준을 막론하고 유한형품종보다 떨어지는데도 종실수량은 별로 떨어지지 않았다. 4. 조식 및 증비의 경우에는 밀식을 하면 정엽전개기 이후에 엽과 엽병부분의 낙하가 많으나 소식인 경우 또는 만파(7월 10일)에서는 엽과 엽병의 낙하가 적은 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 5. 식물체부분별로 보면 경중비율은 밀식할수록 높아지고 반면 엽중비율은 소식할수록 높아졌으며 만파할수록 경중과 엽병비율은 떨어지고 엽중비율은 높아지는 경향이었다. 6. 정엽전개기에 있어서 유한형품종은 맥중비율이 5월 21일구에서 25내외, 6월 15일구에서 8%내외, 7월 10일구에서는 9%내외이어서 매우 적은 반면 무한형품종은 5월 21일구에서 6%내외, 6월 15일구에서 14%내외, 그리고 7월 10일구에서는 21%내외로 매우 컸다. 7. 광교는 다비조건에서 도복된 후에도 황화낙엽이 적고 생육이 회복되나 SRF-300은 생육이 회복되지 않았다. 8. 종실수량은 5월 21일구가 가장 높았으나 6월 15일구와 별로 차이가 없고 7월 10일구는 감소가 컸는데 유한형품종들은 만파에 의한 감소정도가 비교적 적고 무한형품종은 그 정도가 컸었다. 9. 재식밀도의 적정수준은 수량면으로 보았을 때 5월 21일구에서는 a당 1,250∼2500개체, 6월 15일구에서는 2,500개체, 그리고 7월 10일구에서는 3,333개체수준이었다. 10. 전품종에 있어서 정엽전개기의 건물중과 LAI 그리고 맥비만기의 건물중은 수량과 높은 상관을 나타냈고 유한형품종에 있어서 최고의 수량을 기대할 수 있는 건물중의 적정선은 개화기때에 a당 25kg, 정엽전개기때에 50kg내외였으며 무한형품종에 있어서는 맥비만기의 LAI는 4∼5, 그리고 맥비만기의 건물중은 a당 80kg내외이었다. 11. 밀식을 하면 경장은 커지고 경태와 분지 및 절수는 적어져서 주경비율이 높아지고 절간장이 길어졌다. 경중, 절수, 맥수 및 종실수량의 주경비율은 밀식할수록 그리고 만파한 것이 높았으며 무한형이 유한형보다 높았다. 12. 밀식 또는 만파의 경우에는 맥수나 종실수량의 주경비율이 높아서 주경의존도가 높은 품종이 유리한 것으로 보였다. 13. 개화기와 정엽전개기의 LAI는 유ㆍ무한형 모두 단위면적당 총절수, 건물중 및 건경중과 높은 상관을 보였고 개화기의 LAI는 유한형의 경장 및 a당 맥수와의 상관에는 유의차가 없었으나 무한형의 경장 및 a당맥수와는 고도의 유의상관을 보였다. 14. 건물중은 LAI

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국에서 유래된 미국의 대두수집종

        박근용,Keun-Yong Park 한국작물학회 1979 한국작물학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        1989년부터 동양을 중심으로한 세계각지에서의 대두를 수집하기 시작한 미국의 대두수집점수는 1972년 현재 10,500에 달하고 있는데 1976년까지 한국에서 유래된 것은 5,496점에 달하여 그중 가장 큰 기여를 한 나라이다. 한국에서 최초로 수집한 것은 1901년에 의교사였던 Baird씨가 평괴에서 5개품종을 수집한 것으로 시작되고 있으며 1929년부터 1932년까지의 4개년간에는 미농무성 근무직원인 Dorsett와 Morse씨가 식물수집을 목적으로 탐험여행에서 3,225점을 수집한 것이 가장 많은 것이 된다. 그후 1947년부터 ‘69년까지는 불과 224점이었으며 1972년부터 ’76년까지는 1,789점에 달하며 그중에는 원자력연구소의 권신한박사가 국내수집 재래종을 보내 것이 중심이 되고 작물시험장에서도 많은 수가 포함되고 있다. 그러나 현재까지 보전되고 있는 한국산 수집종은 2,292점으로 2차대전이전의 수집종은 대부분 보전되지 못하고 있다. 5, 496 soybean collections derived from Korea during the period of 1901 to 1976 were investigated. Plant inventory numbers, of collections, locations, contributors, preservations, maturity groups and including major commercial varieties originated from Korea were summarized.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        연구 논문 : 온순조건과 고온조건에서 용매 추출한 석탄의 특성 비교

