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        Defective natural killer cell activity in a mouse model of eczema herpeticum

        Kawakami, Yuko,Ando, Tomoaki,Lee, Jong-Rok,Kim, Gisen,Kawakami, Yu,Nakasaki, Tae,Nakasaki, Manando,Matsumoto, Kenji,Choi, Youn Soo,Kawakami, Toshiaki Elsevier 2017 The journal of allergy and clinical immunology Vol.139 No.3

        <P><B>Background</B></P> <P>Patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) are susceptible to several viruses, including herpes simplex virus (HSV). Some patients experience 1 or more episodes of a severe skin infection caused by HSV termed eczema herpeticum (EH). There are numerous mouse models of AD, but no established model exists for EH.</P> <P><B>Objective</B></P> <P>We sought to establish and characterize a mouse model of EH.</P> <P><B>Methods</B></P> <P>We infected AD-like skin lesions with HSV1 to induce severe skin lesions in a dermatitis-prone mouse strain of NC/Nga. Gene expression was investigated by using a microarray and quantitative PCR; antibody titers were measured by means of ELISA; and natural killer (NK) cell, cytotoxic T-cell, regulatory T-cell, and follicular helper T-cell populations were evaluated by using flow cytometry. The role of NK cells in HSV1-induced development of severe skin lesions was examined by means of depletion and adoptive transfer.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>Inoculation of HSV1 induced severe erosive skin lesions in eczematous mice, which had an impaired skin barrier, but milder lesions in small numbers of normal mice. Eczematous mice exhibited lower NK cell activity but similar cytotoxic T-cell activity and humoral immune responses compared with normal mice. The role of NK cells in controlling HSV1-induced skin lesions was demonstrated by experiments depleting or transferring NK cells.</P> <P><B>Conclusion</B></P> <P>A murine model of EH with an impaired skin barrier was established in this study. We demonstrated a critical role of defective NK activities in the development of HSV1-induced severe skin lesions in eczematous mice.</P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        Histamine-Releasing Factor and Immunoglobulins in Asthma and Allergy

        Toshiaki Kawakami,Jun-ichi Kashiwakura,Yuko Kawakami 대한천식알레르기학회 2014 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.6 No.1

        Factors that can induce the release of histamine from basophils have been studied for more than 30 years. A protein termed histamine-releasing factor (HRF) was purified and molecularly cloned in 1995. HRF can stimulate histamine release and IL-4 and IL-13 production from IgE-sensitized basophils and mast cells. HRF-like activities were found in bodily fluids during the late phase of allergic reactions, implicating HRF in allergic diseases. However, definitive evidence for the role of HRF in allergic diseases has remained elusive. On the other hand, we found effects of monomeric IgE on the survival and activation of mast cells without the involvement of a specific antigen, as well as heterogeneity of IgEs in their ability to cause such effects. The latter property of IgE molecules seemed to be similar to the heterogeneity of IgEs in their ability to prime basophils in response to HRF. This similarity led to our recent finding that ~30% of IgE molecules can bind to HRF via their Fab interactions with two binding sites within the HRF molecule. The use of peptide inhibitors that block HRF-IgE interactions revealed an essential role of HRF to promote skin hypersensitivity and airway inflammation. This review summarizes this and more recent findings and provides a perspective on how they impact our understanding of allergy pathogenesis and potentially change the treatment of allergic diseases.

      • KCI등재

        야요이 토기의 변화와 한반도계 토기의 관계에 대한 몇 가지 문제

        Kawakami Yohichi(川上洋一) 한국상고사학회 2014 한국상고사학보 Vol.86 No.-

        본고에서는 야요이시대 전기 말 이후 일본열도의 북부 규슈지역 출토 한반도계 토기와 야요이 토기의 관계에 대하여 검토하였다. 먼저 선행연구의 성과를 통하여 조몬시대에서 야요이시대로의 이행기에 한반도 무문토기의 영향을 받아 야요이 토기의 호와 옹이라는 기본 기종이 성립되었음을 논의의 전제로 삼았다. 야요이시대전기 말 이후 시기에 따라 몇 가지 특징적인 토기들이 확인되는데, 원형점토대토기를 지표로 하는 수석리식 토기, 삼각형점토대토기를 지표로 하는 늑도식 토기, 낙랑계 토기, 삼한계 토기 등이 북부 규슈를 중심으로 서일본지역에서 출토되고 있다. 이러한 상황을 바탕으로 우선 ① 수석리식 토기와 야요이 토기의 절충 과정에서 중기 이후 고배의 수량이 증가함을 지적하였다. 그리고 다음으로 ② 기존부터 한반도계 토기의 영향으로 여겨졌던 야요이 토기의 환저화와 관련하여 자비구인 옹을 설치하기 위한 지각과의 관계, ③ 산화염 소성뿐인 야요이토기와 환원염 소성된 기종이 다수 존재하는 낙랑계 토기ㆍ삼한계 토기 등을 비교하여 한반도 토기와 북부 규슈 야요이 토기의 영향과 차이점을 논하였다. 한반도계 토기 요소의 수용 당시 북부 규슈지역에서는 토기제작상의 기술적 측면, 생활양식, 도래인의 인구규모, 사회조직의 양상 등에 상응하여 야요이인의 선택이 존재하였다고 생각한다. In this article, I discuss the relationships between Korean Peninsula-style pottery found in the Japanese Islands and Yayoi pottery during Yayoi period, mainly after the end of early Yayoi period. First I confirmed that during the transitional stage from Jomon period to Yayoi period the basic shape categories of Yayoi pottery, vase and pot, were formed under the influence of Mumun pottery of the Korean Peninsula. After the end of early Yayoi period, during Yayoi period, Suseok-ri-style pottery indicated by pottery with clay band of round cross section, Neok-do-style pottery indicated by pottery with clay band of triangular cross section, Naklang-style pottery and Samhan-style pottery were found around western part of the Japanese island, especially in northern Kyushu area. I recognize the situation mentioned above and discuss the following three points. The first point at issue is the increase of pedestaled dish during the process of the hybridization between Suseok-ri-style pottery and Yayoi pottery. The second point at issue is the relationship between the change to round shaped bottom of Yayoi pottery in Late Yayoi period and the clay vessel support for pot at the fire place. The third point at issue is the comparison about the way of firing pottery between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands at that time. I think that the first point is the example that Korean Peninsula-style pottery affected Yayoi pottery in northern Kyushu and that the second and the third points are the examples that there were the differences between Korean Peninsula-style pottery and Yayoi pottery. In the case of accepting the elements of Korean Peninsula-style pottery in this period, Yayoi people and their society selected these elements according to the technical aspects of making pottery, their life styles, the size of population who came from the Korean Peninsula and the situation of the organization of Yayoi society.