        박근용 ( Keun Yong Park ),최호경 ( Ho Kyung Choi ),김상도 ( Sang Do Kim ),유지호 ( Ji Ho Yoo ),전동혁 ( Dong Hyuk Chun ),임영준 ( Young Joon Rhim ),임정환 ( Jeong Han Lim ),이시훈 ( Si Hyun Lee ),나병기 ( Byung Ki Na ) 한국공업화학회 2012 공업화학 Vol.23 No.6

        본 연구에서는 온순조건에서 용매 추출된 석탄의 물성과 추출특성을 고온조건에서 추출된 석탄의 것과 비교하였다. 석탄의 용매 추출 특성을 알아보기 위해 추출실험에는 아역청탄(Kideco 탄)과 극성 용매인 N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP)을 사용하였다. 온순조건과 고온조건에서 석탄의 용매 추출 특성을 알아보기 위해 추출온도 변화, 용매 재사용에 따른 추출 특성 변화에 대한 실험을 하였다. 실험결과 추출온도가 증가할수록 추출수율과 추출탄의 발열량은 증가하였고, 회분농도는 감소하였다. FT-IR 분석 결과 고온조건(350 ℃)에서 추출한 추출탄의 표면에 C=O 아미드 결합, 방향족 에테르, 그리고 지방족 에테르 그룹들이 온순조건(150∼300 ℃)에서 추출한 것에 비해 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. MALDI-TOF/MS 분석 결과 온순조건에서는 300∼500 m/z 범위 이하의 작은 분자들이 주로 추출되었고, 고온조건에서는 500∼1500 m/z 범위에 걸쳐 상대적으로 큰 분자들까지 추출됨을 확인하였다. In this study, we compare various physicochemical properties of solvent extracted coals obtained at both mild and high temperature conditions. In order to characterize the extraction behavior, experiments were performed using a sub-bituminous coal (Kideco) and a polar solvent (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone, NMP), where the extraction temperature and the effect of solvent recycling were evaluated. As the extraction temperature increased up to 350 ℃, an extraction yield and a calorific value of the extracted coal increased, while an ash content of the extracted coal decreased. FT-IR results revealed that the surface of the coal extracted at 350 ℃ was found to contain more amide, aromatic ester, and aliphatic ether groups than that at the lower temperatures. The result of MALDI-TOF/MS analysis confirmed that the smaller molecules with 300∼500 m/z were extracted at a mild condition, while the bigger molecules in the range of 500∼1500 m/z were extracted at the high temperature.

      • KCI등재후보

        당뇨병성 신증환자에서 Malondialdehyde ( MDA ) 와 항산화효소의 변화에 관한 연구

        박근용(Keun Yong Park) 대한내과학회 1997 대한내과학회지 Vol.53 No.5

        Objective: Oxygen free radical activity is elevated in diabetes mellitus and has been implicated in the etiology of vascular complications and diabetic nephropathy is a serious microvascular complication in patients with IDDM. Despite intensive investigation, the pathophysiology of diabetic renal disease has not been fully elucidated. However, several clinical and experimental studies have suggested that endothelial dysfunction and changes of peritubular microcirculation. I performed this study to examine the oxidative stress in IDDM patients with diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Nine patients with IDDM (diabetic duration>5 years) and persistent albuminuria (albumin excretion>100㎎/day) and 15 normal healthy controls were investigated prospectively for MDA (thiobarbituric acid assay), and antioxidant enzymes [SOD (Hyland et al.), catalase (Nelson and Kiesow), GPX (Palgia and Valentine)]. Results: In RBC, levels of MDA were significantly higher in patients with diabetic nephropathy than in normal healthy controls and levels of antioxidant enzymes were significantly lower in patients with diabetic nephropathy than in normal healthy controls. In plasma, levels of MDA were significantly higher in patients with diabetic nephropathy than in normal healthy controls and levels of antioxidant enzymes except GPX were significantly lower in patients with diabetic nephropathy than in normal healthy controls. Conclusion: We conclude that increased oxidative stress and decreased antioxidative defense mechanism may be factors in the initiation of diabetic nephropathy.