        Kawakami, Tomohiro Korean Mathematical Society 1999 대한수학회보 Vol.36 No.1

        Let M be an 0-minimal structure on the standard structure :=( , +, ,<) of the field of real numbers. We study Cr -G manifolds (0$\leq$r$\leq$w) which are generalizations of Nash manifolds and Nash G manifolds. We prove that if M is polynomially bounded, then every Cr -G (0$\leq$r<$\infty$) manifold is Cr -G imbeddable into some n, and that if M is exponential and G is a compact affine Cw -G group, then each compact $C\infty$ -G imbeddable into some representation of G.

      • A Consideration on Segregation Process of Dopant at WC/Co and WC/WC Interfaces in VC Doped WC-Co Submicro-grained Hardmetal

        Kawakami Masaru,Terada Osamu,Hayashi Koji 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        WC/WC interface in VC mono-doped WC-10mass%Co submicro-grained hardmetals of was investigated together with WC/Co interface by using HRTEM and XMA. The thickness of V-rich layer and the analytical value of V at WC/WC interface were almost the same as those at WC/Co interfaces. These results, etc., suggested that the V-rich layers at both interfaces were not generated by an equilibrium segregation mechanism in the sintering stage, but generated by a preferential precipitation mechanism during the solidification of Co liquid phase in the cooling stage. Based on this suggestion, we succeeded in developing a nano-grained hardmetal with 100 nm .

      • Wear Resistance Properties of Tungsten Carbide/Stainless Steel Composite Materials Prepared by Pulsed Current Sintering

        Kawakami Yuji,Tamai Fujio,Enjoji Takashi,Takashima Kazuki,Otsu Masaaki 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        Austenitic stainless steel has been used as a corrosion resistance material. However, austenitic stainless steel has poor wear resistance property due to its low hardness. In this investigation, we apply powder composite process to obtain hard layer of Stainless steel. The composite material was fabricated from planetary ball milled SUS316L stainless steel powder and WC powder and then sintered by Pulsed Current Sintering (PCS) method. We also added TiC powder as a hard particle in WC layer. Evaluations of wear properties were performed by pin-on-disk wear testing machine, and a remarkable improvement in wear resistance property was obtained.



        Kawakami, Tomohiro Korean Mathematical Society 2003 대한수학회보 Vol.40 No.1

        Let M be an exponentially bounded o-minimal expansion of the standard structure R = (R ,+,.,<) of the field of real numbers. We prove that if r is a non-negative integer, then every definable $C^{r}$ manifold is affine. Let f : X ${\longrightarrow}$ Y be a definable $C^1$ map between definable $C^1$ manifolds. We show that the set S of critical points of f and f(S) are definable and dim f(S) < dim Y. Moreover we prove that if 1 < s < ${\gamma}$ < $\infty$, then every definable $C^{s}$ manifold admits a unique definable $C^{r}$ manifold structure up to definable $C^{r}$ diffeomorphism.

      • KCI등재

        Mitochondrial genetic structure reflects the geographical variation of elytral polymorphism frequency in Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

        Kawakami Yasuko,Yamazaki Kazuo,Ohashi Kazunori,Nakahama Naoyuki 한국응용곤충학회 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.24 No.4

        Many ladybird species are known to have an elytral colour polymorphism, which indicates geographical vari ation. The ladybird beetle Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius) exhibits elytral colour polymorphism and has expanded its distribution from 33 ◦ N to 36 ◦ N in Japan over 100 years since 1900. The mitochondrial COI gene haplotypes were integrated into two haplotype groups, with one group existing at higher frequencies in lower latitudes, the other group appearing at higher frequencies in higher latitudes. In addition, the dark morph types of this species increase with latitude, whereas the light types appear at higher relative frequencies in lower latitudes. In the present study, we first determined the morph types of individuals and examined the mitochondrial DNA COI gene. Second, we investigated the relationship between the genetic population structure based on the mitochondrial DNA COI gene and the morph types’ geographical variation. Results indicated that the mtCOI genetic structure was associated with the morph types by latitude; specifically, the haplotype group existing at higher frequencies in lower latitudes tended to be light morph types. In contrast, the haplotype dominant in higher latitudes more frequently exhibited dark morph types, indicating that dark morph types in the higher latitude genetic group may have led the distributional expansion toward higher latitudes since 1900 rather than the lower latitude light morph types.

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