      • KCI등재

        금속분말 Ni을 용해 한 Chloride Bath로 도금된 니켈후막의 입자크기에 대한 전류밀도 영향

        박근용(Keun Yung Park),엄영랑(Young Rang Uhm),최선주(Sun Ju Choi),박덕용(Deok-Yong Park) 한국자기학회 2013 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        Nanocrystalline nickel (Ni) tick films were synthesized by direct current electrodeposition at current density from 1 to 30 mA/cm² and pH = 4. The basic composition of the bath, which was prepared by dissolving Ni metal particles in HCl, was 0.2M Ni ions. The effects of the current density on the average grain size of Ni deposits were investigated by XRD and SEM techniques. The results showed that the surface roughness was decreased as the saccharin addition was increased up to 2 g/l. The experimental results showed that the increase in the current density had a considerable effect on the average grain size of the Ni deposits. The perpendicular magnetization was raised as the thickness of coating layer was increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        栽植樣式, 種子親 對 花粉親比率 및 密度가 단옥수수 單交雜種 採種量에 미치는 影響

        Keun Yong Park(朴根龍),Byung Han Choi(崔炳漢),Seung Ue Park(朴勝義),Young KiI Kang(姜榮吉) 한국육종학회 1986 한국육종학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        A new high-yielding single cross sweet corn hybrid, Danok 1, was developed at the Crop Experiment Station in 1983. Plant height, 100-kernel weight, and average ear weight of seed parent, KSS-1 are smaller than those of pollen parent, KSS-2. The ear length and diameter are similar in both inbreds. For optimum production practice of sweet corn hybrid seed, two, three and four rows of seed parent to one row of pollen parent were compared using interplanting and conventional planting methods of pollen parent, and with plant populations of 6,666, 8,000, 8,888 and 10,000 plants per 10 ares. The highest seed production planting pattern was one row of pollen parent to four rows of seed parent with 6,666 plants per 10 ares. For full utilization of limited land area for seed production and for placing the pollen parent closer to the seed parent rows, interplanting of pollen parent between normal seed parent rows and conventional four seed parent rows to one pollen parent row planting pattern also were high in hybrid seed production with 8,333 plants population per 10 ares. High direct effects on seed yield were detected for ear-bearing height, stem length, ears per plant and ear diameter of seed parent. High coefficients of determination for ears per plant, stem length of pollen parent and ear length with seed yield also suggest possible high associations of the seed parent’s yield components and pollen parent’s growth including stern length. It was determined as a recommendable practice to remove the pollen parent just after pollination was complete by cutting. Removing the pollen parent at this stage prevented grain formation of pollen parent and possible seed contamination at harvest. Competition with developing seed parent for nutrients or available moisture was minimized thus increasing kernel size and seed yield.

      • KCI등재후보

        옥수수 葉角, 葉幅, 葉長의 遺傳

        Keun Jin choi(崔根鎭),Keun Yong Park(朴根龍),Hong Seok Lee(李弘䄷,) 한국육종학회 1995 한국육종학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Maize yield could be increased by selecting promising individual plants with ideal plant type not only for total leaf area index(LAI), but also for larger leaf size near the extremes of the canopy. This approach might have limits as total LAI is increased unless selection for leaf angle is practiced concurrently because above leaf angle is very important to increase the productivity at greater LAI than 5.0. Estimated value for leaf angle at the third leaf above and below the ear leaf, and for leaf width and length of topmost ear leaf of three inbred lines and their diallel cross F₁ and F₂ were obtained to investigate the inheritance of leaf angle, width and length. Third leaf above the ear leaf of topmost ear was tied more errect than that of third leaf below the ear leaf. Leaf width became larger when planted on April 23 than May 22, but leaf length became little longer when planted on May 22 than April 23. The cross between two inbreds with maximum-different leaf angle was 41.7˚ for the above leaf, and 31.0˚ for the below leaf expressed high heterosis in F₁ and F₂ population. Leaf angle showed the highest heritability (0.508) among three leaf characters. Among three crosses, Hi39/KS75 showed the highest heritability for leaf angle and length, and Ga209/KS75 for leaf width. Leaf angle, width and length revealed normal distributions in F₂ populations. The erect type, larger and longer leaf presented complete or partial dominance. The frequency distribution patterns of three characters showed similar curvatures at two planting times in F₂ populations of three crosses.

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